Jase (Kennedy Ink.)

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Jase (Kennedy Ink.) Page 9

by Jenny Wood

  “In all of our endless conversations on the phone night after night, you forget to tell me that you can cook?” Joker grabs my hand as I pass by him on the patio couch and pulls me down next to him. A few of the guys were cleaning up from dinner, and there were others milling about in an after-dinner stupor. I had truly outdone myself with my cheesy meatloaf and garlic mashed potatoes, but when I heard that the guys had invited Joker over tonight, of course, I wanted to impress him.

  “Everyone can cook,” I say.

  “Not me.”

  “Well, stick with me, kid. Maybe I can show ya a thing or two, eh?” I wink and elbow his arm in jest. Instead of laughing it off like I expected him to, he pulled me in, to lean against his body and wrapped his arm around the back of the couch around me. He was warm, and it felt comfortable being close to him like this; everything with him was so easy.

  “Honestly, it was amazing. Thank you for having me.” He says sincerely, dropping a small kiss to the side of my neck. Feeling the roughness of his facial hair had me shivering in the coolness of the breeze out here on the patio. Before I could say anything else, Jody and Cameron joined us.

  “So, tell me about this promotion that Jody mentioned earlier,” Cameron asked excitedly, not realizing that he’d just interrupted me possibly climbing into Joker’s lap and playing out every dirty fantasy I’d ever had about anyone, ever.

  I told him about my shitty day and how I was convinced that I was about to get canned my second week on the job. I told him about the kids and how slowly they were starting to trust me and want to open up to me about their lives and their backgrounds. I explained about the tutoring, and even though it wasn’t what I’d set out to do, I believed it was what I’m meant to be doing at the moment. Cameron agreed, and Jody smiled, but it was Joker who flipped my heart upside down.

  “I’m proud of you.” He whispered. I could see it coming from Jody and Cameron both, how happy they were that I was doing what I’d set out to do; but it was hearing it from Joker that made me proud too.

  It didn’t take long for Cameron to drag Jody to their room on their side of the house and for Kayson to end up picking Conner up and literally carrying him down the hall to his side of the house. Kingsley and Morgan said their goodnights and halfway ran to the guest room since they’d both obviously been drinking tonight. Joker and I stayed on the back patio, cuddled up together and enjoying the quiet.

  “Tonight was fun,” I commented, “like a perfect ending to a not so fun day.”

  “It was fun, thank you for letting me stick around for it.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

  “Told ya that I wanted to have dinner with you,” I said sarcastically, earning a pinch to my side that made me laugh and squirm against him in the quiet night.

  “You are truly, unexpected.” He tells me quietly. “I didn’t expect you or this or how much I like being here.”

  “I can one hundred percent say the same thing. You are a welcome surprise.” I turned to him and smiled. His eyes locked with mine and instead of the easy going smile I got used to seeing tonight, he looked concerned. I rubbed turned in his hold so I could face him, my thumb smoothing out the furrow in his brow. “What’s got you thinkin’ so hard?” I ask. He doesn’t answer me, not for a long minute; but finally, with his hands pulling me closer, his lips meet mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and shuffle to get closer. He grabs my leg and lifts it up and over his lap, causing me to straddle him on this couch. His hands are hot on my back and sides; I can feel his warmth through my thin shirt. His lips are soft but insistent on mine.

  “I should probably get going.” He says against my lips, just before he spears his tongue back in my mouth. I whimper my objection but can’t say much else. I don’t want him to go; I don’t want him to stop what he’s doing right now.

  “It’s late.” He tries again, pulling my hips closer and rubbing our hard lengths together through the barrier that is our clothes.

  “Come inside,” I say, ripping my mouth away from his for a second too long. “Come inside, to my room,” I say, breathing heavily down at him. He stands us up immediately, and I drop my feet to the deck; I grab his hand and drag him, much like I did earlier in the back door and down the hallway to my room. He doesn’t waste a second before pushing me up against the door that I close behind us and reattaching his mouth to mine. There’s something heady in the way he dominates my senses. The feel of him, the smell of him, the site of him as he rips his shirt over his head and presses me back against the door. I can’t get enough of him; my hands are everywhere on his skin.

  “Arms up” He demands, and I comply without hesitation. Ripping my shirt over my head, Joker stands back and just stares at my naked chest and stomach. I feel his gaze like a touch, warming me in every place he stops.

  “Fuck” Joker whispers, closing his eyes and taking another step back. He’s shaking his head back and forth. “Fuck,” he says louder this time, opening his eyes and looking directly at me, still plastered to the door.

  “What? What is it?” I need to know, praying he isn’t about to stop this when it feels like my body is on fire for him.

  “It’s…. you know, been a long time for me.” He swallows hard. “Long time,” he repeats. In my sex addled brain, I’m not following.

  “Okay, we don’t... I mean, we don’t have to do anything.” I say, though the words taste sour in my mouth.

  “I want to.” He answers firmly. “I really want to.” Well, at least that’s clear.

  “Me too” I breathe.

  “Okay” He nods almost frantically, “I’ve gotta slow down though baby, or it’ll be over a lot sooner than either of us wants it to.” He explains and fuck, why does knowing that have me closing my eyes and taking a deep breath to keep myself in check?

  “Okay well in the spirit of honesty here and all that, you should probably know that I did a lot of shit in college but this,” I say pointing between us, “I’ve never done this.”

  Joker doesn’t say anything for long minutes, and I feel like I’ve just ruined something, the ravenous need that was just between us seems to simmer. He seems to relax from the harried frenzy from before. He steps back into me, hands roaming slowly up and down my sides and runs his nose alongside mine, gently brushing his lips over mine. Everything is different now.

  “In the spirit of honesty…” Joker starts; taking my hand and pulling me to the edge of my bed where he sits down and pulls me between his legs. His hands go to the buckle on my pants and he slowly unfastens my belt first and then my pants. He looks up at me as they drop to the ground, his eyes glittering with a lightness that wasn’t there before. “I’ve never done this either.” He chuckles as he lays his head against my stomach. My hand lifts to the back of his neck, rubbing gently. He tips his head back to look at me again, and I can’t stop myself from bending forward and tasting his lips.

  “Lay down with me,” I suggest, he agrees. He stands up, and his pants join mine on the floor; we both climb under the blankets of my oversized bed. Joker gets comfortable and reaches his arm out to me, and I don’t hesitate to scoot in next to him so he can wrap his arm around me and pull me down onto his chest. Seems like he’s getting used to pulling me into him and putting me where he wants me to be. I wouldn’t object in the slightest. I reach over and flip the lamp from the table off and plunge the room into darkness.

  “I’m glad you came over,” I tell him honestly.

  “I’m glad you came home.” He retorts. I look up at him, wondering if he meant that as it sounded. We’d not talked about what we were doing here or if it even had the possibility of going anywhere, but when he says things like that… it has the potential to get my hopes up, and I don’t want to do that if it’s just a passing comment.

  “I like you.” I blurt, like an idiot. That could’ve gone smoother, I think to myself.

  “I like you too.” He answer

  “I mean, we haven’t talked about what we’re doing, and I just wanted
you to know that I like you. This isn’t just me wasting time now that I’m home for the summer or something.” I say, feeling like an idiot for not knowing how to just say what I mean without it sounding like a grade school love letter.

  “I like you too.” He whispers, looking nervous and maybe even a little shy. I look away, not knowing what else to say. A few minutes ago, we were literally ripping our clothes off, and now we’re in the dark whispering awkward confessions. Or at least, I was. The awkwardness didn’t last for long; I was asleep in minutes.

  Waking up with a heavy arm wrapped around me, I notice the darkness outside the window telling me it’s still the middle of the night. Joker’s body is relaxed in sleep, his head facing the opposite wall. The lines of his neck and the ink on his chest and arms are visible in the low light from the moons glow. His body is solid and strong, and my hands are itching to touch him. I have school tomorrow but I can start at any time, and I’m sure he has to work, but the guys never schedule anything before nine a.m.; surely a couple of hours of missed sleep won’t hurt anything.

  With my lips, so close to his neck, I slide my hand down his bare stomach and feel his muscles tense underneath me. His body twitches just as I reach the hem of his boxers. Slipping my hand under the band and feeling him harden against my hand, I wrap my fingers around him and earn a growl as his head turns to look at me.

  “Don’t stop me.” I beg. His whole body turns as his mouth crashes against mine. Joker's hands are sure and strong against my body. I push against him and take him to his back where I crawl over him and continue our kiss as I pump him in my hand. His rough and rugged breath is causing the most delicious sounds from him. I feel like I’m about to lose my mind, feeling him under me.

  My lips go from his, to his neck and down his chest as I continue to stroke him. I follow his lines and ridges down his stomach and along his pubic bone; nipping and sucking his skin into my mouth.

  “Jase,” Joker groans, grabbing my head to try to stop me from making contact with his solid length. Swiping my tongue out to collect the bead of clear liquid forming at the tip, he jerks like I’ve electrocuted him. My control snaps and I wrap my lips around him and swallow as much as I can. The swift gasp was loud, as was the growl emitted directly after. He was so incredibly sexy; I wanted to spend my life doing this, being with him like this. I felt like I’d never get enough.

  “Jason.” He warned, grasp on my head so tight, fighting to let me bob up and down on his leaking cock. I was ravenous; I needed to taste him. “You’re gonna make me come.” He jerks again, body shaking. I moan around him in acknowledgment. I wanted him to come all over my tongue, down my throat. Swallowing around the tip of his cock had his body freezing up on a low growl as ropes and ropes of white, creamy liquid, painted my mouth.

  “Fuck, Jase. Fuck, baby.” He gasps my name one last time, and his body relaxes, hands still cradling my head. My body is just as wound up as his was a second ago and my cock is aching. I slip his softening, spent, dick from my mouth and lay my head on his hip to breathe and calm my body down before I try to lay back down beside him, but Joker has other ideas. Grabbing me by my arms and pulling my entire body up the bed; he flips me to my back and rips my boxer briefs off much like he did the rest of my clothes earlier in the night. Frenzied and in a hurry. He cages my body in with his massive, bigger body, hovering over me so he can take my mouth with his. It’s like he’s searching for any piece of him leftover in my mouth so he can taste what I did. His body against me, rubbing my thick cock that’s rock solid between us is bringing me so close already.

  “Stop” Joker clips out and my hips still. I hadn’t even been aware that I was the one rubbing against him, not the other way around. “You fucked up, waking me up that way. Now it’s my turn.”

  He doesn’t waste time with any teasing; the wet hot heat of his mouth envelops my cock, and it has me seeing white hot light behind my eyelids. The air froze in my lungs, and I couldn’t make a sound. I wasn’t even sure I was breathing. Feeling his lips, tongue, and teeth sliding up and down my shaft, he finds his way lower and lower until both of my balls are lavished and soaked with his saliva. My head felt fuzzy, and I knew without a doubt that nothing I’d ever felt in my entire life felt as good as his mouth felt around me.

  “Joker, you’re killin’ me.” I gasp, feeling his tongue swipe my hole. I knew my body jerked just as hard as his did as he ignored my pleas and continued to feast on me. When his fingers joined his tongue, I realized where this was going, and I would have died if he stopped. I wasn’t sure which one of us were going to top or bottom if we got into this situation but feeling him stretching me; feeling a part of him inside me had me not doubting anything. It was perfect, and while it stung a little in the beginning, he was playing my body like he owned it. I trusted him unquestionably.

  “If this isn’t something you want, Jase; you need to tell me right now,” Joker said after having jumped from the bed and grabbed his jeans where he scoured his pockets until he found his wallet where he had a condom. It would’ve been funny if I could form any though other than how empty I felt now that his fingers weren’t inside me. I needed more.

  “I do,” was what I said. At least it was coherent. Joker’s eyes held mine as he rolled the condom down his length and lined himself over me. I wrapped my legs around him, squeezing him impossibly tight, it’s a wonder he could move, but I would’ve died if he wanted to stop, I wasn’t above begging, and I was seconds away from doing just that when I felt him breach me. I held my breath as he watched me for any reaction at all.

  “Breathe.” He whispered, kissing me gently until I opened my mouth and kissed him back. He inched his way in, impossibly slow. It was the best and worst pain of my life. Terrible because he was huge and fuck, he was huge… and the best because it was him and I knew I was taking him inside.

  “Shit,” I gasped as he popped through my barrier and slid home in one final thrust. He froze above me and waited until my eyes opened.

  “You okay? You want me to stop?” He asked, quietly. I shook my head, but my voice wouldn’t work. No words or even a sound came forth.

  “You’re not okay, or you don’t want me to stop?” He asks, holding my face in his hands, thumbs caressing my cheeks; I felt like I might cry, the emotion just too overwhelming, but praying that I didn’t because I didn’t want to ruin this.

  “Don’t stop.” I gasp when he situates himself just slightly and felt him bump against something inside of me. “Oh, my go- what was that?” I asked even though we both knew it was my prostate and I didn’t have to ask for him to do it again, he pulled out slowly and slid forward again, bumping it slightly.

  “Joker,” I whined, my hands squeezing his arms so hard I could see the imprints on his tanned skin where he was void of ink. My plea started a slow rhythm; in and out so slowly until he felt me pulling him into me harder with my legs; then he went from soft thrust to violent pounding. I found myself happy that we were away from any of my family because he had me howling his name each time he pegged my gland.

  “Grab your dick, Jase, stroke it for me. I wanna see you come.” Joker sat back and clutched at my hips as he pulled me into him as he plowed himself into me.

  “Joker, I can’t, it’s too much.” I almost screamed. “Feels so good.”

  “Yeah.” He agreed. “Feel so good around my cock.” He said filthily.

  “Gonna come,” I warned him without even touching my dick. I didn’t need to; this was the most intense orgasm of life barreling down on me. I could feel it in ever nerve of my body.

  “Please, Jacob, please make me come,” I mumble, not aware of the words I’m saying until Joker growls his approval above me.

  “Yeah, fuck. Do it.” Joker grabs my prick and squeezes once, twice, and the third time I erupt all over both of us. Ropes and ropes of come shoot between us. His mouth crashes down on mine, and he swallows my screams. When my body stops convulsing, Joker buries his head between my neck and my shoulder and
tells me to hang on. I wrap my arms and legs around him tighter and hold on as he uses my body until he freezes deep inside me, letting loose. I found myself wishing he wasn’t wearing any barrier so I could feel him empty inside me.

  When Joker slips from me, my body feels like rubber, and all of my limbs fall limply to the bed. My eyelids feel weighed down my sheer exhaustion, but I can feel the face splitting grin that I’m wearing. I don’t even feel Joker come back with a washrag and wipe me down or him pulling me back into him once he crawled back into bed with me.


  Jase has this throaty, heavy breath when he’s sleeping. It’s not a snore, it’s more of a snuffle or something. It’s cute as hell. I’ve been lying here awake, listening to him occasionally mumble something in his sleep and snuffle in the back of his throat while he sleeps. I almost thought, when I came awake this morning that last night was an amazing dream. Judging by the rumpled sheets, beard burns, and bites all over Jase’s neck, I’d say every bit of it was as amazing as I thought it was.

  “I can feel you staring at me,” Jase grumbles, hiding his face deeper in my neck, his hand coming up and wrapping around the other side of my throat. The move has my cock hardening under his impossibly soft sheets.

  “You’re cute in the morning,” I tell him honestly. It only makes him grumble more, and me, smile. I feel like I haven’t smiled as much in the last seven years as I have in the last few weeks with Jase. He’s funny and sweet and just being around him makes me feel like a better person. I had such a good time with his family last night; it was nice to be around people who genuinely cared about each other. They supported each other and was unconditionally there for one another; I’d never seen that in real life and they were extending that to me in their own ways. Maybe not Jody so much, but at least he put his dislike towards me on the back burner for a bit and let us enjoy ourselves.


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