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Seduced by Danger

Page 7

by Stephanie Julian

  In a daze, Michael left the room and headed for the kitchen.

  Where Sal sat with the rest of the local paper spread out on the table.

  “You look like you could use some coffee.” Sal hopped off his chair and headed for the coffeepot on the counter. “Have a seat, son, before you trip over your feet.”

  He sat. What else could he do? “Why did you send her alone, Sal?”

  Sal poured a cup of coffee and set it down in front of him before answering. “Because she asked and she’s not a prisoner or a child. She’s an adult who went through one of the worst experiences a person could imagine and came through with her sanity intact and her heart pure. She’s a mother who’s raised a son on her own for the past year and she’s done a damn good job of it.”

  Okay, that pretty much put him in his place.

  For several seconds, Michael stared at his coffee, steaming untouched in front of him. Then he asked the question that was really bothering him. “So how did I know she was out of the house before I even got out of bed?”

  From Sal’s sigh, Michael knew he was going to like the answer to this question even less than the answer to his first.

  “You died, son. You were on your way to Aitás. There was a struggle for your soul and yes, we won, but it came with a price. Your arus is now tied to Cara’s.”

  Michael slowly lifted his gaze to meet Sal’s steady dark eyes. “How bad is it for her?”

  Sal’s gaze softened, so slightly Michael might have missed it if he wasn’t sitting right across the table from him.

  “Not as bad as it is for you.”

  He might be able to live with that. “What does that mean, exactly?”

  “It means she feels your absence too. Just not with the same level of…discomfort.”

  Discomfort? “What the hell does that mean? Come on, Sal. I’m not a child. Just spit it out.”

  Sal sighed. “We don’t know for sure, but we think the farther she gets from you physically, the more it’ll feel like someone’s ripping your heart out of your chest.”

  Well, shit. That sounded painful. “But she won’t feel that?”



  “Because your soul tied itself to hers when she called you back.”

  Damn. Michael’s heart started to pound out an uneven rhythm and his lungs couldn’t get enough air.

  “How far?”

  Sal’s gaze narrowed. “You mean how far can you get before the pain is so excruciating you can’t function?”

  Shit. This was so fucking bad. “Tinia’s teat, Sal—”

  “Now don’t explode on me, Michael. It’s not as bad as it seems.”

  Michael couldn’t sit anymore. He jumped to his feet and started to pace like a caged lion. “Yes, it is. Christ, Sal, how can I go after Bennett? I can’t take her with me. I can’t let her get anywhere near the bastard. I won’t let him fuck with her life again.”

  “I’m not saying take her with you. And we’re not sure how far the bond stretches. Tell me how you feel right now.”

  Furious. “Like I fucked up again and she’s going to pay.”

  Sal frowned at him. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Michael met the other man’s gaze as he continued to pace. “Vaffanculo, Sal. I screwed up so many times, we should’ve been dead ten times over. I promised her, Sal. Damn it, I promised her we’d stop running sometime. I promised her I’d take care of Bennett so she could live.”

  Impotent rage burned in his chest. So damn close. He’d almost made good on his promise to make it safe for them all.

  But because he’d been so damn selfish, he’d fucked it all up.

  “How do we break it?” Sal or the goddesses had to have a solution. They had to—

  Sal shook his head. “There’s no breaking it, Michael. You break it, you die.”

  “What about Cara? If I die, will she be okay?”

  Sal’s eyes narrowed as he leaned back in his chair. “Damn, son, I don’t like where you’re going with this.”

  Michael didn’t care. “I don’t want her to be stuck with me, Sal. She deserves better.”

  “Better than you, you mean?”

  That’s exactly what he meant. He didn’t deserve her. And yet…he wanted her to love him and never leave him.

  She’d never said the words. He suspected it was because he’d been so damn careful not to say it to her. And because she thought he didn’t want to hear it.

  Which was both true and so very not true.

  He was so fucking pathetic he should put himself out of his misery.

  “Well,” Sal shook his head, “I can’t do much about your low self-esteem. But I can tell you Cara would have your head if she heard you talk like this so I suggest you don’t ever say that in her presence. Get your head out of your ass, boy. You’re damn lucky to have this woman. Don’t screw it up.”

  Michael stared at Sal in shock. Was the other man honestly saying he thought he and Cara belonged together? A Mal and a beautiful Fata. The pairing went against the laws of nature.

  Yes, Michael knew Cara and Aron were the best things that could ever happen to him. They were a gift he didn’t deserve. Would never deserve.

  He’d done horrible things in his life. He’d worked for the Mal for years. He’d stolen businesses from honest men and women, destroyed careers and livelihoods. He’d been a loyal Mal.

  Of course, it was because he’d been such a good Mal, had known their strategies and weak points, that had kept them alive in the years since they’d run.

  Did saving the lives of two innocents make up for the ones he’d destroyed?

  “Can you send me to her, Sal? I don’t like that she’s there alone.”

  Sal leaned back in his chair, looking at him. “She specifically asked for somewhere quiet to think.”

  “I won’t disturb her. I just need to know she’s okay. I won’t…set off any alarms or anything, will I?”

  Sal’s gaze narrowed. “Why would… You think the Temple of Uni is warded against the Mal.” Sal shook his head, his expression tightening as he jumped off the chair and began to mutter. In ancient Etruscan.

  Michael knew only a few of the words but it was enough to figure out that Sal was verbally blasting the Mal for their suspect practices. And those were only the words Michael understood.

  When Sal stomped over to stand in front of Michael, the salbinelli wore a scowl that put Michael on his guard. The guy only stood about four feet but he scared the shit out of Michael.

  “Well, get up, son. I’ll send you. Just don’t come crying to me when she reams you a new one.”

  Michael stood, opened his mouth to say thank you but never got the words out.

  Sal touched Michael and the world folded in on him as the spell Sal muttered transported him to another location. For a second, he actually felt like he was in two places at once and that created a fierce sense of dislocation. He’d never traveled by translocation before and, he had to admit, it was a little freaky.

  The disorientation lasted only a few seconds before Michael blinked and found himself looking out at an expanse of white marble that slowly came into focus. But he only had eyes for the woman seated on a bench along the side wall, her gaze trained up toward the ceiling.

  Blessed Goddess, she was so beautiful, his chest actually hurt with wanting her.

  His body strained toward her but he held himself in place. She looked peaceful, calm. And he didn’t want to disturb her.

  He stood as still as he could but it must not have been enough because within seconds she opened her eyes and stared straight at him.

  Her expression showed no sign of anger that he’d interrupted her or was unwelcome. She just looked at him.

  And he was compelled to close the distance between them.

  With each step, the unease he’d felt in his gut when they’d been parted dissipated as the hunger for her increased. That hunger never really left. It merely receded to a dull ache,
even after they’d just had sex.

  He hated to believe she thought he wanted her only for sex. And yet, what else was she supposed to think?

  When he stood only inches from her, close enough to smell the faint hint of her vanilla shampoo and the spicy scent that was just her, he wanted to say something. Reassure her in some way.

  But what the hell could he say? What—

  She reached for him, one hand curved around his hip, the other pressing over his heart. His heart felt like it lifted into her touch. And his cock twitched at the proximity of her hand and her mouth.

  Lifting his hands to her head, he sank his fingers into the long sable strands, wrapping his fingers in the waves then letting them stream through like water.

  Her eyes closed, as if just the touch of his hands in her hair soothed something inside her.

  He wished to hell that was true. Wished he was the kind of man who deserved her. Wished—

  Fuck it. He had her in his arms right now. No more wishing.

  Releasing her hair, he lifted her off the bench, covering her mouth with his and opening his mouth over hers.

  At the first thrust of his tongue, she parted her lips and allowed him entrance. Then proceeded to blow his mind with the most erotic kiss he’d ever experienced.

  Her tongue slid over his, teasing, her lips soft beneath his. Her fingers sank into his too-long hair, tugging at the ends, scraping along his scalp.

  His desire rose up and flooded through his body. Groaning, he kissed her harder, deeper, holding her closer until he couldn’t bear the feel of the clothing between them.

  The fact that they were in a public place only crossed his mind for a second as he turned toward the polished marble altar just in front of Uni’s statue. It was the perfect height.

  When he reached the altar, he set her on the edge and leaned back, looking down into her eyes.

  He saw no fear in those river-blue depths. Only encouragement. As if what he wanted to do was okay.

  And hell, it probably was. Although he’d never been to Uni’s temple, he knew enough about Etruscan rituals to know they often involved sex.

  Since he planned to worship Cara, he figured this was the perfect place.

  Her lips lifted in a smile as she leaned back on the altar, resting on her elbows, watching him as he reached for the waistband of her clingy black pants. He was embarrassed as his fingers fumbled for a second before he pulled the material off her legs, leaving her bare from the waist down.

  He loved the fact that she didn’t wear underwear, loved knowing she was naked under her clothes and he was the only one who knew.

  Dropping to his knees between her legs, he leaned in and put his mouth directly over her sex.

  He vaguely heard her sigh but his entire concentration narrowed down to the scent of her, the heat and the taste.

  Settling his hands on her thighs, kneading the soft skin, he focused his attention on her clit, sucking the little bud into his mouth then licking. Slick liquid spilled from her pussy as he trailed one hand from her thigh to slide into that moisture. He coated two fingers in her juices then slowly thrust them into her tight channel.

  Her back arched as he fucked her with his hand and tormented her with his mouth. The soft sounds she made caused his cock to tighten and pulse with a fierce demand. His cock wanted him to stand and take her. But this wasn’t about him. This was about her.

  He wanted—no, he needed to make her come, to hear her cry out, to know he’d eased the hunger inside her without making demands of his own. Wanted her to know she was more important to him than as an outlet for his lust.

  Skimming his teeth against her clit, he growled in satisfaction as she cried out, her fingers tugging at his hair, trying to get him even closer.

  Stroking faster now, he let his fingers twist, making her moan. Her thighs tightened around his head, holding him in place as if he might try to get away.

  She was close. He felt the tension in her legs, in the grip of her sheath around his fingers. Her moans had a breathy quality and her body shuddered with each breath she took.

  “Michael. Michael.”

  His name became a chant, her voice low and deep and filled with yearning. He nipped her clit, a slight sting that caused her to gulp in air. Then he licked at it, lapped at her, varying the speed and intensity until finally she cried out his name and shattered into orgasm. He nearly came in his jeans as her pussy rippled and contracted around his fingers, trying to draw him in even more.

  When she finally drew in a deep breath and released his hair, he rose, staring down at her.

  She had the most beautiful expression, sated and sweet and so fucking lovely, he lifted her off the altar and kissed her. Hard. He wanted to taste that sweetness.

  Her arms curved around his shoulders, holding her to him as she kissed him back.

  She clung when he pulled back to breathe. He liked that. So fucking much.

  “Come on, Cara.” He brushed back the hair from her eyes, wondering at the expression he saw there. “I want you back at Sal’s. Before anyone sees you.”

  He dropped his gaze then to look for her shorts, knowing that was only an excuse. He didn’t want her to see in his eyes what he couldn’t put into words.


  He snagged her pants off the floor and pulled them up her legs. “What?”

  She sighed, as if he’d given her the wrong answer to a question. And he probably had.

  He forced himself to meet her gaze then. And what he saw made him want to open his mouth and blurt things he had no business saying.

  After a few silent seconds, she sighed again and nodded. “You’re right. We need to get back.

  “But don’t think we’re not going to talk later, Michael. We have to.”

  Chapter Five

  Michael’s cell phone rang with an annoying buzz and he grabbed it off the bedside table before it could wake Cara.

  He flipped it open without looking at the display and remembered just after he said hello that no one had this number.

  So he was shocked into silence when he heard, “Michael. It’s time for you to stop this foolishness. You’ve embarrassed and punished us more than enough. You need to come home.”

  The voice jolted him fully out of sleep with the force of a category-five hurricane. He should have let the damn phone ring all night. Or smashed it to pieces when it started.

  “Michael. Don’t ignore me. I know you’re there. I’m still your mother and I deserve a response.”

  Holy shit. Michael heard the voice but couldn’t quite believe it was who she claimed to be.

  How the hell had Vivianne gotten his cell number? He hadn’t given the number to anyone.

  “Mom, what—”

  Shit, he didn’t even know what question to ask first. There were too damn many.

  “Don’t act so surprised to hear from me, Michael. What did you expect? That we would let you ruin your life and ours? We’ve given you enough time to rebel but now it’s time to grow up. Return immediately and you’ll be forgiven your indiscretions after accepting proper punishment.”

  Well, that should answer the question of whether this definitely was his mother. Sounded just like her.

  “Mom, how’d you know how to reach me?”

  “Don’t insult my intelligence and don’t change the subject.” Vivianne’s voice held a tone Michael remembered from his childhood. The one that made him sit up straight even though he knew she couldn’t see him. “When are you coming home, Michael?”

  As quietly as he could, Michael slid to the side of the bed and walked out into the hall. Away from Cara, who was still asleep.

  “I’m not,” he said, trying to calm his still rapidly beating heart. “I explained that to you three years ago. I’m not coming back, Mom. Not ever.”

  Silence greeted that declaration. Then his mother sighed and in his mind’s eye, he saw Vivianne’s perfectly controlled grimace. His mother was a beautiful woman, even in her mid-sev
enties. He’d been a late baby though not unwanted, and his worth had tripled when he’d been born Mal.

  But like many rich and powerful people who came from money, his parents worshipped wealth above everything, including family ties.

  Vivianne had occasionally told him as a child that he was loved. His father had never said the words and Michael had grown up believing love was a set of common goals and a willingness to submerge your personality for the greater good of the Mal.

  Which was complete bullshit.

  He knew what true love was now that he’d met Cara. Now that Aron was in his life.

  And he would never go back.

  “You’re being unreasonable, Michael.” Vivianne sounded calm, almost soothing. “You don’t understand what’s at stake here. We’re not just talking about you. Your selfishness has not only endangered your life but ours too.”

  He’d expected that but the news still caused his heart to pound. He’d never meant to bring this down on his parents. Yes, they were Mal. But they were still his parents.

  They were strong. They’d weather this.

  And he couldn’t go back. His parents wouldn’t be content with anything he told them. They’d bring in a mind reader. They’d find out exactly what he’d been doing and with whom. His parents would discover that he’d killed four other Mal and that he still wanted to kill Bennett.

  “I’m not coming back, Mom. Don’t look for me. Don’t call again. You won’t get through. I love you, Mom.”

  He didn’t know why he didn’t hang up right away. He honestly didn’t think his mother would return the sentiment before she told him to have a good life and stay safe.

  He knew better and yet—

  His mother sighed. “We didn’t want to resort to this but you leave us no choice.”

  Shit. “Mom, what—”

  “You may not understand but we are doing this for your own sake, Michael,” his mother continued. “We believe you’ll eventually understand our actions. Goodbye. For now.”

  The phone clicked and Michael struggled to breathe through blind panic.


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