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The girl most likely to…

Page 13

by Susan Donovan

  I should probably warn you that I'm on a truth kick, she said. I've gone through some big changes lately, and I've decided that the only way to live from here on out is to tell the truth, no matter what. So you might want to take your towel and escape while you can.

  Jeff tipped his head in interest. How's that approach working out for you?

  Kat laughed. It's a long story.

  I got time. Our pre sen ta tion isn't until tomorrow.

  Kat saw genuine interest on the man's face, but she shook her head. I don't think so.

  Why don't you start at the beginning? That's usually a good place. Then you can just build on that.

  Kat frowned. You mean, like, with my childhood?


  You have no idea what you're getting into.

  Jeff shrugged. Take me for an example. I was one of three kids, born and raised in Vermont. My dad was a middle school principal and my mom ran a day-care center. I went to Yale on scholarship and got my degree in engineering. I'm thirty-two. Never been married.

  Wow, Kat said. I must have missed that sign-up sheet.

  And you?

  Kat reached for her watered-down ginger ale and drank every warm, fizzless drop that remained. I was born in a West Virginia coal-mining town, she said.

  He laughed. That's a good one.

  It's not a joke.

  Oh. Jeff looked mortified. Sorry.

  It was also a college town. My father was an art professor and a wife beater. My mother was a house wife who was scared of her own shadow. One Wednesday when I was sixteen, I found out I was pregnant, got thrown out of school, kicked to the curb by my boyfriend, and then went home to find my dad out in his sculpting studio, screwing the governor's wife.

  The state had commissioned him to do her bust, but I guess he decided to go ahead and do all of her.


  He saw me watching them. He sent the woman packing and then got in his car and drove off. My mom came home a couple minutes later. She'd been at the grocery. She found me out in the studio where I'd smashed the bust to a million pieces.

  Jeff stared.

  My mom told me my dad would kill me when he found out. I cried and told her I was pregnant. She gave me all the cash she had hidden in the cookie jar and then kicked me out.

  Oh my God.

  So I hitchhiked on a lumber truck and was taken in by a woman in Baltimore who played bingo for a living and had up to forty-seven parakeets at a time. Her name was Phyllis and she helped hide me so my family could never find me. I had my baby. He's a sophomore at Johns Hopkins now. He wants to cure cancer.

  Jeff's mouth hung open.

  I got my GED and then an associate's degree from a community college.

  I've worked as a florist for seventeen years, can you imagine? Then Phyllis died a few months ago and left me stinking rich. Apparently, she'd invested all her bingo winnings in communication and tech stocks.

  So I went with Nola thereKat pointed over her shoulderto Manhattan, where we got outrageous head-to-toe make overs and then came up with the brilliant idea that I should go back to my hometown and get revenge while I still looked good, which we did about a week ago.

  Jeff leaned toward Kat. I've been meaning to tell you how much I love your cut.


  So? What happened?

  Well, my father had a heart attack when I showed up in town. Then I learned that my mother died a year ago. Then I realized I might still have feelings for my high school sweetheartmy kid's fatherwho is getting married to another woman in a couple months.


  Yes. But we had incredibly hot sex while I was in townbefore I knew he was engaged. In fact, I was just dreaming about him a minute ago, thinking how every time I've ever touched that man has been like magic.

  Even the first time. And we were just kids. Kat paused. You know, I've only ever experienced sex and love together when I've been with that man. What is /wrong/ with me? I mean, it can't be natural to be hung up on one man your whole life, can it?

  Jeff's lips parted like he wanted to speak, but nothing came out.

  Here's the really interesting part. Kat took a deep breath. I'd always told my son that I didn't know who had gotten me pregnant as a teenager, that I was just another runaway hillbilly slut teenage mother.

  Get /out/ of here!

  So just the other day I had to tell him the truththat he has a father, a father who wanted him all along. I had to tell him I've been lying to him his whole freaking life! And now he won't speak to me!

  Jeff suddenly sat up, swinging his feet over the edge of the lounge chair and shoving them into the sand. He hung his head in his hands and mumbled something that Kat thought ended with the word nightmare.

  Yeah, she said, sighing. It's a mess.

  But aren't you relieved? When Jeff looked up, Kat saw tears in his eyes.

  Aren't you at least glad that the truth is finally out? You'd been carrying the burden of lies for so many years that it's got to feel good to let it go.

  Kat thought about that for a minute.

  Jeff looked worried by her delay in answering. It's a good thing, right?

  Actually, Kat said, it pretty much sucks.

  Oh God! Jeff put his hands on either side of his face and looked nervously out to sea.

  Kat was surprised by the level of his concern. The guy seemed broken up over her story. Hey, I'll be all right, she said.

  Jeff turned back and snapped at her, This is not about you! His outburst was obviously a surprise to him and he groaned. Look, I'm sorry. I do want you to be OK and everythingyou seem like a wonderful personbut I was thinking about /me/. My own lying, stinking mess of a life. I'm..

  . well…

  Kat was having trouble following him. You're what?

  So completely gay, he whispered. I've been hiding all my life, but I've finally fallen in love and I have to come out to my family, friends, even the guys I work with, or I'm just going to explode! Jeff's eyes flickered toward the group down the beach. But after hearing that god-awful account Kat sat up too fast and almost lost her balance.

  Don't say that! She placed her hand on Jeff's forearm. My situation is just a little unusual is all. I'm sure the truth works out really well for most people.

  Jeff stared down at his feet and wiggled his toes in the sand. I don't know.

  By the way, why were you hitting on me so hard if you're gay?

  Jeff raised his eyes and stared at her incredulously.

  Fine, but if you plan to keep posing as a straight man, you need to improve your game. Those were the worst pickup lines I've ever heard.

  Am I interrupting something? Nola's voice had an edge of disapproval to it.

  Kat turned, leaving her hand on Jeff. Not at all. Join us.

  I should be going anyway. Jeff jumped from the lounge and grabbed his towel. Maybe we'll all catch up later.

  Kat was surprised when Jeff leaned down and kissed her cheek and whispered, Thank you, sweetie. She smiled at him.

  Nola wasted no time spreading her towel on the chair and taking Jeff's place. He's cute. Is he any more exciting than the other three?

  You seemed happy enough over there.

  Nola shrugged. I'd rather be getting my freak on than my geek on.

  Kat laughed and lay back down, closing her eyes. You say you're not looking for a man, anyway.

  I'm not, and ten minutes with those weenies reminded me why.

  Jeff was a very nice guy, actually.

  Yeah? Well, I bet Dr. Bohunk wouldn't like him very much.

  Kat hissed. He's gay, Nola. /Riley is gay!/ Kat burst out with a laugh, which hurt her forehead. I was talking about Jeff.

  Thank you, God.

  But don't say anything to his friends, because they don't know. Not yet, anyway.

  Well, all I'm saying is, I think you're glossing over the fact that Riley has been trying to reach you for days.

  There's nothing to say to each other.

You really should talk to himmaybe he's had a falling-out with the future Mrs. Bohunk. Hey! Nola shot straight up with excitement. Maybe Riley was so happy to see you that he's called off the wedding!

  Kat closed her eyes, relieved to retreat behind the shades. Her head pounded harder, which wasn't entirely bad, because at least it gave her something to focus on besides the ache in her heart. /How could Riley be marrying someone else? He was supposed to be with me! How could he love anyone elseever?/ I've told you, Nola. Riley and Aidan know about each other and what happens from here on is between them. There's no future for me and Rileyeven if I wanted one, which I don't.

  Nola chewed on her lip. You should at least hear what the man has to say.

  Can we just drop it for now? I'm on vacation.

  Technically, hon, the rest of your life is nothing but one long vacation. Nola stretched out on the chair with a deep moan of contentment. Not that there's a damn thing wrong with that.

  The presentation was titled /Diabetes Management in Rural Uninsured Populationsa Quarter Century of Failed Policy/, and Carrie's mind churned with fury. Oh, the injustice of it all! How could this have happened? How could something with so much promise be upended this way?

  Kat Cavanaugh would pay.

  Carrie sat front and center in the small statehouse auditorium, crossing her legs and pretending to listen intently. In just minutes, she would be expected to stroll up to the podium and comment on the ongoing study.

  But if the truth be told, she couldn't summon any interest in chronic disease management at this particular moment. While the presenter had droned on about community exercise classes and supervised meal planning, Carrie had been busy sending all of her positive, life-affirming energy toward Riley. Simultaneously, she'd been visualizing Kat Cavanaugh being run over by a garbage truck.

  Carrie heard everyone in the auditorium clap, so she began clapping as well. She looked around, smiling pleasantly, trying to gauge how close the speaker was to wrapping it up. Carrie figured she had at least another ten minutes.

  She would find Kat Cavanaugh's weak spot. Everybody had one. With a head start from Madeline and about three thousand dollars' worth of billable hours from a private detective, Carrie now knew quite a bit about the girl who'd been running around Baltimore using the last name Turner.

  Carrie had had a hearty laugh when she found out how Kat had gotten her money. It turned out she wasn't a call girl after allshe was a flat-out whore! Carrie could only imagine the elaborate web of deceit Kat had spun to get into that unsuspecting woman's will.

  Kat's mother might be dead, but her fathera retired Mountain Laurel professor recovering from balloon angioplastystill lived in Persuasion and might be worth a visit. And then there was the infamous child. Just as Riley said, his name was Aidan, and he'd somehow gotten himself accepted into Johns Hopkins on a lacrosse scholarship, which floored her. She herself had applied there for both undergraduate and medical schools and was rejected both times! It must have been because she was from out of state. And didn't play lacrosse.

  Carrie checked her lipstick in a small compact and let out a big sigh.

  It really did take a lot of nerve to name that kid Aidan. She knew Big Daddy had to be rolling around in his grave at the insult. If Riley weren't so sentimental, he'd get a paternity test on the kid and move on. But Carrie was beginning to realize that Riley needed to believe the child was his. He had such a good heart. He had so much to give. He just wanted to be a father! /Oh, Riley/, she thought, closing her eyes to center herself, /I am open to receive your love. I say yes, yes to your love! And I will give you the son you so desperately want, a son who can carry on the Bohland family name without shame/.

  Her mind drifted to the spat she'd had with the caterer earlier that morning. That diva actually said he refused to drizzle his hollandaise sauce on anything but the finest local or regional asparagus, which would be unavailable in December in West Virginia. Carrie had been stupefied. How simple could it be? She was the bride. She wanted fucking asparagus for the reception. What part of that arrangement didn't he understand?

  Carrie felt a sharp jab on her upper arm and turned in shock to the person who'd obviously assaulted her.

  Wake up, whispered the man in the next seat. He jerked his thumb toward the stage. They just introduced a Dr. Caroline Mathis. That's you, right?


  Come on out, old girl.

  Loretta jumped down onto the quarry road just like Riley ordered, immediately toddling off in search of an exotic scent, her snout to the ground and her white-tipped tail sticking straight up in the air like a furry periscope.

  Riley grabbed his backpack and shut the groaning truck door. Matt sidled up to him and they began to walk.

  You know, I haven't been out here for recreational purposes since the night I left a huge hickey on Brendalee Larson's neck. Matt cringed at the admission. I really felt bad about that.

  Yeah, well, every high school kid in Randolph County regrets something they did out here.

  Matt was silent for a moment; then he said, This was three months ago.

  Riley laughed. Matt had always been more reckless than him. Maybe that was one of the benefits of being the baby of the family, but since birth Matt had seemed to breeze through life unruffled, blessed with a general sense that all would be well. Even when their mother died, Matt had bounced back faster and stronger than Riley did. Such confidence was probably a handy trait for a cop to have. It would likely be handy for anyone. All Riley knew was that he himself had missed out on the happy-go-lucky gene and doubled up on the one that coded for intensity.

  He just prayed to God that Matt would bounce back when he told him about the mortgage. Riley took a breath and began. Matt You talked to Aidan again? Matt asked.

  Riley must have looked unhinged, because Matt frowned at him and asked, Is Aidan OK? Is something wrong?

  Uh, no. He's great. We talk every day. Riley was relieved for the delay.

  I was thinking of going down to Baltimore to see him this weekend.

  Want some company?

  Riley glanced sideways at his brother, suspicious of his sudden enthusiasm. You still hot for Kat's friend?

  Matt grinned. I'm just saying that I could take Friday off and we could drive down together. I'd give you your space with Aidan once we're there.

  Sure, Matt. It would be great for him to meet you.

  And, you know, while I was in town I could take the lovely Miss D'Agliano to a movie or something.

  Riley chuckled. Already track her down?

  Not yet, but I'm workin' on it.

  As they walked, the only sounds were the brush of Loretta's wide body parting the weeds, the beat of their hiking boots on the dirt lane, and the wind in the trees. Riley watched a hawk ride a thermal, effortlessly patrolling hundreds of square miles of old-growth forest and rolling mountains. He was enjoying this so much he decided to find another time for his confession.

  Does Kat know you'll be in Baltimore?

  Riley picked up a piece of quartz from the dirt, admired its shine, and then tossed it into the woods. Aidan isn't talking to her and Kat won't return my calls, so I don't think she'd have any way of knowing.

  Hmm. Matt shoved his hands in his jeans pockets. Sure is a dud of a way to reunite a family.

  How so?

  Well, the motherKatwon't talk to the father, who is you, the son won't talk to the mother, and the mother not only won't talk to her own daddy, but doesn't want her son to have anything to do with his grandfather, which is probably good, because the grandfather doesn't even know he has a grandson.

  Sounds like your average American family to me, Riley said dryly.

  Matt laughed. All I'm saying is that y'all wouldn't get booked on /Montel/ for one of those tear-jerky reunion shows.

  We'll survive somehow.

  Matt kept his observations to himself for the next few minutes, and Riley concentrated on taking in the familiar beauty around him. The colors were unusua
lly concentrated this fall, probably because of the ideal mix of rain and sun they'd had in late summer. Riley did love this place. Though the Monongahela Mountains of West Virginia were in his blood, a day didn't go by when he didn't see the ironythat all he'd ever wanted as a kid was to get out of Persuasion, yet here he was, to stay.

  He often wondered how differently his life would have unfolded if he hadn't gotten Kat pregnant, right here on the quarry road almost twenty years ago to the day, on a blanket spread out no more than a hundred yards from where he now hiked.

  Back then, Riley had truly believed in the beach house and the Colorado ski retreat, the two kids he and Kat would have together, and the happiness that would come to them in due time. But on that October night, his need to be inside Kat was so blinding that it obliterated everything in its pathreason, dreams, and even Big Daddy's dire warnings. And in the following months, as they explored every corner of the sexual wonderland they'd created together, the desire to be with Kat only grew richer, deeper, more concentrated. He loved her. That was a given. But once the mind-blowing pleasure of sex was introduced into the mix, Riley was a drowning mandone forand damn happy about it.

  It was understandable that he'd never forgotten the rush of those first sexual experiences. What was inexplicable was that he'd gotten another taste of Kat just a couple weeks ago and it was as if time had stood still. His heart ignited at the sound of her voice. He wanted her more than ever. It was as if she'd branded his body and spirit with her own all those years ago and he'd always belonged to her, as if no matter where he'd been or what he'd done in his life, he'd only been waiting for Kat to reappear.

  I've got to get her back, Matt.

  Matt didn't say a word in response, just kept his steps in sync with Riley's.

  I think I might still love her.

  Matt swiveled his head around and glared at Riley. He opened his mouth to speak.

  Hold on before you start in on me, Riley warned. I'm serious. I think I still love her. She fucked me over goodOK, I get thatbut from where she sits, I fucked her over, too.

  That's some twisted thinking right there.


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