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Evolution of a Killer

Page 15

by Robert Ullrich

  Lazarus answered, “Let’s just say I made myself very clear, and leave it at that.”

  “Just like that?” exclaimed Dan. “Just who in the hell are you anyway?”

  “Just a man,” replied Lazarus.

  “A man who happens to be a contract killer; a killer with a conscience?” asked Dan.

  “Yes, something along those lines. I see some people that are cancers in this world. It is necessary from time to time, that one life be taken for the good of the many.”

  “That’s your philosophy? That’s your reasoning behind what you do?” asked Dan incredulously.

  “Yes, it is. Someday, if you have the time and the willingness to try and understand me, I’ll tell you how I came to be what I am today. Just remember one thing. I didn’t kill you and your wife. I was paid a half a million dollars to do it, too. Just because I am a killer doesn’t mean I kill indiscriminately. A killer isn’t all that I am. I won’t explain now, but I’ve had a positive impact on hundreds more lives than I have taken. Before today, I’ve never failed to complete a contract, nor have I ever revealed myself to the intended target. Those are both firsts for me.

  “Only five people on the face of the earth know I am the one they call the ‘Chameleon’. I’m putting my life your hands telling you that. I hope you understand the significance.”

  “I do, to a degree,” Dan replied, “even though it puts me in a very awkward position with the NSA. All I know for sure is you saved our lives, and for that we owe you.”

  “No, Dan, you don’t owe me anything. Consider my offer to get to know me, the real me. If you aren’t comfortable with it, I’ll understand. It’s up to you.”

  “Fair enough,” it was M.J. that spoke. “That’s more than reasonable. Don’t mind Dan right now. He’s still rattled and pissed off that he never saw it coming; Torano and the mole that is. He’s an analyst, not a field agent. Besides, Derek pretty much vouched for you.”

  Lazarus smiled. “Thank you, M.J., I appreciate that. I guess I owe Derek a steak dinner.”

  “Now I’ll let you get back to your lives. You can call me on this phone anytime. You could give this number to the FBI if you want to, but I’ve decided to trust you. Do as you will. I won’t attempt to sway you, Dan. You appear to be a man of integrity, a rarity in my world. I’m counting on that integrity, not the fact I saved your lives. Whatever you decide, I won’t bear a grudge or seek retribution. I made this decision to trust you and that’s on me."

  Dan didn’t respond, but Lazarus’ words struck a chord in him. He didn’t understand this man or how he reconciled what he did. The only thing he was sure of, they owed the man they called the Chameleon their lives.

  “Thank you for calling and letting us know,” said M.J.

  “You’re welcome,” replied Lazarus. “Good bye.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  May 14 rolled around, and things were progressing well for Enrique’s departure. The target date was May 27th. It gave Lazarus time to review, check and double-check the entire operation from top to bottom. The only wildcard was Torano and Dan was keeping close tabs on him. Torano was currently in Cozumel, vacationing with two of his mistresses and his ever-present lawyer Willem Shultz. Lazarus was certain everything would go as planned, provided Torano stayed out of it. However, if Torano got wind of the embezzlement, Lazarus would need a contingency plan. He was working on it.


  His relationship with Angelique continued to grow. The bond between them was spiritual, mental and emotional, not having gotten physically involved.

  Angelique asked him about it one day while walking the dogs. “Lazarus?”

  “Yes, Angel?” replied Lazarus.

  “Don’t you find me physically desirable?” She looked up at him, her eyes showing insecurity.

  Lazarus smiled and took her hand. “Ah, Mon Cheri, there is nothing further from the truth. You’re the most beautiful, desirable woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  “Then why haven’t you shown me?”

  Lazarus stopped and turned to face her. “I don’t want to move too quickly. What I feel for you I’ve never felt before. I look to the future and I see you by my side. There will be plenty of time for love-making, a lifetime, I hope. What I want, is for you to know me completely, no one does. No one ever has. I’ve never let anyone this close to me emotionally. There’s a side of me you haven’t seen. I don’t know how to explain it. I fear it may be too much for you.

  “I want to know everything about you, too,” he continued. "There’s far more to my beautiful Angel than meets the eye, no matter how enticing the eye perceives.” He smiled warmly as he spoke.

  Angelique looked Lazarus in the eyes, tears collecting at the corners. “I don’t believe anyone has ever said anything so profound to me. I’m used to men wanting me for my body. It seems too good to be true. It’s all happened so suddenly, yet there’s no pressure from you. It’s confusing. In my heart I believe that we’re meant to be. I hold onto that, Lazarus, I hold on very tightly to that hope.”

  “As do I, Mon Cheri,” Lazarus replied, “more than you can possibly imagine.”

  “When the day comes that you’re ready to tell me this dark secret of yours, I want to believe that I’ll be able to accept it but I’m afraid,” said Angelique, looking down as she spoke.

  “Don’t be afraid, Angelique. I’ll find the right time and place, and I believe, no, I have faith that you won’t turn away from me.” Lazarus kissed both her hands and then stuck out his elbow.

  Angelique smiled and hooked her arm through his, much to the annoyance of Cheyenne, who wormed herself between them, head-butting Lazarus on the leg. They both had a good laugh at Cheyenne. Lazarus noted that at least she didn’t bite him. Progress is progress, after all.

  It was the first time since the summer of 1986 that Lazarus felt something new in his heart. He cared about others in his own way, Katsumi, Dr. Helen, Darnell, Derek and even Dan and M.J., who had come to consider him a friend. There was no doubt Lazarus would kill to protect any one of them. The feelings for Angelique were different. He wanted to live for her. To Lazarus that was a discovery that changed everything. Then there was the matter of her husband and the 16.7 million in drug money. That wasn’t a subject to be dropped into casual conversation over dinner, which they were having tonight. Enrique was staying in Corpus again.


  Angelique was standing outside when Lazarus pulled into the drive at 6:45. She walked towards the Rover smiling. “Walking” didn’t do justice to her stride. It was more like a panther stalking prey. She wore black spandex pants and a white lace trimmed tank top, leaving little to the imagination, and 4-inch red stilettos. The same sapphire pendant she’d worn to Charlotte Plummers adorned her neck.

  Lazarus thought to himself, “How in the hell am I supposed to resist THAT?” Her hair was up in a casual knot, a jade dragon-headed stick holding it in place. Her lips were dark red, matching the clutch purse she held in her left hand.

  Lazarus got down out of the truck and went around, opening her door. He realized she was almost eye to eye with him. “You look absolutely stunning, Angelique,” said Lazarus, with a smile that lit up his face.

  “I know,” she replied with a wink, as she climbed up into the Rover.

  Lazarus stopped in front of the truck on his way around. He stood there, drinking her in with his eyes. The setting sun reflecting off Little Bay added an incredible shimmer to her eyes. He hated to admit it, but he might have met his match. He was changing, changing for the better, even though he didn’t realize it. He continued on around, never breaking eye contact as he climbed behind the wheel. Lazarus had to look away so he could drive, but the image was burned into his retinas.

  As he was backing out, he glanced at the house and saw Rebecca standing by the front door, a smile on her face. She gave him a ‘thumbs up’, seemingly indicating her approval of their growing relationship. The last thing he thought he saw was Rebecca giving
him a wink before she went back in. All he could do was grin.

  They headed south on old TX35 through Aransas Pass, then east on HWY 361 to Port Aransas. The trip took about 30 minutes to reach the ferry landing. They traveled in mutual silence. Angelique looking out the window for the most part, and other times simply sitting back with her eyes closed. Lazarus was lost in his own thoughts. The silence was comfortable; neither feeling anything was out of place.

  They caught the J.C. Dingwall ferry out to Port A. Angelique broke the silence.

  “I love the Dingwall”, she said softly with a fond smile. “The first time I came to Port Aransas I rode out on her, besides, who doesn’t love the name Dingwall?” Angelique spoke as though she was talking to herself. Lazarus didn’t respond, understanding she was reminiscing, and didn’t want to intrude.

  They pulled into Castaways at a little past 7. It isn’t one of the fanciest eateries in Port Aransas, but the burgers were good, and Lazarus was in the mood for a nice bacon and cheddar.

  After they were seated, Lazarus ordered a Corona and Angelique followed suit. He told the waitress to give them about 30 minutes before they ordered, handing her a twenty as he spoke. Her eyes lit up and she assured them there was no rush. “Take all the time you need,” said Hannah.

  Angelique, a far off look in her eyes, remained silent through the exchange with the waitress, gazing out the window. There was something weighing on her mind. Lazarus nursed his beer, remaining quiet and attentive. If she wanted to, she would bring it up.

  Angelique was half-way through her second Corona when she looked up, absent mindedly swirling the beer in the bottle. There was no smile this time. Instead there were misty eyes ready to spill over into tears. “I think Enrique is leaving me,” she said quietly, her voice cracking slightly as she choked back the tears.

  It caught Lazarus off-guard. It was the last thing he expected to be talking to her about this evening. Though it took him by surprise, you wouldn’t know it. His expression never changed. He set down his beer and folded his hands, waiting for her to continue.

  “It’s not as though we’re in love, if in fact we ever were, which I doubt looking back at our time together. God knows neither of us has had our heart in this marriage for years, but still …” her voice trailed off, a tear spilling from her right eye, slowly trailing down her cheek.

  Wordlessly, Lazarus retrieved a handkerchief from his shirt pocket, handing it to her with a soft smile on his face. With an embarrassed half-smile, she reached for the handkerchief, briefly touching the back of his hand in a show of affection before taking it.

  “I’m sorry, Lazarus,” she said as the half-smile dissipated. “This wasn’t how I envisioned this evening going. I’m sure you don’t want to hear about my marital problems.” She looked up to see him still smiling.

  Lazarus reached across the table, taking her left hand with his right. “No apologies needed, Mon Cheri,” he said softly, his eyes fixed on hers, “Not tonight. Not ever.” He squeezed her hand when he said “ever” to add emphasis. The words struck a chord in Angelique, the chord he was seeking to touch, and she began to cry softly. Signaling the waitress; he handed her another twenty. “It looks like we won’t be eating after all,” Said Lazarus. “We’ll be back though, I can promise you that.” Hannah smiled at the second twenty and thanked him. He stood up, offering his hand to Angelique. “Come,” he said, “this is a conversation to have on a beach under the stars.” She nodded her head in agreement, grateful to be getting out of the restaurant. She didn’t want others to see her crying.

  Lazarus got on HWY361 and headed south to beach access road 1A which wound through a golf course on the south edge of Port A. He turned right when he hit the beach and drove about a mile, finding a fairly isolated place to park. He drove up to the edge of the Gulf, stopping about 5 feet from the highest water mark. He opened the windows and cut the engine.

  Lazarus didn’t look at Angelique as he asked, “Why do you think Enrique is going to leave you?”

  Angelique watched the waves rolling up onto the beach and the shore birds darting back and forth, searching for little treasures as the waves receded.

  “Several things,” she answered without turning. “He took a trip to Miami last week and is going again tomorrow and next Wednesday. He says they’re business trips, but I don’t believe him. He hasn’t gone to Miami on business more than once or twice all the years I’ve known him.”

  Lazarus remained silent, letting her find the words she was searching for.

  “Then there’s this man that’s been coming around lately, Cooper Johnson. It’s like he suddenly became Enrique’s best friend and I’ve never heard the name before. I don’t know anything about this Johnson guy. I asked Enrique about him and he said he was an old college buddy. That’s bullshit and he knows that I know it. He brushes it aside, telling me I’m worrying about nothing.”

  For a fleeting moment Lazarus considered telling Angelique the truth about Johnson, but only for a moment. He didn’t want to lie to her, but he wasn’t going to risk everything by telling her the truth. It was business. There were reasons he wasn’t on the law enforcement radar. He planned to keep it that way. Telling her would also put her in a very difficult position. He certainly didn’t want that. She was already upset enough.

  “Let’s get you home, Mon Cheri,” he said with a smile. “Dinner will wait for another evening.”

  “You aren’t upset with me for ruining our evening?”

  “Not at all,” Lazarus replied. “You didn’t ruin anything. In fact, you opened up and shared some of yourself with me. That alone makes the night worthwhile.”

  She turned and looked at him. “I keep finding out there’s much more to you than I thought, Lazarus Solaris, much, much more.” She sighed and put her hand on his.

  He took her hand, lifting to kiss it gently. “Yes, there is, just as there is much more to you than I had imagined. It’s a good thing, I think.” They drove back to Rockport in silence with Angelique’s head resting on Lazarus’ shoulder.

  Back at Barbados, Lazarus walked Angelique to the door. She turned to thank him for everything, and Lazarus pulled her in and kissed her. It was strong, yet not forceful, and she melted into the kiss.

  He pulled back and said, “Good night, my Angel. I will see you again soon.”

  Angelique could barely muster a smile as she turned and went into the house, leaving Lazarus with a sad smile of his own as he walked back to the truck.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Lazarus arrived at Cayman to find an email from Katsumi. It seemed Ramon was reaching out to him. He’d sent a message through Mr. Black that he wanted to speak with the Chameleon at his earliest convenience. Lazarus glanced at the time: 9:30pm. He picked up the sat-phone, calling Torano on his private number.

  Ramon answered on the third ring, “Si,” was all he said.

  “I understand you wish to speak with me,” said Lazarus without preamble.

  “True, so I will get to the point,” replied Torano. “I wish to contract your services. I need to deal with some financial inconsistencies that have come to my attention. The source of the issue is located in Texas. I would prefer not to enter the U.S., if there is another way to handle the matter.”

  Lazarus pondered the irony for a minute or so, smiling to himself. “That’s definitely something I’m interested in, as a favor to a good friend. However, I am currently working on a short-term project that is nearing completion. I should be finished with the matter in a week, two at the most. Can you wait 2 weeks?” he asked.

  “Possibly, Senor, but I’m concerned that my investments may be unrecoverable by then.”

  Lazarus grinned darkly. “Send me the information, Hefe. I’ll have one of my best computer people see what he can come up with. That way I can get some information before I finish my current project. If he discovers anything, I will contact you with the details.”

  “Gracias, my friend,” answered Torano. “I would
appreciate that. I will have your usual retainer wired to your account tomorrow.”

  “That won’t be necessary, Hefe. We’ve had our differences in the past, but I trust you’ll take care of any costs incurred. I’m certain it’s feasible to work on your project while finishing the other one, at least as far as researching it.”

  “Yes, as you said, we have had our differences,” replied Torano, remembering the threats to his family. “No matter, I know you will do whatever you can under the circumstances. I’ll have the information sent to you through our mutual friend within the hour.” Ramon ended the call without waiting for a reply.

  Lazarus knew when he hung up on him Torano wasn’t happy with his answer. Ramon was used to getting his way. Waiting wasn’t something he was good at or inclined to do. There wasn’t anything Lazarus could do about that, at least for now. If Torano pressed the issue, Lazarus would deal with it.

  Lazarus called Katsumi.

  “Good evening, Sir,” she answered.

  “How are you feeling, sweetie?” Lazarus asked.

  “I’m feeling better, Sir, much better.”

  “Good,” said Lazarus. “We need to finalize the travel plans. Book the flights for the client by the end of the week, departing on the 27th from Corpus Christi. I want him routed through Miami.”

  “As you wish, Sir,” and Katsumi ended the call.

  If Lazarus was right about what Ramon wanted, he was going to double his income from the Garza job when the contract was complete. Things weren’t going to end the way Garza was expecting. That broadened Lazarus’ smile. He’d need a double for Garza, but that wouldn’t be a problem. Lazarus had a man in Houston, an ex-con he had put through college that could be made to look like Garza without much effort. He was close in height and skin color. All that would be needed was a little padding and some work on his hair. Makeup would take care of the rest.

  Lazarus turned in early. Once he had the information Torano was going to send, he’d be able to complete the plans. Lazarus dreamt of Garza and young boys that night. They were dark and violent dreams. Lazarus slept soundly through them all.


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