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Sol Lands

Page 28

by Riker Kane

  “A small contingent? Maybe it would be best if you just stayed in Asrath. Things aren’t that desperate.”

  “We will not go down without a fight. But this… this is not our fight yet.” Vacindra turned on her heel and exited the hall, her black gown flowing across the red carpet leading out.

  Balec turned his head sideways, watching her leave. “Those Warriors… They’re a strange bunch.”

  “What’s the status of the raiders?”

  Balec shrugged, which told me everything I needed to know. “It’s business as usual. After you failed to take down the barrier, they all went back to believing it was every man for themselves. Every camp has been secluded, fending for their own and battling those who would invade their territory. Nameno. Ceah. Even Daleon has managed to scrounge some new followers.”

  “And the Golden Arcs?”

  “The Golden Arcs will always have a place on the plains… But when it comes to invading this fortress, there isn’t much in it for me. I’ll be watching though.”

  “Yeah,” I sighed. “That’s what I figured.”

  “If it’s any consolation, I do believe you can accomplish this by yourself. If that does not happen, once the raiders realize how dire the situation is, they will come to their senses.”

  “You know, you don’t have to wait until your back is against the wall to start pushing back.”

  “If Qashians were smart enough to realize that, we would have never lost our home in the first place.” Balec backed up and saluted me with two fingers before heading for the exit. “Good luck, Virgil.”

  “Yeah, yeah…” I sighed as I sank into my seat.

  I wasn’t alone for very long, as an old man slowly shuffled his way toward me. His linens were loose but clean. More importantly, he looked a lot less gaunt than the last time I saw him.

  “It’s been a long time, Guillard… You look better.”

  The man I’d saved bowed his head and smiled to show off his broken teeth. “I’m afraid I can’t say the same for you.”

  “Good one,” I said with a chuckle. “I guess I can’t help being a little disappointed.”

  He moved closer to me and let out a deep sigh. “To think I went all that way just for things to end like this. I never would have imagined they would give up so quickly. Then again, I do not speak for all Qashians.”

  “If all Qashians were like you, this would be a lot easier.”

  “You flatter me, boy. Though I will admit, it is remarkable, is it not? For a lone man—an old one at that—to sail across an unknown sea without knowing what he was looking for but somehow finding it. It’s an incredible story.”

  “It is. It’s almost impossible to believe.”

  “Yet here I am.” He straightened up and eyed me like there was something on his mind.

  “Yet here you are. Guillard—”

  He reached out and put a hand on my shoulder. “I understand what is on your mind. You have more important things to spend your breath on. I will speak to the others. Perhaps they will change their minds if they hear my ‘incredible’ story.”

  Guillard winked then shuffled back down the long red carpet out of the hall. He exited just as Rhiannon, Lyra, and Zafina all joined me next to my seat.

  “I take it the leaders are not interested in a second assault,” Rhiannon said.

  I looked at her and smiled. “Guillard sailed across the sea. Unless he pulls off another miracle, it doesn’t seem likely.”

  “Lousy bums,” Lyra said. “After everything you’ve done, they just turn right around with their tails between their legs. I should’ve expected that from my people. Not even the end of the world could bring us together.”

  “Their lack of support does not suggest our defeat,” Zafina said. “It would be helpful to have them by our side but our primary objective remains taking down the fortress. With the power you’ve acquired from the Twilight, I know you alone can do this, Virgil.”

  “You’re right,” I said. “There’s still work to be done so let’s do it. We’ll have a day to prepare before we head back out there. I want all of you to make sure you’re geared properly. Get your head in the right place. This is our second chance. I don’t think we’ll get a third one…”

  I smiled as I thought about the corner we’d been backed into. “Maybe this is all for the best.”

  “Huh?” Lyra’s face scrunched in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean it’s best that the others returned home. I’m Ultima, the Battle God pledged to defend Iorus. There was no mention of having the people rallied with me. With the power Cybil is channeling for me, I can do this by myself.”

  Rhiannon puffed her chest our proudly. “You will not do this by yourself.” Her face was always so determined, so battle-hardened. But times like this when she smiled, she was just a beautiful woman who’d been by my side since the beginning.

  “I have fought with you for so long, there is no reason for me to leave now,” Zafina said as she bowed her head.

  I looked over to the silver-haired archer standing a few feet away. “Lyra?”

  She twisted her lips as she thought about it before nodding. “They say a coward never accomplished anything that mattered. And a coward won’t be the one to save us from the other world. You’ve got me, Virgil.”

  “I figured I did. There’s no point in making more plans or second-guessing anything. We’ve got no more than a day to prepare. Let’s make the most of it.”

  38: Alone

  The Arcane Circle where Araceli performed all of her experiments was a combination of a high-tech LOD facility and a witch’s hut. The room was noticeably warm, illuminated by a bonfire where a cauldron was bubbling over. The smell in the air was a mixture of candy and flowers, pleasant enough that I forgave her for whatever she was up to. More odd potions in flasks and cups covered the tables, filling the air with smoke and more pungent aromas.

  I leaned closer to one of the wooden tables and examined a brass pail. Inside, a silver trout wriggled back and forth in some water.

  “I haven’t had fish in a long time,” I said. “I should probably tell Yuma to cook some up for me.”

  “That fish is not for eating,” Araceli replied while she was busy mixing together her potions. “I am trying to draw the essence of that fish so I might create an aphrodisiac.”

  “Aphrodisiac from a fish… That’s kind of terrifying.”

  “The people of Navica have needs. If you intend for us to repopulate, it must be done.”

  “The Arcane Circle is more than just a fertility clinic. I’m hoping you have something for me to help me in my battle.”

  “Being more fertile will help you in battle.” She lowered her hood down, showing off her short brown hair along with a mischievous smirk. She approached me from across the room and presented a brass cup filled with a smoking potion like everything else in the room.

  “What do I do with that?” I said.

  “What else would you do? Consume it.”

  “Right.” I took the cup from her and put my lips to the rim.

  “I’m curious what will happen.”

  I quickly lowered the cup down. “Wait a second. You don’t know what this is going to do to me?”

  “My potions were made for ordinary people. You are a Battle God, Lord Ultima. You are already so strong, it took a greater effort to create something that would benefit you.”

  Any advantage I could get, I had to take. Even from a woman who didn’t mind being called a witch. Her eyes narrowed and her smirk grew as I put the cup back to my lips.

  It was bubbling as hot as coffee but the taste wasn’t anything like it. It tasted like a blend of dirt mixed with candy, unpleasant but not enough for me to stop swallowing. The warmth of the liquid filled my chest and spread into my stomach.

  Araceli moved close and trailed her long nail delicately along my cheek. “How does it feel?”

  I waited a moment for the warmth to subside then noticed I had more
energy than I did a few moments ago.

  “I feel… better.”

  “As I intended. Zafina mentioned how much you had to draw on yourself when you activated that cannon. With this, you will have more to draw upon.”

  “That’ll help. Thanks, Araceli.”

  She put her hands on my neck, pulling me in for a kiss without asking me. “I am here to serve you, Lord Ultima. If there is anything else you need…” She pressed her body against me, making sure to run her thigh up between my leg.

  “When this is over, perhaps then I’ll let you please me.”

  She puckered her red lips at me and blew a kiss. “There is nothing I would like better, my lord.”

  ~ ~ ~

  The Manaworks had a sweet smell like the Arcane Circle, though the scent was more muted. The beeswax Sawyer used for all of his metallurgical endeavors made it pleasant enough to stand the heat and steam filling the room.

  Inside of the place where Sawyer did his work, there were tables and workstations with all sorts of projects being worked on. Navica might have been the most secure town in all of Iorus, and it was all because Sawyer was capable of making weapons and propping up our defenses so that no Shadow dared to attack us.

  “It’s ready.” Sawyer motioned me over to one of the tables.

  I crossed my arms and watched curiously as he unveiled a piece of cloth covering the table. Sitting there was a gauntlet tempered with black steel and trimmed with gold. He held it up for me to get a closer look at it. The rivets bolted into the joints made it flex on every finger. The ridges etched into it were the precise craftsmanship I’d expected from him.

  “Nice as always,” I said.

  He nodded, his eyes widening in excitement. “Try it on.”

  I slipped it on then activated the Life Rune to take my Ultima form. “Fits perfect. Doesn’t match the rest of my outfit though. Then again, I left the life of fashion behind me.”

  I punched the gauntlet into my left palm and nodded in approval. “This should pack a wallop.”

  “It should provide you the punch you need, especially when flying through the air to gain momentum. But the gauntlet itself wasn’t designed for punching.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He pointed at the wall. “Fire one of your blasts.”

  I looked at the black wooden wall and shook my head. “Is there a barrier there…?”


  “I don’t want to put a hole in your wall, Sawyer.”

  “You won’t.”

  “Hmm… Now I’m really curious. Any specific element?”

  “Your choice.”

  As Sawyer’s widened in anticipation, I turned my head slightly in case things went as awry as I expected them to. I fired out a Radiant Beam. The iridescent light shot from my palm and illuminated the room. But more interesting than that, the beam stopped a meter in front of me.


  “Go on,” he said.

  “Go on what?”

  “Control it.”

  “Control it…” I pulled the gauntlet back and the beam moved back into my palm. The energy flowed back and forth for me to control just like he said.

  “Try to shape it,” he instructed.

  I kept manipulating the energy until it formed a handle for me to hold connected to a long blade that rivaled a Cavalier’s saber.

  “Whoa… This is impressive.”

  “The gauntlet controls the energy so that you can manifest it. Swords. Axes. Knives. Shields. You can form whatever you want as long as you have the energy for it. And you can use any element you like. If you want to shoot an ordinary beam, all you have to do is flex your hand and the gauntlet will know.”

  I shifted my sword into a small axe, still marveling at the weapon of light in my hand. “Remarkable. You outdid yourself this time, Sawyer.”

  “I know what’s at stake. Even the Battle God will need everything he can get his hands on to win this fight.”

  I lowered the gauntlet and deactivated the Life Rune. “With people like you on my side, there’s no way I can lose.”

  ~ ~ ~

  It’d been a long time since I had a chance to relax in the Revival Pool. The bright blue waters bubbling around me were intended to restore me. When my hit points dropped low enough, the Life Rune would teleport me here to bring me back. But ever since I became Ultima, Cybil herself had the means to make sure I had a chance to enjoy every bit of immortality I had.

  It was a room with nothing more than stone walls and a window to peer outside onto the village. Even though I was on the first floor, the pool was high enough nobody could look in on me. I was all alone, enjoying the peace of the warm waters engulfing me.

  My eyes closed, I let the water soak me up to my neck.

  “This is the life…” A deep sigh escaped me, filling me with a satisfaction only a warm pool could bring.

  Footsteps approached but I kept my eyes closed. I figured it was Zafina coming to tell me how the attack was progressing.


  I peeked my eyes open to see Lyra standing at the edge of the pool. She was in her blue hood and skirt, though her bow wasn’t strapped to her back like it always was.

  “You busy?” She stared at me innocently enough I knew she was serious, though I still chuckled.

  “I’m the least busy person in all of Iorus right now.”

  “Hmm…” She peered into the water. Even though I was naked, the water was bubbling enough that she couldn’t see anything below my neck. “That water looks nice.”

  “You’re welcome to join me.”

  She took a seat on the edge of the small pool across from me and dipped her bare feet into it. “Wow, that is nice.”

  “No better way to relax after a long day.”

  Lyra turned to the window and looked out into the night. “Once Cybil finishes extracting all of that power, you’ll be ready to head back for the fortress.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “We’re going to do it. Even though we don’t even know what’s inside that building. Not because we should or we have to, but because we’re the only ones… right?” She turned back to me, that same innocent look in her silver eyes.

  I’d seen Lyra fight in the Sol Lands, never with an ounce of fear. But looking at her now, I was reminded she was a young twenty-something who had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Even Omegas fighting against Pandora didn’t go through what she did.

  “Are you afraid we won’t win?” I asked.

  “Pfft!” She rolled her eyes and looked away from me. “We’ll win! Definitely! Absolutely…” Her words faded, taking her confidence along, too. “I think about what happened to Qashia. I think about those monsters destroying everything… Everybody dying… Having to evacuate the world… It doesn’t seem real to me. Sometimes I remind myself what happened and I laugh because it sounds so absurd. Then I give it a few seconds and it hits me.”

  She stayed staring at the water, letting the ripples hypnotize her. “I thought my family would always be there. And now they’re not. Now I’m alone…”

  “Everything will be okay, Lyra—”

  “You’re always so confident.” Her head jerked up as she stared at me. “I can’t watch the sunset on Qashia. I can’t head up to the hills to watch the stars. I can’t tell Norris…” She swallowed to clear her throat. “…I can’t tell Norris I love him. And if I can’t do those things, if the impossible happened, maybe the unthinkable can happen…”

  I thought she was about to cry. But the strangest thing happened. She smiled at me with a grin that would make you think she won the lottery.

  “But then I think about everything we’ve done together. Every battle we fought and came out on top. You got the Nobles on your side. You made it through the marshes and didn’t get eaten by that giant snake. You even got those stupid raiders to agree to work together, even for just a little bit.

  “When I think about all of that, I know why you’re al
ways so confident. I know you’ll win because of that. You always win. And I want to be by your side when you do it.”

  I listened to everything Lyra said, unable to stop my smile from coming to me. “That’s more inspiring than anything I could have ever told you.”

  “You would’ve never made it through the Sol Lands without me.” She winked and I burst into laughter.

  “Maybe I would’ve. But I’m glad you were always there, Lyra.”

  She turned back to the water and turned her head. Without saying anything, she reached for her hood and pulled it off over her head. Her white bra underneath kept a pair of modest breasts hidden. But she didn’t let me imagine it, pulling her bra off and revealing herself completely.


  “There’s no need for pretense.” She stood up and pulled her skirt down and showed off her legs, fair-skinned as the rest of her. “It’s the last night before a big battle. I’m sure you’ve got a lot of fun lined up with Rhiannon and Zafina. But I need to unwind before I pick my bow back up.”

  Lyra put her hands on her hips, letting me admire her naked body. For a moment, I couldn’t believe she was naked but there she was. A couple of B-cup breasts and a slit between her legs with a small tuft of silver hair just above it.

  I could’ve stared at her all night but she only gave me a few seconds before splashing into the water and swimming toward me. She rushed her face to mine and just like that, our lips were locked in a messy kiss.

  My hands instinctively wrapped around her, pulling her close to hold her soft body against mine. She kicked her legs up and wrapped them around the small of my back, holding me like a spider who’d caught its prey.

  Lyra wasn’t holding back. Her tongue shoved so far into my mouth, I was surprised she hadn’t hit my throat. She was so forceful, I couldn’t help a laugh.

  She pulled away, an eyebrow raised in confusion. “Something wrong?”


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