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Holding On To Love

Page 18

by A. E. Neal

  "What should we do tonight?" I asked Kennedy as she slid her sunglasses over her eyes.

  "Doesn't matter to me. I could get use to this though...not having to worry about work, just relaxing our days away beside a pool with a glass of champagne," she said.

  "We don't even have champagne, dork. And I don't wanna be hung over tomorrow, cause our flight leaves kinda early."

  "Well—" She said as she stood up, "I'm going to see if room service delivers up here, 'cause I need a drink."

  "Good luck with that," I smiled and leaned back against the soft fabric of the lounge chair.

  "You'll see. I've got my ways," she giggled and disappeared into the hotel.

  I closed my eyes and listened to the waterfall over the grotto splash into the pool. The peaceful sound of the lapping water, relaxed me so much that I drifted off to sleep in a matter of seconds.

  * * *

  "Close your eyes, Ally. I have a surprise for you," a familiar voice said.

  "I hate surprises," I whined, but did as I was instructed and closed my eyes.

  I felt a hand on my lower back guide me as I took small, cautious steps forward. "Almost there," he said softly and his voice made me giggle.

  "Oh my God, where are we going?" I asked.

  "Shh. I don't wanna ruin the surprise," he said.

  I continued to walk forward and I felt a rush of cool air against my cheeks.

  "Okay, now take a step down," he said and I slowly felt the step with my toes. "One more...Okay, stop."

  "Really, Andrew, is all this really necessary?" I asked, my eyes still closed tightly.

  "Yes. On the count of three, open your eyes. Okay?" He asked.

  I nodded excitedly.

  "One...Two...Thr—" His voice drifted off and I opened my eyes slowly.

  I was standing in the middle of a hockey rink with a spotlight over my head. I looked around me, but there wasn't anyone there and the arena was dark. My gaze fell onto the ice and just in front of my bare feet was a silver charm bracelet. I bent down to pick it up and inspected it carefully. There were two charms...a hockey puck and a ruby, shaped like a heart.

  "Ally...Ally!" Kennedy called and my eyes fluttered open. My heart raced and I jumped.

  "Jesus Christ, Ally! You look like you just saw a ghost."

  I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming and shook my head.

  "I must've fallen asleep and you scared the shit outta me. Sorry friend," I said, still dazed.

  She stood with her hands on her hips like she was waiting for me to explain. "What were you dreaming about?" She asked as if she read my mind.

  "Sit down," I said. "You're gonna think I'm certifiably insane after I tell you this."

  She sat on the edge of the chair as I rehashed the details of the dream, down to the charm bracelet.

  "So, you're saying Andrew led you into the hockey rink and disappeared, but he left you a charm bracelet?" She asked.

  "Yeah, that's about it. Do you think it was a sign, Ken?"

  She shrugged. "I think if you thought it was a sign, then that's a good thing, right?"

  "I guess so. But why was Andrew the one who led me there?" I asked, as thoughts rolled around in my head like a ball of dough.

  "I don't wanna overstep my boundary here, so tell me to shut up if I am—But I think it's his way of telling you he wants you to be happy and if Brody makes you happy— then you should go for it," she said.

  "I think so too," I said, resting my forehead against the palm of my hand. "Crap. How am I gonna fix this? I'm the one who told him I didn't wanna see him again."

  She laughed. "Ally, how many times do I have to tell you? That boy has it bad for you— I mean, even Zac sees the way he looks at you. The other day when we left you two alone, he told me Brody asked about you. Zac said he knew something was up, when Brody's eyes lit up like a fucking Christmas tree after he mentioned your name. I don't think he's in it for just one night. Any other sane guy would've gotten the hint and left you alone a long time ago, but I think there's truly something between you two."

  "Seriously?" I asked and leaned towards her. "I hope you're right...'cause I think I like him...a lot, actually."

  She laughed and took me by the wrists, "Come on, let's go get his number from Zac and you can find out."

  "What? Now?" I asked in dismay.

  "Yes, now!" She practically shouted and pulled me from my seat.

  We gathered our things and headed back inside.

  "Oh, and they don't serve alcohol at the pool, so I just ordered us a bottle of vodka and had room service bring it up to our room," she said as we reached the elevator.

  "Well done, friend. I'm gonna need a drink before I do this anyway," I said and my stomach cart wheeled.

  We made it back to our room, tossed our stuff on the bed, just as there was a knock at the door. "Room service," a voice from the hallway called.

  Kennedy bounded for the door and swung it open.

  The attendant wheeled the cart into the room, Kennedy signed for the bill and thanked him. He nodded and left us alone.

  "Holy shit-balls, there's enough mixers here to start our own bar," I said in shock.

  "That's the point— So what can I make for you, your highness," she said in a mock English accent and bowed.

  "Surprise me," I said and she went to work on my vodka-something-or-other.

  A few moments later, I had a blue martini in my hand and I hesitated before taking a sip. "What's in it?" I asked.

  "Just try it. It's good, I swear."

  I raised the glass to my lips and she was right, it was delicious and fruity.

  "Yum," I said and took another sip.

  "Easy killer, I don't wanna have to clean you up off the floor later," she teased.

  "Ha. Ha." I joked.

  She fished her phone out of her bag and ran her manicured fingers over the screen as she texted Zac.

  "You don't have to write him a freaking novel," I said, curiously.

  She smiled. "I didn't," she said and a few seconds later, her phone rang. "It's him—"

  I sipped my martini and made my best attempt at delaying the inevitable.

  "Hello?" She answered. "Hey, Zac", she paused briefly, a few 'uh-huh's' later and she hung up. She held her phone for a moment and it signaled that she had a new message.

  "Got it," she squealed and handed me the phone.

  I took it and stared at it like it was going to burn a hole through my hand at any moment.

  "Call him," she encouraged.

  I shook my head and handed the phone back to her. "I can't. Not right now. I don't know what to say to him."

  "Oh, cheese and rice, Ally. Do you want me to do it?" She asked.

  "No," I said. "Let me think about what to say first, okay?"

  "Fine, I'll just put his number in your contact list and you can call him when you're ready," she said as she programmed his number into my phone.

  I nodded and my stomach tightened.

  Could I actually go through with this? I knew I needed to at least apologize to him, but wasn't sure if doing it over the phone wasn't the best idea. How the hell would I even begin to ask if he wanted to see me again? Shit, Ally! Get it together.

  For some damn reason, I just couldn't get it together.

  Chapter 16


  "How many of those have you had, Ally?" Kennedy asked from the vanity as I stared blankly out the window that over looked the city.

  I turned to face her, "Honestly, just the one you made me. I don't know what to do, Ken. I want to call him and tell him I need chance to explain myself, but every time I look at the phone, I get nervous—"

  "Okay, missy. It's time we get your mind off of this for a while. You've been staring out the window for over an hour— Let's go out, I think it'll do you good," she said and set her tube of mascara down.

  "But—" I began to protest.

  "No, get off your ass and get in here or I'll drag you myself," she dem

  "Jeez. Alright. Don't have to be so violent," I whined and got up from the chair.

  "Ha! You ain't seen nothin' yet. Now, go get dressed. I have a surprise," she said excitedly.

  "I hate surprises, Ken," I said as I dug out a black strapless dress from my suitcase.

  "I know, but I promise you'll love it," she said and continued applying her make-up.

  An hour later, I was primped, dressed and ready to find out what Kennedy had in store for me. Excitement was seeping from her pores and I could practically see her cheeks twitch from smiling so much.

  "Kay, so I'm not too sure where this place is, but we're gonna get a cab, so we can drink— No arguing."

  I laughed and she picked up the hotel phone to call down for a taxi.

  We headed downstairs and through the lobby. Our cab was waiting for us outside. We climbed into the backseat and Kennedy handed the driver a piece of paper with the address.

  "Where are we going?" I asked.

  "Just trust me, I promise you're gonna like it," she said.

  I shook my head and gazed out the window. I watched as we zipped in and out of traffic; cars blurring as they passed in the other direction.

  A few minutes later, the taxi stopped outside an old brick building just on the outskirts of downtown. I didn't recognize the place; the building looked like it had been recently renovated and strings of tiny globe lights lit up the terrace above the front entry way.

  Kennedy tossed the driver our fare and we stepped out onto the sidewalk.

  "Cool old building...I've never been here before," I said in wonderment as I took in the intricate stone corbels along the edge of the cornice that wrapped around the building.

  "Come on," she said taking my hand and leading me up to the front door.

  She knocked twice, a moment later a gentleman wearing a butler's uniform answered and invited us in.

  "Madam has been expecting you, Miss Allen. Please follow me to the terrace," he said with a formal English accent that made me giggle and think of Alfred Pennyworth.

  We followed 'Alfred' through the massive foyer and up the grand staircase. Once we reached the top of the stairs, he led us through a pair of French doors that opened out to the terrace, which was filled with people carrying various cocktails, all of which were dressed to the nines.

  A young woman in her late thirty's, approached us smiling brightly. Her long, red hair flowed like a wave of fire around her shoulders as she walked.

  "Oh my God, Kennedy," she said as she wrapped her arms around my best friend. "I haven't seen you in, what, five years?"

  "It really has been too long," Kennedy said. "Melanie, this is my best friend, Ally. Ally this is Melanie Dubois."

  I reached out and shook Melanie's hand.

  Why had I never met Melanie before? I wondered.

  As if she read my mind, she said, "Mel is an amazing fashion designer, we had a few classes together in art school and she was my very first client."

  Melanie held her wrist face up to show off the tattoo Kennedy had done for her and in perfect black script it read, 'esse verum'.

  "It means 'be true' in Latin," Melanie said and I smiled.

  "I love it," I said and turned to Kennedy, "Does it hurt to get one there?"

  "Yeah, but it's not too bad. Most people say the worst place to get one is on your foot or the inside of your arm. I think you could handle it," she said smiling.

  "So, Ally. Kennedy tells me you have an event coming up on Friday?" Melanie asked.

  I shot Kennedy a confused glance and smiled at Melanie. "Yes— That's right— A masquerade gala for Seraphine Fern," I said.

  Melanie clapped and bounced in place, "Oh my God, Ally. I am so jealous. That's all I've been hearing about for the last three days. I'm still dying to know who she picked to design her dress," she said excitedly. "Unfortunately, I don't stand a chance against the other designers, but it's still exciting."

  I tilted my head to the side, feeling silly for not knowing the gala was such a big deal.

  "Oh, no matter. I have you to work with now—" she squeaked.

  Kennedy interrupted, since she could sense my confusion. "Ally," she said cautiously. "Mel has agreed to loan you a gown for the gala. I called her as soon as we got to Denver. I just thought since you didn't have anything yet, you could at least take a look at what Mel has."

  "I have a few dresses in mind, if you would like to take a look," Melanie said sweetly.

  "Of course I would," I said. "But I don't want to interrupt your party."

  "Oh, sweetie, don't be silly. You aren't interrupting at all," Melanie said and motioned to her butler, who had a tray full of wine glasses.

  "Madam," he said.

  "Winston, will you please inform my guests that I'll be away for a bit? We'll be in the wardrobe if you need me." She said.

  Ah, Winston. Is that his real name or something she came up with herself?

  "Of course, Madam," he said and offered us some wine from his tray.

  "Thank you, Winston," Kennedy and I said in unison.

  "Come, ladies," Melanie said and motioned us to follow.

  We walked through the doors, across the catwalk that curved around the grand staircase that led us through a large archway on the opposite side of the terrace. The "wardrobe" was enormous with a fourteen foot ceiling, and racks of clothing lined the walls around the room. It reminded me of an upscale boutique I had once visited in Scottsdale, but this was massive in comparison.

  Melanie led us through the organized racks of dresses, blouses, skirts, and lingerie. I struggled to keep my jaw from hanging open as I took in everything around me.

  "Wow," I breathed as we passed a mannequin with a short, plum colored, hand-beaded sheath dress with a large black bow over one shoulder and I gasped.

  "I know, right?" Kennedy whispered, just as stunned as I was.

  A large, round cream colored ottoman sat in the middle of the room and Melanie set her wine glass on the marble surface in the center of it.

  "Come in, come in, don't be shy," She smiled and waved us forward.

  "This is amazing, Melanie. Are all of these your designs?" I asked.

  "Thank you. Yes, they're all mine. I'm working on finding a warehouse to store everything, so I apologize for the clutter," she said.

  Was she serious? This had to be the most organized closet I'd ever seen.

  I giggled and shook my head.

  "So, a formal masquerade, huh? Hmm—" She said as she scanned the room. "Okay, lets start right over here. I think we can find something in your size, but if not, I can alter it for you if need be." She turned and looked me over. "Size 8?" She asked.

  "Yes, how did you know?" I asked, surprised.

  "It's my job to know these things, sweetie," she laughed.

  We lost Kennedy to the wall-o-shoes behind the racks of lingerie and Melanie disappeared behind a group of naked mannequins. I sat on the edge of the ottoman and sipped my wine. A few minutes later, Melanie reappeared with a rolling rack full of elegant dresses in all shapes and colors.

  "Come," she said motioning me to join her. I set my glass down next to hers and joined her.

  "Wow. These are incredible," I said as I lightly dragged my fingertips along the cool satins and silks hanging before me. A floor-length, off the shoulder, turquoise gown caught my eye and I studied it carefully.

  "It's one of my favorites too. Go ahead, you can touch it, Ally. It won't bite," she teased.

  But she was right, I was afraid to touch it, considering I'd never handled anything quite so expensive in my entire life. I reached up and withdrew the hanger from the rack.

  "There's a dressing room and mirror in the back corner if you'd like to try it on," Melanie said, pointing me towards the back of the room.

  "Yes, I'd love to. It's absolutely gorgeous," I said softly and held the dress against me as I made my way to the dressing room.

  I hung the dress on the hook inside and slid the curtain bac
k for privacy. I unzipped my dress and removed my heels. I removed the gown from it's hanger, slid the bottom hem over my head and let the material fall around me. The soft chiffon hugged my curves as I adjusted the beaded, cap-sleeves over my shoulders and noticed the thigh-high slits on either side that showcased my long legs. I stepped out of the dressing room and turned toward the large oval mirror. For a moment, I didn't recognize the girl staring back at me.

  "Oh, Ally. It's perfect, you look like a princess." Kennedy said.

  I turned to face her, trying my best to keep from tripping over the long sweep train. "You likes?" I asked, doing a tip-toed twirl.

  "I don't just likes, I loves," she said and her eyes lit up. "But something's missing— Don't move, I'll be right back." She turned and bounded off into the sea of clothing.

  I stood, admiring the tall figure in the mirror; her long, wavy blonde hair, curled around her shoulders and her blue eyes sparkled. I looked like a new person; a grown woman.

  Kennedy returned with a stack of shoe boxes followed by Melanie carrying a handful of necklaces.

  "So, I know this is a little over the top," Melanie said. "But it would only work, if you had the perfect necklace too."

  "And shoes!" Kennedy squealed as she set the boxes down.

  I nodded and Melanie pulled the first two necklaces dangling from her fingers. Kennedy helped by laying the first one around my neck and stepping out of the way to see it in the mirror.

  "Nah, too much," she said and draped the next one around my neck.

  It was a simple princess design, consisting of small diamonds, emeralds and sapphires that formed a peacock feather pendant, which hung flat against my décolleté. It was beautiful and matched perfectly with the dress.

  "I love it. It's perfect," I said, smiling.

  "I think so too," Melanie said.

  "Now, we just need the perfect shoes," Kennedy said.


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