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Tell Me You Need Me

Page 3

by Joya Ryan

  Deep down, she knew what she was capable of. She could get sucked in to all this…intimacy crap. And she didn’t want to even toe the line with a guy like Gage. She’d get caught up in his smile, his body, and she’d end up wanting him in a way she couldn’t. A way she shouldn’t.

  Nope. No way she’d ever show that side of herself to anyone. The only time she gave up her prized indifference was when Gage took it in the bedroom, because he knew exactly what she needed. He tapped into every desire and fantasy she had. She could be bound, at his mercy, completely taken over and totally powerful all at the same time.

  She wanted—no—needed him to take over her body. Except he was holding his seduction hostage.

  “I’m free tonight,” she said. “My place. Eleven?”

  He raised a brow. “Why Chloe, are you asking me over for a booty call?”

  “Yes, sir, I am.”

  “Romantic dinner first. Seven o’ clock.”

  She inhaled deeply. This was going to be more difficult than she thought. “Sorry, no dating. And definitely no romance.”

  He shrugged. “Then no sex.”

  “What?” she snapped, louder than she meant. Chloe cringed as people glanced in their direction. She leaned forward, lowering her voice. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m completely serious, sweetheart. You give me what I want, and I’ll give you what you want.”

  She gritted her teeth. “That’s blackmail.”

  “It’s only blackmail if you really need something and I’m withholding it for my own gain… So yeah, I guess you’re right.” He smiled. “It is blackmail.”

  He was being cute now because he knew how badly she needed his body. It’d been four months, and last night’s welcome back had only awakened her need. And now he was right in front of her—her own personal gourmet cupcake—teasing her with terms she wouldn’t fulfill.

  Cheat at his rules or make your own…

  She eyed him and raised her chin. “You wanna play, city boy? Looks like we’ll see who will outlast whom.” She ran her eyes over his impressive body—he was looking her up and down right back. “Seems I’m not the only one with a drooling problem.”

  His eyes darted to hers. Finally, she had some kind of upper hand. Yes, he wanted romance, but he also wanted her. And she knew enough of his ticks to tempt the roughened man into seeing things her way.

  She leaned over the bar, her cleavage all but spilling out over the top of her tank—Gage’s gaze dropped right where she wanted it—and she grinned.

  “Like it or not, we both know last night wasn’t enough,” she said. “You want more, like I do. You want to blackmail me? Fine. But don’t think I won’t retaliate.”

  He leaned in until his mouth was hovering over hers. “I expect nothing less.”

  That stubborn, sexy woman was driving him insane. It was only his third day back in town, and he was already busting at the seams of both his patience and his damn pants.

  “Here is an example of stomped-on underbrush,” Gage said to the team of search and rescue volunteers. East—his closest friend, besides Chloe—was at his side, helping him educate the new volunteers for basic training. The fun stuff would come later in the week, when they’d take the main team to the next level of Sartec training. He had to get his shit together quick or he wouldn’t be able to do his job.

  Yesterday at the bar, Chloe had made it clear she was going to fight him on this romance idea. She knew what she was doing to him, and part of him liked the challenge. He wanted to know her more, and not just because she was different, sassy, and equipped with enough attitude to whip him so hard he could taste it. But when the rope had loosened and his grip had slipped—when he’d started falling—he’d thought of her.

  Her eyes. Her face. How she looked so damn beautiful in the early morning light before sunrise. He’d spent hours watching shadows play over her face as she slept, and he always hated watching the clock count down to the end of their amazing weekends.

  Did she miss him? Were the few details they knew about each other enough for her? It wasn’t enough for him—not even close. He wanted more of her, in every way—and he wanted her to know him back. Because she was the closest thing to an honest-to-God connection he had.

  He needed to know if a relationship was even possible. Sure, it’d be long distance, but he’d come back here whenever he could if he had Chloe to come home to.

  He didn’t want to think about what he’d do if this gambit failed. When it came to an S&R, he was prepared for the worst. When it came to being rejected by the one woman he’d ever wanted? He didn’t know what he’d do. Fortunately, he had a group of trainees to take his mind off Chloe.

  He pointed to the shrubs and the ground. “The prints and the broken bushes show someone came through here.”

  The volunteers nodded, and East looked them over while Gage gave his lecture. The local team was a damn fine one, but with the new recruits coming in, they needed to get up to speed quickly. There were a lot of acres in the area to cover, and Beaufort’s S&R team handled the greater Carolina area. As soon as an S&R call came in, he’d be out there saving people, but in the meantime, he’d be damned if he didn’t make sure these new recruits were beyond ready for duty.

  “Let’s call it a day,” East said.

  Gage didn’t argue. It was broaching sundown, and he was ready for dinner…which he’d be having alone, apparently. He hadn’t stopped thinking of Chloe for a damn second. She was right, he wanted her. Bad.

  “You all right?” East asked. “You look like someone pissed in your Wheaties.”

  Gage scoffed. “Nope, just a certain woman pissing me off is all.”

  East nodded.

  “Yeah, I’ve known Chloe for a long time,” East said. “You sure you know what you’re doing? She can be vicious when she wants something.”

  Chloe, East, and Natalie had been childhood friends forever. Nothing romantic, but East probably knew Chloe better than he did. Something Gage was a bit jealous of.

  “I’m aware of how vicious she can be. But she’s fighting mostly to irritate me.”

  “Or she really doesn’t want to date you.”

  Gage nailed him with a glare. “Bullshit.”

  “All I’m saying, man, is you really want her for more than your arrangement, it’s going to be tough. You two have been doing this for what? A year?”

  “Two,” Gage said. Which was why he believed they were capable of more. Who stayed fuck buddies for two years? Most moved on to the next person so they could keep it casual. “Christ, all I’m asking for is a meal and conversation before we take our clothes off, but she’s acting like I’m proposing marriage.”

  “Aw, cute. You want to cuddle and talk about your feelings and she only wants to fuck. Must be rough being you.”

  “Shut up,” Gage said. He was aware of how this looked, and frankly he didn’t give a damn. Yes, he wanted Chloe so fucking much he could taste it. But he also wanted to hear her laugh like she had the last time they’d stayed up all night, getting lost in each other’s body, then talking, then doing it all over again.

  But he was too far in now. He had to stick to his guns. No matter how hard—literally—it was.

  He pulled out his phone and shot her a quick text.

  Dinnertime is coming up…have you seen reason yet? I’m hungry, sweetheart, and we both know you are, too.

  In a few seconds, his phone pinged back with a text from Chloe.

  I’ll see your dinner and offer up “a quick meal” instead.

  He grinned. She was already caving. But he’d hold strong. Romance for sex. But a quick meal for some messing around could take the edge off…


  His phone pinged again.

  Great. Why don’t you come get me in an hour?

  His fingers worked fast to reply: I’ll be there.

  With that, his evening was looking up and a sexy woman was in his future.

  Chapter Three

sp; Chloe tried not to cackle with pride as she went about setting up her “quick meal” to share with Gage. But she really wanted to pat herself on the back for being so clever. She never said anything about leaving her house to get their dinner.

  The restaurant was in full swing downstairs, and her crew of wonderful employees was overseeing it while she attended to very important business. Her living space was on the third floor and had a private entrance around back, which Gage had used several times.

  She glanced at the clock. He would be there soon, and the process for this meal was a carefully structured one. Hopefully when Gage walked in and saw what she’d prepared, he’d forget the silly date idea and give her what she wanted.

  She carefully placed some well-crafted finger foods down and smiled.

  Yeah…this was going to be good.

  Gage climbed the private stairwell up to Chloe’s apartment above the large Victorian house. The closer he got, the more he could smell the familiar scent of her home. Warm apples mixed with fresh ocean air and a subtle spring flower that was all her. He didn’t know exactly what home smelled like, but he was pretty sure that was it.

  He knocked on her door. He’d showered and shaved, and if he were honest, he was excited she had finally accepted his offer. Good thing, too. As it was, he was already hurting for a sample of her. Every muscle in his body begged to be unleashed. He needed to wrap her up. Pin her down. Make her beg.

  He knocked again.

  “It’s unlocked!” Chloe’s muffled yell came from inside.

  Gage opened the door. He walked in, shut the door behind him, and locked it. He’d need to have a talk with her about safety. A single woman leaving her door unlocked at night wasn’t wise.

  “Chloe?” he called out. The living room was dark, but around the corner came a soft glowing light from the dining room.

  “In here,” she called. Gage hadn’t been in her home in four months, but everything looked the same. Clean, colorful, and well lived in. He made his way to the dining room—

  And froze. Every damn cell in his body shot to high alert at the sight of what lay before him.

  “Ready for your quick meal, city boy?” she asked.

  Jee-sus Christ.

  He blew out a breath and looked her over. She was completely naked, lying on her long dining room table, with perfectly placed bits of fruit and pastries covering her most delicious parts.

  He stared. This was fucking incredible, and his cock agreed. He didn’t want a quick meal. He wanted to devour her.

  Gage stepped toward her, zeroing in on the sweets and strawberries covering her nipples. He’d never wanted to lick anything as bad as he did right then. She’d even somehow dipped the tips of her perfect breasts in sugar.

  “Hope you’re still hungry,” she purred.

  Oh hell yeah he was hungry. She was perfect. Alabaster skin with the soft light making her glow like fresh cream. Her green eyes were fixed on him, and her breaths increased with every step he took toward her.

  Wait. This… This was what she wanted. This was exactly what she wanted.

  “Well played, sweetheart,” he growled. She’d lured him in and played him. To her credit, it was fucking brilliant—she was taking Candy Land to the next level. But still. A game was a game, and she had messed with the rules.

  “Whatever do you mean?” she asked innocently. “It’s a quick meal. Technically, this counts.”

  He shook his head. Fine. If this was her hand, he’d throw down his cards and play, too.

  “Sorry, sugar tits.” He leaned over and snagged one slice of strawberry from her breast with his teeth, purposefully biting her nipple a little in the process. She gasped, and he ran his fingers down her stomach to the peach slices covering her mound. “I wanted a dinner date for sex. This is—”

  “Technically a dinner date,” she growled.

  “No.” He bent over again to snag a peach slice. He sucked it into his mouth and lingered between her folds to get the hint of her taste. Damn, he missed this. Missed her. “This is a quick meal. You said so yourself.”

  He grabbed another slice of peach and circled it around her clit, then dipped it between her folds like an apple into caramel. She moaned and arched her back slightly.

  “I really do love finger foods.” He popped the slice into his mouth—her sweetness on the fruit was his new favorite dessert.

  “I’m glad,” she whispered. “Have as much as you want.”

  Oh, he would. He’d just have to find a way to refrain from taking every last inch of her to the brink and back.

  “Appetizers aren’t a full meal though.” He slid his finger inside her to hammer home his point. “Our deal was sex for a romantic dinner date.” He slowly withdrew. “So this would be finger foods for…” He thrust back inside, and she moaned.

  With two slices of peach gone and her pretty core exposed for him, he wanted to lean in and taste her again, but this was an even exchange. Finger foods for finger play. So he withdrew, then pumped back inside her again. He hooked his fingers, hitting the spot inside that drove her wild, and her back arched farther.

  “Since it’s a quick meal, you should meet me halfway,” she pleaded.

  He raised a brow. “You think so?”

  She nodded spastically. Poor woman was trembling. And he was fighting the need to give her exactly what she wanted. Maybe he could compromise.

  He dipped his head again, snagged another peach, then chewed it until juice ran along his mouth. He spread her legs even wider and sucked hard on her clit—her sweetness, mixed with the bite of fruit, brought a whole new meaning to peaches and cream.

  She grabbed the edges of the table. “Oh yes!”

  Fuck! He forced himself to back away. Fingers only.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Playing fair.” He slowly worked his fingers in and out. “You’re the one who started this with finger foods.”

  He thrust deep again, and she groaned. He might not be able to take her with his cock, or his mouth, but he’d take her with his hand.

  She arched, and some strawberries fell away from her breasts, leaving sugar-coated ruby tipped nipples straining for the ceiling. She was his personal dessert, and he wanted to eat every inch. But he couldn’t. Not without breaking his own rules.

  “Please take me, Gage,” she pleaded softly.

  Truth was, he had a hard time denying her—he wanted nothing more than to give her exactly what she wanted. But he had to keep his focus. He was playing the long game.

  “I’ll give you what you need.” He pressed his thumb against her sensitive bundle of nerves. “If you give me what I want.”

  Her head lolled back and forth on the table. She was either shaking her head or delirious with pleasure. He hoped the latter.

  “Come on, sweetheart. We both know you want to…” He plucked another peach slice with his mouth, careful not to lick her this time. The effort damn near killed him.

  “Mouth,” she begged.

  He rubbed his thumb against her sweet spot faster. “Can’t,” he rasped. “The exchange is fingers for fingers, not oral for oral.”

  “Okay!” she moaned. “Deal. Oral for oral.”

  He slowed his pace enough to keep her on the brink of coming while he negotiated his terms.

  “Oral romance for oral sex? Tell me how you plan to accomplish that, sweetheart.”

  “I can say sweet things to you if you stop talking and use your mouth to do dirty things to me.”

  He chuckled. She was fiery and begging and damn it, he wanted to agree. It’d stay within the rules…

  “I’m waiting for my romance then. I’m ready to hear you whisper sweet nothings to me.” He surged two fingers in deep, and she gasped. “And you better mean them.”

  “Oh yes, please Gage.”

  “Mmm, I love it when you see it my way.” He pulled up a chair and sat at the end of the table. He tugged her toward him until her ass hung off the edge, tossed her legs over
his shoulders, brought her as close as possible, and blew against her hotness. She moaned, and her thighs tensed by his ears.

  “Comp-compromise,” she stuttered out. “I’ll give you your sweet nothings, but I have one demand.”

  He laughed and blew again against her heated flesh. “Of course you do. Especially since you’re the one at my mercy. By all means, make your demands.”

  She lifted herself up on her hands, and the bits of fruit left on her slid down her sides and slapped against the table. “I want to make you come. It’s been so long. Please.”

  That was the nail in his coffin. This sexy mastermind of a woman wanted to make him come? That was her demand? He’d be lying if he wasn’t hell of fucking interested.

  “Quickie for a quickie?” he asked.

  She grinned and nodded. “Doesn’t break either of our standpoints, and we both get a little something to tide us over. What do you say, city boy?”

  He was ready to say fuck it, climb up on the table, and remind her who worked her body to the point of sweaty bliss. Instead, he’d stick to his rules and the one card he had to play: her body. He still had sex in his arsenal, and he wouldn’t trade it until all his demands were met.

  “Let me think for a second.” He bit the inside of her thigh. “I’m still waiting for my sweet nothings.”

  “You bastard.” She groaned.

  “Hmmm…” He ran his nose up her thigh. “I think you’re confused on what sweet words entail.”

  She blew out a breath. “Roses are red, violets are blue—”

  He nipped her mound and she yipped.

  “I told you to mean it,” he said.

  “I was going to say you’re super hot and I want your cock, too. But you ruined my poetry.”

  “Try again.” He hovered over her pulsing clit, hoping he could outlast her. As it was, he was ready to dive in and drink her down until he couldn’t see straight.


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