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Tell Me You Need Me

Page 14

by Joya Ryan

  And I told him I couldn’t take this…

  Someone knocked on the door, and she bit back the sob. She ran to the door and opened it, unable to snuff out the spark of hope that it might be Gage.

  It wasn’t. Why would it be? He was gone. She’d made sure of that.

  “Hey,” Natalie said.

  “Hi,” Chloe whispered back.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Nope,” she answered honestly. “I still can’t make these right.”

  Natalie pulled her into a hug. “You know, the food is covered and everything is all ready to go. The chef nailed all of your mom’s other appetizers, and the new menu items are set. If you don’t have the crab cakes, no one will notice.”

  “That’s not the point,” she whispered.

  “I know.”

  Natalie was trying to help, but Chloe just felt worse. She wanted to make something, feel that connection again with her mother, but she couldn’t. The dish had beaten her. The reality was Chloe didn’t have anything in common with her mother other than getting too attached to people who didn’t want her back.

  “This was going to be my one thing,” she said against Natalie’s shoulder.

  “I know.”

  Chloe shook her head, wiped her eyes, and stepped back. “I’m going to go down there. Everyone is waiting.”

  She also needed a break from thinking. And failing. And reality.

  “I just need a sec to freshen my makeup.”

  “Okay,” Natalie whispered. “I’ll be right down there with you if you need me.”

  She nodded and shut the door behind her friend. Everything was geared up to go without a problem. Except Chloe was still alone and had accomplished nothing.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Gage went through the back door of the restaurant and snuck around to the kitchen. He’d technically committed robbery tonight. Though he was calling it “borrowing a set of clean scrubs that were left out at the hospital.” But he’d been dirty and his pants were muddy and ripped, and he couldn’t show up to Chloe’s restaurant like that. He also couldn’t spare much time. So blue scrubs it was! He didn’t exactly look the part of “the good doctor,” but at least he was clean.

  He’d come as quickly as he could. Tonight was important to Chloe. Not only would he be here, he’d set right what he should have two weeks ago.

  He hoped he wasn’t too late since he’d made a stop on the way, but he needed to do something big if he wanted to make up for confirming every one of Chloe’s worst fears. Better to be late and get it right than on time and ruin it forever.

  Everyone looked to be having a good time and chatting. Technically the place had been open for the event for the past hour, so maybe fashionably late would be okay. Point was, he’d made it. And the stop beforehand would be worth it…he hoped.

  He stayed in the shadows between the bar and kitchen. Everyone was on the main floor, and that’s when he spotted her.


  She was beautiful. Her dress, hair, face—she was the loveliest woman he’d ever seen. She spoke with everyone, but her smile didn’t reach her eyes. In fact, her gaze looked a little glossy.

  And it was his fault.

  She moved through the crowd so gracefully it made his heart jump, but she didn’t see him. Not yet.

  Didn’t matter. She was his—always had been. And he had to make this work.

  Finally, she headed toward the kitchen…

  “Sweetheart,” he said as soon as she stepped inside.

  Chloe jumped. “What are you doing here?”

  He slid the small covered dish he’d brought toward her. “This is for you.”

  She frowned at the dish and shook her head. “Are you okay?” She covered her mouth. “Is the family okay? Did you find her parents?”

  “The parents are fine. They’re all together again.”

  She nodded. “So you did your job.”

  “Actually, I didn’t go back out. The team I trained found the parents.”

  He watched her chest rise and fall on a heavy breath. She cared about him. Worried about him. And he’d made her worry more.

  She frowned and her eyes ran the length of him. “Um, Gage…what are you wearing?”

  He glanced down the front of himself. “Scrubs.”

  “Uh-huh.” She looked him over again.

  “What? You’re not into the doctor look?”

  A small smile broke her lips. “You look like a GI Joe dressed up to play doctor, right after you jump out of a helicopter and meet the A-Team for a rendezvous at headquarters.”

  Well, that was better than her telling him he looked like a jackass. Because he felt like one.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I would have dressed up. I really am so sorry, and I just needed to get here. I would have been here sooner, but I—”

  “Have a job. People to save. I know. I get it. And I’m not mad about it.”

  “Actually, I was going to say I had to make this…” He slid the dish toward her again, and she opened it.

  “Crab cakes?” she asked.

  “A few days ago Natalie said you were struggling, so she gave me the recipe. I don’t know if they’re exactly like your mom’s, but maybe they’re close?”

  Chloe stared into the dish and covered her mouth with her palm. “They look exactly the same. Thank you.” That look in her eye softened. “They’re raw.”

  “Well yeah, I put them together, but you are going to cook them.”

  “I can’t,” she said.

  “Yes, you can.”

  “Gage, don’t. I can’t do this with you right now. I have people here and—”

  “How much time do you have?”

  She shrugged. “Twenty minutes maybe.”

  “That’s plenty to cook these. You don’t have to forgive me yet, but these need to be made. Let’s go.”

  “I don’t know,” she whispered. There was pain in her voice, and Gage wanted to make it better. The scary thing was, he didn’t know if this would work either. Didn’t know if she’d actually forgive him when this was all done. Didn’t know where they stood or if they had any kind of future at all.

  All he knew how to do was to stick to the mission. But now the mission was more than going out into the field. It was about more than saving strangers. When it came to him and Chloe, it was about saving them.

  He heated up the skillet in the restaurant’s industrial kitchen. For the moment, they were alone. The faint sounds of the bustling people wafted past them.

  “Slow burn,” he said, putting the oil in the pan. “You just have to maintain the steady heat.”

  She looked at him, and he saw something sad in her expression. Was this the look she’d described seeing in her mother’s eyes? It was soul shattering. And he’d put that look on her face. He had to fix it. Had to try.

  “It’s ready,” he said, gesturing to the pan.

  She tentatively reached for one of the crab cakes. He put his hand on top of hers, stilling her for a moment.

  “Remember, Chloe. Don’t force it. Just love it.”

  She looked at him, and for a moment he thought she was going to cry, but then she gently set the crab cake in the oil. Her eyes widened as she watched the appetizer slowly brown.

  “Flip it,” he instructed.

  She did.

  The golden color was perfect and in a few moments, it was done.

  She scooped it out and placed it on a serve tray.

  “It looks perfect,” she said. She made the next, then the next, while Gage watched her. She was doing it. On her own. The question was, would Chloe want to be on her own in everything from here on out?

  Before he could voice that one question, that one fear, Natalie stepped in and said it was time for Chloe’s speech.

  With the last crab cake finished, Gage couldn’t give her a reason to delay going out there.

  She sighed. “I have to go.”

  “This time I’ll wait for you,” he said. “J
ust please tell me you’re coming back.”

  She paused, then said, “I have to go.”

  And then she walked out of the kitchen and toward the podium in the main room.

  The event was going great. The grand reopening for the twentieth anniversary had brought in tons of people, and the refinished balcony was a hit. The band was playing smooth jazz on the small stage they’d set up in the corner, and everyone seemed to be having fun.

  Except for her.

  She’d been ready to live the rest of her days missing him. And then he was here, the last thing she’d expected, and all those feelings came back to the surface. The elation at seeing him and the fear that this would mean losing him all over again.

  Her mother’s spirit was definitely around, but so was the pain of loss. And when it came to Gage, she only had herself to blame for pushing him away. But she wouldn’t repeat that mistake. Not now. Not ever.

  She loved him.

  He’d come through for her. Helped her accomplish what she wanted to do. Gave her space to be her own person. She had to do the same back for him.

  Natalie nudged her shoulder toward the stage. “Good luck.” Her friend looked beautiful in her dress. While the event was casual, a lot of people had busted out button-ups and cocktail dresses for the occasion. The twinkly lights were strung high and lit up the whole place with soft yellows and creams.

  “I don’t know what to say,” she admitted.

  “Thank everyone for coming and say whatever feels right.”

  Great, that shouldn’t be too tough. Yeah, right.

  With a heavy chest, she walked to the small stage. The band slowed the music and eventually stopped when she smiled at them and stepped in front of the mic.

  People gathered around, all eyes fused on her.

  “Thank you everyone for coming,” she said. Her anxiety kicked up a notch as she looked around the room of smiling faces. “My mother would be so happy. She loved this town. Loved all of you.”

  The words stuck in her throat. She took a deep breath, then continued. “Funny thing about love…it’s amazing. And scary as hell.”

  Everyone laughed, and she felt the urge to tell them how serious she was. She glanced at the French doors near the back and saw him. Gage.

  He stepped from the shadows and smiled at her. Looking at her, seeing her, simply being there for her.

  Her breath caught, and her heart stalled.

  “Love is really scary,” she said softer into the mic, keeping her eyes on Gage. “Because love is a risk. You put everything you have into something, like my mother did with this place.” She glanced around quickly. “She put her heart and soul into this place because she believed in it. Because she wanted roots and a home. It was a risk, but she took it. She knew if it didn’t work that it’d break her heart, but she loved it too much not to take the chance.”

  She swallowed hard and locked her gaze back on Gage. He slowly moved through the crowd, and those dark eyes of his never left her face.

  “This whole time I’ve been scared,” she said. “I was so focused on the fear of the risk, but nothing good in life is easy, especially love. It’s what drives us. And I’m going to let go of the wheel and hope I stay on the road. But if I get lost…” She folded her lips, and the sting in her heart rose as she spoke to the one man she’d ever loved. “I have faith I won’t be lost for long. Because there’s someone who will come find me.”

  Gage’s dark gaze fused to hers. He nodded with that soft, sexy smile.

  Everyone clapped, and Chloe blinked. There were tons of people in the room, but all she saw was Gage.

  “Thank you all.” The band started up again, and everyone began chatting and dancing. Chloe hustled down the stage and made a beeline for the man she’d hoped would come find her.

  She didn’t stop until she flung herself into his arms.

  Chloe clutched him close. “You shocked me.”

  “I know. I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”

  “But you came back.”

  “I told you I would.” He cupped her face and kissed her.

  “But I pushed you away, too. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  “You’re going to have to push a lot harder, sweetheart.” He ran his nose against hers. “I’m sorry, too. It wasn’t fair to make you worry and ask you to wait for me. If you put yourself in danger, I’d tie you down and refuse to let you go.”

  She raised a brow, kind of liking the sound of that, but Gage was trying to see things from her perspective.

  “I understand now,” he said. “I want to be with you. Stay with you. I want to be a part of your world—that’s all I’ve wanted this whole time. But I got scared about losing my purpose.”

  She faced him and looked deep into those dark eyes. He was being honest, and like it or not, she had to return the favor.

  “Baby, I know what your purpose is,” she said. “And I’m never going to keep you from it. You’re here until you get called again because you need to help people. You need to save them.”

  “That’s just it,” he said. “I can save people from here.”

  She swallowed. “What do you mean?”

  “East offered me a permanent training position as head of S&R in Beaufort. That little girl’s parents? The team I trained saved them. And I can’t explain it, but the pride I felt seeing them fulfill the same purpose I’ve held on to…it showed me what I really need to do. I can save more people by training recruits than I ever could on my own. And maybe, by sticking around, you can save me, too.”

  She closed her eyes, unable to hold back a swell of tears. “What about if they need you for some emergency?”

  “I’ll still go out on calls if there’s an emergency, but day-to-day, I’ll be right here. Doing my best to be the man who deserves your love.”

  Her heart was going to explode with joy. She was still crying, but a smile burst onto her face. “Doesn’t excuse you being late to my restaurant’s anniversary.”

  He laughed as he reached into his pants pocket. “I deserve that. But I have a good excuse.”

  “I know, thank you for the crab cakes.”

  “I don’t mean the crab cakes.” He pulled a small box from his pocket—

  And the world around her paused.

  He knelt on his good knee and winced a little.

  “Gage, you’re going to hurt yourself!” She went down to her knees, too. “What the hell are you doing?”

  He smiled. “Well, I’m trying to propose to you, so if you could stand back up, that’d sure help me out a lot.”

  Her eyes went wide, and he popped the box open, revealing a dazzling diamond ring.

  “Will you let me be yours forever?”

  If he’d even suggested this kind of commitment when he first came back to town, she’d have gladly sent him into the mountains and made sure no one ever found him. But now she knew what life was like without him, and the hope that he could be hers now and forever was too good to ever let go.

  “Yes!” She grinned and kissed him hard with everything she had. “I love you.”

  “I love you, sweetheart.” He tugged her closer. “And I hope you like the sight of this face, because you’re going to be seeing a lot of it. You’ll never miss me again. I’m going to be so close to you you’ll be sick of me. You’ll be begging for me to go on a mission.”

  “Can’t wait.” She smiled and held on to the man who owned her heart and her future.


  “I must admit these are the best damn crab cakes I’ve ever had,” Gage said. And they were. Better than anything he’d ever made.

  Trays of appetizers circulated around the restaurant, and he adjusted his tie and got a little closer to the beautiful blonde standing by the bar in a sexy fitted white dress made of lace and silk.

  She flashed him a smile. They were surrounded by people raving about the occasion. All Gage could do was pull up a spot at the corner of the bar and stare down the sexiest woman he’d ever seen.
  “Why thank you,” she said. “I made them myself.”

  He raised a brow and drank his beer. “That right? Well you must have many talents.”

  She shrugged, and the delicate strap of her dress fell down her shoulder. Gage’s gaze fixated on it—he wanted nothing more than to rip it off and take her hard. Right there. Right now.

  “I have some talents,” she said. “But most of them don’t take place in the kitchen.”

  She was teasing him, and he was game. Leaning in, he whispered, “Well I’d like to see some of these talents.”

  “Why, sir. I’ll have you know you’re hitting on a married woman.”

  Gage smiled and looked her up and down. “Well your husband is a lucky son of a bitch then.”

  “He’s pretty romantic,” she admitted.

  “And how long have you been married?”

  “About an hour.”

  He nodded. “You know, if you sneak off with me, tell me about some of these talents of yours, I promise to make it worth your while.”

  She tapped her chin and glanced at the ceiling. He followed her stare—she was looking at the indoor balcony above. “Well, it’d be better to demonstrate than a visual. Although keeping eye contact is key.”

  His cock stirred as he pictured that eye contact while she was on her knees before him, taking his cock deep into her throat.

  “Well, I’m a fair player, sweetheart. All about reciprocation.”

  “Oh? You have talents too?”

  He nodded. “Yes, I do. You lead the way to a quiet corner and I’d be happy to show you.”

  She eyed him for a moment. Then the ring on his left hand.

  “I see you’re married, too. What would your wife say about all these naughty things you’re alluding to?”

  “Oh, she doesn’t have patience for me alluding to anything. I have to put up or shut up.”

  “Sounds like a smart woman.”

  “She is.”

  “Well, either that or she just can’t keep her hands off you.”

  “I have to admit, I can’t keep my hands off her either.”

  She turned and walked off without another word. He shot to his feet and followed her. Keeping her lace train in sight, he wound around the back, to the private stairwell—


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