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30 Hot Milf Erotica Porn Stories

Page 56

by Pamela Cougars

  “Oh, I might check those out myself. I love putting candles out during the holidays, especially.”

  “Me too.”

  “I’ll wait and walk up with you, if you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all.” Sadie linked her arm through Sandy’s and together the women walked back up to the massive barn that had been converted into an apple pressing station slash gift shop.

  “Wow,” Sadie said as she stepped back in time. Decorated for a combination of Thanksgiving and Halloween, the barn held all the reminiscent qualities of the eighteen hundreds, while sporting all the modern gadgets of the twenty-first century. Climbing the stairs she breathed deeply, taking in the scents of apples and people. As she reached the top landing, Sadie saw the massive apple press do its work as it crushed the apple juice from the fruit. An old, self-playing piano sat in the corner with a lively skeleton on the bench. “This place is phenomenal,” she breathed as she watched people standing in line and those who were already enjoying their treats.

  “What do you think?”

  Sadie turned and looked into sky blue eyes that warmed right in front of her. “It’s beautiful. How did you-“

  “Take a walk with me and I’ll tell you.”

  “Alright,” Sadie said, accepting the arm that was offered to her.

  “My great-grandparents owned this property three generations ago. They were the first to plant the apple orchard out here. Back then they made their life with cows and dairy milk, cream, cheese, and butter. My grandparents expanded that adding apple sauce and apples to the mix. My grandmother was the one who taught me to make doughnuts from scratch and I do, every season. By the time my parents took over we had expanded the business even further. They put in the apple press and we converted the barn into a gift shop as well. My mother turned the apple peelings into incredibly scented candles and by adding the apple cider and fresh made doughnuts our profits only increased. With everything the farm does now I had to hire more people when I took over. I’m one of six children and when we all grew up there wasn’t anyone to replace us in the family.”

  “That’s quite a story,” Sadie smiled. “You’ve certainly got some gorgeous land here, Mr. Jackson.”

  “Please, call me Reece,” he said. “And thank you. I work hard to make sure my family’s legacy lives up to what my great-grandparents started building way back when.”

  “They’d be proud of you, proud of all your family has made from their meager beginnings.”

  “So, is doctoring a family thing or are you just a rebel?”

  “A little bit of both actually,” Sadie found it entirely too easy to talk to this handsome man. Not only was he articulate and a conversationalist, he actually seemed to listen to her when she spoke. So, as the sun started its descent in the western sky, she told him a little about the Hamilton clan. “My grandfather was a surgeon. Unfortunately for him, he had a daughter who was less than stellar in the coordination area. My aunt Nora is quite the Clumsy Carla. She trips over air, literally. Her twin brother Nathan, my father, however, isn’t. He became a carpenter, much to my grandfather’s chagrin. But, he loves his work and does it with exceptional quality. I used to spend my summers at my grandparents’ house and that’s when I fell in love with the idea of medicine. One of my grandfather’s patients was expecting a baby. She was just about to her due date when a nasty storm swept through their town. When my grandfather went to check on them she was well into her labor, but hadn’t been able to reach anyone. I helped my grandfather deliver her baby and ever since I knew I wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to help take care of people who, for one reason or another, couldn’t take care of themselves.”

  “How old were you?”

  “Me? I was twelve when little Annalise Richardson was born. She’s twelve now and beautiful to boot. She’s got a major crush on Jackson Spurlock, who’s as clueless as they come.”

  “Most boys are at that age. It takes us a little longer to get the idea about girls.”

  “Well, regardless, she’s painting her name in pretty neon colors and putting Spurlock behind it.”

  “I bet her parents are thrilled.”

  “Her mother thinks it’s cute and her dad is trying not to freak out about his only daughter liking boys.”

  “Do you have any siblings?”

  “I have twin brothers. Jason and Jack. They’re two years older than I am and along with being their sister I’m also the baby. I can’t seem to get past that stigma, no matter how old I get.”

  “That’s a tough one for us older brothers. We don’t usually do it well, letting our younger siblings grow up. Particularly when they’re as beautiful as you.”


  He’d expected her to blush at the compliment. What he hadn’t expected was for her to transform from a beautiful woman into a radiant one. He’d been able to talk to, feel comfortable with the beautiful doctor. Now she left him speechless and unsure, her stunning grey eyes shining in the waning sunlight. “I’ll take that as the compliment I’m sure you meant it to be.”

  “I’m sorry if that came out wrong. You are beautiful and I don’t want you to think I didn’t mean what I said, I just-“ He stopped talking when her fingers touched his lips.

  “Stop while you’re ahead, farm boy,” Sadie smiled. Then she did something Reece hadn’t been expecting. Rising on her toes, she pressed a soft, quick kiss to his lips. She smelled like the apples from his farm and the scent, along with her obviously cooperative attitude were irresistible.

  “Come here,” Reece said, grabbing her hand and pulling her into a small shed.

  “Where are we?”

  “This is my tack shed. It houses the saddles and such that I use for my horses, both the ones I work with and the ones I ride for pleasure.”

  “You use horses to work?”

  “They make it easier for me to harvest some of the crops I don’t sell to the public.”

  “Oh,” she said.

  “You’re trembling,” he said, stopping and tugging her so she’d come closer. “I can’t tell you how much that turns me on.”

  “It wasn’t meant to as I’m not doing it on purpose.”

  “Do women ever tremble on purpose?” he chuckled.

  “I wouldn’t know,” she grinned. “I do know that it’s not summer outside anymore.”

  “No, that it’s not. Why did you kiss me?”


  “Because I like you. I like that you care enough about your family to want their legacy to continue. I like the look of you and the work ethic I know it must require to take something that’s given to you and make it even better. I like that you took time out of what must be a crazy busy day to spend time with me, to tell me about that family you love.”

  “So does that mean we can-“

  “No, at least not right now. You’ve got customers that want to see you and I need more time.”

  “Bummer,” he smiled. “Well in that case at least kiss me again before I see you out.”

  She smiled, because it was such a male request. Anything to get a pretty girl to kiss them. She willingly obliged him though. He was ready for her this time. His mouth answered questions she hadn’t even known she was asking until their lips touched. He ran his tongue seductively over her lips, all but begging her to open to him. When she did, they both sank deeper perhaps, than either had planned on going. His tongue slid warmly over hers, drawing a moan of anticipation and need from her. She hadn’t wanted to show him that much, hadn’t wanted him to see that need in her. Men got the wrong idea when a woman was needy.

  Still, she couldn’t fault his technique. The man knew how to kiss a woman straight out of her best jeans. Reece would have kissed her out of a chastity belt, lock and all, had she been wearing one. He certainly knew how to kiss, she’d give him that. Pulling back, Sadie drew in a deep breath and let it out shakily. “I should have expected you to kiss like that.”


  “Because I like the look of you,” s
he laughed. “Is there anything you don’t do well?”

  “I don’t visit the doctor well, as I’m sure you’ve guessed by now.”

  “Yeah,” she said, shaking her head and smiling. “Maybe now you’ll have a reason to come see me once a year at least.”

  “Maybe,” he smiled. “But right now I need to walk you back to the front before I try something neither of us will approve of.”

  “Okay.” Sadie slid her arm into his again and together they headed back toward the barn as dusk settled over the farm. “When do you close shop?”

  “Most of the time we close at seven. Tonight though we’ll stay open until ten. On Halloween and Thanksgiving weekend we stay open until two in the morning.”

  “Wow, I’m never up that late.”

  “Makes me feel young again. Then I sleep away most of the next day and really screw up my schedule.”

  She laughed, finding Reece just funny enough to enjoy. “It reminds me of how old I am.”

  “Please, you can’t be more than twenty-three.”

  “Twenty-eight next week in fact.”

  “Okay well we’ll put my handicap at plus or minus three.”

  “Years,” she laughed. “I’ll give you a pass this time, considering you gave me a compliment or two.”

  “Awesome, I can use all the bonus points I can get.”

  “You’re not doing too bad, farm boy.”

  “Well then, doc, let me see if I can’t do something about bumping that up to great. Have you had a doughnut yet? I make them myself you know.”

  “I’ve heard stories about your doughnuts and I’d love to try one.”


  “Do you like plain, glazed, sprinkles, nuts…I can keep going.”

  “My favorite are plain, but if you put a dozen together I can take them back to my office for my crew tomorrow morning.”

  “Excellent,” Reece smiled. “I’ll give you some of my specialties and you can tell me whether you think plain still passes as your favorite.”

  “You’re on.”

  Ten minutes later, Reece met her at the staircase with two dozen doughnuts, handpicked especially for Sadie and her staff. “I brought enough for everyone. I also threw in some doughnut holes and two gallons of our freshest apple cider.”

  “Thank you,” Sadie said, truly astonished. “How much do I owe you?”

  “You can take it off my doctor bill. Apparently I’ve been ordered by a beautiful woman to see her for a thorough checkup.”

  “That you have,” she chuckled. “The girls are going to love you Reece.”

  “It’s all part of my diabolical plan to rule the town you know. Appease everyone with doughnuts.”

  She laughed again and was more than ready to accept when Reece offered to walk her to her car. “Thank you again for coming by. I know we didn’t do much of the actual harvesting, but I really enjoyed getting to know you,” he sighed. “I have to admit that I had a negative perception of you, before.”

  “Well, we’ll chalk it up to experience. While I try not to prejudge people, I’m pretty sure I’ve done it a time or two in my lifetime. I forgive you.”

  Her smile was so beautiful, it lit her entire face and made her eyes shine like emerald color diamonds. Dark and stunning, Reece found himself nearly entranced by her. “Can I kiss you goodbye?”

  “Please,” she smiled. Reece tried hard to keep the kiss, short and sweet. The flavor of her though poured through him like warm honey, sliding over his senses until all he knew, all he cared about at that moment, was the woman in his arms. She was soft and womanly in all the right places, places he wanted desperately to touch. He’d heard her earlier and he couldn’t argue the logic, but for the life of him all he could think was…what part did logic play in emotions and the way two people felt about each other?

  Chapter Three: Rose Colored Glasses

  Sadie worked like a mad woman as the week too on the lengths of a marathon for a couch potato. By Friday afternoon she felt physically, emotionally, and mentally wiped out. Walking into her house she dropped her purse and keys heavily on the foyer table, so glad to be done until Monday. She had to remember to consider giving her on-call assistant a raise. Saturday and Sunday might not have seemed like a lot to most people, but that forty-eight hours was heaven to her.

  She hung up her coat and jumped in the shower to wash out the cold in her system. Winter would be here before long and Sadie was already dreading it. She enjoyed the cool, breezy days of fall, but the biting cold of winter, when everything froze solid and the world seemed to sleep, was a different story.

  She was headed into the kitchen to find a bowl of soup to warm up when her doorbell rang. Sighing, Sadie turned toward the offending sound. Pulling her drape back she peeked out and breathed a sigh of relief. “Hey,” she said, opening her door to Reece Jackson.

  “Hey yourself. I heard through the grapevine that you had a hell of a week.”

  “I did,” she smiled. “I was just about to kick my feet up and hibernate for the weekend.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Mind if I join you?”

  “As long as your farm won’t fall apart, although I’m not sure I’m the best company right now.”

  “Oh? Problems?”

  “I had to tell a patient that her pregnancy had spontaneously terminated. Another patient’s tests came back positive for cancer, and a high school kid who had her heart set on joining the military when she graduated, got some bad news about her vision. News that will prevent her from serving in the capacity that she had hoped.”


  “Yeah, not a great week overall.”

  “Well, I have the perfect thing for the end to a crappy work week,” Reece said. He carried the bags of groceries into the kitchen and sat them on her table. When he pulled out a double chocolate, chocolate cake Sadie chuckled.

  “Are you sure you aren’t psychic? I was just about to rummage through my cupboards for chocolate.”

  “Good. Now I won’t feel bad when I eat half because I can give you the other half.”

  “Deal,” she smiled. “What else do you have in there?”

  “Fettucine Alfredo, if you can wait for me to make it.”

  “I’m game. Can I do anything to help?”

  “You can chill this bottle of wine,” Reece said, handing her a beautiful Merlot.

  “Have I mentioned that I really like you?” she laughed. “Any man who cooks for me, brings me chocolate without being asked and placates me with wine is a keeper in my book.”


  “Well in that case,” Reece said stepping closer to her. Smiling into her sexy grey eyes, Reece took her mouth, peeling away the crap from her work and replacing it with heat and passion. Instantly the food, even the decadent cake, was forgotten. All either of them needed was each other, now. “Let me have you Sadie. Everything else can wait. You, I need this. I need you.”

  Her arms linked around his neck and Reece stooped to pick her up. “The kitchen’s nice and all, but we can have a little more finesse this first time.” Grinning, he carried her upstairs. “If you don’t tell me where your bedroom is I’m just going to pick one.”

  “Straight back,” Sadie said, her breath warm against his neck. Reece carried her back to the bedroom she’d indicated, nudging the door open with his knee so he wouldn’t bang her head against it. He thought fleetingly about tossing her on the bed, but that seemed too high school-ish for his taste. Not to mention he wanted every minute of contact with her that he could get.

  It’d been a long time since a woman had made his blood hum, especially when all he’d done was think about her. He wanted to feast on her, to fill himself to overflowing with the scent, and flavor, and feel of her. His mouth found hers as he lowered her feet to the floor. Had he ever had a woman who seemed to give so selflessly? Like a man drugged, Reece plunged into each moan, each breathy whisper, each gasp of pleasure.

  “God you’re incredible,” he breathed. His hands worke
d her out of her blouse, feeling the gentle sway of her hips. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted a woman this way, with this desperation seeping through every pore. More than just wanting her, Reece needed to feel her, needed to touch every possible inch of her flesh, to conquer it. His mouth cruised over her full lips, pulling her closer as his tongue slid between her willing lips. His hands made quick work of her clothes, stoking her passion with each piece he removed. Still it wasn’t enough, not nearly enough.

  “Christ, Sadie,” Reece breathed. His mouth clamped around her tight nipple, suckling her until she cried out for him. He felt her hand guide him between her thighs and smiled when his fingers found the wet heat of her throbbing pussy. Sinking into that heat, Reece felt her melt against him, her body just as trapped by their mutual need as he was. When his thumb found her protruding clit, he tortured her until she came against his palm. “Hmm.”


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