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Engage (Disciples' Daughters Book 3)

Page 6

by Drew Elyse

  “What the fuck are you thinking?” he demanded.

  “I…what?” I stuttered.

  “Why the fuck would you wear something like that here? Fuck. Why the fuck are you even here?” he kept at me.

  I shook my head a bit. “I don’t…”

  “Are you trying to make me fucking crazy?”


  He stared down at me, his eyes on fire, jaw clenched, nostrils flaring. He looked terrifying and hotter than anything I’d ever seen in my life. I wanted to run away, I wanted to kiss him, and I wanted him to shove up my dress and take care of the ache between my legs.

  His hand came up, grasping my neck, his thumb pushing at the underside of my jaw. I capitulated, letting him raise my head.

  “You dress like that to get one of those motherfuckers out there to take you home?” he growled.


  He leaned in even closer, his hold at my neck getting firmer. He was nearly there. If I stretched up at all, I’d be able to kiss him. But I couldn’t, not with his physical and mental hold on me. I couldn’t go anywhere until he said.

  “You dress like that to get me to fuck you?”

  I didn’t hesitate. I gave him the answer even I hadn’t known was true until that moment.


  He kissed me, his mouth taking mine with a savage force. His hands locked under my jaw, keeping me still for his onslaught. My submission only seemed to incite him more. He kissed me hard and deep, and I only gave back as much as he let me.

  For the first time since I woke up to unknown men who had broken into my apartment, I felt my mind relax. There was peace in my head even as my body lit up for him. His power, his complete control, gave that to me. I sank deeper into the freeing intoxication.

  He ripped his mouth from mine and the intense gaze he hit me with halted my protest before I voiced it.

  “You go back out there, you stick to one of the brothers. Not Gauge or Sketch who are too occupied with their own women. You stay on one of the guys who won’t be fucking distracted. When I’m finished, they take you to the office and lock you in. I’ll get you when I can. Then, you’re on my bike.”

  I didn’t say a thing, just nodded my agreement.

  “Tonight, you’re mine, pet.”

  Oh my God.

  I was too dumbstruck to even move my head to agree.

  “Ember?” he demanded.

  “Yes,” I squeaked.

  “Yes, sir,” he corrected.

  Oh. My. God.

  “Yes, sir,” I echoed.

  His mouth crashed into mine again, kissing me for an unrelenting moment until my lungs ached with the need for air. Only then did he pull back and grab onto my arm, hauling me out into the fray. He led me once more through the parting crowd until he came to Ace.

  Over the rumbling noise of the room, I heard him order Ace not to leave my side and to put me in the office when it was done, just as he’d demanded of me. Then, without a goodbye to Ace or a word to me, he disappeared into the mass of people.

  Ace looked down at me, his eyebrows raised, his face contemplative.

  “What did you get yourself into?” he asked.

  I didn’t answer him.

  I had no idea.

  I needed to focus. I needed to get my fucking head together, but all I could think about was Ember. How she looked in that goddamn skintight dress. How she submitted like a fucking dream. How I could feel the heat of her pussy against my leg.

  For the first time in my life, I didn’t want to fight. I wanted to get the fuck out of there and take her.

  I got through the crowd, going into the hall where we’d put together rooms for the fighters. Knocking on the doors for the first two up, I hollered, “Ten minutes!” I didn’t stick around for their responses. I went to the last room and stepped in.

  Doc was already inside, ready to get me out to the ring, but there were two fights before mine.

  “Water, now,” he demanded.

  I wanted something a fuck of a lot stronger than water, but that wasn’t an option. The air conditioning didn’t function fully in the basement and the room was warm already. After the first two fights were finished, it would be hot—too hot for a fighter who wasn’t hydrated.

  Without argument, I did as Doc told me, chugging down half a bottle. By the time I went out, I’d have a full two down.

  “Any concerns?” he asked.

  “Right shoulder’s been tense.”

  He came over, standing behind me while he worked my right arm with no finesse whatsoever. I had no fucking clue if he’d once had a decent bedside manner, but he didn’t have one anymore.

  “You going out to watch the other fights?” he asked.

  “Yeah. One of ‘em wants to challenge me. Told him he had to earn it. Need to see what I’ll be dealing with if he wins.”

  “Then you ain’t got time for heat. Try to keep moving it a bit while you’re out there. Don’t let it tighten up,” he said with a slap on my back.

  When I stood, my shoulder already felt looser. Doc knew his shit.

  I got out into the main room just as the first two fighters were announced and made my way forward to the circle, not a soul saying a goddamn thing as they let me through. I was positioned right at the edge when the ring-card girl made her way out and the good shit started.

  The guy I was there to see, Dustin, was practically a kid. Twenty-one, obviously trained, but I’d put him through his paces with one of the trainers at the gym before I’d give him a place on the ticket. He told me he’d been in boxing and martial arts classes since he was a kid. Had to be said, I had no fucking clue if that meant he’d hack it down here. Fighting in sanctioned competition was nothing like the no-holds-barred shit we did. I would know. I’d done my share of both. Only time I’d come anywhere close to having real competition was in the underground shit.

  Dustin’s training was obvious, and it was also obviously hindering him at the start. He was holding back from the kind of hits that would have a ref on his ass. But he caught onto the fault quick. Once he stopped holding back, he took control fast. He was scrappy, but with skill and training behind it that made him formidable. He didn’t realize it—and neither did his opponent—but he was losing his guard on his left every time he struck from the right, and he was favoring his right a lot. That kind of opening, in the right hands, would have him down.

  It took the kid six and a half minutes to K.O. the guy he’d been fighting. His opponent was known on the scene, so the win was met with a chorus of groans from those who lost their bets. It also meant the club was cleaning up.

  With a glance across the room to verify Ace was still on Ember and all was good—something I forced myself to do quickly so I wouldn’t be tempted to go over there and taste her again—I left the room while the crowd kept up their applause for Dustin.

  I stayed in the back hall until the kid came through. He looked at me, waiting for me to speak rather than heading off for the water I could tell he needed.

  “You got another fight. Lining up someone harder. You take him down, you get a shot at me. Hydrate next time and stop dropping your left guard.”

  Then, I went into my room so Doc could get me taped up and ready for my own time in the circle.

  Two shots. That’s all the motherfucker facing off with me got in. I gave him the first. It was bad fucking manners not to let them have one. Not to mention, if I never let them land a hit at all, it was harder to get people to bet against me. The best money came from the morons who did.

  The second hit came when I saw the flash of blue in my vision. I couldn’t fucking control it. My eyes went to her. Her gaze was fixed on me, her fisted hands up high below her chin, like she was so into the fight, she was planning out the next move I should make.

  The fist had hit me then, right at the shoulder, and I’d earned it. It was not the fucking time to be distracted by her.

  I dodged the next two swings he took, then landed a kick to
his ribs. He stumbled back, then charged in an uncoordinated, rage move. That’s when I was done. I’d fight a decent opponent, but I wasn’t going to deal with some sloppy fuck letting feelings into the circle.

  It took ten seconds, three moves. One elbow to the ribs I’d already hit, one kick to the knee he’d been babying the whole time to take him to ground, and a kick to the head for the knockout. Then, it was over.

  Daz stepped over the passed out fucker and yelled into the megaphone, “And the motherfucker takes it again!”

  I let him lift one of my arms in the air, giving everyone a chance to cheer or boo, like I gave a shit whether they’d won or lost cash on me. My eyes moved back to where Ember had been. She was still there, but Ace was preparing to take her away. Before he got her to move, though, I saw the big eyes, the slight part to her lips, the flush in her cheeks. She was aroused. Watching me destroy that bitch had worked her up.

  Fuck. It was time to get the fuck out of there.

  I didn’t say a word to Daz, just pulled my arm free and walked away. He knew the drill. I wasn’t in it for the fucking attention. I was in it for the fight. With that over, I had much better things to do.

  Doc was ready when I got to the back, water bottle and towel in hand. He didn’t talk through the fight with me or give me pointers. I knew my strengths, and I knew when I made a mistake the second I made it. I could analyze my own fight at twice the speed someone else could. Doc was there to see to my body and because he wouldn’t fucking run his mouth endlessly while he did.

  “Anything off?” he asked. I shook my head. “Then I’m out.” And he was, a second later.

  I wiped myself off with the towel, drank the bottle of water, and ripped the tape from my hands. Throwing my shirt, shoes, and cut back on, I got out of there too.

  The place was, like always, a madhouse with the fights over. Those who had done their betting wisely were seeking out whichever brother they’d placed them with. Payouts were being handed out, but not without the club taking their cut. The crowd was a big one and there seemed to be a lot of people walking away with nothing. Some would have bet against me, some would have lost on the second fight, but the majority had bet against Dustin. The kid would get a cut of that money—a cut that would be substantially larger because the point spread hadn’t been in his favor.

  I saw Ace a few feet away, counting bills to hand to one of the shop’s mechanics. He met my eyes and tilted his head up the stairs. He’d deposited Ember up there like I’d asked. Good deal.

  It took ten minutes to get up to the main floor. The stairs to the basement weren’t exactly wide and the night’s losers were all heading out. It could have been a chance for me to shake off the adrenaline from the fight. Instead, I felt myself get more amped with each step. She had me ready to fucking blow and I wanted to punish her for it.

  I broke away from the crowd, striding full speed across the dark gym and up the half flight of stairs to the office door. I never spent much time in there. I had no fucking desire to be stuck behind a desk. If I was at the gym, I wanted to be on the floor, watching how the training was going. Mostly, I used the room because of the elevated view and one-way mirror. I could watch without everyone knowing I was checking in.

  The door was locked, like I’d asked, and I didn’t have the key. The second I pounded on it, Ember pulled it open and I charged, slamming it and flipping the lock again behind me.

  “You didn’t ask who it was,” I pointed out.

  “I saw you coming,” she answered.

  I took that mouth. I didn’t want to hear words, I wanted to taste her and feel her give me what I wanted. She did, spectacularly. That submission, it wasn’t a fluke before, it wasn’t even a decision she made. It was instantaneous, intuitive, natural. It was fucking perfection.

  With my hand at the back of her neck, fisting in her soft hair, I pulled her back.

  “I wanted to wait. I wanted to take my time to show you how I feel about how fucking crazy you’re making me. That’ll come later. Now, I need to fuck you,” I told her.

  “Yes, sir,” was her breathy answer.

  I backed her into the leather sofa sitting on one wall, half of it beneath the window.

  “On your knees, face the glass,” I instructed. She did right away.

  Forcing myself to step away from her ready, willing body, I walked over to the desk and rifled through a drawer. I knew there were condoms in the fucking thing. More than one of the brothers had brought someone up here during a fight night. Finding one, I snatched it up and went back to stand behind Ember.

  She didn’t turn around to look at me. She kept herself facing the window where we could see the crowd still filing out from the basement. I ran a hand up the side of her thigh, feeling her jump a bit at the touch before she settled into it.

  “Good girl,” I praised. “Keep your eyes forward. Keep looking at all of them. Do you think they can see you?”

  I hoped like fuck she hadn’t noticed the one-way mirror when she’d walked through the gym. I wanted her thinking the only thing that might keep the men down there from seeing me fuck her was the darkness.

  “I don’t know,” she whispered with a tremor in her voice that was all desire.

  My rising hand pushed her dress up around her waist. She had on a thin pair of panties that cut high across her ass cheeks, highlighting the curves of each smooth cheek even more. I didn’t want to play then, I wanted to take the edge off and get her back to my place where I could use her properly. But that ass was too fucking tempting.

  I brought my hand down hard on one cheek, then the other. She cried out a bit, but arched her back in a silent request for more. I gave it to her, landing ten more smacks, five on each cheek, until they started to glow.

  That was all I could take. Her red cheeks, her moans, and the way she had her ass arched up high for me had me ready to fucking burst. Getting my cock out and sheathed took seconds, but they were seconds I hated taking. I couldn’t wait any more. Even taking her panties off was too much time wasted, so I just pulled them to the side. Her bare pussy came into view, swollen and dripping wet from the spanking I’d given her. Fuck, I was going to have fun with her.

  “You ready for me?”

  “Yes,” she whimpered.

  I slammed into her, full force, barking out a curse at the feel of her tight, hot cunt squeezing my dick. She cried out, but pushed her ass back against me, holding me deep. I grabbed onto her hip, my other hand going into her hair to grip it hard at the base of her head. Then, I gave it to her.

  I fucked her hard, fast, unrelenting. I pounded into her sweet little body, holding her in place so she had no choice but to take my cock how I gave it to her. She gripped my cock tighter with every thrust, until I was nearly blinded by the feel of it.

  “You need to come, pet,” I warned her.

  “Oh God,” she moaned.

  I pushed her head down, bringing her ass up even higher, and let loose. She screamed as I fucked her for all I was worth, feeling her wetness soak down her thighs until, just in fucking time, she flew apart. As she spasmed around my cock, I buried myself in as deep as I could get and came on a roar I couldn’t contain.

  Holy. Shit.

  I couldn’t…

  I didn’t…

  There were no words. There was barely a coherent thought in my head.

  I came so hard, for a moment, I thought I was going to black out. My heart was still pounding, my lungs burning, my body so overwrought, I couldn’t move.

  “Jesus. Fuck,” Jager muttered.

  Yeah, what he said.

  He pulled out of me slowly, then collapsed beside me. I didn’t move except to let my head fall onto the couch and my back to relax. We spent a long time like that, coming down from what we just shared. It was about the time I relaxed, my body finally catching up, that he stood. I heard him moving, the crinkle of the condom wrapper he’d thrown aside as he disposed of it, his zipper going back up. Then, he placed his hand softly on my

  “Up, pet. I’m not done with you yet.”

  Oh, God. I didn’t know if I could take more, but I got up anyway. He handed me some tissues to clean myself up and stood silently while I did. When I was decent again, my dress and panties fixed, my hair finger-combed back into place, he went to the door and led the way out.

  Silence seemed to be Jager’s modus operandi, which made me super uncomfortable. Generally, talking was mine. I didn’t like quiet, particularly not the awkward, weighty kind that followed being fucked within an inch of your life by a man you barely knew. The urge to talk just to fill the space was intense. I tried to quell it, but it was no good.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “My place.”

  Huh. His place. Since I’d been around, I’d seen him at the clubhouse every day and was almost certain he’d spent every one of those nights in his bed there. Not that I was keeping tabs on him or anything.

  I totally was. But whatever.

  The point was, I hadn’t expected him to have a place of his own. I thought he just lived at the clubhouse. Now, I not only had that information, but I was going to see his home for myself.

  I followed behind him, trying not to stare at his huge back while I thought about all this, until we made it to the bottom of the half flight of stairs leading to the main gym floor. I was surprised to see people still milling about, casually making their way from the basement stairs to the front door. I expected everyone to be gone in the time we’d been…well, occupied.

  “People are still here?” I voiced the thought.

  “Takes a while to get payouts dealt with,” Jager explained as he kept walking.

  That meant most of the Disciples would still be down there, handling that. None of them would see us leaving. Or, they wouldn’t see us leaving from the office upstairs. Who knows who saw Jager pulling me from the basement. Ace knew. Gauge had to know something.


  This I hadn’t thought through. They were my dad’s brothers, all of them, Jager included. It’s not like I lived under any delusion that Dad thought I was still a virgin or anything, but that didn’t mean he’d be comfortable with me starting whatever this was with one of the Disciples. Not to mention, he usually came to my room at night before turning in. What would he do when I wasn’t there? He’d have no clue where I was and after what had already happened…


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