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Fierce: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 4)

Page 16

by Violet Vaughn

  When everyone but Derrick is seated, he gets down on his knee in front of Gretchen. Derrick reaches in his pocket and places three different ring boxes on her lap as she tears up. “Gretchen Nickelson, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Let’s make it official. Will you marry me?”

  She smiles and takes his face in her hands. “Yes, Derrick Hamilton, I’ll be your wife.” She leans down and kisses him tenderly. They whisper I love you to each other and tears prick my eyes. I wipe them quickly, and Christian grabs my hand to give it a squeeze. She asks, “Why so many boxes?” and picks one up.

  “I have three rings for you to choose from. If you don’t like any of them, you can have a ring made with one of the stones.”

  My mother’s ring is the most modern and substantial, and if I were to choose one, it would be hers. The other two rings are vastly different. My father’s mother was wealthy too, and hers is a lovely art deco design with multiple stones set around a three-carat diamond. My other grandmother’s ring is not traditional. She was a free-spirited woman who had a style all her own. Just like Gretchen. The stone is a small, round, pale aquamarine, bezel-set with tiny diamonds framing it in a filigree setting. It’s dainty and not nearly worth as much as the other two, but I know it’s the one she’ll pick.

  She opens the blue ring last, and her small gasp makes Derrick grin. He says, “That’s your ring, isn’t it?”

  Gretchen’s eyes shine with tears, and she nods. He slips it on her finger, and she grabs him for a kiss that gets steamy enough that Christian clears his throat. When they break apart, the look they give each other makes me want to cry again.

  Derrick hits Christian on the arm. “So I hear congratulations are in order for you two, as well.” He picks up his glass, and it prompts the rest of us to do the same. Derrick looks right at me and says, “To love. May all of us find the truest.”

  Darn it, the tears well up, and I smile through them as I sip my drink. Christian pulls me against him with one arm, and leans down to kiss me. He’s better than the champagne, and my body gets drunk with the taste of him.

  Derrick says, “Dinner will be ready in about forty-five minutes.” He moves to the kitchen and steam blasts out when he opens the oven to baste the turkey.

  Gretchen says, “Christian, I peeked in at your house today. I know you’ve been busy with the shop, so I didn’t bother to wait for the official tour.”

  “Hey, want to go see it with me now?”

  Gretchen stands and grabs Christian’s glass. “Sure. Let’s take this to go, and you can tell me all about it.” She turns to me, “Nika?”

  I know they haven’t had much time to catch up, and since I want alone time with my brother I guess they would like some too. “I’m going to stay here with Derrick. You two go.”

  The cabinet rattles as Gretchen searches for small plastic cups for their champagne. I pick up the two velvet ring boxes and open them. Putting both rings on my fingers, I think of the women in my family.

  Both my grandmothers died when I was young, and my memories are mostly of the stories we were told. But a vision of my mother floods my mind. I recall her hands holding a book as she read to me. My favorite fairy tale was Cinderella, and I remember trying on my mother’s ring, dreaming of my prince.

  I sit back on the couch when Christian and Gretchen call out good-bye. Holding my hand up, I let light catch the diamonds and sparkle as I move them. Derrick asks, “Did you know Gretchen would pick the blue one?”

  “I did. Didn’t you?”

  “Yeah, I had wanted to have one made especially for her, but that’s not what she’d like. I think Grammy Jo would be thrilled to know another adventurous soul has her ring.”

  “From the stories we heard, I think you’re right.” I smile, recalling the one about how Josie made my grandfather race into the ocean with her, completely clothed, once they said, “I do.” I wonder what Derrick and Gretchen’s wedding is going to be like.

  “Have you two decided anything about the wedding yet?”

  Wire snicks against a pan as Derrick whisks the gravy. “No. Gretchen refused to talk about plans until we were official.” He snorts. “I can only imagine what she’ll have me do.” I guess he’s remembered the Grammy Jo wedding story too.

  “If all you have to do is jump in the ocean in your clothes, you’ll be getting off easy.”

  He chuckles with me as I put the rings back in their boxes. Each container snaps shut. “Would you like me to return these to the safe?”

  “Yes. You know, there’s quite a bit of jewelry in there. We should sit and sort it out at some point.”

  “We can, but I think it’s okay to make decisions as occasions come. You’re not marrying a greedy girl that cares much.”

  “True, and you’ve been gracious about letting me give Gretchen things already.” Last fall he gave her a necklace made from my other grandmother’s first engagement ring. We both knew Gretchen was his forever. I wonder what Derrick thinks about Christian.

  I get up and join him in the kitchen. It’s important to me that Derrick approves of my relationship with Gretchen’s brother. Stepping close to him, I wrap my arms around his waist from behind, and lean my head against his back. “D?”

  He sets down the whisk and turns to hold my shoulders. “What is it?”

  “What do you think of me and Christian?”

  “I see a man that has helped you take charge of your life and do something meaningful. He looks at you as if you’re the most important person in the world. I think this is a good thing.” He kisses my forehead. “You’re going to laugh at me saying this, but just let love happen, and don’t worry, okay?”

  Coming from my intense brother, who never did love before Gretchen, it makes me grin. I hug him tight. “Thanks. I’ll try.”

  Chapter 36

  Suede is soft under my fingers as I smooth out my skirt. I take in Rhinestone Cowgirl with one final glance before I unlock the door. Tiny lights are strung in tree branches that weave their way around the ceiling, clothing hangs in perfect order, and champagne is chilling in a galvanized-steel washtub full of ice.

  Christian winks at me from behind the counter. “Open up, princess. We’re ready.”

  Tasha and Brianna are standing in front of the counter, smiling. They both came in early to help me arrange things, and I apologized at least ten times about how anal I was being. I’m sure they both understood my nerves, and I promised this was the worst they could expect from me.

  The solid wood door creaks as I open it to make sure I unlocked correctly. Not that I had any doubt, but I felt the need to physically open the shop and smile at myself for it.

  Black Friday in Breckenridge isn’t quite like the rest of the country. People don’t line up outside waiting to hit the big sales, and shops aren’t selling things for next to nothing. But I do expect to see local people who’ve been watching our progress and want to come see what we’ve done.

  The sign was hung this morning, and I made Christian drive us by it three times before I was satisfied I’d gotten the full impact. Of course, he’ll get to do the same again tonight so I can see it in the dark.

  I walk over to the champagne, and bottles clink as I rearrange them in the ice. The door opening makes me turn, and it reveals Ruby. She walks up the three steps slowly and takes everything in with wide eyes. “Goodness, Nika. You did an amazing job with this space. I know I saw it the other day, but with the lights lit and everything, it’s just so—wow.” She waves her hand around as she turns in a circle slowly.

  She stops when she faces the section that features her work. Her hand goes to her mouth. She looks over her shoulder at me as I approach. “Wonderful.” She clasps my hands. “You see what I do, don’t you?”

  I chuckle softly because I don’t think I see half of what she does, but I know what she means. “I love your designs. Displaying them was easy.”

  She tightens her mouth as if she’s deep in thought. “I was wondering. Do you need any
more help? Like one or two days a week?”

  “Do you want to work here?”

  “I would. I think it would be helpful to see people’s honest reactions to my clothes as well as dressing real bodies and getting a pulse on what women are drawn to, you know?”

  I nod. “I could definitely use you. Do you have days in mind?”

  We walk into the office and go over the schedule to see what works for both of us. Inside my head I’m squealing because Ruby is another person on my team that I can trust. I know moving her into town will make her tailoring business blossom, and she may not want to continue after this season, but I’ll take her for now.

  When we emerge, Neal is here and flirting with Brianna and Tasha. When I catch Christian’s gaze his lips twitch, holding back laughter. I walk up to Neal. “How wonderful of you to stop by. Can I get you some champagne?”

  He glances over at the bin, and I have no doubt he’s judging the brand. I wasn’t about to give away more in alcohol than I’m going to sell today. “No, thank you. I actually came to bring you something.” Neal hands me a beautifully wrapped bottle from his wine shop. “I think you two will like this one. Congratulations on Rhinestone Cowgirl. I wish you great success.” He glances over at Christian, and I don’t notice anything evil simmering under the surface.

  I peek inside and smile, seeing it’s a Merlot. He does know my taste in wine, and it’s bound to be another I’ll love. I kiss his cheek because he’s being gracious to Christian. “Thank you, Neal.” I look toward Christian and then back. “I’m sure we will.”

  Ruby has been browsing through the clothing and walks over to us. She waves her fingers at me. “We’ll talk soon. Thank you.”

  “Thank you, Ruby. Bye.”

  When she leaves, Neal asks, “Who was that enchanting creature?”

  I grin and shake my head. “My taken friend who happens to be a clothing designer too.” She’s not, but the shy girl doesn’t need to deal with Neal’s flirting.

  His face falls a little. “Oh.” He shrugs. “I should be going.” Looking past me at Tasha and Brianna, he says, “Bye, ladies.”

  They smile and return the good-bye, and I notice he managed to charm them both. I’m so glad I never even entertained taking that bullet.

  The afternoon flies by as local business people stop in to congratulate me, and we have customers straggle in to buy things. I manage a sizable sale to Gerry Jones’s daughter, Sandy, even before her second glass of champagne. I think I have my first regular customer. And it was nice for the girls to see what I mean by dressing the customer. Sandy bought almost everything I added on.

  Tasha and Brianna were scheduled to go at five, and they’ve just left. I expect Casey, Megan, and Lori to stop by at some point tonight, but based on Rebecca’s reports, the evening should be slow.

  I stretch my arms up in the air and yawn. I say to Christian, “My gosh. It’s great to finally be open, but I’m exhausted.”

  He yawns too. “I know.”

  I move closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist. “I’m so happy to have you with me for this. We make a pretty good team.”

  He lifts my chin with a finger. “That we do.” His lips brush mine, and I lose myself for a moment in Christian.

  The side door to the courtyard opens, and cold air blasts toward us as we step apart. It’s Casey and Megan. Casey says, “Jeesh, you two can’t stop touching each other.”

  She’s grinning and Megan gives her a little shove. “She’s just jealous. You know how couples get boring after a long time.”

  Casey says, “Speak for yourself; my sex life is still quite active, thank you very much.”

  Megan rolls her eyes and starts to wander through the shop. “It looks great in here.”

  A cork pops as Christian opens a bottle of champagne for the girls. He brings them each a glass. “We couldn’t have done it without your help. Cheers.”

  Megan says, “You’re welcome. I’m excited for my first shift. Have you sold anything yet?”

  I nod. “Sandy Jones was in. She likes it here.”

  Casey snorts, “I’ll bet. She has quite the rocking wardrobe.” Casey works for the Jones Real Estate office, taking pictures of listings in the summer.

  Christian says, “Now that you’re not alone, I’m going to go get our dinner next door. Still want that salad?”

  “Yeah, that would be great. Thanks.”

  The moment he leaves Casey says, “I thought he would never leave.” Her green eyes widen. “So? I’ve been dying to know what happened between the two of you. Talk!”

  “Oh, my gosh.” I take a deep breath. “Well, I asked him what was holding him back from being with me. And he said nothing and then kissed me.”

  Megan takes a sip of champagne and crinkles her forehead. “It was that easy?”

  “No. I think he’d already decided to make a move, and I just hurried it along a bit.”

  Casey says, “Well, I’m glad.” She gives me an evil grin. “Is the sex good?”

  Megan hits her on the arm, and Casey’s champagne threatens to spill over the glass. “I swear she has a one-track mind.” Casey rubs her arm as Megan asks, “So, is it?”

  My cheeks heat up, thinking about our session in the office. I nod and bite my lip.

  Casey says, “Sweet. I like knowing all my besties are getting some good loving.”

  That makes Megan and me laugh.

  I say to Megan. “She really does have a one-track mind.” I change the subject. “Did either of you see Gretchen today?”

  They shake their heads. “Well then, stick around, because she’s coming to help any minute. Derrick made their engagement official.”

  Megan says, “Oh, my gosh! I can’t wait to see the ring.”

  Casey says, “She texted me a picture, but I anxious to see it in person.”

  I look over at Megan. “You know, I think you’re next up for getting engaged. You and Nick have been together forever, haven’t you?”

  She smiles, “Not forever. But it’s been over two years.”

  Casey says, “Lori seems to think he’s considering it. She has a sixth sense about these things. She may be right.”

  I recall Lori telling me Christian was into me before I was sure it wasn’t just lust.

  Megan shrugs, but the way her hand has tightened on her glass I think something’s bothering her. I don’t press because if she wants to share, she will. Of all of us, Megan’s the secretive one, and I respect her need to keep things private.

  Christian walks through the door and she relaxes. Yup. Something about her relationship isn’t right. Worry for her flutters in my stomach.

  We’re all silent, and Christian asks, “What did I walk in on?”

  A grin covers Casey’s face. “Wedding talk, and who’s next.” She tilts her head at him. “I wonder if it might be you.”

  Christian opens his mouth to say something, but then snaps it shut. “I’m not stupid enough to touch that.” He looks over at me “Dinner’s here.” His face is slightly flushed. Is he embarrassed? As if Casey has revealed something he didn’t want her to?

  The girls move over to the cowboy boot section, and I step behind the counter to eat with Christian. “We were talking about Gretchen and Derrick.”

  “I figured.” He diverts his gaze quickly, and I wonder what’s going through his mind because something tells me all this wedding talk is affecting him. I just don’t know how.

  Chapter 37

  Derrick and Gretchen leave us Sunday morning. Our good-byes are tearful because we won’t be seeing each other for Christmas, which is a first for Derrick and me. But they’re returning after the holiday, and I have New Year’s week to look forward to.

  Christian is still in his pajamas as I prepare to go to the shop. He’s staying home with the dogs today, and I’ll be leaving Tasha and Brianna alone after I open. Most of the tourists are on their way out of town, and we’ll be slow.

  Christian says, “Want to take a f
ew runs when you get back?”

  I haven’t skied much since I began working on Rhinestone Cowgirl, and I miss the slopes. “Yes, that sounds like a fabulous idea.”

  “Great, I’ll tire out the dogs with a snowshoe in the woods and be ready for you. Think you’ll be home by noon?”

  “Definitely. See you then.” I grab my coffee and head out the door.

  The drive is pleasant with the sun shining and a blue sky. The mountains look majestic, their white peaks forming an irregular line on the horizon, and it will be a fun ski day. I’m anxious to relax with Christian. We haven’t taken much time off from the business, and it’ll be nice to focus on enjoying each other’s company.

  I leave the girls and feel confident they can handle the shop without me. Ruby and Lori will be in for the evening, but no one besides Christian and me have a key yet, so I plan to return and close at nine tonight.

  When I get home the car is loaded up with our skis. I already miss the convenience of a locker room and am not happy about having to carry our things when we take a shuttle to the lodge. I jog up the stairs as I call out, “I’ll be ready in ten.”

  Fifteen minutes later we’re in the car. Christian is driving, and I sneak a peek at his profile. He’s wearing sunglasses, and they emphasize his strong facial features. The light stubble on his chin gives him a dangerous look. So sexy.

  I flip the visor down and lift the cover to the vanity mirror. Sunscreen squirts out of the bottle, and I apply the greasy cream to my face. I sigh. “I love the location of my house, but right now I wish I lived on the mountain.”

  Christian teases. “Someone’s having a princess moment.”

  I smile. “I am. But don’t worry, I’m already over myself.”

  “You know, you have a strong boyfriend now. I’ll carry your skis for you, if you want.”

  This time I don’t bother to hide my gaze as I turn in the seat to get a better view. “You’ll get special favors for that, and it’s not just because you’re the sexiest man I’ve ever known.”


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