Frat House Confessions--Brody

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Frat House Confessions--Brody Page 11

by Bethany Lopez

  Emma grabbed one and said, “Thanks. You did an amazing job on the apartment, Karrie. Is that what you want to do? Interior Design?”

  Karrie shook her head and shrugged.

  “You know, I never really thought about becoming an interior designer. It was always something fun I liked to do. Maybe I should look into it.”

  She looked up at Ridge, who grinned down at her.

  “You’d be great,” he said, and she beamed.

  “So anyway, we just wanted to say hi and now we’re going to get out of your way so you guys can have some alone time,” Wes said, grabbing his container of leftovers.

  “Oh, you don’t have to leave because of me,” Emma argued.

  “Never fear, we’re always around,” Trixie joked. “We’ll see you guys later.”

  They eventually made it out the door, after rounds of hugs, chatter, and a run back to the kitchen for more spring rolls.

  “And finally … we’re alone,” I said once I’d shut the door and turned to face Emma.

  I sighed and looked happily around the living room.

  “You want to eat and then break in your chair?” I asked.

  Emma chuckled and said, “Yes, that sounds perfect.”

  Once she made her plate we sat at my new dining room table, which was round with four chairs.

  “You love it?” she asked in between bites.

  “I do. Karrie is a queen. I couldn’t have imagined a better apartment.”

  “That game room is pretty sick.”

  “Right?” I agreed, leaning back in my chair to ask, “So, what was up when you arrived? Everything okay with Crush?”

  She scrunched up her nose.

  “He accused me of mothering him and said I need to loosen the strings a little. Like my being worried about him and taking care of him is a great burden all of a sudden.”

  “Did something happen between you two?” I asked, understanding perfectly fights between siblings.

  “He bought a car today. It’s used, so not a big expense, but still … seems kind of sudden. And he said he’s thinking about going back to Delta,” she said, eyeing me warily.

  “Really? I didn’t know anything about it,” I said quickly, not wanting her to think I was keeping secrets from her. Especially about Crush.

  “Yeah, he said he’s been talking with Papi … probably Javi and Trap too.”

  “And you think it’s a bad idea,” I guessed, totally understanding her reasoning.

  “Of course I do. I mean, that was the beginning of all his issues, ya know. I just don’t want him to backslide.”

  “I get it. But, Em, you can’t make his decisions for him. He’s been doing great so far, right? Do you trust him to want to remain on the path he’s on, or do you think the temptation will be too much?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. That’s the problem. There are no guarantees and it’s scary to think of all the potential problems he could face. I just want him to be okay,” she said, putting down her chopsticks and pushing the plate away.

  “I know you don’t want him hurt, but you can’t live his life for him,” I said gently.

  Emma sighed and said, “I know. I wish I could.”

  She looked up at me and her lips turned up briefly. “Thanks for letting me vent.”

  “Anytime, that’s what I’m here for,” I said, gesturing at her plate and asking, “Not hungry?”

  Emma shook her head. “Not right now. Maybe I’ll have more later.”

  We stood and I took her plate to the counter before taking her hand in mine and walking back into the living room.

  Emma got in her chair, tucked her feet under her, and clutched the floral throw pillow to her chest.

  “Perfect,” she said, wearing the first real smile I’d seen since she got there.

  “I’m glad you like it,” I said as I sat in the recliner next to her yellow chair.

  “Did you mean what you said earlier?”

  “Which part?” I asked.

  “That, that’s what you’re here for … to listen to me vent?”

  “Yeah, of course,” I replied, unsure why she was asking.

  “Does that mean you’d say we’re together together … like, exclusive?”

  She was chewing on her bottom lip like she was nervous.

  “Yes, I’d say we’re in an exclusive relationship. Wouldn’t you?” I asked, suddenly worried I’d been thinking things were heavier than they were.

  “Yeah, absolutely,” Emma said, looking relieved. “I’m not seeing anyone else and I don’t want to see anyone else.”

  “Same for me,” I assured her. “Did you think differently?”

  “No, it’s just … First my neighbor, and then Benny, were asking if you were my boyfriend and when I said we hadn’t put a label on things yet … well, it made me question whether you were as serious about us as I am.”

  “One-hundred percent,” I said, moving to kneel before her. “I want you and no one else. I have for a while now … much longer than you’ve wanted me. I’d be proud to call you mine.”

  Emma dropped her feet to the floor and took my face in her hands.

  “I’d be proud to call you mine too.”

  And we sealed it with a kiss.



  I stood up slowly and reached my hand down to Brody. When he took it, I urged him to his feet and ran my hands up his chest.

  “What do you say we christen your bedroom?” I asked, a small smile playing on my lips.

  “I think that sounds fantastic,” Brody replied, his eyes darkening.

  I placed my hand in his and he walked us through the apartment to his bedroom, but when he would have taken over, I said, “Not this time.”

  I shoved my hands under the hem of his shirt and lifted. Brody helped me by pulling it the rest of the way off and tossing it on the floor beside us. I moved my fingers to the button of his jeans and undid them, then slid the zipper down slowly, while my eyes remained on his face.

  His breathing became shallow and desire pooled in my belly as I pushed his pants down over his slim hips.

  Brody shifted, stepping out of them, and then waited for me to proceed.

  My tongue darted out to wet my lips as I cupped his cock over the cotton of his boxer briefs. He was already hard and straining against the material and I felt my panties get wet as my nipples pebbled and brushed against the lace of my bra.

  “Get on the bed,” I said, my voice husky.

  Brody did as I asked, first pulling off his briefs, before sitting on the edge and scooting back to lay down against the pillows.

  I was still dressed and remained that way as I put my knee up on the mattress and crawled over him. Once I was straddling him on all fours, I lowered my face to his and dropped tiny kisses all over his face.

  He groaned in frustration and tried to capture my lips with his, but I said, “No,” and continued my teasing.

  I kissed down his throat, over his delicious pecs, and across his abs, all the while aware of his cock throbbing and jerking as my mouth drew closer. I licked across his stomach and lowered a bit so his dick fit perfectly between my breasts, then rocked back and forth.

  “Fuck,” Brody muttered, one hand diving into my hair and tugging tight enough to send a little jolt straight to my clit.

  Eager to get to the good stuff, I settled between his legs, grasped the roof of his cock with one hand, and lifted so I could take him fully in my mouth.

  “Christ, that feels amazing,” Brody moaned, clenching his fist in my hair once more.

  I groaned around his cock as I sucked and moved along the length of him.

  I was really getting into it, finding my rhythm as I altered jacking, licking, and sucking.

  “Babe, I don’t wanna come in your mouth,” Brody said, giving me a tug to tell me to stop.

  I let him go and quickly discarded my clothes.

  Within seconds I was back on top of him, my hands braced on his chest as
I teased us both by rubbing my wet pussy along his hard, weeping cock.

  “Babe,” Brody begged, and since I needed to end the teasing for my sake as much as his, I lined him up at my entrance and was about to sit when he said, “Shit … condom. Condom. I put some in the nightstand.”

  I blinked, forgetting where I was for a moment, and then sprang into action, jumping off of him and opening the drawer. I pulled out a condom and opened it as quickly as I could, before resuming my position and rolling it on as fast as I could with shaky fingers.

  “Sorry about that,” I said breathlessly. “I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Me neither,” Brody said, his hands coming up to rest on my breasts.

  My eyes closed as he cupped their fullness and ran his thumbs over my nipples. I began to rock against him again instinctively, and that’s when I remembered we’d just been getting to the best part.

  I lifted his cock and slid down on it until I was fully seated and then began to move.

  One of his hands went to my waist to urge me faster, while the other pinched my nipple, making me gasp as I rode him hard.

  Needing more, I leaned forward and slid up and down his length, loving the little grunting sounds he made, before seating myself once again and angling my body just right so my clit was feeling friction with every movement.

  “Faster,” Brody said, his other hand joining the first on my hips to help me pick up the pace.

  We were both breathing hard as I moved as fast as I could. I could feel the pressure building with each thrust and I sat up tall, my own hands moving to cup my breasts as the orgasm hit me.

  “Yes, holy shit … you’re beautiful,” Brody managed, and I dipped my chin to see his gaze watching me hungrily as I rode out my pleasure.

  He began thrusting up from the bottom and I clenched my inner walls as I saw his cheeks get flushed and watched him come. Brody’s hands kept me moving as he milked out the last of it until we were both finally spent.

  Exhausted, I collapsed on top of him, turning my head to the side so I could try and catch my breath.

  Brody drew lazy circles on my back until we were both breathing evenly again, and I realized I must have dozed off when I jerked awake and almost fell off of him.

  “You okay?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “Yeah, I think I fell asleep,” I said, shifting to sit up.

  “You totally did.”

  “No worries, I’d be right behind you, but I need to get this condom off before we make a mess.”

  “Oh, sorry,” I murmured, moving off of him so he could get up and go to the bathroom.

  When he came back, we both crawled under the covers and snuggled together.

  As I started to drift off again, I heard him whisper, “You’re definitely mine.”



  “Does anyone have any new or old business they’d like to discuss before we close the meeting?” Ridge asked.

  “I do,” Papi called out.

  “Shoot,” my brother told him.

  “I know we’ve talked about this a bit offline, but I’d like to officially invite Crush back to Delta. Not to move back into the house, or even be a member of the council again … at least, not right away. But to be our brother again and be able to participate in Delta activities.”

  “I second,” Javi added. “He’s been through a lot, and I’m sorry to say we played a part in that. But he’s doing a lot better and seems to have changed. I agree he deserves another shot.”

  “Okay, what say the rest of you?” Ridge asked.

  We went around the room, saying “aye” or “nay.”

  “The ayes have it,” Ridge announced. “I’ll contact the grand chapter and see if there’s anything specific we need to do to have Crush reinstated. Once I have their decision, we can contact Crush about coming back to Delta.”

  Before he could end the meeting, I raised my hand and spoke up, “I have some new business.”

  Ridge nodded, indicating I should continue.

  “First, thanks to everyone for all their hard work on the Habitat build. It was an awesome day for a truly wonderful cause. Along those lines, I’d like to set up a monthly or bi-monthly soup kitchen. This would be more community outreach and a great way to keep Delta in a positive light in the community. Currently, there are organizations who feed the homeless every day of the week except for Fridays. So if we could fill that need, even once or twice a month, it would be a great benefit to those in need.”

  “How would it work? Where would we feed them?” Javi asked.

  “I was thinking maybe we could use the kitchen here and set it up out back or something.”

  “They wouldn’t be allowed on campus, so that wouldn’t work,” Papi said.

  “Yeah, if there was another org holding it, we could set up times to go and volunteer, but I don’t see how we could put it on ourselves,” Trap agreed.

  I looked to Ridge, who was watching me carefully.

  “They all have valid points, bro. When you mentioned it the other day I told you this may be the case.”

  I nodded, knowing they were right but still feeling disappointed.

  I’d kind of liked the idea of helping Emma out … solving the problem … being the hero.

  “Okay,” I said, realizing there was no point in arguing. “I’ll see what I can do about finding us those volunteer opportunities.”

  “Great. Anything else?” Ridge asked the room. When no one spoke up he lifted his gavel and said, “Meeting adjourned.”

  Everyone started filing out of the room until only Ridge and I were left.

  “Sorry, brother. I know you had your heart set on it.”

  “It’s okay,” I replied. “I knew it was a long shot.”

  We said we’d talk later and then I hopped in the Tesla and took off for the garage.

  Emma was working late again tonight since she’d had a full day of classes, and although we’d said we’d see each other tomorrow, I wanted to tell her about the frat’s decision in person.

  I parked and walked toward the open bay, feeling like there was a dark cloud hanging over my head and hoping I didn’t run into Johnny.

  Something about that guy worked my last nerve.

  Unfortunately, when I walked into the garage, the first thing I saw was Johnny and Emma laughing. She had her hand on his arm and he was looking down at her like she’d hung the moon.

  Jealousy coursed through me, swift and ugly, and I tried to regain control of my temper as I moved toward them.

  “Hey,” I called out as I drew nearer.

  Emma jumped at the sound of my voice, then took a step back and dropped her arm before turning to look at me.

  “Hey,” she replied, sounding happy to see me. “I didn’t think I’d see you tonight.”

  Johnny lifted his chin then turned back to look under the hood of the car they were standing next to.

  I bit my tongue, so instead of saying, yeah, I can see that, like I wanted to, I said, “I needed to talk to you.”

  “Is everything all right?” Emma asked, her brows furrowing with worry.

  “Yeah, things are fine. It’s just … I talked to the frat and we won’t be able to host your Friday soup kitchen. I’m sorry.”

  Emma’s face cleared and she said, “Oh, that’s okay. Johnny was actually just telling me that the garage is going to do it. The first Friday of every month they’ll close the office and open up the bay. We’ll have tables and chairs and the guys and their wives and girlfriends are going to make and serve the food. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  My body stiffened and I glanced over at Johnny to see him grinning.

  “Yeah, don’t worry, frat boy, we’ve got it all under control. After all, it’s our community, so it’s the least we can do. Plus, I’ll be helping Emma with her internship application in the process, so it’s a win-win.”

  “I’m so grateful,” Emma said again, really laying it on thick.

  I unclenched
my jaw long enough to say, “Yeah, it’s really good of you, Johnny,” and each word felt like acid on my lips.

  “Thanks. Maybe you and your frat brothers can come help out on opening night next Friday.”

  “I don’t know, but I’ll check,” I lied, then turned to Emma and said, “Well, I just wanted to let you know. I’ll let you get back to work.”

  Then I got the fuck out of there.



  Brody had been acting a little weird lately, standoffish, but I was so busy I didn’t dwell on it too much.

  I knew if he needed to vent, he’d call me, so I could only assume whatever it was would blow over.

  I’d helped Rosie study for her finals, had to study for mine, and spent my downtime helping Johnny get the things he needed for the soup kitchen grand opening. Since it had been my idea, I felt like I needed to be there to lend support.

  I’d gone with Johnny to Lowe’s to get folding chairs and tables. Then to Costco to get paper products and the ingredients for soup as well as plenty of bread. And, since it was the grand opening, we’d bought some balloons and fun table displays to celebrate the occasion.

  Benny had been a big help as well.

  We’d talked things through and I’d agreed to step back a little and trust him to make the right decisions.

  When he got the call from Ridge inviting him back to Delta, it had taken every ounce of restraint I had to put a smile on my face and say I was happy for him, even though in truth I was still very worried.

  Gosh, if I was this much of a worry wart over my brother, what was I going to be like when I had kids?

  Anyway, Delta was having a big end-of-year party tonight, so Benny was going. It would be his first time dealing with that kind of temptation since rehab, but I was trying not to think about it. He said he’d help get everything set up for the grand opening and then he was heading to the party.

  It almost made me wish Brody was going to be at Delta, rather than helping out at the soup kitchen, so he could keep an eye on Benny.


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