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Brilliant: Book One of the StarCruiser Brilliant Series

Page 32

by Rick Lakin

  “Very well, Pilot. Ani, can you magnify the pad on the left screen?”

  The screen now showed the helipad in detail. “There are Ellie and Hanna off to the side. Engineer, drop the ramp as soon as we touchdown.”

  “Engineer, aye.”

  “Sick Bay, are you ready for the transfer?”

  “Yes, Captain,” Dr. Ami replied.

  “Lorena, as you were speaking, several people were pointing, and I spotted an aircraft descending from almost directly overhead. I can confirm that it's neither a helicopter nor a fixed-winged aircraft. Someone nearby has binoculars. Sir, can you identify the aircraft?”

  “It looks like Brilliant. It's StarCruiser Brilliant,” the man said.

  “I cannot confirm that report. Wait, it does have the same form factor. I see the familiar coloring. The aircraft just banked for an upwind approach. It is getting very noisy here on the helipad.”

  “You are seeing what our camera aboard NewsChopperFive is seeing. Bernard, we cannot believe it either.” Lorena interjected.

  As the Brilliant made its steep turn, it presented the classic plan view from an angle directly above the center of the craft. It leveled out, lowered its landing struts, and smoothly dropped to the helipad.

  Bernard Gonzalez was drowned out by the noise for a few seconds. “Ladies and gentlemen, I can now confirm that at two-forty-seven p.m., June 25, 2067, StarCruiser Brilliant, a supposedly fictional spacecraft from the movies of the same name, has landed on the helipad here at Hollywood Methodist; apparently after returning from outer space. Brilliant’s ramp is dropping, and now the hospital's trauma team is boarding the ship with a gurney. Ellie Masing has moved to the foot of the ramp. Here comes the gurney down the ramp carrying a patient. I cannot confirm the identity of the patient, but I can report that he's surrounded by medical equipment that would indicate that this patient is in very serious condition. Ellie Masing has taken the hand of the unconscious patient,” Gonzalez let the video play out. “Next down the ramp is Jack Masing, who hugs his wife. She appears to be crying. Now, the trauma team is quickly moving the patient and the family to the elevator. I see Hanna Kelrithian. Hanna, can you tell us who the patient is?”

  There were tears in her eyes. “It’s our David. It’s David Masing,” Hanna said.

  “I can now confirm that David Masing, the nineteen-year-old son of Ellie and Jack Masing and co-star with his father, has been taken in to Hollywood Methodist Hospital. We'll get updates on his condition as soon as we can.

  “Two more people have come down the ramp, including a teenage female. I confirmed from facial recognition that the female is Jennifer Gallagher, an intern at Tovar Studios. The second person is her step-father, renowned neurosurgeon Allan Goldstein. Jennifer's going back up the ramp into the ship. The doctor is coming toward the elevator. Dr. Goldstein, can you comment on the condition of David Masing?”

  “David is in extremely critical condition and requires the transplant of multiple organs. Hollywood Methodist is well-known in our area for their ability to regenerate organs for transplant.”

  “Will you be doing the surgery?” asked Gonzalez.

  “Dr. Ami is the Artificial Medical Intelligence on board Brilliant. She's a resident at this hospital and will perform the surgery with my assistance, along with the excellent trauma team here.”

  “Can you tell us how David received his injuries?”

  “I have no comment on that.”

  “Why is your step-daughter on board?”

  “She's going to fly the Brilliant back to Tovar,” Allen said. “I have to go to work.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” Gonzalez said. “This story gets more interesting. According to her step-father, the Brilliant is being piloted by a seventeen-year-old intern at Tovar Studios. Hanna Kelrithian has now gone to the foot of the ramp. Joining her is Navilek Kelrithian, her husband. They ascended back up the ramp.”

  Jennifer returned to the pilot’s seat, now in command of the Brilliant for the short journey back to Tovar. “First Lieutenant, do we have everyone on board?”

  “I think Hanna is coming with us.”

  “Very well, tell us when we can raise the ramp.”

  “Captain, everyone is aboard. We are clear to depart.”

  “Engineer, raise the ramp. Report when ready for departure."

  "First Officer, the ship is sealed. Brilliant is ready.”

  Bernard was quite as others yelled instructions, “We are being directed to clear the helipad. The ramp on the Brilliant is being retracted, apparently, in preparation for immediate departure. The noise is increasing, and yes, the Brilliant is rising. The landing gear has retracted. Brilliant has now turned to the North.” The reporter let the video speak for itself as the Brilliant slowly ascended. The noise subsided. “To sum up this historic day, StarCruiser Brilliant has returned to Earth and has delivered its young pilot, David Masing to this hospital. According to Dr. Allen Goldstein, Masing is in extremely critical condition awaiting multiple organ transplants. StarCruiser Brilliant has departed at low altitude in the direction of Tovar Studios, reportedly piloted by a seventeen-year-old girl. In Hollywood, this is Bernard Gonzalez, KLAX NewsFive. Lorena?”

  “Thanks to the excellent reporting of Bernard Gonzalez. To our viewers in the Southland and those watching on the networks, you are watching Breaking Coverage of The Return of StarCruiser Brilliant. I'm Lorena Nancarrow. You are watching live pictures as NewsChopperFive is flying along with Brilliant. Its apparent destination is Tovar Studios. The spacecraft is now descending and has landed at Tovar Studios. Stay tuned for our continuing coverage of this historic day, The Return of StarCruiser Brilliant. We’ll be right back.”

  Jennifer was busy flying Brilliant back to its home. She didn't see the reunion behind her as a mother was united with her son and introduced to her grand-daughter.

  “Landing gear's down; Touchdown. Engineer, make the ship safe and lower the ramp.”

  “Ramp is coming down.”

  “Ani, shut down all flight systems and place the reactor in ground standby.”

  Tayla shutdown operations at Ops, Anthen secured the Science Station.

  “Dad, it’s nice to have you back,” Jennifer said. For the first time, her new grandparents, her new half-sister, and her father gathered in a group hug. Jennifer’s new family made their way to the ramp and Jennifer remained on the Bridge.

  “First Officer, the ship is in shutdown mode. I can make it off the ship with Tayla’s help,” Riley said.

  “Very well, Engineer. Exit the ship.”

  “First Lieutenant, make shutdown and security reports.”

  “First Officer, auxiliary systems are shut down in maintenance mode. The ramp is open.”

  “Very well, exit the ship with my compliments on a job well done.”

  “First Officer, the reactor is in ground standby mode,” Ani said.

  “Operations and Weapons are shut down,” Tayla said. “Communications in monitor and record. We did it, Girlfriend.”

  “Great job, you two.”

  With Tayla’s help, Riley went below to the ramp.

  Jennifer stood alone on the Bridge. “We did it, Ani. We brought Anthen home.”

  “Yes, Jennifer, it happened exactly the way you played it out on the simulator.”

  “Yes, it did.”

  “But, how did you know about Kalinda? That can’t be the vision thing.”

  “Shhh,” Jennifer said. “A girl’s gotta have her secrets. I'm ready to be relieved, Ani.”

  “I have the ship,” Ani said. “Be careful; I hear SoCal traffic's dangerous at this time of the day.”

  Jennifer descended from the bridge.

  Sheila stood with Ana and Steven at the foot of the ramp. Maiara was the first down the ship, and she walked around to verify that all was secure. Then Hanna and Navvy came down the exit with a very familiar-looking man with a dark-haired ten-year-old at his side. They walked up to Sheila. “Anthen,” Sheila said.
  “Sheila,” Anthen said. They hugged cautiously. “You raised our daughter to be wonderful young woman and an excellent officer. She saved the ship with her leadership.”

  He still has those damned eyes. “I think she got some of that from you,” Sheila said. “I've missed you.”

  Anthen decided this should go another direction. “Sheila, you have a wonderful husband as well. He got my memory back, and he saved David,” Anthen said. “I'd like you to meet my daughter, Kalinda.”

  “Welcome to Earth, Kalinda,” Sheila said.

  “Kalinda, this is Jennifer’s mother,” Anthen said.

  “May I visit Jennifer some time?” Kalinda said.

  Sheila saw the blue-green eyes and could sense the intelligence behind them. “Something tells me it will be hard to keep you two apart.”

  Tayla and Riley came down the ramp. Tayla ran and hugged her mother as Riley slowly made his way. “Was it exciting?” Ana asked.

  Tayla responded, “You should have seen Jennifer. She led us back to the Camdex, and we defeated it. And I bagged a drone fighter.” She looked at Sheila. “You should be proud of Jennifer. She's an amazing First Officer. Oh, yeah, she got promoted. That’s why she's the last one down. She's in command.”

  Finally, Jennifer came down the ramp alone. Navvy started to clap, then the crew members, and then everyone present. She paused at the ramp looked back up into the ship, then walked and then ran to her mother.

  “We made it, and we brought Dad home.”

  They hugged. And then Sheila said, “You saved the Brilliant again?”

  Jennifer looked back at the Brilliant and said, “Yeah, I guess I did.”

  Jennifer went to each person on the ground and hugged them and then came back to her mother. “Mom, there’s no place like home.”

  “Yes, Dorothy, but I'm pretty sure your ruby slippers are on the top deck of StarCruiser Brilliant.”


  On August 19, 2067, Jennifer Gallagher drove past the guard at the gate of Tovar Studios on the final day of her summer internship. After exiting red Prius, she took the long way to Sound Stage Four and passed now familiar landmarks. The back lot contained the memories of every Hollywood studio. Information Technology was where she met Grayson and began working on the HoloPads, which revolutionized the workflow on the lot. She passed the Executive Offices where she would end her day and end her internship. As she approached soundstage alley, she visited one last important area: where Brilliant was stored. It was the ship that brought her to Tovar, and it would keep her at Tovar Studios as a filmmaker and as First Officer of StarCruiser Brilliant.

  She entered Sound Stage Four and went to Craft Services to get her second double-shot caramel Frappuccino of the day. “Hello, Bill,” she addressed the Lead Gaffer.

  “Hello, Intern Girl. It’s your last day. What do I call you now? Producer Girl? Writer Girl? Director Girl?”

  “Call me Jen. I might be different things on different days,” Jennifer said.

  “I will if you will hire me to light your first scene.”

  “I'll do that, Bill.”

  Jennifer entered the Writers’ Room and took her seat five minutes early. Gia Bianchi and James Weldon arrived soon after. “Susie's late as usual,” Gia said. Susie was never late.

  Susie came in at the top of the hour carrying a cake with Jennifer’s name on it. Gia stood up. “You brought your excellent writing skills to this room along with your HoloPads and their Jedi tricks. We know we'll see you again, but today you are no longer an intern. We look forward to working with you to bring your first picture to the screen.” Susie started cutting the cake, and James handed her a package. When she opened it, she found a black t-shirt with only three words:




  She thanked everyone, and they got to work finishing up the sides for next week’s scenes.

  A few minutes before nine, Jennifer brought a bowl of granola and a carton of milk to Nessa Buskirk who was conversing with her shirtless Dionysus in a very efficient manner to get her day together.

  “This is your last day as an intern?” Nessa said.

  “Yep. And thanks for all of the help.”

  “Seriously, I was a mess, and you fixed me. With kindness, healthy food, and incredibly cool toys.”

  “You’re still my boss.”

  “Until you hire me for your first picture.”

  “Until then, is there anything you need before I work for Chris?”

  “Haven’t you been directing the last two weeks?”

  “Moi? I am not a member of the guild.”

  “Good morning, Chris.” Jennifer took a director’s chair next to Christopher Cherry, the titular director of this episode of Star Doctor. In fact, Jennifer directed the last two episodes under his supervision. Today was the last day of the current series installment.

  Nessa came over and presented the script order to Jennifer. Then Jennifer walked over to the DP, the Director of Photography, and Bill, the Lead Gaffer, to discuss the setup for the morning’s scenes. Finally, Jennifer met with Dr. Ami and her co-stars to explain how she wanted the scenes to come across. Jennifer returned to her chair next to Chris. She asked the Assistant Director to call for places and the day’s shooting schedule began.

  At precisely two minutes before noon, Jennifer ordered the AD to announce, “That’s a wrap.”

  Jennifer expected the crew to secure their equipment, strike the set, power down the lights, and roll up cables. But none of that happened. Instead, Navvy Kelrithian, walked onto the set along with another gentleman in a suit who, Jennifer noticed, had been observing all morning.

  “Jennifer, you are in big trouble. You have been violating union rules,” Navvy said.

  Jennifer’s face took on the same crimson as her hair. “But….”

  The Suit began speaking, “Miss Gallagher, I am the President of the Director's Guild. You have been violating the rules of the Guild by directing episodes of this program. Normally that would result in large fines for both you and the studio. But Guild Member Cherry has monitored your progress, kept a record of your accomplishments, and endorsed your application for membership. Therefore, in the presence of Guild Members Kelrithian and Cherry, the tradespeople working on this production, and myself, I hereby appoint you a member in good standing of the Director’s Guild with the all benefits and emoluments to come thereof. Congratulations, Miss Gallagher.” The soundstage erupted in applause.

  Jennifer took a deep breath, accepted the praise, and issued a big hug to Chris. After that, the crew began quickly and efficiently striking the set and going to lunch.

  “One p.m. My office,” Navvy said.

  Before she left the set, she received one last visit.

  “You look very happy; the praise is well deserved, Jennifer,” Dr. Ami said.

  “Not without you, Dr. Ami. You saved David. I just came along and did my job,” Jennifer said.

  “You don’t realize how much you have changed our studio, do you?”

  “I know that I got to learn some things and do some things I am pretty good at.”

  “Jennifer, you have the most dynamic, inspiring leadership skills of anyone whom I've studied in history. You gave me the opportunity to become a great surgeon so that I could save David. You helped Nessa get out of her own way. And, most importantly, you brought Navvy’s son back and allowed him to look past his next project toward being a grandfather. Everyone you've met up with has solved problems, grown more competent, and become empowered because they interacted with you. Everyone at Tovar would follow you into any battle simply because of their confidence in your leadership. That is your superpower, Jennifer Gallagher. Not your IQ, your leadership,” Dr. Ami said.

  “What can I say to your wonderful words? I am just a lowly intern.”

  Dr. Ami saw the twinkle in Jennifer’s eye. “And Brilliant is just the name of a starship.”

  They hugged once more.

  Piper Simmons and Steven Mendoza solved the power problem, and the VirtualLocation40 system was ready to go on location with forty drones as JennaTech’s first product. The Wireless Power base station was six months away from commercial release. Tech writers predicted that it would have an enormous impact on Public Wi-Pow. Scarlett assumed publicity and marketing for JennaTech, and Jennifer was in demand as an inspirational young entrepreneur.

  Over the last few weeks, Jennifer spent much of her free time at Hollywood Methodist Hospital in David Masing’s room. The first few days had been nerve-wracking until Dr. Ami announced that David was out of the woods. David moved from the hospital to a short stint in a physical rehabilitation center, and he was now getting around with a cane for a few more weeks.

  She spotted David in the parking lot, “You're invited to this as well? Mom messaged that she is coming as well.”

  “Dad said to be here, so here I am,” David said. They walked arm-in-arm into the office.

  Kathy greeted them, “They are meeting in the Conference Room.”

  “Did I hear that you are retiring?” Jennifer asked.

  “Not officially and only semi-retiring.”

  She entered the Conference Room and was surprised to see Tayla and Riley as well. Navvy started the meeting, “Jennifer, what is the status of VirtualLocation40/”

  The system will be on location starting the first week in September, covering rehearsal and getting the bugs out. We'll be ready.”

  “Good,” Navvy said.

  “Navvy, I have a question.”


  "If I can work around school, may I go on location?”

  “Your mother and I already discussed that, and yes, you will be on location.”

  “Thanks, Navvy.”

  “You will be directing the second unit from the truck. Can you handle that?”

  “Yes, I can. Thank you.”

  “Now, the reason that we are here. The next Brilliant installment goes into production in eighteen months after Galaxy Warrior. I believe that we have a workable storyline to adapt from and we need a script. That title will be 'The Pirate Returns.’ Jennifer, will you put this on your to-do list?”


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