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Butterfly Boys

Page 9

by Cameron James

  “Did you go home with anyone?” he asked as he stepped into my house, I began to follow him up the stairs, as he unbuttoned his shirt.

  “A girl.” I said quietly, he turned to look at me from the top of the stairs. His eyebrow raised so I smiled at him, then pointed at my Dad. “He pulled too.” I said, Frankie turned then gasped.

  “Go Nick.” He stated; Dad laughed then wrapped his arm around Frankie’s shoulders, so Frankie turned towards him, hugging him. Dad hugged him back.

  “You’re alright son.” He said softly as he rubbed his back, “and you can stay as long as you need, if that’s until you go back to uni, that’s when it is.”

  “Thank you.” Frankie whispered then he sighed, hugging just that little bit tighter and let go. He turned to look at me as the breath left his shoulders, then he reached for my hand, so I let him take it. My Dad laughing and stepping around us so he could go into his room as Frankie pulled me into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me as he began to strip, then I walked around him, turning on my shower then going the toilet. He stepped into the shower as I put the toilet seat down and sat on it, raising my foot so I could begin to untie my laces.

  “What was the girl like?” Frankie asked, I looked at his reflection in the mirror above the sink.

  “She was nice.” I said, “and the boy?”

  “Big.” He said in a deep breath, I laughed.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Tall. Built like a house. Alpha gay.”

  “Alpha gay.” I repeated amused as I threw my shoes down and away from the shower. I began on my shirt. “She wasn’t an alpha gay.”

  “No.” he said, he sounded mock disappointed.

  “No,” I whispered, “she was pretty, she seemed nice.”

  “Didn’t have much time to talk then?” he asked, I turned from his reflection to actually looking at him, he grinned back at me.

  “I think she took me back to her parents house.” I said, he laughed in a gasp.

  “Oh baby.” He said shaking his head then stepping out of the shower, I watched as he reached for a towel, wrapping it around him as I stepped out of my boxers and took his place in the shower. I sighed as I leant my head back, letting the water splash onto my face for a few seconds before rubbing my hands up my face and through my hair, then I turned to look at Frankie as he grinned from where he was stood at the sink. “I presume it was good?” he asked, I nodded slowly as I picked up the soap.

  “I presume yours was too?”

  “I’ve had worse.” He said softly, I grinned as I began to wash myself.

  He followed me back into my bedroom, our clothes in his arms as I carried our shoes. Putting them beside my bed as I opened my drawers, searching through until I stepped into a pair of shorts. I turned to Frankie as I put a t-shirt on. He seemed to be examining me.

  “What?” I whispered, he looked down as he lowered his towel to his waist, putting his binder on then playing with the bottom.

  “Caterpillar.” He said softly, I almost frowned at him. “I feel caterpillar today.” He shrugged, as I turned back to my drawer. “Or I guess cocoon, yeah, I mean, it doesn’t matter I…”

  “Here.” I said softly as I tossed him a pair of my shorts. He frowned at me so I shrugged. “If I’m good at anything, I’m good at caterpillar.” I said, he smiled so I smiled back then got one of my t-shirts out of the other drawer. I held it as he dropped the towel, stepping into the shorts then running his fingers through his damp hair. He sighed lightly then took the t-shirt, watching as it fell down his body smiling at me as I picked up my remote. “I’m also good at COD.”

  “We’re not playing COD.” He said amused as he walked around me and picked up the purple remote, that my Dad had bought him last year when he found out Frankie and I were playing on my console. He apparently saw it and automatically thought of Frankie. Frankie had in fact completely adored it, and was very happy with the gift of a purple remote.

  “Mario Kart?” I said, Frankie laughed but nodded.

  “Deal.” He said softly as he sat on my bed, pushing himself back to the pillows as I changed the disc. I sat back next to him as the disc began to load.

  “You good?” I asked, as I stroked the back of his head, his hair still damp on my fingers. He nodded into my hand. “You don’t normally feel caterpillar.”

  “I don’t normally leave the house when I feel caterpillar.” He said softly, “I don’t have an awful lot of caterpillar clothes. Except your hoodie.” He said happily,

  “You can keep what you’re wearing now.” I said, he looked at me so I nodded. “You look good in them.” I added, he laughed shaking his head as he looked at the screen, so I kissed the side of his head. He turned to look back at me, smiling at me, his nose touching mine then he turned at the sound of the game loading.

  “Thanks for this.” Caleb said as I followed them through their flat. Navigating around the numerous boxes that lined the corridor. “We’re all over the place, with us moving soon but don’t worry, not a lot is in boxes.” They said amused as they let me into their living room.

  Enzo was sat on the floor, Emma on her knees in front of zir with a toy stethoscope against zir stomach. She was giggling happily as Enzo held the end of the stethoscope in place. Zie turned to look at me as I came in then zie smiled.

  “Thank you, Sam.” Zie said nodding, so I nodded back as Emma gasped and beckoned me towards her.

  “Papa has babies.” She said pointing at Enzo’s tummy.

  “Cool right.” I said, she laughed nodding then stood and took the stethoscope to Caleb.

  “Pop, listen.” She added passing the earplugs up to Caleb who put them on without further instruction, Emma began to laugh. “No to Papa’s belly.” She said as Enzo stood from the floor. Caleb smiled as they stroked over Enzo’s stomach.

  “We’re mostly going to be packing up today.” Caleb said as they lifted Emma, holding her on their hip. “Get the last few things in boxes as we are apparently moving on Saturday.”

  “I can take her the park.” I said nodding, “kick about?”

  “Yes.” Emma declared happily,

  “Thank you.” Enzo said softly, “you can take her to Alistair’s if you want. He would be happy to have her.”

  “Isn’t Alistair at Rainbow Connection tonight?” Caleb said, Enzo frowned then began to nod.

  “Yes. Oh, of course. It’s play scheme today, if you could take her there around three, maybe? We’ll pick her up from there later on.”

  “Sure.” I said nodding as Caleb put Emma down.

  “Now go, have a good time with Sam.” Caleb said, Emma nodded as she grabbed hold of my hand. “I’ll give you your fee later, but take this, get an ice cream or something.” they said as they held a note to me. I nodded to them, folding the note into my pocket then shook Emma’s hand.

  “Let’s go.” I said, she nodded as she pulled me out of the living room, Enzo laughed as zie followed us down the corridor. Emma stopping to pick up the football that sat by the front door.

  “Have fun Sam.” Zie said waving to me as we stepped out the house, and began to run down the street, her giggling happily as she kept up with me. Until we got to the road and we stopped together. The football dropping out of her hand, so I reached for it. holding it under my arm as we crossed the road together towards the park.

  We walked until we reached as stretch of grass then she let go of my hand. Running ahead over the grass, laughing happily as I kicked the ball past her. She chased after it, jumping on top of it then she kicked it back to me, over and over until she felt dramatically onto the grass. I went and stood over her. Picking her up by her armpits then lifting her over my head, she laughed and wiggled, almost kicking me as I sat her on my shoulders.

  “Ice cream?” I asked, she nodded as her hands went into my hair.

  “Yes.” she said excitedly,

  “Can you see an ice cream van?” I asked, she laughed as she nodded pointing ahead of us so I lifted my shou
lders. “Lead the way Emma.” I said, she hummed.

  “Straight ahead Sam.” She ordered, so I did. “Left.” She squeaked, so I turned left, “no, no…”

  “Oh right, my other left?” I asked, I felt as she nodded, so I turned around, walking until I saw the ice cream van then began to laugh as she got excited.

  “There Sam. There, there.”

  “Where?” I asked, turning around in a circle, until she grabbed my neck, turning my head so I could see it.

  “There.” She said, I laughed.

  “Ah! There it is look at that.” I said as I took her towards it, I passed her the money as we stood in the queue.

  “That one.” She said pointing at a bright blue ice lolly.

  “Are you sure you don’t want an ice cream?”

  “I’m pretty certain Sam.” She said so I laughed.

  “Fine, fine okay.” I said as we reached the front of the queue. “One ice cream, raspberry sauce, flake and sherbet, please, and a…” I said, she gasped so I looked up at her,

  “Raspberry sauce, flake and sherbet. Sam, Sam I want an ice cream.”

  “Two ice creams.” I said, then man in the van laughed.

  “Two ice creams coming right up.” He said as he picked up two cones. He covered them both in sherbet and sauce then passed the first one to Emma. She gasped happily as she began to eat the ice cream so I took the note back off her passing it to the man who nodded to me whilst getting my change.

  “Thanks.” I said, he nodded,

  “Thanks.” Emma said, he laughed.

  “Here, you’re going to need them.” he said passing me some napkins. I laughed as I lifted Emma off my shoulders, standing her on the floor then pocketing the napkins and taking my own cone. We walked around the rest of the park, stopping midway so I could wipe the ice cream from around her mouth, before running ahead so she chased me, laughing happily when she caught up with me and jumped at me, so I caught her. Turning towards the sound of the big clock that sat in the middle of the park, as it began to chime.

  “One.” She said, as it went ‘dong’, I laughed, “Two.” She said holding up two fingers to me, “three. Sam it’s three o’clock, we need to go and see Uncle Alistair.”

  “Well…” I said then shrugged at her, “let’s go and see Uncle Alistair.” I said then put her down, she smiled at me over her shoulder then began to run so I ran with her.

  Rainbow Connection was suspiciously quiet as we walked towards it. Alistair’s car was there, Riley’s too, and the bike rack was full, I stood frowning at it until Emma pulled on my arm, so I pushed the front door open letting her step through first, then walking towards the sign in desk with her.

  “Where is everyone Emma?” I asked, Emma shook her head carefully, so I raised an eyebrow at her, she laughed.

  “Papa said not to say anything.”


  “Sam, I’m four. I’m not stupid.” She stated, I laughed then shrugged at her.

  “So, what do we do?” I asked, she hummed then held her hand up to me, I took it. Letting her pull me into the gym, and through towards the big doors that let you outside. She paused, looking up at me then nodded towards the door so I pushed it open, then I began to laugh as one united voice said;


  Emma ran away from me laughing happily as she reached Caleb,

  “Did I do well?”

  “You did brilliantly Em.” Caleb said as they lifted her into their arms, as I scanned the rest of the outside, the majority of the club were stood with Enzo and Caleb. Alistair, Rory, Luca and his younger brother Connor. Kaiden and Luke, Kieran, Riley, Oakley and Sky.

  “Chandler, Olly?” I said in a laugh as they both took a step forward, grinning at me and hugging me in turn.

  “What are you guys doing here?”

  “It’s your birthday Sam.” Olly stated,

  “Did you do this?” I asked, Olly shook his head amused then turned so I looked behind him smiling at my Dad as he shook his head and waved towards Frankie.

  “I was banned from talking to you.” Olly said, I laughed, “Frankie and Chandler agreed I’d probably spill the beans. Which, is fair.” He said, so I hugged him then hugged Frankie.

  “How did you plan this?”

  “It was easy.” He said softly, “Enzo and Riley were both very willing to help.” He said as he turned to them,

  “Your Dad too, of course.” He said,

  “Hey he wanted to plan the party, how could I possibly say no.” Dad said, I laughed as I was tapped on the shoulder, so I turned.

  “We’ve got booze and a BBQ on the go.” Riley said, “let’s get the music on and have a party, yeah?” he said, I nodded,

  “Thank you Riley.” I said, Riley shook his head.

  “It was all Frankie; I won’t take any of the glory.” He said then smiled as music began to pulse out around us,

  “Happy Birthday Sam.” He said then hugged me.

  I sat, on the table top of the picnic benches. Frankie, Chandler and Olly at my sides as the entire group harmonised through;

  Happy birthday to you

  Happy birthday to you

  Happy birthday dear Sam,

  Happy birthday to you

  whilst my Dad walked towards me with a round cake that looked like a football, with what looked like grass on the top, a little football goal sat on it and a blonde figurine that looked an awful lot like me, and had SAM and twenty wrote on their shirt sat in front of it.

  I laughed as it got closer then blew out the candles at the end of the song, joining in the cheer as Dad passed me a knife to cut into the cake. I cut it into four, pulling each slice out on the blade of the knife and passing it out to Olly, Chandler and Frankie. Frankie grinned at me as he lifted the cake, so I lifted mine back, taking a bite as he did.


  Chapter Ten

  I sat myself on the faux grass covered steps that led up to the circle of restaurants, the bags that Frankie had collected, and the bag that I’d acquired that contained another pair of Vans between my legs as I scrolled mindlessly through my phone.

  I looked up as I heard someone begin to play one of the pianos that was strategically placed all around the city centre. They were supposed to encourage creativity, spontaneity, so far, I felt like they’d just shown me I had no real skills. I however smiled when I saw the shock of electric blue behind the piano, their laugher obvious as they played a scale before going into a piano version of King. They laughed more when Oakley hopped onto the stool beside them, stroking their forehead until they realised what song it was and he began to sing.

  Frankie laughed softly as he came and sat beside me.

  “They play the piano too?” I said, Frankie laughed.

  “Of course they do.” He said as he searched through the bags until he found his vape refill, it was wild berry and we’d both made our excitement clear when we’d found it. “Their grandfather is a music teacher; they say they could play the piano before they could count.” Frankie smiled. “I’ve always been insanely jealous of it.” he added as Sky started playing Crocodile Rock. Oakley appeared to get excited singing along to it instantly so I laughed.

  “How many more shops are you going to drag me too?” I asked, Frankie laughed as he passed me the vape. I inhaled the wild berry then looked at him as I blew it back out.

  “None actually. I think food next.” He said softly I nodded so he grinned then laughed as Sky began playing Don’t Stop Me Now.

  “You’re just showing off now.” Frankie said, Sky laughed then nodded.

  “Yeah I am. Deal with it.” they replied as Oakley laughed happily and came to sit with us. Sky soon followed once they’d finished the song.

  "I want to do something." Frankie said pulling on my hands, I nodded to him although I also frowned as he turned to look at Oakley and Sky. "I want us all to do something." He said,

  "Is this like when we were fifteen and you made me get my ears pierced?" Sky said as th
ey sat on the stair below us, Frankie laughed then began to nod.

  "Exactly like that."

  "Oh god." I moaned; Frankie squeezed my hand again.

  "I think we should get tattoos." He said, I coughed as Sky gasped and knelt up, hitting Frankie's knees.

  "What kind of tattoos?" Oakley asked, Frankie grinned, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a piece of paper.

  "I asked Olly." He said, I laughed.

  "Did you use my best friend as research?"

  "I most certainly did." He said then showed Sky the paper.

  "I love it." They said happily, then looked at Frankie.

  "I adored the metaphor we created together, I adored it so I asked Olly more about nonbinary butterflies. He said that they'll have different colour wings. A male wing and a female wing, which are usually different colours.

  He showed me some, so I thought we could all get a tattoo of a butterfly wing, yeah, but like Sam and I could get one butterfly and you guys could get a different one, so when we're together we can make the full butterfly..." he paused, "or whatever."

  "I love that idea." Oakley said softly, "oh my god I love that idea." He said, "I'm in." He added, I bit my lip.

  "I have no choice." Sky said, Frankie grinned at them, "right?" They added, Frankie nodded lifting Sky's chin, kissing them lightly then looking at me. I swallowed,

  "I'm probably going to regret this." I said nodding, "bring vodka." I told Oakley, he laughed as he nodded.

  "Maybe a bottle each." He said.

  Frankie had seemingly done his research and walked us with utter glee on his face towards a tattoo parlour. A little bell dinged when Frankie opened the door.

  "Hello Caleb." He said happily, I looked up surprised as I followed him in, Caleb laughed from behind the desk as they played with a pen.

  "Frankie, to what do I owe the pleasure?" They asked raising their eyebrow at him, then at me, then he began to laugh as they saw Sky and Oakley. "What are you four up to? Presumably causing trouble." They said amused, Frankie practically beamed.

  "We're getting a tattoo." He said, Caleb laughed as they pointed their pen at us,

  "One between you? Or?"

  "One each..." I said then looked at Frankie, "although I guess one between us." I added, Frankie laughed.


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