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Holding On To Love

Page 8

by A. E. Neal

  "Uh-Huh...Totally," I agreed.

  More clanking, a few cusses and a very energetic, "Yippy"; Kennedy came out of the closet with a pile of clothes in her arms she could barely see over.

  "Wow. Is that necessary?" I asked, immediately regretting my decision to ask for help.

  "Yup," she mumbled from behind the stack. She moved to the edge of bed and dropped them. She began pulling pieces and arranging them into outfits on my bed. I laughed and watched her move quickly back and forth.

  "What about this one?" She asked holding up a short white and floral printed skirt and a baby blue collared button down.

  I shook my head. "No. Definitely not. That skirt is way too short."

  She tossed them aside and pulled another to her chest. This time it was a cap-sleeved mint green knee length dress. I shook my again, "That's too low cut and the slit is way too high."

  "Kay, fine. How about this?" She asked, pulling a black pencil skirt and a silk, lavender wrap blouse out of the pile.

  She held them against her. "I think this one with your silver peep toe wedges would be rockin'," She said smiling. "Oh! I have the perfect necklace and earrings to match."

  I nodded. I bought the lavender top at a second hand store a few months ago and never had the chance to wear it, I'd completely forgotten about it.

  "Ok. That's professional with out looking like I'm going clubbing. I like it," I said.

  "Yay!" She squealed. "I'm gonna go get the jewelry. I'll be right back," she said trotting out of my room, grinning ear to ear.

  I picked up the remaining clothes by their hangers and retreated back into my closet. I hung them back in their designated homes and searched my shoe rack for the silver shoes.

  Box after box, I was beginning to think I might have donated or lost them. I reached behind the rack and pulled out a plain white box. The tears welled in my eyes as I stared at the black handwriting that read, "Andrew". I lifted the lid off the box and set it aside. Through glossy eyes, I saw a picture of Andrew and I the night we got engaged. The waiter at the restaurant insisted on taking it.

  Andrew's arm was around my shoulders, holding me close to him, while I held my left hand out to show off my ring. His goofy smile stared back at me and the tears streamed down my cheeks. I set the picture down and searched for the red velvet box. When I found it, I carefully lifted the lid back. The diamond still sparkled as if it had never been worn a day in it's life. I snapped the lid shut and held it against my chest as I sobbed.

  "I miss you, Andrew. So much," I whispered.

  At the bottom of the box, a white envelope with Andrew's handwriting on it, "Happy Birthday, Allyson. My love, my heart."

  I pulled the card from it's envelope and began reading the note he'd slipped inside.


  I wanted to let you know that I have completely fallen for you. I've never felt this way about anyone. You occupy all of my thoughts. When you're in my arms, I feel so at peace, like I never want to let you go. When I look into your eyes it's like I'm searching for the part of your soul where mine is meant to join.

  Believe me when I say, you are the best thing to ever happen to me. I know it took us a while to find one another, but now that we're together, I can honestly say I'm the happiest man alive. You've given me a whole new outlook on life and I cherish everyday I spend with you. Our love is strong and unbreakable, don't ever forget that.

  Happy Birthday to my best friend and the love of my life.

  Always and forever,


  My heart ached for him and I slipped the card back into the envelope. I sat with the box on my lap as I cried; for him and for my shattered heart.

  "Oh my god...Ally...What's wrong?" Kennedy asked.

  She knelt down next to me and I felt her hands on my shoulders as I let the tears fall. She pulled the box from my lap, put the lid back on and set it beside her.

  I wiped the tears from under my eyes and took a deep breath. "I-I-I'm okay," I managed to choke out.

  "It's okay to remember him. He loved you so much. Sometimes it's hard to move on," she said.

  I began sobbing again. Kennedy pulled me close to her and held me while I cried into her shoulder.

  "It's okay. It's okay," she said softly.

  I sniffled and drew my head back, taking another deep breath. I focused on a pair of boots in the back of my closet to keep from crying again.

  "I know, Ken..." I said. "I know. I just don't want to let go. I can't let go of him. He was my everything and he's gone...because of me."

  "He may be gone, but you can't keep beating yourself up over it. It wasn't your fault, you know that," she said.

  "Part of me wants to go back and do it all over. If I hadn't drank so much champagne, he might still be here," I cried.

  "That's crazy talk, Ally. You had nothing to do with it. Period," she interrupted.

  I kept my gaze locked on a pair of tan riding boots and inhaled deeply.

  "Come on...let's get you out of this closet. You go get in the shower, it'll make you feel better. I promise," she said lifting me up from the floor.

  "Okay," I agreed.

  I opened the dresser drawer, fished out a pair of panties and a bra before making my way into the bathroom. I stepped into the shower, closed my eyes and images of Andrew flashed in my head like a black and white movie reel.

  I desperately needed a distraction, something to get my mind off of him. I finished my shower, dried off, pulled on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top. I ran a brush through my wet locks and pulled it into a ponytail.

  I found Kennedy and Zac in the living room, still watching Friends and laughing at Chandler's jokes.

  "Hey guys. I'm gonna run to the store. Do you need anything?" I asked.

  Zac looked over the back of the couch. "Why are your eyes all puffy, sis?" He asked.

  Kennedy nudged his arm and shook her head. "Zac...shut up. She looks fine."

  "Thanks, friend," I said wishing I'd put some make-up on, not that it would've helped my appearance anyway.

  "We're good, unless you want to stop by Barry's Burgers for us," she said with a gleam in her eye. She was practically drooling.

  "Oh god. I haven't had Barry's in forever. Please Ally, will you please grab us some burgers?" Zac begged.

  "Okay, I suppose it's not too far out of the way, but you owe me," I said.

  "Done!" He said as he fished his wallet from his backpack on the floor next to the couch.

  He handed me $20, I shoved it into my purse and headed out the door.

  Chapter 6


  The hot air burned my lungs as I stepped out onto the sidewalk and shut the door behind me. Thank goodness for air conditioning, it had to be well over 100 degrees today. I hurried to my SUV and unlocked the doors. I slid in behind the wheel, the leather seats burned the back of my bare legs and I winced.

  I turned the key and waited a moment before cranking the A/C on high. I checked my blind spots and backed out. I made my way to the drug store to pick up my birth control. Not that I needed it, I definitely wasn't having sex any time soon. I pulled up to the drive-thru, gave my name and I.D. to the pharmacist. Within a few minutes I was on my way.

  Barry's was just around the corner, so I headed in that direction. Lunch rush was always crazy, so I placed my order and waited patiently in a nearby booth for my name to be called. I pulled my phone from my purse and noticed I had a new text from Zac.

  U don't have any beer u forever if you can pick some up

  I laughed and typed,

  Sure bro, but now you owe me HUGE

  Within seconds, my phone chimed;

  OK FINE I promise to pay up...eventually ;)

  Ha! He better. I slipped my phone back into my purse.

  "Well, hello there gorgeous," the familiar husky voice washed over me like warm maple syrup.

  I turned to face him. Brody stood before me in gray basketball shorts, a white t-shirt and baseball ca
p turned backwards. Sweat beaded on his neck and he looked like he just came from working out. A lump grew in my throat.

  Great. Just what I didn't need right now.

  "Brody," I said coldly. I'm really not in the mood for your shit today, so save it for some other time. Okay?"

  He stood for a moment contemplating what I had just said. I really could do without the back and forth banter with him right now. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand.

  "Okay, truce," He smiled and his green eyes sparkled. "Mind if I sit with you and wait for my order?"

  "Uh...Yeah sure," I said pointing to the seat across from me, my stomach flipped and my heart raced.

  "This place is packed. I've never been here, but the guys swear they have the best burgers."

  I nodded, unable to speak.

  How does he do it? How is he able to render me speechless just by smiling, looking at me or even just being near me? I'm hopeless!

  He kept his gaze on me and I fumbled for words. "I—Um. I'm interviewing some of your teammates tomorrow," I said.

  Shit! Why did I say that?

  His smile grew wider and he leaned his elbows on the table. "Really? I didn't peg you for the sports type."

  "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

  "You just don't seem like the type of girl who enjoys sports. That's all," he said.

  I rested my elbows on the table and leaned forward to look him in the eye. "Well since you're obviously the expert, why don't you tell me what type of girl I am."

  He laughed and his t-shirt clung tightly against his abs and chest. I felt my cheeks flush.

  "Well for starters, I'm guessing Ally is short for Allyson?" He asked.

  I nodded, "I prefer, Ally."

  "Ah. Allyson, pretty name for such a beautiful girl," he said winking.

  Oh, jeez. Is he really trying to flirt with

  I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Thanks and don't change the subject. I'm dying to hear what you have to say."

  He laughed again. "Good point. So, Allyson tell me, are you always this cold to people you barely know? Or is it just me?"

  "You're joking right?" I scoffed.

  "No. I'm serious," he said.

  "It's just you. There. You happy now?" I leaned back and crossed my arms over my chest.

  "Not even close," he said flashing his dimples. "Let me guess, either you're batting for the other team or that chastity belt you're wearing is getting too tight."

  How dare he?

  "How presumptuous of you," I said, uncrossing my arms. "This coming from a guy who'd fuck anything on two legs. Am I right?" I continued as I pointed at him.

  "Touché," he said. I sensed I may have hit a hot button since his gaze was no longer on me, but on the menu propped at the end of the table between a ketchup bottle and the salt and pepper shakers.

  I thought of any reason I should apologize and came up short. He could sit here and chastise me, why couldn't I do the same?

  "So, Brody. Tell me. Why am I not a sports-kinda-gal?" I asked.

  He cleared his throat and looked up at me. "I just assumed you've never been to any kind of sporting event in your life."

  "That's not true," I said, "I went to a baseball game with my mom and my brother once when I was 12. That counts."

  "Alright, I'll count it if you can tell me what teams were playing," he joked already knowing my answer.

  "Fine. You've got me there. I have no idea," I said shrugging.

  "So, let me get this straight. You know nothing about hockey, yet you're interviewing some of the players tomorrow?"

  I nodded.

  "You realize you're throwing yourself to the wolves, right?" He chuckled.

  I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, so what?" I paused, "So, I'm not a sport's reporter. I write a travel column called 'The Two Day Getaway'."

  He laughed and leaned forward. "You've got to be fucking kidding me? I've actually read that column."

  "Are you making fun of me?" I asked.

  "No, I'm not. It was a good article...very informative," he said, still smiling.

  My cheeks flared and I shook my head. "I can't believe you read my article."

  "Yeah. all honesty, it was purely accidental. I had a dentist appointment and they had a copy of the magazine in the waiting room," he said shrugging.

  I laughed. "Well...thanks either way." My stomach flopped as embarrassment washed over me and I was truly at a loss for words. I sat and stared at the beautiful man across the table from me in amazement.

  He raised an eyebrow and I quickly caught myself before my jaw actually landed on the table. "Something pique your curiosity, Allyson?" He purred.

  I felt my body relax against the cool faux leather cushion. " I-Ah-Well...Yeah, I guess so," I stammered, "I'm just curious. I want to know more about you, is that weird?"

  Oh. Dear. What have I said? Crap, don't answer...please don't ans—

  "What would you like to know?" He asked, so relaxed and at ease, sitting with his shoulders squared sipping on his soda; while my heart did the rumba in my chest, and I used every last nerve in my body to keep myself from climbing across the table just to be in his arms.

  Get it together, Ally! You're goddamn train on the verge of derailment at any moment!

  "I'll save my good questions for tomorrow's interview." I said smiling.

  Ha! I've got you now.

  His lip curved ever so slightly at the corner and he said, "I wouldn't be so sure of that. Do you even know who you're interviewing?"

  Nope. Shit!


  "I didn't think so." He leaned across the table and I didn't dare move. "I'll make you a deal, Allyson. I'll help you with those questions tonight, if you promise to let me kiss you."

  What?! Did I just hear that right?

  "Excuse me? I don't think I heard you right," I asked.

  "I said, I'll help you, but you'll owe me a kiss," he said slowly, so I could understand every single word.

  Oh fuck! I did hear him right. Clever, think of something clever.

  "Either you're insane or you have a death wish, because that's not happening."

  Better than nothing, Ally. Good job!

  "Maybe both. I've wanted to kiss those lips of yours ever sine the first night we met."

  I sat, stunned. I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

  "Ally! Your order's ready!" The woman announced over the PA.

  I gathered my purse and slid out of the booth breaking my longing gaze from Brody. He slid to the edge of the booth and grabbed my arm. He pulled me around so I was forced to face him; so close in fact, I could smell his manly scent and my body tingled. The dull ache between my legs grew and I shifted uncomfortably in an attempt to stop it.

  God! This man had the most amazing effect on my body.

  "I meant it, Allyson. And I know you want it too— So, either we can play this 'game' all day long— Or you can let me help you." His beautiful green eyes turned a shade of hazel and grew darker as he spoke.

  "I'm sorry Brody, but I can't do this," I said softly, regretting the words as they fell out of my mouth, like some foreign creature had taken over my body.

  He released my arm, I quickly turned and walked toward the counter to retrieve my order as Brody followed. It took everything I had not to turn around to face him since I could sense his gaze was burning a hole in the back of my head.

  I grabbed the paper bags from the woman behind the counter, thanked her and made my way to the door. To my surprise, Brody didn't follow. I unlocked my car door and slid across the sweltering seat; checking my rear view for any lingering vehicles behind me. Once I felt the coast was clear, I reversed out of my parking space, but was startled by a loud bang on my back window. I slammed the brakes and the SUV shuttered in response.

  Oh shit! Please be nothing. Please be nothing.

  I launched my door open and practically fell to the ground as I hurried to see what I'd hit.

bsp; Shit!

  My heart hammered in my chest and I glanced up to find Brody, straddling a cherry red, custom Harley Fat Boy.

  "Are you trying to get killed?!" I shouted at him.

  He threw his head back and proceeded to laugh hysterically. This was one joke, I didn't find funny. I marched over to him and punched his arm as hard as I could.

  "Fuck," he said as he rubbed his bicep and stopped laughing. "You pack quite the punch, for a chick."

  I cringed at the word, "chick".

  "What the hell are you doing?" I asked as I perched my hands on my hips waiting for his explanation.

  He furrowed his brow and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the motorcycle's handle bars. "I want to help you, Allyson. I thought I made that pretty clear. But it seems, little fox, are quite the firecracker, so I was forced to resort to this. And now here we are," he said clasping his hands together.

  "I get that, but I could've killed you, plus you almost gave me a heart attack. What the hell is your problem? I already told you I don't want your help, so please just leave me alone," I said forcefully, hoping he'd get the point.

  "I'm not letting you go until..." He paused and a sly, dimpled, smirk crept across his masculine face. "Fine. I'll make you a deal. I'll help you with your interview stuff and I promise I won't touch you."

  "You seem pretty satisfied with that compromise, but I call BS. I'm serious, Brody— I don't like you and I'm pretty sure..." I said, motioning back and forth between us, "whatever scheme you have going on in that head of yours— I'll tell you right now, I'm not the least bit interested."

  "Fuck, woman! I just want to help. But now you're just being a pain in my ass," he said as he threw his arms up.

  Damn it! Where was my voice of reason when I needed it most?

  "God, I hope I don't regret this," I whispered.

  "Fine. Follow me," I said and turned to walk back to my car. I glanced over my shoulder and saw his gorgeous green eyes light up.


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