Wild Horses

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Wild Horses Page 3

by Ardent Rose

  He bent down next to her, “Olivia, my beauty, it is pouring down rain and you cannot be left alone in this condition. It is no bother. Besides you fell helping me.”

  The thunder grew closer and the lightening flashed. “Well when you put it that way, how can I say no.” She smiled at him and he removed her shoes.

  “I will grab us a snack. How about a soda?”

  “That sounds good. If this pounding lets up maybe we can take some measurements and talk about décor.”

  He winked at her and went to the kitchen.


  The storm continued to howl and roar. Garrett kept the fire stoked. Olivia grew sleepy but Garrett regaled her with hunting stories and horse stories to distract her.

  “Garrett, can I ask a personal question?” Olivia sat at the end of the couch. Garrett sat beside her in a beat-up chair.

  He swirled whiskey in a glass and watched the fire. “Yes, Olivia, you can ask me anything.” He caught her eyes and realized what she was about to ask him.

  “How did Katie, your wife…” He interrupted her before she could finish her sentence.

  “Katie and I had been married for ten years. I loved her more than my own life. She was everything to me. Katie loved horses. She rode before she could walk and her dream was to have a working horse ranch.”

  He paused to slug back the dregs of his drink. He leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees. “She liked to ride down by the water. There is a small field of wild flowers she visited to pick flowers and enjoy the sun.”

  Garrett stood over the fireplace and poked the embers. “One afternoon, she took off on a ride. Nothing unusual except, that day a storm blew up, a lot like this one today. I thought the rain would never stop. I took the four-wheeler and tracked her path.”

  He turned his back to Olivia. “I found her lying beneath a fallen tree. Her horse had thrown her when lightening hit a tree and it fell on her. She died instantly. There was nothing anyone could do. If only…” His shoulders shook as he relived his grief.

  Olivia walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head in the middle of his back to comfort him.

  “I am so sorry. Garrett, I am so sorry I dragged all those memories up again. Please forgive me.” Olivia’s eyes filled with tears. She felt remorse for her question and grief for his loss.

  He turned around in her arms and embraced her. He cradled her head against his chest. His fingers tangled in her hair and he couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her. She didn’t stop him. Her body relaxed into his.

  Garrett lifted his head. “Now it is my turn to be sorry. I should not have done that. You have enough on your mind without me adding to it.”

  “Don’t be, I didn’t stop you because I wanted it too.” She pulled him down and kissed him again. He pushed his tongue against her lips and she allowed him in. The taste of whiskey and raw emotion was a toxic cocktail. Olivia came to her senses all too soon.

  “Garrett, we have to stop. I can’t…” he pressed two fingers against her lips. “You are right.” He realized the loss of heat between them. He decided then he must have her.

  “The rain has stopped, I think it would be best if you took me back.” He shook his head in agreement and grabbed the keys.

  When he dropped her off at the hotel, “Olivia, I am not sorry you know the story. I have no regrets about anything that happened today.”

  Olivia gazed into his eyes. “I don’t either. I just need time to think. Can I see you again before I go back to the city?”

  “I would like that very much. Please call me when you are ready. I will be waiting.” His face softened with anticipation.

  “I will.” She kissed his cheek and ran up the stairs.

  Chapter Five

  Olivia laid awake wondering what life would be like on the ranch. She could work next to Garrett and learn about horses and enjoy the outdoors. What about Phillip? He has grown so cold and evil. She can’t be with a man who lies and cheats to get what he wants.

  As luck, would have it, the phone rang and guess who? “Hello Phillip.” She answered in a snarky voice.

  “What are you doing spending the weekend in some backwoods hillbilly community, searching for your roots?” He laughed that arrogant pompous chatter.

  “For your information, this is not anything like that and I resent your implications. I am enjoying some quiet time to think.”

  “What could you possibly have to think about? You didn’t sell the property, move on. The car broke down, get another one.”

  “Really, is it so simple? But in your mind, that is how it works. You have no regard for others and what they may want or need. As it happens, I need to think about us. I will be home on Tuesday and we can talk about it then.”

  “Tuesday, you know that is my racquetball night. What do we need to talk about? Mother has ordered the country club for our reception and of course First Church for our ceremony…”

  “STOP! I don’t want to get married. And when I do I would like some say in the matter. I realize the condo is yours, I will have movers pack my things and move in with Valerie, tentatively. But I can’t take another minute of someone running my life. I am tired of going through the motions just to make you happy. In case you haven’t noticed, I am miserable.”

  Phillip laughed on the other end of the phone. “You can’t be serious throwing all of this away for what? To be Olivia fucking-Hughes? You are a nobody and will never amount to anything without the Powers name. Move out if you want to but this marriage will happen if I have to drag you kicking and screaming down the aisle, because you owe me and I want my payment.”

  “I owe you! I owe you! Just you try it, stupid son of a bitch. I will smear your name through the mud and I have plenty of ammunition. Starting with your drunken one night stand with Albert Santos. That ought to put mummy and daddy in deep with the snobs.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!” Phillip’s voice turned harsh and worried.

  “I would dare in a heartbeat and that is only one of many I could prove. Like you said I am a nobody, but I know a helluva lot on you. The marriage is off and I never want to see you again. Go transform one of your whores into a trophy wife because I won’t now or ever be one.”

  Olivia paced her room from end to end. Her head pounded again. Thoughts of Garrett and his warm loving arms filled the void. She threw on her jeans and headed for the Silver Spur for a drink.

  The damp night air felt good on her hot cheeks. She paid no mind that Garrett was sitting at the far end of the bar. She hopped up on the first open stool. The place was busy for a Saturday night. The bartender took her order and she gulped it down and knocked on the bar for another one. Garrett watched wondering what had happened since he left her at the hotel.

  Garrett slipped around the bar area and managed to step up behind Olivia. “Hey beautiful, can I buy you a drink?”

  Olivia bristled not recognizing his voice, at first. “I am quite capable of buying my own drink.” She spat out.

  Garrett scooted up behind her and whispered in her ear. “What happened in the last hour to get you all riled up?”

  Olivia crumbled. She realized she had insulted the one person she cared about, Garrett. Abruptly, she swirled the stool around. “Garrett” she breathed out. “I am so sorry. I didn’t realize it was you. You’ll never know how happy I am it is.”

  Garrett reached out and brushed her hair behind her ear. Her eyes seemed puffy. Had she been crying? “Are you alright? Tell me what’s wrong? You’re slugging that drink down like it was your lifeline.”

  “It kinda is for now. Phillip happened that is what. I took out the trash you might say.” She turned around and grabbed her drink.

  Garrett planted one hand on each side of her and twirled her back around. “Want to talk about it?”

  Her eyes pierced his. The drink gave her courage. She slid off the stool. Her body pressed up against his. “Let’s dance.”

  He led her onto the wood
en dancefloor and held her close. Their feet shuffled to an old dance song and he hummed to her. A more provocative song led Olivia to bump and grind against Garrett with hooded eyes filled with bravado. Each song they danced became more sensual than the last.

  “I could lay you down and ravage you right here.” Garrett murmured against her cheek.

  “Then you are as aroused as I am. Shall we go to the hotel?” Olivia kissed his cheek and bit at his lip.

  “I will gladly escort you back to your room, but I won’t stay.”

  Olivia stopped dancing. Astonishment covered her face. “Why? I don’t understand? Garrett, I want you. I have wanted you all day and even more now. What’s stopping you?”

  “My god you can feel how turned on I am. I don’t want to be the reason you wake up tomorrow and regret decisions you made today. If we are meant to be together, it will happen in its own time.”

  Olivia stomped off to order another drink. This time shots, tequila. She had thrown back two before Garrett could reach her.

  The bartender started to pour the third, when Garrett’s hand shot up for him to stop. “Olivia, this is not the way to handle this. Let me take you to the hotel. We can talk again tomorrow. Please.”

  Olivia snarled at him and nodded to the bartender to pour. He didn’t move. “Oh yes, I forgot I am in your town and nobody does anything without your permission. Fine, I will go back to the hotel. I have had enough rejection for one day, thank you Mr. Thomas.”

  She tripped coming off the stool and fell against Garrett. “You are in no shape to go this alone. Besides you had that nasty fall earlier. I will take you. I asked nicely, but I will only once.”

  He held her up and looked her in the eye and spoke so only she could hear him. “If you were mine a punishment would be in order for your behavior.”

  Olivia gasped stunned by his words. He grabbed her by the waist and navigated toward the door. Even in her drunken fog she realized the implication of his words. She grinned to herself, ‘I may get the feel of that leather crop yet.’

  At the hotel, Garrett helped her remove her clothes, but before she could get into bed she raced to the bathroom and spewed the contents of her stomach aggressively into the toilet. Garrett prepared a cold rag and held her hair while she gagged on her own bile. He didn’t say a word only helped her through her misery.

  Garrett picked up her limp body and carried her to bed. He opened a bottle of water and located some ibuprophen. Olivia drank sips of the water and slugged down the pills. “Such a beautiful woman to do such foolish things. Did you eat today?”

  Olivia sheepishly answered him. “No, just what I ate at the ranch.” She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep with her head in his lap.

  Garrett slipped down beside her. He too, slept. He slept more peacefully than he had in two years.

  Chapter Six

  Early the next morning, someone pounded on the door. Garrett grabbed for the side table before realizing he wasn’t at home. He rolled out of bed and answered the door. In the hallway stood a tall lanky young man in jeans. “Can I help you?”

  The young man spoke in a small voice. “I must have the wrong room. I am looking for Olivia Hughes. I have a rental car ready for her.”

  Olivia roused with an ouch to her head and covered her eyes to the bright light. She had a doozy of a hangover. She knew better tequila does it every time. “I didn’t order a rental car.”

  The young man started to step forward, but Garrett stopped him. “The lady is not dressed to receive guests. Just go down stairs and order yourself some breakfast. Tell Sam it’s on me. We will be down shortly.” Garrett tossed him a fifty-dollar bill.

  “Yes sir, thank you sir. Downstairs, oh and Mr. Powers sent the car.” He pulled a note from his pocket. “And this is for Ms. Hughes.” The young man galloped down the stairs.

  Olivia emerged from the bathroom, she had showered and felt somewhat better. “Food and coffee, before I can deal with the current situation.” She walked past Garrett. “I thought you weren’t staying last night?” She smirked at him and plugged in the coffee pot.

  “Given your current condition, I couldn’t leave you. Once I fell asleep, I never woke up. Which hasn’t happened in well a long time. I thought I would sleep my usual two hours and be outta here. Are you asking me to leave?” Garrett motioned toward the door.

  Olivia contemplated his words and stirred the creamer in her coffee. She poured him a cup and offered it to him. “No, please don’t go. I owe you an apology and a debt of thanks. No one has ever been as good to me as you were last night. Instead of feeling rejected, I should have been honored to be in the presence of a real gentleman.”

  Garrett took the cup and chuckled. “Rejected? Besides, you will find out soon enough how far from the truth that analysis is, my beauty. But I will always treat you with the utmost of respect a lady deserves. Promise me next time you want to get drunk, you will eat first and drink some water?”

  She stood on tip toe and kissed him gently. “Freshen up and let’s deal with this rental car thing. I am hungry.”

  Garrett caressed her cheek. “Give me ten minutes and we will join our young visitor. Oh, and he left you this.” He handed her the note.

  While Garrett showered, Olivia read the note.


  I apologize for last night. We both said

  things we didn’t mean. Come back to me and

  let’s make this right. Please be my wife.

  Love, PP

  Downstairs the young man sat and devoured a large stack of pancakes with all the trimmings. Garrett and Olivia joined him.

  “What’s your name son?” Garrett spoke first.

  Between bites, he managed, “My name is Erik, sir. Erik Johnson.”

  “Erik, this is Ms. Hughes. She has been staying in my hotel suite while she has been here. What were Mr. Powers instructions to you?”

  “I am to wait for her car to be repaired and she is to use the car I brought to return home to Carlton. And deliver his note to her. You did get his note, didn’t you Ms. Hughes?”

  Olivia nodded and fumed at the arrogance of Phillip Powers. Just what part of ‘never want to see you again’ isn’t crystal clear. Suddenly her phone rang, it was Valerie.

  “Garrett, it is my boss Valerie. I will be right back.” He nodded to her and she walked to the seating area of the hotel lobby.

  “Hello, Valerie am I glad to hear from you I need a huge favor.”

  “Whoa slow down. First, what time warp are you talking about and I hope he has a name?”

  Olivia giggled like a school girl. “He has a name alright. Garrett Thomas and I am stranded in Tomitown. Small, quaint, quiet and I love every bit of it.”

  “Nice. So, what’s the favor?”

  “I broke up with Phillip and I need someone to get my stuff and if I could…”

  “Say no more… it is done and done. When do you expect to get your car, and be back?”

  Olivia had plopped down into one of the leather chairs in the lobby. She inhaled the familiar scent. A shiver ran down her spine remembering that leather crop. “That is complicated. I have taken a design job here. I am not in any hurry to return and have to be face to face with Phillip.”

  Valerie sighed but was happy for her friend. “Keep me posted. And Livie…”

  “Yes Val?”

  “You sound happier than you have in years. I will take care of things on my end. Don’t hurry back on my account, you know?”

  Olivia’s eyes burned with tears. “I could have not asked for a better friend. Thank you I will be in touch.”

  The two friends said their goodbyes. Olivia returned to the table and Erik was gone. “Where is Erik?”

  Garrett took Olivia’s hand. “He is gone back to Carlton. I think that is what you wanted. Now we can talk about us.”

  “Us, guess we better. I just quit my job in Carlton. I am going to need that design contract so I can afford to live in Tomitown.”

  He sprang from his seat and spun her around the dining room. “That makes me very happy. I can set you up an office here in town and the suite is yours for if you want it or we can find someplace else.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. “For the first time in a very long time I feel alive and free to make my own choices.”

  “Will you spend the day with me at the ranch?” He slowly lowered her to the floor, never letting go.

  “Sounds like the perfect Sunday to me. We can talk about designs and measure some things.”

  He put two fingers to her lips. “Tomorrow my beauty. Today, I want us to be together. To share and begin to know each other.”

  “I would like that very much Bear.” She placed her head on his chest. He engulfed her in his arms.

  She sat next to him in the truck. They held hands and touched each other along the ride, snuck kisses and stolen glances.

  They barely made it through the front door, when he pulled Olivia against his chest and kissed her deeply. His tongue pushed into the depths of her mouth. He breathed into his need for a new beginning.

  She forgot herself and gave into the lust that had tormented her from the first night. She plundered his mouth with her tongue. He tasted of coffee and maple syrup.

  His hands found purchase on her buttocks. He squeezed her tightly against his body. She responded and ground against his hardness. The bulge pressed back into her in hard and full.

  Her panties were a sodden mess. “Bear, I need to feel you… to touch you… make love to me.” Her words were a breathless plea, she had not ever been so aroused and in need of release.

  Garrett picked her up and carried her upstairs. He gazed into her eyes for reassurance. He was on automatic pilot, the passion blurred reality and nothing existed but the two of them.

  He kicked open the bedroom door and allowed Olivia to stand. He tipped her chin, “No other woman has ever slept in this bed.”

  His mouth again, covered hers and his hands undressed her. The warmth of her flesh nearly reduced him. “My god, you are more beautiful than any dream.”


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