Frat House Confessions--Brody

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Frat House Confessions--Brody Page 10

by Bethany Lopez

  “I can do that,” I said, thinking I’d have to borrow Wes’s crap mobile.



  “Hey, Marv, how’s it going?” I asked as I got on the bus.

  I’d just left Rosie’s house after spending the evening working on her homework and grabbing a burger at the diner.

  “Still here, so can’t complain,” Marv replied.

  I smiled at him and sat with a relieved sigh.

  I felt like I’d been going at a hundred miles an hour for the last few weeks and it was starting to catch up with me. Getting off my feet was a great first step, but what I really needed was a full eight hours of sleep.

  The good news was that the end of the school year was in sight. The bad … this meant finals were coming up.

  I leaned my head back against the seat and closed my eyes for a moment.

  When my phone vibrated, I reluctantly opened my eyes and opened my messages.

  Hey, Em. I know ur with Rosie, but wanted to check in. I was finalizing plans with my sister Dru for Memorial Weekend and was wondering if you’d want to join. It’ll be for the long weekend at our new lake house. Everyone will be going, plus our sisters and their families. No pressure, but I’d love you to come.

  I’d seen the photos of the lake house the Temple brothers had purchased and it was insane.

  Just the thought of going to a place so fancy and extravagant made me nervous. Add to that their older sisters, brothers-in-law, and niece and nephews and it was enough to give a person hives.

  Still, it would be fun to get away with Brody and hang out with his family, and Lord knows I could use a vacation.

  Can I think about it and let you know?

  It wasn’t the kind of decision I could come to on the spur of the moment.

  Of course


  You want to get together tonight?

  My first instinct was to say yes. Simply because I did want to see him and loved spending time together. But I paused and did a mental check-in with myself and realized I was too tired. I needed to be alone so I could finish up what I needed to do for school and get to bed early.

  So, even though I hated to miss out, I texted, Can’t tonight. Got homework and then hitting the hay early. I’m beat.

  I realized I was holding my breath as I waited for his reply and I wasn’t sure if it was because I was worried he’d be mad, or disappointed by my response.

  No worries. Get some sleep, babe. I’ll ttyt.

  Relief that he wasn’t mad or disappointed hit me and I couldn’t help but grin when I saw he called me babe.

  I must have dozed off after that because in what felt like a few seconds later, Marv was calling out my name to tell me we were at my stop.

  “Thanks, Marv, I guess I fell asleep,” I said as I descended the stairs.

  “Get you some sleep, Emma.”

  “I will. Good night, Marv.”


  I waited until the bus pulled away from the curb and crossed the street.

  When I was almost to the turn off to my building, I saw Mrs. Cline, an elderly lady who’d lived in our building for as long as I can remember, walking with her hands full of grocery bags.

  “Oh, Mrs. Cline, let me help,” I called as I heaved my bag over my shoulder and jogged toward her.

  “Emma,” she said as I put a hand on her shoulder to stop her and ease her load.

  “Let me take those,” I said, taking all of the bags from her and loading up my arms. “I’ll help you to your apartment.”

  “You’re such a dear,” Mrs. Cline said sweetly. “Thank you.”

  She lived on the first floor, so it didn’t take us long to arrive at her door.

  “Do you want me to put these on your table?” I asked as she unlocked the door.

  “Yes, please. Let me get you some cookies. I made them fresh yesterday.”

  “Oh, no, Mrs. Cline, I really must be going.”

  “I insist,” she said, and that was that.

  I couldn’t be rude and risk hurting her feelings. So, I simply said, “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Come, have a seat.”

  I placed her groceries on the table and took a seat while she disappeared into the kitchen.

  I glanced around her space, comforted by the fact it hadn’t changed at all since I’d known her. She still had her curio cabinet full of collectible Hummel figurines, lace doilies on every available surface, and apple cinnamon potpourri in little glass bowls throughout her apartment.

  A few seconds later Mrs. Cline placed a small plate overflowing with snickerdoodles in front of me.

  “You’ll take some to Benny,” she informed me and I nodded in response. “Now, tell me about that handsome young man I’ve seen you with.”

  I almost choked on my snickerdoodle.

  Mrs. Cline’s living room window faced the front of the apartment complex. I’d forgotten one of her favorite pastimes was to watch everyone’s comings and goings.

  “That’s, uh, Brody. He’s really nice. You’d like him,” I managed once I got the cookie down.

  “Is he your new beau?”

  I don’t know … is he?

  “We haven’t really put a label on it, Mrs. Cline.”

  She shook her head and muttered, “You young people today, always afraid of missing out on the next big thing when what you’re waiting for is right in front of you.”

  I blinked at her, the words penetrating deeper than I wanted them to.

  “You may be right,” I admitted, standing up and picking up the plate. “I’ll give these to Benny and get the plate back to you.”

  “Okay, dear, no rush. Thanks again for your help.”

  I smiled and said, “You’re welcome,” then got out of there, intent on an early night.



  I took my time walking into each room and looking at everything in them, while Karrie waited with barely contained excitement.

  Seriously, she looked like she was about to jump out of her skin, which only made me walk slower and spend more time perusing my new apartment.

  I’d gotten the keys and given them directly to her, giving her first access so she could get it all set up. I’ll give her credit; it took her less than a week to have the whole place furnished and my stuff moved over from Wes’s place.

  She’d tagged some new pledges from Delta to help with the heavy lifting.

  I moved from the master bedroom down the hall to the second bedroom, which I’d decided on being a gaming room, with Karrie following quickly behind me.

  I stopped, making her bump into my back, and had to swallow a laugh.

  “Bro, stop fucking with my fiancée,” Ridge growled from behind me.

  “My house, my rules,” I retorted, moving again and then coming up short when I entered the room.

  “Holy shit!” I exclaimed, and heard Karrie squeal.

  The room was fucking awesome. With gaming chairs, two large TVs, built-in shelves with every new gaming system available, and colored lights smattered around, it was a gaming haven.

  “Do you like it?” she asked, finally voicing the question she’d had since we’d entered the front door.

  I turned around and pulled her into my arms.

  “You outdid yourself, Kare-bear. Everything is perfect.”

  “Yay!” she said as she hopped up and down, still in my arms.

  When I let her go I looked at her and was surprised to see her eyes filling.

  “Are you crying?” I asked.

  “My girl’s sensitive,” Ridge said from behind us, then put a hand on my chest and pushed me back. “That’s enough. Hug your own woman.”

  I plan to do much more than that when she comes over later after work.

  “I can’t thank you enough, Karrie. Seriously, I love it,” I assured her, a little uncomfortable with her tears, even if they were happy.

  “I’m so glad. I was worried you’d be disappointed. I
mean, I know you, and was pretty sure I knew what you’d like, but there was one kernel of doubt that kept plaguing me. I’m so relieved you’re happy with it.”

  I reached out and tugged one of her blonde curls affectionately.

  “You’re the best.”

  Karrie put her hands on her cheeks and said, “You’re gonna make me cry.”

  Ridge pulled her into his arms and rubbed her back gently.

  “Bro, why don’t you go order the Chinese?”

  I nodded at my brother and skirted around them to go grab my phone off the kitchen counter.

  Wes and Trixie were going to be joining us soon and we were all having a celebratory dinner in my new apartment. Emma had work, but would be coming by after, so I told her I’d order her favorite, General Tso’s chicken, and save it for her.

  Once I’d placed the order with the delivery app, I moved to my fridge and took out a beer.

  My beer.

  I looked around, my chest puffed up a bit at how good it felt to be on my own, even if I wasn’t actually alone.

  Karrie had listened to my vision and decorated perfectly. The colors were neutral, with clean lines and a modern look. Nothing over the top, except maybe the gaming room, and nothing fussy.

  It was the perfect bachelor pad.

  I heard a quick knock on the door and then the sound of it opening, before Wes called, “Hello?”

  “In the kitchen!” I shouted back.

  Wes walked in with more beer, while Trixie trailed behind carrying a bouquet of flowers.

  “What’s all this?” I asked.

  “Housewarming,” Trixie replied.


  “I wasn’t sure if I should knock or come in, so I did both,” Wes said, thrusting the six-pack of craft beer at me.

  “You don’t have to knock.”

  “What if I don’t knock and you and Emma are engaged in activities?” he asked.

  “Okay, so maybe do what you did today and knock first, then come in,” I clarified.

  “See, I knew it,” Wes told Trixie, who gave him an indulgent smile.

  “The food should be here in twenty minutes,” I said. “Want a tour?”

  “Well, I was here with Karrie for some of it, but, yes, I’d love to see the finished product,” Trixie said gleefully.

  “Sure,” Wes said with a half shrug.

  I gave him the stank eye and he grinned in return.

  “We’ll start in the living room,” I said, putting the beer in the fridge before leading them back the way they came.

  “Nice TV,” Wes said as he took in my seventy-inch. He looked at Trixie and said, “I need to get a bigger one.”

  She slapped him on the arm with a laugh. “No you don’t.”

  We walked down the hall and into the master, then down to the game room.

  “Holy hell, I need one of these,” my brother said, eyes wide as his head swiveled around to take it all in. “I know what I’m doing with Brody’s old room.”

  “I thought you were going to make it a weight room,” Trixie said.

  “I can use the weight room at the clubhouse,” Wes decided. “I really need this.”

  Trixie shook her head and muttered, “Like a hole in the head,” then walked out to leave us alone.

  “Break it in?” I asked, then proceeded to show Wes just how epic my new gaming room was.



  I was rushing through my room, throwing my things into an overnight bag for my first official sleepover in Brody’s new place.

  I was excited he wanted me there, and since I’d had to work late, I was eager to get going.

  “Going somewhere?”

  I looked up to see Benny hovering in my doorway.

  “Yeah, to Brody’s new apartment, remember? I told you about it earlier,” I replied as I looked for some clean socks.

  “How’re you getting there?”

  “The bus. Brody offered to come and get me, but he’s got people over so I don’t want him to have to come out here.”

  “I can give you a ride,” my brother said.

  I glanced up at him and asked, “You have a secret car I don’t know about?”


  I stopped what I was doing and asked, “What?”

  Benny grinned.

  “I bought a car today. Johnny had a line on an old Toyota, reasonably priced, so I bought it.”

  I had so many questions, but I didn’t want to be negative, so I simply asked, “You could afford it?”

  “Yeah, like I said, it was a really good deal. I’ve been saving money every time Johnny pays me, and I had enough. I’m really happy to have my own wheels again. No offense, but I hate the bus.”

  I nodded, because I knew that about him.

  “So, you wanna see it … catch a ride to Brody’s?” he asked, looking more uplifted than I’d seen him in a long time.

  “Sure, I’ll be done in just a sec.”

  I finished packing and went out to find Benny waiting patiently in the living room, keys in hand.

  “Ready,” I told him.

  We walked out and I locked the apartment, then we went down the stairs.

  Before we could get outside, Mrs. Cline’s door opened and she peeked out.

  “Benny, how were your cookies?” she asked.

  He paused and turned to give her a smile.

  “Delicious, Mrs. Cline, as usual.”

  “Good, good … Is that a new car you got out there?”

  “Yes, ma’am, just got it today,” he said, shooting me a look that said, how the hell does she know already?

  “Now you can give your sister a ride. I don’t like her riding that bus all hours of the night. It’s not safe for a young lady…”

  “Yes, ma’am, that’s what I’m doing now, taking Emma to her boyfriend’s house.”

  “Oh, so you came to a decision, did you?” Mrs. Cline asked me and I bit back a groan.

  “Still no label,” I replied and Benny’s gaze shot to me.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked.

  I gave him a look that said, can we talk about this later? But Mrs. Cline answered, “Emma said she and her young man haven’t decided if they’re together or not.”

  “What the hell do you mean?” Benny asked. “You guys are together all the time. Is he not stepping up? Trying to play the field and keep you on the hook? I’ll kill him.”

  I sighed and said, “No, Benny, it’s not like that at all. We just haven’t had the discussion yet, okay?”

  Benny frowned and I said loudly, “We have to go now, Mrs. Cline. I’ll get your plate back to you tomorrow.” Then I put my hands on Benny’s back and literally pushed him out the door.

  By the time we got outside it was too dark for me to see much about the car other than it was an older model and the inside could use some love. But, Benny seemed really happy about it, and it wasn’t my car, so I kept my opinions to myself and told him I liked it.

  Once we were finally driving away from our complex, Benny cleared his throat nervously.

  When I looked over and saw he was chewing his lower lip I asked, “Okay, spill. What do you want to talk to me about? Cause if it’s this whole relationship with Brody thing, don’t worry about it. We just haven’t made anything official yet.”

  “No, it’s not that, although if you need me to have a talk with him … I will.”

  “Then, what is it?”

  “I’ve been talking to Papi and some of the guys, and they want me to come back to Delta … rejoin the frat,” he said, then slid his eyes over toward me before quickly looking back at the road.

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?” I asked, shifting in my seat to face him.

  “Why wouldn’t it be?” he asked, and I swear, I wanted to smack him.

  “Um, maybe because they kicked you out last time with no notice. You lost your home, your brothers, and your position in one fell swoop. Plus, there are always parties. Ho
w will you handle being around alcohol and worse?”

  “If I say I can handle it, I can handle it. You’re going to have to trust me and loosen the strings a little bit.”

  “Loosen the strings?” I asked, suddenly seething.

  “Yeah, Em. You’re all over me all the time. Watching me, mothering me, acting like you’re waiting for me to fall off the wagon at any second. I need you to lay off a bit.”

  He pulled up to the curb in front of Brody’s building and I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt.

  “I’m the only person who’s stuck by your side through all of this. I was there cleaning up after you when you were drunk and picking up the pieces when you had outbursts. I’ve been worried all the time, and now you’re saying I’m smothering you?”

  “Well, I said, mothering,” he stated, but I waved my hand at him.

  “No. You need me to lay off? Fine. This is me laying off. Do what you need to do, Benny. All I want is for you to be happy, you know that.”

  “Em,” he began.

  I stopped him when I shook my head and said, “I’m going to go inside now. I’ll see you tomorrow. And, as for Delta, well, that’s a decision you’ll have to make yourself. You’re a big boy, and we both know I’m not your mother.”

  I closed the door with a satisfying slam and went inside to see Brody … whatever his label.



  “Hey, is everything okay?” I asked Emma, pulling her aside when I saw the look on her face.

  “Yeah, just annoyed with my brother. But, forget about that … show me your place,” she said, slapping on a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  Vowing to get it out of her later when we were alone, I did as she asked and gave her the grand tour. We ended in the kitchen, where everyone was still picking at Chinese food, even though we’d already eaten.

  “You gotta try these spring rolls, they’re so yummy,” Karrie told Emma, holding out the bag to her.


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