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It Must Be Your Love

Page 24

by Bella Andre

Page 24

  Author: Bella Andre

  He groaned. “I need to go before I lose my mind from looking at you and knowing I can’t touch. ” But instead of walking away, he moved so that his broad shoulders completely blocked her from the rest of her office. His large hand was warm, the tips of his fingers calloused from his guitar strings, as he stroked her cheek with his fingertips, and her chin with his thumb. “How about pizza and a movie at my house on Thursday night?”

  She’d spent practically all of her free time either with him or thinking about him since he’d come back to Seattle. She should put some space between them, give herself some time to try to think clearly. But knowing she was going to miss seeing him tonight already felt like too long a gap.

  Until now, they’d been together because of a house, or the wedding, or a business meeting he’d wanted her to attend. And five years ago, there certainly hadn’t been any dates. Just endless amounts of crazy hot sex, which hadn’t made their relationship anywhere near strong enough.

  “Are you finally asking me on a date?”

  “I want to do every single thing with you I didn’t know how to do the first time around, Mia. So, yes, I’m asking you on a date. A real one this time, complete with pizza and a movie. ”

  Clearly, he wanted her to see they could have a relationship away from stadiums and tour buses and his fame. If she were really still adamant about holding him at arm’s length, she should say no.

  Instead, she told him, “I know the perfect place to pick up a pizza on the way to your house. ”

  His answering grin was a mile wide. “I’ll come get you at seven tomorrow. ”

  “Okay. ” The simple touch of his hand on her face had heated up every inch of her until she was all but melting into him. “Have a great show, Ford. ”

  They stood like that, staring at each other for several long moments, before he finally caressed her one last time. And as she watched him walk out to his tour bus, she knew it was just like the lyrics to the Air Supply song that she now couldn’t get out of her head

  Ford had always known where to touch her. . . and her heart had been lost for five years looking for a rhythm that only he could play.

  * * *

  Six hours later, Mia finally gave up trying to focus on work. The concert ticket and pass Ford had given her had been burning a hole in the back pocket of her skinny jeans all day long. . . and she kept lifting her hand to her cheek, where his touch had rocked her so deeply this morning.

  “I’m sorry,” she told her staff just as they settled into their seats for their weekly meeting to go over new listings, “I need to go take care of something really important. ” Someone really important. “Orlando, can you please take over the meeting and my showing afterward?”

  Her assistant gave her a look as though he knew exactly what—who—had her so distracted. “No problem, Mia. ”

  “Thanks. See you all tomorrow. ”

  She barely remembered to grab her bag from her office before dashing out to her car. The drive from downtown Seattle to Eugene, Oregon, would take four and half hours, as long as she didn’t hit any bad rush-hour traffic. Ford’s show started at eight, but if the opener took an hour, he wouldn’t come on until closer to nine. It was four o’clock, so if all went well, she’d get there right before he took the stage.

  Things looked good at first as she made her way out of downtown Seattle, the road emptier than it usually was mid-week an hour before quitting time. Feeling lighter, and more hopeful than she had in a very long time, she turned on the radio and when one of Ford’s songs came on, she rolled down her windows, opened her sunroof, and blasted it for everyone to hear. Another driver gave her a thumbs-up, and she laughed out loud as the wind rushed through her hair.

  Maybe, she found herself thinking, this was a sign that everything was going to work out after all.

  * * *

  Four hours later, Mia was this close to standing up and screaming obscenities at the cleanup crew on the freeway for how slowly they were dealing with the massive produce-truck spill just outside of Portland.

  She’d been so sure she’d make his show that she’d nearly called Ford to tell him to look for her in the crowd. Especially since she could tell how much he’d wanted her to come tonight, even if he’d tried to be nonchalant about giving her the ticket and pass.

  Of course, right when everything seemed like it was going to go right for them, she’d hit the seemingly endless wall of cars and trucks.

  Why hadn’t she just taken a day off work and hopped onto his tour bus with him this morning? Yes, she loved what she did for a living, and her clients were important to her. . . but so, she was coming to accept, was Ford.

  And yet, she’d made the same choice this morning that she’d made five years ago.

  Worse still, as she sat in the middle of the huge traffic jam, her doubts had plenty of time to flood back in. Particularly a flashback to that last time she’d been rushing to surprise him at one of his shows.


  She had forgiven him for his mistakes, just as she knew he’d forgiven her for hers. But that didn’t mean her fears over what they were starting weren’t still hovering, telling her to be careful, warning her that she couldn’t be cautious enough.

  Was this traffic jam the real sign? And should she heed it by turning around and driving back to Seattle? Or by the time she finally made it to Eugene, would she walk into another nasty surprise like the one in Miami?

  At last, the traffic began to move, slowly at first, and then more and more quickly as they were finally let loose on their destinations. . . and Mia had a decision to make.

  Only, as she pressed her foot down hard on the gas pedal and sped down the fast lane, she knew she didn’t.

  Because she believed he’d meant it when he told her last night that she was the only woman he wanted. . . and even if she only caught Ford’s final song, this hellish drive would be worth it.

  * * *

  It was eleven-thirty by the time Mia got to the overstuffed stadium parking lot and people were already pouring out of the venue and heading to their cars. She’d called Ford’s cell several times in the past thirty minutes, but when he hadn’t picked up, she’d figured he was still on stage.

  Damn it, she couldn’t have missed him! She drove as close to the stadium entrance as she could and left her car in a red zone as she started running, not bothering to call him again. Her best chance to find him now would be on foot.

  “You can’t leave your car there, ma’am!”

  But she didn’t have time to worry about her car, not when she was guessing it would be hit or miss to even catch Ford before his bus drove away from the venue.

  She ran in through the front doors, which were open now as people began to stream out. Looking around wildly, she found a woman in a security outfit. “I need to get backstage right away. Please, can you help me?”

  The woman took the laminated pass Mia was holding out and saw that it said ALL ACCESS VIP, but something told her it was the desperate look in Mia’s eyes that made her nod. “Sure. Follow me. ”

  Mia and the security guard wove their way through the exiting crowd that seemed to grow bigger with every second that passed. Though she was filled with panic that she’d miss Ford, Mia was so happy for him. He must have given a truly great show given how happy everyone looked as they headed home.

  Finally, they pushed through a thick metal door and Mia nearly wept when she saw his bodyguard. “Billy,” she called out.

  Though she assumed looking serious and menacing was part of the bodyguard code, Billy broke out in a huge smile when he saw her. He spoke into a transmitter in his left ear, and a moment later, Ford came busting out of a set of dark red double doors.

  He was still dripping with sweat from being on stage. . . and looked impossibly beautiful to her as he called out her name. He looked like he couldn’t believe she was there—and as if
pulled together by gravity, they moved toward each other. But just when she was close enough that he could easily have reached out and pulled her against him, he stopped.

  She faltered for a few horrible moments as she looked into his dark eyes. Why wasn’t he touching her? Why hadn’t he kissed her yet?

  But then, suddenly, she realized why. Because, just like in her office this morning, he wasn’t sure if she’d want everyone to know that they were together. He was waiting for her to make the decision about going public with him. Twelve hours ago, she’d made one decision.

  Tonight, she made another.

  The right one.

  A heartbeat later, she threw herself into his arms and kissed him without holding back.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  There had been a lot of great moments in Ford’s life. His first sold-out show. Winning his first Grammy. Having his lyric notebooks put into the permanent displays in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

  But holding Mia in his arms easily surpassed them all.

  Her lips were soft, but her tongue and teeth were hungry as she kissed him passionately. Her gorgeous legs were wrapped around his waist and her arms were wound around his neck as she told him without needing to say a single word just how happy she was to be here with him tonight.

  Though he wished she could have been in the audience, he’d been so inspired from being with Mia during the past few days that he knew he’d given a pretty great show tonight. And maybe it was good that she hadn’t made it to the stadium any sooner, because if he’d known that she’d be waiting for him backstage afterward, he might not have been able to resist cutting the show short just to have a few more minutes with her.

  Though he knew he’d need to put her down soon, her soft moan of pleasure as he threaded his hands into her silky hair and took their kiss even deeper made him want to do crazy things to her. . . and nearly made him forget that they were making out in front of his crew.

  “I drove as fast as I could,” she said when he finally managed to pull his lips from hers, “but I still missed your show. ”

  He nipped at her lower lip. “And I missed you all day. ”

  They were so close that between his wet T-shirt and her thin silk shirt, he could feel her heart beating against his as she said, “I should have gotten on the bus with you this morning. ”

  Of course that was what he’d wanted, but he’d been careful not to even suggest that his show might take precedence over her own busy day in the office. “You’re here now. ” And that was all that mattered, just being with the woman he loved more than he’d known it was possible to love anyone. “I was just heading to my bus. Ride back to Seattle with me, Mia. Unless,” he teased, “there’s something you’re dying to do in Eugene tonight, first?”

  “Just you. I just want you, Ford. ”

  Slowly, he slid her to the floor. When her feet finally touched solid ground again, he threaded his fingers through hers and was heading out to his bus when she suddenly stopped.

  “My car. I completely forgot about it. ”

  So had he, in his rush to be alone with her. “Where is it?”

  “I parked out front. I think it was in a red zone. All I could think about was getting to you before you left the building. For all I know, they’ve towed it by now. ”

  He kissed her again, a quick press of his lips to hers, but one full of just as much possession as it was surrender to the magic that had always been between them.

  “Billy,” Ford called, “can you take care of getting Mia’s car back to Seattle?”

  “Sure thing, boss. ”

  Mia handed him her keys. “Thank you, Billy. ” She described the make and model and gave him her license plate number, just in case he did need to track it down with a tow truck company. “I really appreciate it. ”

  “No problem at all, Miss Sullivan. ”

  * * *

  “Wow,” Mia said when they stepped into his tour bus. “Your old bus was nice, but this one is over the top. ” She ran her hand over shiny iron handrail by the stairs. “Please tell me these walls aren’t gold-plated or that you’ve got diamond-studded rims on the tires. ”

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