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Fierce: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 4)

Page 11

by Violet Vaughn

  “Of course, and I doubt you’re pathetic. It’s mostly about practice, anyway.”

  Megan says, “We’ll only make you play one game with the girls, and then you can show the guys how it’s done.” She elbows Nick, and he nuzzles her neck. Her giggle makes me smile as a longing tugs at my heart. I want to find that kind of love.

  My brother and Gretchen managed to find each other last year, and they gave me hope. I had thought Kelly might be it, but apparently my prince can’t find his horse. My mind flashes to Christian. I avert my gaze from the loving couple and check out my surroundings.

  The conversation turns to the new hires, and I tune it out as I survey the layout. Decorated in a western theme, I’m paying attention to the details as I mentally design my shop. My thoughts are interrupted by the familiar voice of Neal.

  “Dannika, I heard the most interesting rumor today.” He looks at my friends and asks, “Could I steal her for a bit?”

  A few confused looks are thrown my way as Megan answers, “Sure.”

  Neal places his hand at my lower back to steer me toward the bar. Two glasses of champagne are on it and he lifts them in one hand. “Come to my office. It will only take a moment.”

  “Okay, why do I have the feeling you’re up to something?”

  He leans down to speak quietly in my ear. “Because I am.”

  My immediate thought is he’s trying to be more flirtatious than usual. He’s an attractive man, and I’m flattered. Unfortunately, he doesn’t even elicit a flutter.

  In the lobby my boots click on the tile, and a cold draft comes toward us from customers that walked in. Keys jangle as he unlocks a door, and we enter a space full of cardboard boxes stacked on shelves. A paper-scattered table is against the wall of the windowless space.

  He closes the door behind me and shrugs. “Sorry. It’s not the least bit glamorous, but I didn’t think you’d want to have this conversation where anyone could hear.”

  My curiosity is piqued when he sets the glasses down instead of handing me one.

  Neal says, “Apparently you’re looking for retail space. A high-end western-wear shop?”

  “I am. You heard this from Gerry?”

  He nods. “Yes, and I’m a little insulted you didn’t come to me first.”

  I frown. “Why’s that?”

  He takes my hands. “Because I have a number of prime locations and can’t think of a better tenant.”

  “Oh. Neal, I would love to be your tenant, but I would never push a friendship that way. I’m sure your locations are in high demand.”

  “They are, but not everyone is a good risk for me. You, my dear, would be. I’d be lucky to have you.”

  I nod toward the champagne. “Is that for when I say yes?”

  He chuckles and reaches for the glasses. Handing me one, he says, “It is. So?”

  “If the space is right, I would be honored.” This is an amazing piece of news, and my grin shows my pleasure. Location is key, and I was worried about how I was going to get a choice one.

  “Excellent.” He lifts his glass, I raise mine, and they clink as we toast.

  I say, “To a profitable working relationship.” Bubbles tickle my throat in celebration of a fabulous opportunity falling into my lap.

  Chapter 24

  While Neal would have been happy to monopolize me for the entire bottle of champagne to hear my plan, I tell him I need to get back to my friends halfway through my glass. When we return to the restaurant, I give Neal a hug and let him go to the kitchen. I hand my glass to the bartender who discreetly takes care of it without Neal seeing. I flash him my model smile in thanks.

  It’s still on my face when I turn and notice Christian. He’s watching me from a table where he sits with Jess. Since I’m already smiling, I give him a wave. His face darkens, and he returns it with a nod.

  I had wanted to rush over to tell him my great news, but it’s just as well. That would’ve sent it spinning through the rumor mill the moment Jess heard. It’ll just have to wait until later tonight. As long as he comes home alone, that is. I push the thought out of my head because my good fortune is too awesome to be overshadowed by Christian troubles.

  When I return to the table Lori asks, “What was that about? Another man after your heart?”

  Megan says. “You mean her body. Neal Morgen is the biggest manwhore around.”

  “What?” Oh, boy. “I hadn’t heard that.” Damn, I hope this doesn’t make for an awkward business relationship.

  Casey asks, “So?”

  I glance around the restaurant and put my finger to my lips. “It was about an investment opportunity he wanted to discuss. Something I’ll have to think over.”

  Casey nods, and Lori leans in to whisper, “The shop idea?”

  I nod. “Later, okay?”

  I know Casey and Megan are dying to know more, but I don’t dare go into it here. I say, “We might need a girl’s night soon.”

  Megan says, “Yeah, like in five minutes.”

  I grin. “It’s not that exciting.” I decide to throw them a bone. “Just a possible career change.”

  Casey picks up her phone and says in a sarcastic voice. “Gee, a text right about now would work.”

  I chuckle and pull my phone out of my pocket to text them a simple message saying I’m exploring opening a clothing store. From the silent squeals and squirming bodies I know they love the idea too.

  Before they can bombard me with texts to ask questions, our dinner arrives. I’m suddenly ravenous, which is good since I had trouble eating today and it doesn’t take much for me to get drunk on an empty stomach. By the time we’re finishing the food, the guys are trash-talking about pool.

  I listen to the lighthearted banter as I glance at the pool tables at the other end of the restaurant. Only two are open, so I say, “We should probably grab the last tables before they get taken.”

  Nick looks over. “Girls, go get them, and we’ll pay the bill.”

  We grab the pitcher and our beer glasses to reserve two bar tables as well. Knowing these guys would just pay for me, I pull two twenties out of my pocket and throw them down at the last minute to cover more than my portion of dinner.

  When we get there, I peruse the pool cues. I don’t need a fancy one, just one that isn’t warped. I find four that will work for us. “Okay, ladies, time for school.”

  Casey sets up one table while I rack the balls up on the other. I give them a quick lesson on breaking, and each girl tries it. After that, I play one table with Lori while Megan and Casey play the other. I give each friend pointers when I can.

  The guys come over near the end of our practice round. I notice Christian and Jess trailing after them. Jason says, “We found Christian and forced him to join us.”

  This should be interesting. But I refuse to do anything but take the high road and go search for a decent cue for Jess. I find one. “Jess, I was just helping the girls with their game. Do you play?” I hand her the pool cue in a goodwill gesture.

  “A little.” She looks at Christian and her voice gets a little higher. “I could use a lesson though.”

  He shrugs. “Don’t look at me. Nika is the pro.”

  Jason winks at Casey. “Why don’t the guys play a game and the girls play one? We can switch teams up each round.” I catch the glare she gives him when Jess isn’t looking.

  Lori is quick to realize there are nine of us and says, “I’ll sit this one out.”

  Megan says, “I’ll probably be ready to be done after one game, so this works out fine.”

  I take Jess as a partner, knowing how the other women feel about her. After Casey breaks, I tell them I’m going to do trick shots to make things fair. But it’s mostly because I’ll be bored pretty quickly if I don’t.

  What I don’t count on is an audience. As our game progresses, people gather to watch me play. When I get an unusually tough one in, some break out in a cheer. I’ll admit it; I like the attention, so I keep trying the most diffic
ult ones I can dream up.

  Near the end of the game, Neal appears and is talking with Lori. He’s flirting with her, and I glance at Kaleb to see if he’s noticed. Kaleb looks a little uncomfortable, but Lori is leaning away and making it clear with her body language she isn’t interested.

  I walk over to rescue her, and an idea comes to me. “Neal, do you play?” I take a mouthful of my beer, making sure to get foam on my upper lip and lick it off slowly.

  His gaze falls to my lips and then rises to my eyes as he gives me a cocky smirk. “I do, and I might even be able to give you a run for your money.”

  I raise my eyebrows and drop my chin a bit in my sultry pose. “Really? Care to prove that?” I’m not sure what I’m up to, but I have a desire to take one manwhore down.

  Jason has overheard us and says, “I want to see this.”

  Christian puts a ten on the edge of the girls’ table. “My money’s on Nika.”

  Game over for the girls, Casey is already racking up the balls for us.

  Jess is scowling and reaches in her pocket. She smiles sweetly at Neal and slaps a ten on the other side. “Mine’s on Neal.”

  When she sends Christian a saucy glare, Jason spits out beer. Nick hits him on the back and thumps it loudly while a grin takes up his face.

  I have to hand it to Neal; he’s as evil as I am because he puts his arm around Jess and looks right at Christian. “If I win, she gets more than your money.” His intent is definitely sexual, although I’m sure it would only go as far as Jess allows.

  Uh-oh. Christian nods his head in my direction and says, “Same.”

  Desire sweeps through me as I recall him pressed against me, and I imagine what he really means.

  Poor Jess. The look on her face is conflicted as she realizes what she’s done. Casey, on the other hand, looks like she’s going to burst with laughter she’s trying to contain. Me? I think I’m going to enjoy this way more than I should.

  We decide on a simple game of eight ball. Hard resin clatters as Neal reracks the balls to his specifications and looks to me for approval.

  I nod and say, “Kaleb?” He’s ready with a quarter to flip to determine who breaks.

  Neal says to me, “Call it.”

  Kaleb flips the coin, and I say, “Heads,” while it’s still in the air.

  Whoever breaks could easily win the game when you’re good at pool. Unfortunately, it’s Neal. I step back to watch and see what I’m up against.

  His break is clean and three balls roll in. I should be nervous because based on his first move he does look like an excellent player. But I’m not. Because the bets made mean either I get Christian, or Neal gets Jess. I win either way.

  Neal does his best to run the table, and my only regret is that I don’t get to show off. But he misses his last shot before the eight ball, and there’s a collective sigh of relief from the crowd. That’s enough to make my ego fat and happy.

  I sink the first few balls with ease. The cracking sound of each one is my version of a notch on my belt. I take my time with the harder shots to be safe—and for the drama. Oh yes, I’m eating this power trip up with a spoon.

  Now down to just the eight ball, I glance at Christian. I ignored him the entire game, but now I need to see his reaction. He mouths the words, “Crush him.” I let a slow smile form on my face.

  I lean over the table to line up my shot. I’ll have to bank it to avoid hitting Neal’s ball, but it’s not going to be difficult. No, what’s difficult is deciding what to do. Do I win like Christian wants me to? Because why does he want me to? Is it he’s not willing to risk his relationship with Jess? Or is it because it gives him the excuse to be with me?

  “Wait.” Neal grabs my cue before I call my move. His expensive cologne calls up the memory of a narcissistic designer who wore the same one.

  I rise up and he says, “I’d like to up the ante.”

  I look at Christian, and he turns a palm up toward Neal to indicate he’s willing to listen. Neal says, “Not only do I get Jess if I win, but I get Nika too.”

  Seriously? He has to know I can easily win. He thinks I would lose a game so he can have me? This makes me cross my arms, and I’m about to tell them I’m not really up for grabs when Christian says, “And if Nika wins, not only does she get me, but you can never have her.”

  Wow. Thank you, I think. Is this jealousy? Possessiveness? Or just a desire to win big? I scan the faces staring at us and say, “If I win, nobody can have me.” I call the pocket, lean down and slam the eight ball in.

  Chapter 25

  After the dramatic ending of our pool game, Neal shakes my hand and I smile as if the whole thing was in good fun. But I hope to God he now realizes we’re never going to happen. I also hope it doesn’t change his mind about leasing me a prime retail location.

  I watch Neal turn to Jess and whisper something in her ear. She giggles and flushes red as he walks away. I glance at Christian, but he hasn’t noticed because he’s boring holes into me with his gaze. I touch his arm. “I’m out of here. See you later?”

  He nods slowly, and I have no earthly idea what he’s thinking. Jess grabs his arm, and I turn away.

  Lori says, “Wow.”

  I just raise my eyebrows because there’s so much I want to say but not in front of everyone.

  Megan says, “Oh, my God. That was awesome.” She pulls me away from the pool table so that we’re not going to be heard.

  Casey says in a low voice, “The pool part anyway.”

  Lori asks, “Are you all right? That was pretty intense.”

  “Yeah, I just got a little pissed that Neal treated me like I was up as a prize, you know? I mean, I’m sure it was a joke.”

  Lori shakes her head, and Megan says, “It wasn’t a joke for Christian. That guy has it bad for you.”

  I say, “Actually, I think he just wants to get laid like any other guy.”

  Casey says, “I don’t think so. He’s on a date with Jess, but that whole thing was all about you.” She grins, “Did you see Jess’s face?”

  I can’t help but laugh. “You’re awful. But yeah, she didn’t think her idea through, did she?”

  The guys walk over to join us, and all congratulate me on a game well played. I joke around with them for a bit and then say, “Guys, I’ve had enough. I’m out of here. Thanks so much, I had a great time.”

  I glance around the restaurant on my way out, wondering where Christian went, but I don’t see him anywhere. When I push open the door to get outside, the light flurries falling on my face soothe me. That game was intense, and it had nothing to do with the pool.

  I snort, thinking Christian is mine now. I might be able to have some fun with that. A white dusting of snow is on the sidewalk, and footprints lead the way to the parking lot around the corner.

  People are walking through town as they go to and from restaurants and bars. A joyful buzz is in the air, and I catch bits of conversations as I walk by families, friends, and couples. I think about how next winter I may be standing in my own shop window, watching the activity.

  I get to my car with a smile because I’m really going to do this. My happiness washes away all thoughts of Christian until I get home. His car is in the garage, and I wonder if he’ll give me a clue as to what was going on in that head of his.

  When I get in, the glow of the gas fireplace and low lighting is inviting. The twist of a wine opener in a cork squeaks as Christian opens a bottle of red wine. As I crouch to pet my wiggly dogs he asks, “Want a glass? After tonight I sure need one.”

  Maybe he will open up after all. “Sure. I could use one too.”

  I walk over and take the goblet from his hand. He follows me as I move to the couches. I say, “The fire is nice. Good call.”

  He sits on a couch, and I climb on the other one. The dogs hop into their usual places. “Now do you believe me about Neal being interested in you as more than a good customer?” His voice is a bit stern, as if he’s scolding me.

bsp; “Yes, I do. But I think I’ve made it clear I’m not interested, don’t you?”

  He snorts, “Yes. I think you did.” He has his legs spread with his arms resting on them and is perched on the edge of the couch, twirling his glass between his hands. He stops and looks over at me. “I had no idea you were such a show-off.”

  Firelight dances in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth are turned up in a small smile. I say, “I was a model. What did you expect?”

  He shrugs, “I don’t know.” He takes a swig of his wine, and I watch his throat work as he swallows twice to get the mouthful down.

  “So do I dare ask how things ended with Jess?”

  He grins at me. “I think she has a date with Neal.”

  “And that makes you happy?”

  “Yeah, her cute wasn’t growing on me. It makes things easy.”

  “Ah, easy’s good.”

  He cocks his head at me and doesn’t say anything. I sip my wine and let it sit on my tongue before swallowing. It’s a rich Merlot, and a hint of blackberry flavor lingers when I do.

  Christian breaks the silence. “You won me. Have any plans?” He drinks another large mouthful of wine, leaving only a small amount in his glass.

  “You’re drinking like I’m going to have my way with you.”

  He chuckles at that and says, “No. I wouldn’t need to drink to enjoy that.”

  My wineglass clinks on the coffee table, and I move to stand before him. I take his goblet too and place it next to mine. “Move back.”

  He slides back against the couch and stares up at me. His eyes are a deep gray tonight, and I try to see through them to know what he’s thinking. I place a knee on either side of his thighs and brace myself with my hands on his shoulders as I sink down onto his lap.

  I speak softly as I lean in close enough to kiss him easily. “Whatever should I do with you, Christian Nickelson?”

  He pulls me closer by my hips, and my stomach trembles. I trace his face with my finger. “You’re a very attractive man, and I think you know I want you.” He parts his lips to speak, but I stop him by touching his mouth and shaking my head. I thread my hand into his hair and yank it back as if I’m going to kiss him.


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