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Butterfly Boys

Page 7

by Cameron James

  “How many trains later are we now?” I asked, he laughed as we rounded a corner, he stopped his bike, landing his feet on the floor looking out at the beach. I stopped beside him.

  “Twelve.” He said nodding, “one a year, every year, usually bought by your Dad for my birthday.” he said then smiled at me, I smiled back. “The latest was a Flying Scotsman, it was beautiful.” He said in a moan, I raised my eyebrow at him, he laughed. “It was.” He said, then got off his bike. I also got off mine. Wheeling it onto the beach, then throwing it down, so it was lying in the sand, next to where I sat. I looked up as Olly put the balancer on his bike, standing it up then inspecting the sand before deciding where to sit on it. He continued to inspect the sand once he’d sat then looked up squinting at the sun.

  Olly was really, surprisingly easy to keep happy;

  Trains. If you can get somewhere by train, do so. We could’ve ridden to this park that became the beach but because we both knew we could get the train; we got the train.

  Butterflies. Olly just really likes butterflies. Including the caterpillar and the cocoon, of course.

  Hats. Olly does not do hats. This includes, and is not limited to caps, woollen hats, helmets, anything that could be placed on your head, should not be placed on Olly’s.

  His dislike for hats however didn’t stop him from hitting the peak of my cap over and over until I took it off my head.

  “Hey!” I stated, he laughed as he took it from me, then lay on the beach, holding my cap above his face. He sighed, it sounded happy so I did it too, then knocked my head against his shoulder. “How’d you feel about an ice cream?”

  “I’d feel really good about an ice cream Sam.” He said amused, turning to look at me, keeping one eye closed to keep out the sun. “Flake.” He declared as I stood, brushing the sand off me. “Flake and red sauce, of course.” I said nodding, so he nodded back.

  “Sam.” He stated, so I turned then laughed as he frisbeed my cap to me, I just about caught it, then put it on before turning to continue towards the ice cream van. He was sat up building a sandcastle as I walked back towards him, passing the ice cream down to him, laughing as he wiped his hand on his shorts. He took the cone, taking a bite out of the ice cream happily as I sat back beside him.

  “What are you going to do in ten days?” he asked, I frowned at him as he continued to lick up the dripping ice cream.

  “What’s in ten days?”

  “Your twentieth birthday.” he said raising his eyebrow at me, I did it back. “You have to say goodbye to teenagedom in ten days Samuel.”

  “You don’t seem to have Oliver.” I replied, he laughed. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.” I added thoughtfully; Olly laughed.

  “When’s Frankie twenty?” he asked, his eyebrows burrowing at me, I mocked his expression so he hit my arm.

  “He’s got to turn nineteen first.” I said, Olly laughed it sounded shocked.

  “Frankie’s a year younger than us?” he asked, I nodded.

  “He’s the summer as well though.”

  “And you’re going to live with him in uni?”

  “Yeah.” I said in a deep breath, “Him, Sky and Oakley. We’ve got a flat.” I said, he grinned so I nudged him, “what? Who are you living with?”

  “My first year flatmates.” He said nodding, “we kind of just agreed to carry on living together it was easier, and I wouldn’t have to explain the butterfly thing again.” He said then grinned, I laughed.

  “You’re enjoying Uni?”

  “Yeah.” He said nodding, “It really is a lot of fun, I’m not just putting on a front about it.”

  “And it’s like… okay?”

  “It’s hard. For sure.” He said nodding, “I mean, some days I just don’t go to class, it’s easier and I get far more work done and my lecturer allows it because I’ve not handed anything in late.” He shrugged, “I take it one day at a time.” he said softly, I nodded to him.

  “We graduate this year Olly.”

  “Yep.” He said then he laughed, “yes we do.” He said then smiled at me and held up his hands, showing me he’d eaten the ice cream, I did it back to him. “It’s uphill back.” he said turning to look at the path we’d come down, I hummed at him then stood and picked up my bike.

  “Let’s get started then.” I said, he sighed, pushing his bike towards me, then high fiving me before climbing onto his bike and pushing off so I followed.


  Chapter Seven

  Frankie: Party ox

  Sam: Nope.

  Frankie: Come on SAMMY! Ox

  Sam: Where?

  Frankie: Skylar’s! it’s Oakley’s 19th, Drinks at their house. Please come and play with me ox

  Sam: When?

  Frankie: 10 MINUTES.

  Sam: You’re joking!

  Frankie: I’m already here ox

  “The hell?” I said as I stepped through the sliding doors onto the deck. Skylar’s garden was something else, they had a pretty huge deck, with two l-shape couches either side, there were two huge heaters although not currently lit I’m sure they would be later but, the feature of the garden was the swimming pool that filled most of the back.

  “Why do you think we have all the parties here?” Oakley said, I laughed.

  “Why is this the first time I’ve ever been to Skylar’s house?” I asked, Skylar grinned at me as I walked to Oakley, hugging him. “Happy birthday.” I added, he grinned.

  “Thanks.” Oakley said softly.

  “This is the coolest house ever though, where did this come from?” I asked, Skylar laughed as they shrugged and took a drink out of their glass.

  “Their well off.” Oakley said as he sat next to Skylar on the couch, resting his head on their shoulder. “And they’ll deny it, but their Dads are super well off.”

  “How?” I asked, Skylar hummed.

  “My Dad is a palaeontologist; he’s worked in the museum since he got his degree.”

  “And apparently knowing things about dinosaur bones mean you make a lot of money.”

  “No.” Skylar said laughing, “being good at his job and progressing means he’s makes a lot of money. My Pa, is a gender therapist, and well…”

  “Loaded.” I said as Oakley did, we both laughed.

  “No.” they said shaking their head,

  “What car does your Dad have Sky?” I asked, they looked at me,

  “Rapide AMR.” They said, Oakley frowned at him as I laughed.

  “Your Dad as an Aston Martin. Your family car is a sports car.” I said as Frankie stepped through the patio doors.

  “Are you figuring out how rich Skylar in fact is?” he asked then practically skipped over to sit next to me.

  “Because their parents could pay for all our uni admissions and still have money left over.”

  “Shut up.” Skylar said laughing, “let’s drink instead of inspecting my parents bank accounts.” They said then held up a vodka bottle to us, “deal?”

  “Fine, fine.” Oakley said dramatically as he took the bottle, then passed it across to Frankie who grinned at me before drinking from the bottle and passing it onto me.

  We all cheered when Skylar lit the two heaters, the flames growing as they backed away from them until they were sitting beside Oakley, who they were sharing the blanket that was draped over their legs with.

  “Does that count as completing a dare?” They asked as they picked up their can from the table, they shook it, they seemed disappointed with the contents.

  “Fine, fine yes.” Oakley said, then pointed at me.

  “Fuck off.” I said simply, he laughed.

  “Finish it.” Oakley declared pointing at the unopened bottle of bubblegum drink at my feet. I groaned loudly as I sat up, feeling Frankie’s hand as it rested on my back.

  “All of it?”

  “Entire bottle.” Oakley said as I picked up the bottle, leaning it on my legs. It fizzed loudly when I unscrewed the lid, then I sighed lifting it and beg
inning to drink it. I tried to stop myself laughing as they all began to chant ‘chug’. Until I began to cough, lowering the bottle and covering my mouth, I looked at how much was left.

  “Oh my god.” I said, hearing as Oakley laughed it sounded mildly evil as I drank the last bit of the drink. It bounced off the table when I placed it down accompanied by a cheer as I sat back next to Frankie, burying my head into his shoulder as I got my breath back.

  “Nicely done.” Oakley said amused, I turned my head to him, nodding to him before I burped, he laughed as I covered my mouth, looking at Frankie as he laughed also.

  “Your turn.” I said pointing back at Oakley as he shook his head,

  “Be nice.” Oakley stated, Skylar began to laugh almost instantly.

  “No.” I said, Frankie shook his head as I pointed behind us, we all turned. “Jump in.” I said, Oakley scoffed.

  “Naked.” Frankie added; Oakley’s laugh sounded like a bark.

  “Yeah right.” He said turning back to me. “I’ll do it, if you will?” He said, I narrowed his eyes at him.

  “I would.”

  “Would you?” Frankie replied, “go on then.” He added opening his arm towards the pool, I shook my head at him, he grinned. “Scared?” Frankie asked as Oakley stood,

  “Fine, fine well, let’s all do it together then?” Oakley said laughing happily as he removed his t-shirt, I shook my head at him as I also stood.

  “You’re a bad influence.” I said walking around Oakley then throwing my t-shirt at Frankie, he smirked at me as Skylar stood to follow, removing their clothes until they were also in their boxers on the edge of the pool, we all turned to look at Frankie as he sat on the L part of the couch shaking his head.

  “Nope.” He said, “I’m going to play the penis envy causing dystopia card.” He said, Oakley tutted.

  “You’re confident in yourself.” He declared; Frankie smirked as he looked down. “Come on. Jump in, in your underpants.” He said sweetly so Frankie laughed, then stood, removing his shirt, then his jeans. He took my hand when he reached us, then began to count down from five, laughing as we all stepped out of our boxers, then we jumped on one.

  I closed my eyes, pinching my nose and holding my breath as I felt my legs touch the water, then I was underneath it. I opened my eyes, laughing and watching as air bubbles formed and rose to the top. I turned myself around, watching the water around me, all of it disturbed as everyone entered the water. I pushed myself up, pushing my hair back out of my eyes and gasping in a big breath of air. Frankie’s arms were around me quite quickly, he laughed into my ear, then turned my head and grinned at me, I smiled back at him, running my hands through his hair, slicking it back, laughing as he did the same to mine, until we were splashed.

  Frankie and I sat on the edge of the pool, a towel over my shoulders as we watched the pool lights fade slowly through the rainbow. Oakley and Skylar sat on the couch behind us, sharing a towel whispering between each other. Frankie was watching them, trying his best to listen into the conversation until I wrapped the towel around my hand, using it to dry the back of Frankie’s hair. He laughed turning to me, tilting his head into my hand.

  “What?” I said, he shook his head then reached for his jeans. Pulling out his vape grinning at me as he inhaled some. He blew it towards me, “blueberry?” I asked, he nodded.

  “It’s nice.” he said softly as he passed me his vape. “I think they’re going to have sex again tonight.” He added looking back towards Oakley and Skylar,

  “Again.” I said softly, Frankie nodded as he frowned lightly.

  “They slept together on Pride.” He said, I hummed at him because I remembered. “I think the time before that was Sky’s birthday.” he shrugged, “they went to uni and they kind of just started having sex, it was weird.”

  “Weird?” I asked, he nodded as he laughed and took his vape back.

  “Weird.” He said simply, “I mean they’ve been best friends for ages, it was a weird progression. It’d be like if you stared sleeping with Olly.”

  “Olly’s like my brother, that would never happen.” I said, he shrugged. “Would it be so bad if they got together, and started calling each other their partners?”

  “No.” Frankie whispered as he kicked up some of the water then looked up at me. “In fact, I’d fully support it. It’s just they’re my best friends, what if they start wanting to do couple things which don’t include me.”

  “They won’t.” I said, he laughed,

  “Yeah because couples totally don’t do that.”

  “Alright, that’s fair. Sky and Oakley have been single for as long as I’ve known them though, I think they deserve each other.” I said, Frankie smiled.

  “What about me?”

  “You deserve whoever your single heart wants too.” I said, he laughed resting his head on my shoulder so I rubbed his hair with the towel again. “Even if it’s Caleb.” I whispered, he laughed.

  “I can’t have Caleb; they’re having baby two and three with Enzo.”

  “That’s totally just an obstacle.” I said, he laughed burying his head into my neck.

  “Caleb is hot though.” He said in a sigh, “I was both over the moon and gutted when Caleb came to RCNB, because they came as Enzo’s partner straight away.”

  “It’s hard when the guys who are practically our parents age are not single.” I said, he pulled his tongue at me then laughed as he sighed so I cuddled him closer.

  “Hello young people.” Riley said enthusiastically as we walked into RCNBs meeting together. “I was wondering when I was going to see you again son.” He added amused as Oakley practically bounced towards him and cuddled him tight.

  “Did you have a good birthday?” Enzo asked, Oakley nodded to zie grinning as he did, “and, I feel like we haven’t seen you two in weeks.” Zie said as Frankie skipped towards zir and hugged zie. “Did you enjoy your weekend away?” zie asked, we both nodded.

  “How many weeks are you now?” Frankie asked looking down between them, Enzo laughed as zie stroked over zir stomach.

  “Twenty weeks.” Zie whispered, “this summer is moving a bit quickly.” Zie added widening their eyes at Frankie, who grinned back before smiling brightly as Enzo took his hand, resting it on zir stomach and grinning at Frankie as he gasped. “Yeah they’re proper babies now. They very much enjoy kicking Caleb in bed.” Zie said then smiled as Caleb came out of the kitchen, their daughter Emma on their hip eating little batons of cucumber.

  “It’s like a little massage.” Caleb said laughing then sat on one of the seats, Emma on their knee.

  “We went for a scan.” Enzo said as zie went into zir pocket. Zie passed the little picture to Riley. “Look they’re real babies.” Zie said, Riley laughed happily as he sat on the seat beside Enzo, Oakley standing looking over his shoulder.

  “I remember when you were this big.” Riley said amused, then turned to Enzo, “have you made a decision yet whether you’re going to raise them neutrally?” Riley asked, Enzo sighed as Caleb did.

  “I want to.” Caleb said nodding, “especially as there’s two of them, I just think raising them as they would be easier especially for the first few years.” they said amused, Enzo laughed.

  “How has it affected you?” Enzo said, Skylar laughed.

  “It hasn’t.” they said shaking their head, “it just, I guess means I’ve identified as non-binary for longer than other people my age and I’ve always been a bit more fluid with my gender expression.” They shrugged, “I remember it well, when I was eight, I think I was in year four, that summer I wore a summer jumpsuit to school instead of the boys summer shorts and shirt. No one even took a second look at me, because I was Skylar and no one really knew whether I was a boy or a girl anyway.”

  They smiled, “I think it was the best thing my parents could have done, or at least the nicest thing. It kind of got rid of any pressure I had because I presume if I’d been raised as a boy I’d be feminine and made fun of, and if I
was raised as a girl, I’d have been somewhat masculine and, well, made fun of.”

  “Instead you were just Skylar.” Enzo said, Skylar nodded as Enzo sighed.

  “I don’t know.” Zie said then looked at Riley, “Alistair knows their genders. He came to the scan with me, I asked Ashley to tell him, because I don’t want to know in case we decided to, but I also want someone to know. It’s difficult.” Zie said almost laughing, Caleb smiled at zir.

  “We’ve got time.” Caleb said nodding, “lots of.” They added; Enzo nodded. Then laughed as zie watched Emma offering me a baton of cucumber. I took it from her, biting the top off then giving it back and making her smile.


  Chapter Eight

  I examined the pizza on the table top then I examined my Dad. Shaking my head at him as I sat at the dining table and took a slice.



  “No.” I repeated, he sighed as he sat opposite me, “you know, you’ve ruined pizza for me.” I added, he laughed. “I just associate it with her.” I muttered, he sighed.

  “One hour Sam, you only need to see her for one hour that is all I’d make you do.”

  “I could leave here and go somewhere else and not see her.”

  “You could, but you won’t.” he stated, I rolled my eyes. “If it makes you feel any better, I have a date tonight.”

  “Oh stud.” I said, Dad laughed. “You’re not just picking someone up off the street, right?”

  “No, course not.” He said laughing, I smiled.

  Dad had been on the online dating scene since I was about thirteen. We were sat one night, him pretending to help me with my homework, when I asked him why he didn’t have a girlfriend, or a boyfriend. He had laughed, and said he didn’t think I’d want him too, that I’d be sensitive about it.

  I had shaken my head back at him and that night helped him set up his online dating profile. I had excitedly contributed to his chosen pictures, and his profiling, and of course willingly babysat myself whenever he went out on a date. He hardly brought someone back to our house, he had told me straight out that he would never bring someone back unless he was very, very serious about them, and it’d only happened once, when I was fifteen, he had a pretty serious girlfriend who practically lived with us three times a week.


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