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Drawing the Line

Page 10

by KD Williamson

  Becca reached for the handle on the refrigerator. “You got any more of those?” She pointed at the bottle in Dani’s hand.

  “I’m selfish, remember? Why would I share?” It was Cran-Apple anyway. Becca hated anything with apple juice.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, are you twel—” Becca sucked in a breath. Then her jaw clenched. She glanced down at the juice in Dani’s hand. “I don’t like Cran-Apple anyway.” She yanked the refrigerator door open. “You got Coke?”

  Dani’s insides actually burned with the need to ruin whatever game Becca was playing. It couldn’t be real. There was no way. “No. You’re sure asking for a lot considering you don’t live here.”

  Becca pulled out a water. “No, I’m really not.” Her tone was almost conversational. It was maddening.

  “Aren’t you?” Dani scoffed and stared. She was painfully aware that she was acting like a petulant teenager, but Dani couldn’t stop herself. Becca’s reactions left her confused, shaken. She sat down at the breakfast bar, hoping the world would right itself. What the hell was Rick doing? No one took that long to pee.

  Becca held Dani’s gaze for a few seconds and then glanced away. She started fidgeting again, this time with the water bottle. The plastic protested loudly as she crushed it.

  Dani brought her hand to her forehead, rubbing it slightly. It was starting to throb. She reached for her juice but saw a fine tremor in her hand. She clenched it into a fist. All the noise Becca made didn’t help any. “Will you stop that, please?”

  Immediately, Becca did. “I’m sorry.”

  Dani froze. She couldn’t remember the last time she heard those words come out of Becca’s mouth. It infuriated her. She balled her hands into even tighter fists. The muscles in her arms contracted painfully.

  Becca cleared her throat. “For the other day, I mean. I think I had the right to be upset initially, but after that, things got out of hand.”

  “Did Rick put you up to this?” Shocked and completely taken aback, Dani said the first thing that came to mind.

  “What? No, you know me better than that—or you used to.”

  Dani wasn’t sure how to respond to that. So, she made a noncommittal noise.

  Rick came out of his bedroom in a ratty pair of shorts and a T-shirt. “Sorry, I just had to get clean.” He smiled sheepishly. “You’re both still in one piece, I see.”


  “Cliché much?” Becca finished Dani’s thought for her.

  He shrugged. “No, not really. I’m not tryin’ to play matchmaker. That would be cliché. I just want you guys to learn to be civil to each other.”

  Becca shook her head. “Now who’s askin’ for a lot, huh, Dani?” She set the unopened bottle of water on the counter. “I better go. Call me if you need a ride to the hospital. I can go in early. No big.” Becca stepped toward Rick and embraced him.

  Like she didn’t have a car. Like she wasn’t even present. Dani bristled and did her best to squash down her rising jealousy. They weren’t kids on the playground vying for attention, but at the moment she sure as hell felt like one.

  “Dani, thanks for the water and for listenin’,” Becca said.

  Instead of responding, Dani drank her juice.

  Seconds later, Becca was gone.

  Dani sat and stared at the door. Rick was doing the same to her. She felt it. She glanced at him.

  His mouth opened and closed.

  Dani stood. She had no idea what had just happened, and right now, she didn’t want to figure it out.

  “You said something about pizza?”

  Obviously, he wasn’t planning to push, but it didn’t matter. Walking past him toward her bedroom, Dani mumbled, “Microwave.”

  Chapter 9

  Dani rapped her knuckles against the open door before walking in. She smiled at what she saw. “Hey there, Scottie. I’m surprised you’re still up.”

  Lynette Biers leaned down and kissed her son on the head. “Me too, but as you saw this morning, his energy level is great. I’ll take that as a good thing. He even asked for ice cream. His daddy went to go get it.”

  “Shhhh! Gumball’s on!” Scottie’s face scrunched up and he turned red. And, for some reason, he had his right forefinger almost knuckle deep in his ear.

  His mother chuckled. “God, I wish I could go back to a time when I had no censor button.”

  “I think we all feel that way a time or two.” Dani nodded in Scottie’s direction. “How long has he been doing that?” It may have been nothing, but she needed to check. He definitely didn’t need any kind of infection.


  “The ear thing.” Dani mouthed.

  “Oh, half an hour I think.”

  “Shhhhh! I’m missing it.”

  Dani moved closer to the bed.

  “Wait. Is he okay?”

  “He’s looking better, but I just want to be sure.” Dani paused. “Okay, Scottie. I’m gonna have to tear you away from Gumball for a few minutes.”

  He turned toward her. Scottie’s lips puckered, and he turned even redder then before.

  Dani was determined to head this tantrum off at the pass. “I need you to be a big boy and listen. Big boys are the ones who get ice cream.”

  Scottie turned tear-filled brown eyes toward his mother. She nodded, thankfully. He sniffled and wiped at his face with his free hand. “I can get chocolate?”

  “Yup!” Dani reached for the otoscope hanging on the wall by his bed with other medical examination tools.

  Lynette picked up her cell phone and typed quickly. A few seconds later, she gave the thumbs up.

  Dani sat on the edge of Scottie’s bed. “You’ve got your finger pretty far up in your ear. Does it hurt?”

  He shook his head.

  “Then why is your finger in there?” Dani kept her voice soft, playful.


  “Because why?”

  He pulled his finger out of his ear canal and shoved it toward Dani’s nose.

  “What’s that smell? I like it.”

  On instinct, Dani reared backward, nearly falling off the bed.

  “Scott Biers Jr.!” Lynette’s tone was shrill.

  Scottie’s smile was huge. He laughed like it was the most hilarious thing he’d ever heard. Better than The Amazing World of Gumball. Then he plopped his finger in his mouth like it was natural—and for a five-year-old, it most likely was.

  “Okay, sorry it took me so long I had to go back for the chocolate. I got him vanilla too. Maybe he can do the swirl thing.” Scott Sr. was a little breathless as he walked into his son’s room with his hands full.

  Dani stood. She glanced from Lynette to Scott Sr.

  Her patient’s father stopped and looked at them. “What? What did I miss?”

  Biting her bottom lip, Dani did her best to keep from laughing. It came out anyway. She tried to rein it in a few seconds later, but she couldn’t stop. Obviously, she needed it. Lynette joined in. Maybe they both needed it.

  Scott Sr. smiled and shook his head. He sat on the bed. “Hey, big man. You finally took your finger out of your ear, huh?” He paused. “But why’s it in your mouth?”

  Sleeping at the hospital the past couple nights wasn’t unusual. Dani had done it many times before, but the reason behind it was a tad bit aggravating now. Simply put, Dani didn’t want another run in with Becca until she was better prepared and possessed a winning hand in whatever game she’d been sucked into. Tipping her head back, Dani allowed the spray from the shower to hit her directly in the face. The water was a step away from cold, and it jolted Dani just enough to pull her out of her thoughts.

  Upon exiting her shower stall—one of three—the bustle of the locker room on the other side of the wall greeted her. Some residents laughed, some expressed excitement about upcoming procedures,
and others sounded irate. Their voices were clear and loud. Dani dried off quickly and dressed even faster.

  Putting her still-damp hair in a ponytail, she exited the bathroom area just as two tired-looking residents came in. They didn’t give Dani a second look, and she returned the favor.

  She entered the locker room with much the same fanfare. Conversations didn’t stop, but the few errant stares were palpable from residents she’d been to medical school with, when she was a different person altogether. She’d learned to ignore them.

  They remembered a Dani who was open, fun, talkative, and willing to help, but they didn’t matter. She had more important things to do. Standing in front of her own locker, she opened the combination lock with practiced ease. After throwing her toiletries inside, Dani turned and left without a word to anyone.

  Dani entered the Peds wing a few minutes later. She paused as she neared the nurses station. Whatever Rick was saying to the nurse had her blushing. He grinned at the nurse as he took a swig from his Starbucks cup. “Hey, morning.”

  Dani smiled and nodded in the nurse’s direction to show that she was included.

  “What took you so long? Your coffee is probably cold.” Rick moved away from the counter and reached for the other cup that was hidden from view.

  “That’s okay. I’ll nuke it if I have to. Thanks, by the way.”

  “Uh-huh. Black and nasty, just the way you like it. At least it’s the good stuff.”

  Someone snorted. Dani glanced to the side to see Betty.

  “Where’s mine?” Betty asked.

  Rick shrugged. “Maybe Dani’ll share.”

  “Not likely.” Dani took a sip. The coffee was still lukewarm.

  Rick took a few steps back. “I’ll get you next time, Betty.”

  “Sure, sure.” Betty rolled her eyes and answered the phone.

  Rick touched Dani on the arm and tilted his head toward the end of the hall where the elevator was located. As he walked, she fell in step beside him. “Nice to see you in my neck of the woods.”

  “Yeah, well, I was just checkin’ on you.” He stopped and studied her for a minute.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Yeah, okay, so you say.” Rick started walking slowly.

  “I do say. I just need some space.”

  “You know, I could catch a ride with you. It would make things a lot easier.”

  Easier for her, yes. God, she wasn’t that selfish. “We don’t always keep the same hours. I don’t want you waiting around for me. That would suck.”

  “Well, my car should be ready by the weekend if that helps.” They eased in behind the small crowd gathered at the elevator.

  Dani didn’t say anything, but it helped. It helped a lot.

  The elevator dinged and opened.

  “Okay, maybe I’ll crash at Becca’s tonight so she won’t have to get up earlier to get me. Makes the whole situation—”

  “Easier,” Dani finished for him.

  “Yeah, that.” Rick eyed her and then stepped into the elevator.

  Easy. Dani liked that word, but she was pretty sure it wasn’t going to apply to anything in her life for a while.

  Dani knocked on the open door and waited for both Sheri and Jacob to look up before she entered. He gave her a tired smile while his mother just watched her. “Morning. You didn’t stay up all night playing video games, did you?”

  Jacob’s forehead wrinkled and he poked out his bottom lip. “No, Ma made me turn it off right in the middle of a mission.” He glanced at his mother.

  “Sure did.” Sheri leaned in and kissed him on the top of his head.

  He scowled even harder. It was adorable. “She wanted to make sure you were ready for today,” Dani said.

  Jacob looked down at his lap. “I know.” He paused. “I remember what you and Ma said about it bein’ okay to be scared.”

  “It is.” Keeping her eyes on his, Dani nodded and walked closer to the bed. “You remember what it’s called?”


  Sheri wrapped an arm around Jacob, pulling him close. He leaned into her. “And it’s gonna make me feel bad but better at the same time.”

  Touched by the sight, Dani smiled slightly. “That’s right.” She cleared her throat and focused her attention on Sheri. “Mrs. Cook, do you have any questions about the drugs being used?”

  “No, I don’t think so.” Sheri met Dani’s gaze. Her concern and worry were evident by the crinkle in her brow and the way she held on to her son.

  “Ma memorized them. They’re hard to pronounce.”

  “Yes, they are,” Dani agreed.

  “Show her that you know ’em, Ma.”

  Dani didn’t dare say a word. She stood, waiting.

  “It’s okay, baby. She doesn’t wanna hear me mess all that up.” Sheri glanced at Dani and then down at her son.

  “Please?” he said. “I bet you don’t. You’re smart.”

  Sheri sighed. “Okay, since you’re trying, I will too. Dactinomycin and Vincristine.” She looked at Dani as she sounded out the last syllable. Her eyebrows were raised in challenge, but there was something else in her eyes too. Dani couldn’t identify it.

  She smiled in response. “Excellent, and remember they’ll be given for five days every two weeks. I want to make sure both of you know what’s going on every step of the way. No secrets or surprises. So, if there aren’t any questions, I’ll be back in a couple hours to get things started.”

  Jacob pressed his face into his mother’s neck. Dani backed away and turned.

  “Dr. Russell?”

  Dani glanced over her shoulder.

  “Can I talk to you outside for a minute?”

  Surprised, Dani nodded. Their conversations the past couple days had consisted of Dani giving her medical information. They stepped out in the hall. Dani made sure to give her room to breathe.

  “I’m sorry about the other morning.” Sheri looked her directly in the eyes. There was no hesitation, no subterfuge. “It wasn’t right to take my frustration out on you.”

  Dani took a step forward. “It’s okay.”

  “Don’t placate me.” Sheri sighed and looked heavenward.

  “I’m not. Just…hear me out.” Dani held up a hand, physically asking for patience. “I’m not here to be your friend either. I’m an ally, a resource for both of you. So, if you need someone to yell at, I can take it, and if you need a shoulder to cry on, I hope in time that you see that I can take that too.”

  Sheri leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes. Seconds ticked by, before she opened them again. That look Dani had seen a few minutes earlier was back, and she was no closer to deciphering it. Sheri took a deep breath and pushed away from the wall. Dani held her gaze, waiting for some kind of response.

  Sheri nodded, and that was all Dani needed. She watched quietly as Sheri went back into Jacob’s room.

  “So, durin’ this sleepover, are we gonna do mani-pedis?” Rebecca threw herself on Rick’s living room couch.

  He snorted as he headed for his kitchen. “I don’t know about yours, but my feet are tight.” He pulled open the refrigerator. “You want somethin’?”

  “No, I’m good, but would you hurry up? By the way, why is it takin’ four days for your car to get fixed?”

  “I went the cheaper, dirtier route. He had to shop around for the parts. It’ll just take me a couple minutes to grab some things. You sure you’re okay with me stayin’ this long?” He opened a bottle of water and took a swig.

  “It’s just two nights. You’re not movin’ in.”

  “Just checkin’, but hey, you gotta promise to keep Peyton in your room. It’s creepy to wake up with her starin’ at me.”

  Rebecca laughed. “She only does that to people she likes.”

  “Musta had a l
ot of sleepovers to figure that out.”

  No, there really hadn’t been. Rebecca sobered. “Not really. Can you speed it up, please? I really don’t wanna be here when Dani comes home.”

  “Why? You’re gonna see her. What’s the point in runnin’ away?” Rick set his water on the counter and looked at her.

  “I’m not runnin’ from anythin’. I just need to be prepared for her. I don’t know what’s gonna come out of her mouth. If I lose my shit, we’ll be right back to square one.”

  Rick hummed in agreement. “Yeah, got it. I’ll be right back, then.”

  As he walked away, Rebecca changed her mind and headed for the kitchen. They had to have Coke this time. It was the South—everybody had Coke. The refrigerator was full to bursting with the ingredients to make a hell of a sandwich and a whole lot of other things. Rebecca shifted and pushed stuff to the side to find what she was looking for. Finally, she found a six pack of Coke in the crisper, surrounded by veggies. Weird place to put it, but who was she to judge? The can sighed as she opened it. She took a long pull and closed the refrigerator.

  “Sooo, you live here now?”

  Startled, Rebecca stumbled backward, spilling Coke all over her shirt. “Shit!” She ignored Dani’s question and headed straight for the paper towels on the counter. She dabbed at her shirt and then bent down to get the mess on the floor. Her heart rammed against her chest. Rebecca took a couple deep breaths to center herself and stood. “Sorry ’bout that. I think I got it all.”

  “Uh-huh.” Dani threw her bag on the couch and moved toward the kitchen.

  Rebecca froze. It was like someone infused her muscles with lead, but her eyes, her brain, and her heart worked just fine. She watched helplessly as Dani got closer.

  “I don’t know what you’re playing at, but pretending to be somebody you’re not isn’t working on me.”


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