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The Prince of Manhattan

Page 14

by Alexei Iskander

  “Catch him in a trap?” the second one inquired.

  “He will not resist the worm” the biggest beast said. “We set a trap and he will fall into it and then we kill him”.

  “I am hungry” the one eyed beast declared. “When Drest returns I must go hunting”.

  “You cannot eat too many of the humans” the biggest beast interjected. “They will search for us if we take too many”.

  “Drest and Galan ate four humans yesterday” the second beast whinged. “We didn’t eat at all yesterday”.

  “We will hunt for more humans to eat” the big beast replied. “But our mission comes first”.

  “After we kill the prince” the second monster started. “I’ll have the worm all to myself, I lay claim on eating her”. The monster looked at Miranda with greedy eyes and an evil smile and she shivered in fear. It was the gaze of a hungry demon. “We will see who eats the worm” the big beast stated. “Once we have killed the prince”.

  “The eyes have returned” the one eyed beast claimed. The three monsters turned to see a crow fly through one of the main tunnels and perch itself on the edge of a broken pipe. “What does the eyes see?” the one eyed creature said aloud. The crow squawked and the three monsters listened intently. “The eyes says that the prince escaped” the second monster stated.

  “Drest and Galan failed” the one eyed creature added. “We must use the worm as bait then”.

  Miranda watched as the crow flew off and the monsters turned their attention back to her. “Drest better have some grub when he gets back” the one eyed monster said. “He can’t even catch the prince”.

  “We will see when he gets back” the big beast replied. “We will hunt rats while we wait”. The three monsters shuffled off, clambering into a tunnel and marching down it in search of rats. “I’m sick of rats” said the second creature as their voices faded in the distance. When there was nothing but silence with the occasional dripping noise and Miranda was sure that she was alone she let out a shudder and cry. She looked around and considered if there were any ways to escape but she came up short. Her backpack lay next to some railing near the edge of the platform, too far for her to reach. She was trapped, trapped in the bleakest and nastiest place in all of New York with no hope of escape. It took all of her willpower to avoid having a panic attack. Her mind cycled through countless images in an attempt to distract her and of all the things she saw, Leofric, the blonde prince took the fore. She wanted him to be with her more than ever before. She hadn’t realised how safe and secure she felt around him until she’d been separated from him. But he was gone and she couldn’t imagine him finding her no matter how hard she tried to believe it was possible. She was in the bowels of the city and Leofric could search Manhattan up and down for months and never find her. The hopelessness of the situation nearly brought her to tears.

  Why did I have to leave your company? Why did I listen to you? Miranda felt despair and regret mingle in her mind. I should have told you no and stayed with you when you told me to escape. I would still be with you then, the beasts wouldn’t have kidnapped me. An involuntary tear fell down her cheek. We were so close and then everything had to come apart. We had the book, we had the location and the event, were so close to fixing all this. We were so close to sending you back so you could stop your uncle. Miranda’s stomach heaved and she felt a bout of nausea on top of the sickness she already had from being exposed to the sewer. The thought of Leofric leaving for his original timeline gave her dreadful discomfort and in that moment she realised that she loved him. Who am I kidding? I love him more than anything else, I want to be with him forever. He’s the smartest, kindest, bravest and most handsome man I’ve ever known. I would give anything just to look into those blue eyes of his. If I ever manage to escape from this place then I must tell him how I feel. Even if he doesn’t feel the same way, even if he has to leave me for his own time just hours later, I must tell him how I feel. I’ve only known him for a few days but I’ve never been this sure about anything before in my entire life.

  Miranda slumped in her chair, closing her eyes and trying to blot out the world around her. All of her stress and exhaustion started to catch up to her and she felt herself falling into sleep. She let it tug her down into slumber and after another minute or so she was sound asleep. She awoke some time later, it was impossible to tell how long in the underground chamber. Her head had a slight buzzing noise and her chest hurt from sorrow but otherwise she was still lucid and functional. She looked around and saw that the monsters still weren’t back, their rat hunting expedition apparently still ongoing. Miranda shivered when she thought about how the monsters had mentioned that they ate humans and enjoyed it. Whatever they had been in the past they were now irredeemably evil. She was loathe to think of the poor souls who had been kidnapped and devoured before her in this miserable place. And they’re going to eat me once they kill Leofric! She felt a rising panic attack but she fought it down and looked over to her backpack, still lying in the same position near the railing. If I can reach my pack I can use the dagger inside to cut my bonds off. She started straining with all her might to shuffle her chair over to the backpack. It was exhausting work, her chair was heavy and only shambled a few inches after a while of striving.

  Miranda rested for a minute before resuming her labouring. It was hard work and she guessed that it could take her an hour before she reached the backpack. She wasn’t about to give up though, it was her only chance to escape no matter how minuscule it may be. She rocked the chair with all her might and it doddered a couple of inches closer to the backpack. Sweat came down her forehead as she tensed her muscles and forced the chair closer. That was when she heard a noise from behind her and she froze up instantly. Fiery determination was replaced by abject terror in a heartbeat and she wondered if the monsters had seen her attempting to escape. They would no doubt punish her for her transgressions. She sat totally still, her eyes staring directly ahead while her heart pounded in her rib cage. She heard footsteps behind her and dread took root in her chest. Then she felt the ropes around her waist loosening and she looked down to see them severed, falling to the floor. Then her ankle restraints were loosened and her legs became free. A figure entered her vision and loomed in front of her. It was Leofric.

  Miranda’s agitated composure melted and warm relief flooded through her. The long haired prince sliced off the ropes around her wrists, totally freeing her from her restraints. Miranda couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Just when all hope was lost, he had come for her. It was like something out of a fairy tale. She didn’t realise until he helped her up that she had a big goofy smile plastered over her face. “Thank you” she uttered, before Leofric reached forward and hugged her. “You’re unhurt and that’s all that matters” Leofric replied, his strong arms around her back. Miranda felt a rush of pleasure as she mushed bodies with the prince and felt his warm, firm embrace. She wanted it to last forever. Leofric ended the hug, his hands on her shoulders and his eyes darting around. The intoxicating sensation of rapture faded enough for Miranda to remember their circumstances. “The monsters went on a rat hunting expedition but they’ll be back” Miranda said. “We have to go now”. As if on cue the sound of harsh, guttural voices became audible, the monsters returning down the tunnel from whence they came.

  “Stay here” Leofric ordered Miranda.

  “Bu-” Miranda replied.

  “Stay here” Leofric repeated. “The tunnel the monsters are coming from is the only way out. I can dispatch them but I need you to follow along”.

  “Okay” Miranda whispered, nervous and unsure. Miranda sat back down in the chair and Leofric quickly put the ropes over again, making sure though not to tie them. He then stole away to the back of the room, into an alcove where it was dark and his form was mostly cloaked in shadow. “That’s the last time I’m eating rats” came the second beast’s voice from the tunnel. “Next time I’m eating human no matter what Drest or Galan says”.

nbsp; “Don’t catch small rats then” the big monster replied.

  “It’s not about the size” the second beast rejoined. “It’s the taste, the rats are filthy and the meat is scraggly. Humans are juicy and their meat is tender”.

  “I bet the prince tastes nice” the one eyed monster contemplated aloud. The voices were getting louder, Miranda guessed that they were nearly at the chamber.

  “He has royal blood” the second beast returned. “Drinking it will make you strong”.

  “The prince’s body is for the king to see” the big beast interrupted.

  “He won’t notice if there’s a mouthful missing” the second beast replied.

  The beasts reached the end of the tunnel and clambered down into the chamber. Miranda felt her panic rise but she countered it by reminding herself that Leofric was nearby. He knows what he’s doing. “We could take a mouthful off the worm” the second beast floated. “She can live without her fingers”. He must know what he’s doing. “Do you smell that?” the big monster said saddling up behind Miranda. “The worm?” the one eyed creature asked.

  “No, there’s something else” the big beast replied.

  “It smells like another human” the second beast remarked.

  “Drest dumped a body down here then” the one eyed creature claimed.

  “No, it’s something else” the big beast replied. There was the sound of rushed footsteps on harsh concrete and then the sickening crunch as steel met flesh. “The prince!” the big monster cried out. The monsters howled and Miranda turned around to see that Leofric had leapt out of the shadows and sliced a tremendous gash into the back of the one eyed beast, which lay on its face on the floor.

  “Get the prince!” the big beast bellowed out and the second beast rushed Leofric. Miranda took her chance to get out of her seat and dash to her backpack. She scrambled through its belongings, searching for the dagger when she heard a growl behind her. She turned around to see the big beast marching towards her, its face scowling with rage. Miranda’s hand gripped the hilt of her dagger and she pulled it out and ran, making her way to the back of the room. The monster didn’t follow, instead it reached the railing and pulled something out of a rusty pipe. It was a mace, made of metal with a ball covered in spikes at the end, the creature grunted and made its way towards Leofric with it in hand. Miranda glanced at Leofric and saw that he was duelling the second beast, the beast had taken off its gloves to reveal spindly, long sharp claws which it swiped at the prince with. Both opponents dodged each other’s strikes and had yet to land a blow on each other. Miranda felt horror as she saw the second beast march over to Leofric, he stood no chance against two opponents. Miranda gathered her courage and rushed towards the back of the large creature. It was too engrossed in the fight to hear her coming and she sunk her dagger into its back. The dagger went through its jacket and drew blood, the creature howling in pain as it spun around.

  It looked at Miranda with hate soaked eyes and she dashed away from it, avoiding its wrath. It didn’t bother following her, instead turning its attention back to Leofric, the dagger still embedded in its back. Miranda cursed under her breath and looked around to see if there was anything else she could use as a weapon. She saw a metal pole and she picked it up and ran back towards the melee. Leofric had wounded the second beast but was now falling back under the assault of the big beast. He was running out of space, he had only a few metres left before the concrete platform terminated and only sludge lay beyond. Miranda raced up behind the massive beast and poked it with the pole. The beast turned around, its ire raised and it started marching towards Miranda. She had succeeded in getting its attention, though she was at a loss as to what her next step should be. The second beast lunged at Leofric and he caught in the chest with his blade, skewering it. Miranda ran down to the edge of the platform, the big beast following. She looked around but saw nowhere to go, jumping into the toxic sludge would only delay her reckoning. The monster roared and rushed her, swinging its mace down with stupendous force. Miranda ducked out of the way, the mace slamming into the concrete with a bang.

  The beast swung its mace at her again and she fell to the ground to avoid it. She then scrambled to her feet and jumped away as the mace came down again. Then Leofric rushed in, stabbing his sword into the beast’s side. The monster roared in agony and then smacked Leofric away with its hand, the prince spun away and hit the floor, dazed and stunned. The monster pulled the sword out of its side and threw it away, it hit the ground with a clang. It then limped towards Miranda, cornering her at the edge of the platform, its face engulfed in a mix of pain and fury. An idea flashed through her head and she lunged with her pole at the creature’s open wound. The pole went straight into the wound and the monster boomed in rage and agony. It smacked the pole away but the attack had weakened it and it fell to its knees. Miranda took the opportunity to run towards Leofric’s sword and pick it up. The monster struggled to get to its feet, using its hands hold onto the railing as it steadied itself. “Be careful what you eat” Miranda said to the beast, before swinging the sword and tearing into its neck. The monster let out a gurgled hiss as it fell limp, blood pouring freely from its throat. When the beast had stopped moving, Miranda rushed over to Leofric, leaning down by the prostate prince.

  “It’s over” Miranda said to Leofric cradling him tenderly.

  Leofric let out a moan of pain in response.

  “Come on, I’ve got your sword” Miranda added.

  “You saved my life” Leofric wheezed out softly. A warm sensation of pride blossomed in Miranda’s chest. “I just did what you would do” she replied. Leofric coughed viciously and Miranda held his back up. “I guess that makes us even then” Leofric joked. He stumbled to his feet and took his sword from Miranda, sheathing it and looking around at the mess they’d caused. “We got them all” Miranda said.

  “Did you see the crow?” Leofric asked.

  “It left before you came” Miranda replied. “But there are others coming, they said that the rest of the monsters would return soon”.

  “Then we’d best get going” Leofric stated. He picked up his backpack and hoisted it onto his back, Miranda did the same, first checking to make sure that she had everything.

  “How did you find me by the way?” Miranda asked.

  “The old lady in the bookstore” Leofric replied. “She knew where they took you and she gave me some maps to help find you”.

  “That was nice of her” Miranda replied.

  “It was indeed” Leofric added.

  “Listen Leo there’s something I should tell you” Miranda started. I promised myself that I would tell him about my feelings if I ever saw him again. Well here he is, it’s now or never Mira. Just come out with it, if I can kill a monster I can tell a boy I like him. “It’s about us” she stuttered.

  “Go on” Leofric said.

  “It’s about us and it’s about...” Miranda trailed off, her courage failing her.

  “Take your time” Leofric mentioned.

  “Well it’s just that…” Miranda drifted off again. Come on you can do this.

  “Maybe save it for when we’ve left the tunnels” Leofric suggested.

  “Well I kind of made a pro-” Miranda started before she stopped at as voices came into audible range.

  “It was Talorc’s fault that the prince escaped” came a harsh, deep voice.

  “He didn’t listen to the crow” came another voice. “He went in alone before anyone else”.

  “Talorc was a fool and he got what he deserved” came a slimy, spittle ridden voice. The beasts are back!

  Leofric took Miranda by the wrist and they jogged silently to the tunnel the rat hunting monsters had come from. “You go first” Leofric whispered pushing her up and into the tunnel. Miranda clambered in and then helped Leofric up, the two of them trying to be as silent as possible. “Flachu and Gartneit had better caught some rats, I’m hungry” came a booming voice.

  “If they haven’t them
I’m hunting human” came the slimy voice.

  “What? They’re dead!” cried out another voice. There was a chorus of growls and roars. “Search the tunnels!” the booming voice ordered. “Find the humans!”. Miranda and Leofric jogged down the tunnel, careful not to make too much noise. “There they are!” snarled a voice from behind them. Miranda turned to see a beast pointing at them from the tunnel’s entrance. There were roars and Miranda saw beasts swarm around the tunnel’s opening, clambering to get in. “They’re coming!” she cried out to Leofric. “Run!” the prince yelled back. They broke out into a full blown sprint, racing down the tunnel, into its dark depths. They ran for another one hundred metres before they came to a fork in the road, two separate tunnels beckoning before them. Leofric took out a piece of paper and analysed it, before pointing at the tunnel on the left. “This is the one” he said and they both proceeded to race down it. Behind them Miranda could hear the roars and shouts of the beasts as they thundered down the tunnel, their maws craving blood.

  The tunnel was dim and at times Miranda had no idea what was in front of her. When Leofric stopped she followed his cue and did the same. In front of them was a ladder built into the side of the wall, it lead up to the ceiling. Leofric pulled out the piece of paper again and squinted over it. Miranda felt her mind scream at her with agitation, it wanted her to sprint, sprint far away from the oncoming voices behind them. “This is the way out” Leofric declared putting the paper away. “You go first!” he said, “when you reach the top just push to dislodge the manhole”. Miranda wordlessly complied, grabbing hold of the rungs and pulling herself upward. She made quick progress, reaching the top of the ladder and then reaching out to push at the ceiling. Nothing budged. Below her Leofric climbed upwards, stopping just below her. The voices became ever louder. “Just push it” Leofric said encouragingly. Miranda reached out and pushed again but nothing happened. She could feel panic rising inside of her chest. Did Leo get this wrong? Are we going to die down here?


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