Chasing Forgiveness: A Tala Prophecy Companion Novella

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Chasing Forgiveness: A Tala Prophecy Companion Novella Page 4

by Tia Silverthorne Bach

  "Those things definitely didn't seem happy to see me and Am?lie. They were attacking the truck as if we were fresh meat." Madeleine's comments brought me out of my thoughts.

  "Like I said, we're all nervous about them. Then again, we have a few vampires on our side, and I have an even harder time trusting them."

  "Do you know, or care, what it is we're fighting for?" I asked. It was something I'd been wondering since I woke up not knowing where I was.

  "First, we have to survive. There are all kinds of things that go bump in the night. I don't ask a lot of questions, but there seems to be something ramping up. Even Hemming seems nervous."

  "Speaking of Hemming, he and Rafe seem to have a tense relationship," Madeleine said.

  I'd wondered the same thing and was glad she brought it up.

  "They've had some run-ins, and things seem to be getting-"

  "What are you three ladies up to?" Rafe's booming voice filled the room, and I felt like we'd all been caught doing something wrong.

  "Just some female bonding," Sasha said. I was glad for her quick response.

  "What would you all think about getting out of here for a little while?"

  Each using a different word, we showed our enthusiasm. He led us to the living room where Rowan and Ricardo waited.

  "How about the bar in town?" Ricardo suggested.

  "Wait, won't they card us?" I asked. It made me realize I didn't even have my driver's license. We left our house in too much of a hurry to grab anything. My thoughts drifted back to home. What I wouldn't give for a picture of my mom and dad. I pushed back the tears threatening to take over.

  "Nobody'll ask any questions where we're going," Rafe said.

  We walked outside, and I looked around for an additional vehicle. There was no way we'd all fit in the truck, unless several people were piling in the back.

  "Do you prefer to run or go in the truck?" Rowan asked me as Rafe threw some bags into the back.

  While I was trying to figure out what he meant by run, Madeleine voiced her choice. "I'll run. Am?lie?"

  It finally dawned on me; they were going to shift and go in wolf form. Transforming was something I had yet to do. A bead of sweat formed on my brow, and I felt paralyzed. I couldn't fight my wolf state forever, but I didn't want to run to a bar and back.

  "Why don't I take you in the truck, and we'll meet these guys there?" Rowan asked.

  I wanted to hug him. "Sounds great."

  Rowan and I got in the truck; the others stood in the glow of the headlights and waved. As we pulled away, they each shifted and ran off into the woods.

  "I don't know why, but I'm just not ready," I said. I felt comfortable with Rowan, especially since he seemed to sense my hesitation about shifting. "Madeleine seems to be a natural."

  "We all have to come to it in our own time."

  Deciding to take advantage of having him to myself, I broached another subject, praying I wouldn't tax our budding friendship. "What was with those wolves today? Rafe seemed comfortable with them. You, not so much."

  He opened and closed his hands on the steering wheel one at a time. "They're much more animal-like than we are, and I'm not sure we should trust them. But, Rafe thinks we need them. He understands some elements that I don't, but I still worry. Sorry," he said. "Something about being around you seems to compel me to be honest."

  Was it something I was doing, or was he happy to have an ear? "I'm always happy to listen. I have to say, those red eyes freaked me out. They seemed to come straight from Hell."

  Rowan's fists tightened around the wheel. Not another word was said until we pulled up to the bar.


  Running through the woods with my new friends, their voices in my head, was the most exhilarating thing I'd ever done. Beyond that, it was sensual, with the wind ripping through my hair and sounds I'd never noticed in the forest before. My body tingled with new sensations, even the air I breathed felt richer.

  We came to a stop in a small clearing. Rafe switch back to human form and everyone else did the same. We huddled, naked, until Rowan came around the corner and threw us our bags. After getting some clothes on, we went into the bar.

  "You should have come with us. That was so cool!" I said, putting my arm around my sister's shoulder. "We were so fast, and I could hear the others. Oh, and I really don't know how to explain it, but I knew how to follow them even when I couldn't see them. We were connected. It was awesome!"

  Am?lie seemed reserved but smiled. A pang of guilt dampened my high. I knew I should be more considerate of her feelings since it was obvious she had reservations about embracing her wolf side.

  A round of drinks was ordered, and I downed mine. It burned, and I lost my breath for a second. I'd forgotten my complete inexperience with alcohol. Other than taking a sip of my parents' wine from time to time, I really hadn't had any.

  "Come on. Live a little," I said, scooting Am?lie's drink closer to her. There'd be plenty of time for more fear and reservations, I wanted her to let loose and embrace our circumstances-at least for a night.

  She took a small sip and gagged. "That's gross."

  "Here," Rafe said, handing her what looked to be white wine. "Try this." Then, he turned to me. "Wanna dance?"

  I took his outstretched hand and headed to the dance floor. Country music blared. Not my favorite, but I didn't care. I lost myself in Rafe's movements and the fast-paced beat. Then, much to my excitement, a slow song came on. Rafe pulled me close, and I melted into him. Everything about him turned me on, but most of all, his scent was intoxicating. Maybe it was a wolf thing. Then again, I didn't feel that way around any of the other males in the house.

  Looking over Rafe's shoulder, I saw Am?lie at the bar. She seemed honed in on us, her mouth bordering on a frown. Nobody else probably noticed, but I would've sucked as a sister if I didn't recognize her thinly veiled jealous demeanor. Rafe was too much for her; she could never keep up. She needed someone calmer like Rowan. Or was I just rationalizing what I wanted? Instead of continuing with this thought process, I decided to be in the moment. Unfortunately, the song was over way before I wanted it to be.

  Rafe stepped back, and I felt as if half the heat in my body dissipated. "Should we grab some food? They have some great wings and potato skins here. If I know Rowan, he's already ordered for the table. Let's head over."

  I would've given up food-maybe even air for as long as I could take it-to stay pressed against him, but I took his outstretched hand and walked over to the tables our crew had commandeered. Just as Rafe predicted, Rowan had some food on the way.

  Although I knew it was selfish, I sat on the other end of the table from my sister. I wanted to enjoy the night, to let loose and forget about everything we'd been through recently. Was that so wrong? Rowan was sticking with her, so she wasn't alone.

  For most of the evening, I laughed and danced. Ricardo swung me around for a fast number, and I snagged Rafe for another slow dance. Am?lie never left the table, but I did see her chatting with Rowan. A couple of times I caught her smiling. When a group came onto the floor for some line dancing, I ran over to grab her, not wanting her to miss all the fun.

  I put on my best pouty face and whined. "Come on. Just one dance."

  "All right," she said. Then, she hooked her arm in Rowan's. "But only if you'll go with me."

  He sighed.

  Now it was Am?lie's turn to pout.

  "Okay," he said, giving in.

  Sasha and Ricardo joined us. By the end of the dance, we were all laughing. It felt good. As much as I missed Mom and Dad, at least we had some family. We never knew our grandparents, so we had nowhere else to go.

  As we headed back to our tables, Rowan checked his watch. "We really should be getting back," he half-screamed; it was the only way we could hear him over the crazy noise.

  Rafe was right next to me, so I leaned in and put my lips close to his ear. "I'd love another run with you."

  He nodded and smiled. I wondere
d if I'd be able to deny him any request. Then, I chided myself. I'd only known the boy a few days. What was wrong with me? Usually, the guys had to pursue me. I'd never been so forward and obvious. Or needy. Although I wasn't a prude, I was a virgin. Now, I felt like some kind of dog in heat.

  Walking outside into the chilly night air, my body began to cool. I was boiling hot in the building. Actually, my body temperature was elevated most of the time now. Growing up, I always had to throw on a sweater or wrap a blanket around myself. It must be the new blood flowing through my veins.

  After a quick pow-wow and collection of our clothes, Rowan and Am?lie headed back to the house in the truck. So far, I hadn't managed a complete view of Rafe naked, although I'd imagined it several times. He was a master at the quick shift and redressing.

  Once I was animal, I connected with Rafe and followed him. Testing my speed, I pushed myself. I lost contact for a moment at one juncture. Panicking, I raced faster, hoping to pick up a trail. Just as I heard my name, I ran into what felt like a brick wall and tumbled. I realized I'd landed on top of Rafe, both of us now in our human forms and breathing heavily.

  "Oh, my God, I'm so sorry," I said, pushing away and attempting to cover myself with my arms.

  He stood up, in all his glory and without even a hint of embarrassment. I blushed and averted my eyes. It was dark out, but I still got a quick glance of chiseled muscles. He came closer and tilted my chin so I'd look at him. "You seem to like to get me in that position."

  Then, his lips were on mine. Like the last several days, I decided to give into the present and not analyze anything. As far as distractions go, and I needed a respite from my life, Rafe was a good one.

  For the next hour, passion and heat consumed me. Oblivious to anything but sensation, I knew I was playing with fire.

  Rowan and I got back before the others. After a short, but enjoyable, ride home, Sasha and Ricardo came strolling up at almost the same time. Without Madeleine and Rafe.

  "Where's my sister?" I asked, although a part of me already knew.

  "She and Rafe were right behind us. Don't worry. Your sister couldn't be in better hands," Sasha said.

  With those words, I made myself a promise to put Rafe out of my mind for good. It was clear he was interested in my sister, and she in him. I didn't want to compete with her, assuming I'd never win anyway, but I already had too much going on in my life. Why complicate it with infatuation?

  Funny thing about logic: the brain accepts it, but the heart stays open. Even after knowing Rafe for only a few days, he'd commandeered a piece of my core. I knew walking away from my feelings wouldn't be any easier than accepting Mom's death and Dad's disappearance.

  Sasha and Ricardo went to bed, and I turned toward my room. After saying goodnight to Rowan, I decided to take a hot shower. I grabbed some clothes and toiletries from the room I shared with my sister and locked myself in the bathroom. Once I was done, I felt refreshed and exhausted. Sleep couldn't come fast enough.

  When I got back to the room, Madeleine was there with a huge grin on her face. I pushed my feelings aside.


  Madeleine couldn't contain her energy now any more than she did at the bar. "You really do have to come running with us."

  "Did you and Rafe take a different way home? Sasha and Ricardo were back a while ago." I tried not to sound snippy, but every word dripped with jealousy.

  She stared at me, and it was clear I'd drained the joy from her evening. I began putting my things away, needing a moment without eye contact. Her glare was breaking me down.

  Days of exhausting training later, we woke and went down for breakfast; there was no sign of anyone. Madeleine and I searched the house and yard for Rowan or Rafe, but neither was around. Finally, we ran into Ricardo in the shed out back.

  "What's going on?" I asked.

  "Guess there's trouble brewing. Rafe, Rowan, and Hemming already left," he said. "I'm supposed to rally the troops here. Do you think you and Madeleine are ready? We need all hands on deck."

  Madeleine nodded. I knew I should've been on board, but I'd never been in a fight, much less a battle. Even though our training was coming along, I didn't feel ready. Sasha came up before I could formulate a response.

  "Am?lie, you can come with me. I need to get some supplies." She then turned to my sister. "Why don't you help Ricardo gather everyone? We should receive word soon on where to be."

  Madeleine and Ricardo went one way, while Sasha and I went the other. She took me into a corner of the basement I'd yet to explore and opened up a closet. Inside were weapons of all shapes and sizes: swords, bows, guns, daggers, and others I didn't recognize.

  "Guns won't do you any good with vamps, and I'm guessing that's what we'll find out there," she said, opening a wooden chest. "Grab everything you can from here."

  I peered over the edge. Based on what I saw, most of the horror movies had it right. There were different-sized wooden stakes and some canteens filled with what I assumed was holy water. I gathered what I could, and noticed Sasha loaded down with swords.

  "I don't know if I can do this," I said, holding my supplies as tightly as I could so my trembling hands would be less obvious.

  "We all felt that way at some point."

  Back in the hallway, we ran into Madeleine and Ricardo.

  "We're heading out. Just got the word. Madeleine's coming with me," Ricardo said, and then focused his attention on Sasha. "Rowan wants you to stay here and hold down the fort in case this is all a ruse to get to our home base."

  While Sasha looked disappointed, I felt nothing but relief. "I'll stay here with Sasha."

  Madeleine gave me a quick hug and whispered in my ear, "Stay out of sight. I'll be back as soon as I can."

  I pulled away without letting go. "Please be careful."

  She nodded and ran off with Ricardo.

  "They'll protect her. Don't worry," Sasha said.

  It had been a long time since I prayed, even though Mom brought us up in the church and insisted on a strong Catholic education. In that moment, with my sister running off to battle, the only person I trusted to protect her was God.


  War. Other than studying history in school, I never thought much about it. Yet I was on my way to a battle; one I didn't yet feel invested in other than to keep my family safe. It surprised me to realize I truly saw my pack as family now, but my ultimate goal was to protect Am?lie. Glad she was safe back at the house with Sasha, I focused on the task at hand and hoped three weeks of training was enough.

  "Let's stay toward the back until I know what we're facing. Just follow my lead," Ricardo said, as we raced through the woods.

  Still getting used to voices in my head-I could hear bits and pieces of numerous commands being shouted-my inner-ear pounded with the noise. It was like sitting in a room where several people were watching different movies, and it was too much to process. I focused on Ricardo's voice.

  As we got closer, a putrid smell attacked my senses. Then, I saw the bodies; pieces thrown all over the place as if they were puzzles waiting to be put back together. Even though my gut told me to run in the other direction, I forged ahead.

  Within another quarter of a mile, we hit a clearing. Rowan fought alongside Rafe and his wolf cronies. As leader of our pack, I assumed Hemming would be close by, but I didn't see him.

  "Stay on the perimeter. Don't let anything get by you," Ricardo said as he threw himself into the fracas.

  I paced along the border, watching the battle scene in horror. Rafe and the demon wolves, as I'd decided to call them, were tearing apart what looked to be humans. I told myself they must be vampires, or some other kind of creature I'd yet to learn about, because any other option was unthinkable.

  Rafe was ruthless in his attacks, and moved in conjunction with the wolves surrounding him. It was as if they were joined in mind and body. A shiver trickled down my spine. I'd never seen anything so brutal. Full of nervous energy, I made my way around the

  At the far edge of the field, I saw a group of men-they held various kinds of weapons and wore camouflage-backing away. I decided to watch the hunters and try to figure out what their intentions were. Following Ricardo's directive to not let anything pass, I stayed in the shadows.

  I caught sight of a creature coming at my left side and braced for impact as it smashed into me. We rolled together a few feet before a tree stopped us. Luck left me on top, and I faced the kind of evil that killed my mother-its fangs protruding and long nails slashing at me. Above me was a tree branch. I ripped if off with my teeth and plunged it into my attacker's heart. Its body began to age and crack, like hard clay drying in the sun. I took a couple of steps backward, dazed by the sight. A rustle nearby caused me to jerk my head to the side, and I caught a glimpse of a few hunters with their guns and bows raised in my direction.

  Frantic to figure out a strategy, I turned to run just as an arrow sliced through the air, missing me by mere inches. Wolves came at the group from several directions, and Ricardo came to my side.

  "Are you okay?" he asked.


  "It's time to go. Follow me."

  With that, we headed home. I assumed victory, although nothing about this event felt like something to celebrate.

  Back at the house, I went on a frantic search for my sister. Going from room to room, I finally found Rowan, who informed me a house meeting would begin soon. Hemming and Rafe weren't back yet. According to Rowan, they'd arranged a meeting with some allies to determine what had gone down. It seemed to me we should've done more information gathering before jumping into a death scene. Guess I had a lot to learn.

  Then I noticed Sasha in the back corner, and I made a mental note to check in with her after the debriefing.

  Rowan shared what he knew. "We got word a few days ago that a group of vampires and other werewolves, ones whose interests don't necessarily align with ours, were heading into our territory. Guess we weren't the only ones who received word, because a group of hunters-and I'm not talking about men out looking for deer-arrived just after we did. Unfortunately, in the chaos, several were killed and some were turned. We've sent out some scouts to see what happened to them. We know another pack was in the vicinity, so they may have ended up there."


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