Book Read Free


Page 35

by Andrea Rose

  They must have heard the gunshots…

  I fell forward, my hands clamoring for the gun, but by the time I could bring it around, nothing was left but darkness. At the far edge, I could see the window just beyond Break’s bed, rain crashing down and the curtains waving in the wind. The gun fell from my head, my body shaking as I screamed and cried out for help, my body laying itself down on the floor.

  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

  Murder eyes…

  My eyes flashed open, body trembling. The nightmares were coming every time I slept. Jude was everywhere. Behind every shadow. Under every bed.

  Three fucking days…

  I looked over from the chair I’d fallen asleep on, staring up at Break on the hospital bed. For three days I’d been grilled and interrogated by agents before I was allowed to come here. I’d told them again and again it was Jude. I told them I’d left him… I told them about the abuse…

  They didn’t want to know about Jude. They wanted to know about the Broken. Where were they? What were they doing? I played stupid. I’m just the stupid girl Break saved from the fucked up boyfriend. I’m the fucking victim!

  I wasn’t the only one who had to answer questions. My eyes stared at Break’s wrist, the bruise from a handcuff still visible. They had chained him to the hospital bed while they questioned him.

  Three fucking days!

  It was all over now though… I’d cut into Jude with my teeth and he bled all the way out the window. His DNA was all over the place, and he’d tossed his gun in the alley with his fingerprints all over it. We were free to go as soon as Break was well enough to leave.

  “It’s gonna be ok sweetheart,” Break whispered from the bed. “Stop crying… You’re breaking my heart here…”

  I couldn’t stop crying if I ran out of tears. My body trembled. Everything that had happened. Every single thing was my fault. My eyes gazed around the cold hotel room for any relief from Break’s gaze. All I could see in it was his stare from the floor of that board room, the way he never took his eyes off me…

  “I love you sweetheart… I’ll never let this happen again.”

  His words rang in my ears as I stood up from my bed. His leg was wrapped thick. Doctors said he was lucky the bullet missed any major artery. It was still a mess. He’d have one hell of a scar and probably limp for the rest of his life.

  “Come here.”

  I crawled into the bed next to him, his thick arm wrapping around me and pulling me against his chest. My heart cried out against him, tears dropping against bare skin. Break held me, his heart beating in my ear. We stay like that, our bodies together, and I slept soundly for the first time in a long time.

  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

  The clubhouse was buzzing as the cab dropped us off in front of the roll-up. Break moved to the door as the driver brought around a crutch. He was supposed to be in a wheelchair, but Break wasn’t going to roll around on two wheels unless one was in front of the other.

  “Be careful…” I whispered. He turned to me smiling, lifting himself out of the car. Cheers erupted from the building, the Broken all out for our arrival. I stepped out behind Break, standing next to him as we walked inside together. Penny let out a little shriek as she ran out and practically tackled me, and Acre met Break at the threshold, reaching out and letting him throw an arm over his shoulder, helping him inside. Behind us, the heavy metal door closed, sealing us in.

  “Board room meeting. Now,” Break said through gritted teeth.

  He shouldn’t be up and moving around… I thought to myself, trying to pull free of Penny’s embrace.

  “Are you ok babe?” Penny asked, poking me in the ribs. “Did he hurt you? What in the hell happened? Oh my God your face…”

  Her hand swung up to the bruise on my cheek where the gun had pressed into me. It brought back flashes and memories. I winced, jerking myself away.

  “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry… It’s just with Marlo gone… And now this…” Penny whispered, drawing back from me.

  “It’s ok Penny… Look, I need to be in there,” I replied, pointing after Break as the men walked with him into the board room. Penny nodded, pulling at my arm. “Go, get in there. You’re probably starving from that crap they serve at the hospital. I’ll bring something in. Go with Break. Go right now!”

  Penny’s voice was running a mile a minute as she shoved me away, and I fell in with the men, shivering slightly as I stepped through the door, a faint stain still upon the concrete where Grift and Zippo fell… All around the table, two new pieces of patch sat silently waiting to be sewn onto Broken cuts. Ash was already there, a chisel carving out flecks of the table as he took away some wood and added two new pieces to the shattered skull. Around the table I went, ending up at Break’s side.

  You don’t want to end up part of the patch… I thought, looking at Acre. His face looked weary and nothing even close to happy. The room went quiet as Break took his place at the head of the table. Even Ash stopped his work to stare forward.

  “We’re not getting down to new business until we remember the fallen. Anyone wants to say a few words, now’s the time.”

  The silence fell back over the table, and Dig was the one to break it. “I brought Zippo into the Broken. He was my friend. I owe him my fucking life. May he ride forever in hell.”

  Fists pounded the table as Dig poured a shot of whiskey over the carved table. “One for the Broken!”


  The chant was loud and shook the room, until finally it fell silent again. People were staring at DJ, the prospect mechanic. I barely knew him, but I’d seen his future on the floor of this very room. A flash of recognition rolled through my mind as I remembered the cold dead face of the old man on the floor.

  “My father’s been a Broken longer than almost any of you assholes, and he’d shit a brick if he knew we were sitting here pissing about that son of a bitch. We all know where he’s riding, and I hope to send the fucker who shot him down to say hello! ”

  Another round of fists slammed on the wood, the solid table pounding like a war drum.

  Break lifted something up in his hand and tossed it down on the table in front of the young prospect I’d seen working on the bikes a few days prior. The room went silent again as he lifted it up. It was a rocker patch.

  “Your father’s rocker. DJ, you’ve helped pull off the drop and everybody fucking knows you’re Broken blood. Take off that piece of shit prospect patch and go get yourself some fresh pussy.”

  The table slammed again, the pounding getting louder as DJ pulled his cut off and lay it flat on the table. Ash handed him a short blade, and DJ carefully lay it against the edge of the prospect patch, cutting it loose and tearing it away to cheers.

  “Ride in hell!” Break shouted. The room erupted. I reached out and slammed a fist down on the table with the men, leaning into Break just a bit harder.

  “Ok you fucks. New business. First up, somebody tell me where Jude is.”

  “Contract is out on the street. Ten thousand for his bones. No signs, no word. The man is a ghost,” Ash said, his raspy voice echoing in the small space.

  “Don’t care what it takes. I want his balls on a plate,” Break shouted.

  The table erupted again, fists slamming.

  The room quieted down. Acre slammed the table and spoke up. “We got the shipment off the docks and socked it away at the boathouse.”

  “Why the hell is it at the boathouse? The Italians were supposed to do the pick up,” Break said, looking puzzled.

  “You got picked up by feds the night of the drop. Carcetti didn’t show, he thought you might roll on him. Plans changed. We’ve got a new drop point just outside of Austin Texas and three days to get the shipment out there.”

  “Tell those assholes we’re not going to cross state lines with a giant pile of their product,” Break said angrily, his teeth bared.

  “We don’t have much of a choice Break,” Acre replied, his voice unner
vingly calm. “Cartel is up in arms down in Tijuana because Carcetti pays on delivery. We haven’t delivered.”

  “I’m not afraid of the goddamn Mexicans,” Break spat.

  “You should be. They’ve got numbers and they’ve got the money. Los Locos don’t come after you Break, they go after your family,” Ash said, speaking up from his side of the table. “The Incas MC fucked Los Locos ten years back. They sure as fuck aren’t riding anymore.”

  The table was dead silent. I’d never as much as heard of the Incas, but clearly the men in the room understood.

  “Why three days?” Break asked, staring at Acre again.

  “Because Los Locos doesn’t give you four, and Carcetti says this is our mess to clean up. Look Break, we’re lucky he’s still willing to take delivery.”

  “Fine, get some men to escort the truck. Move out after dark and don’t stop till Texas.”

  “Yeah, one problem with that boss…”

  Break tensed up, I could feel his muscles straining against me as he turned to stare hard at Acre.

  “Carcetti says he wants you there, personally.”

  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

  “I just got you back and damned if I’m going to let you go…” I whispered, curled up against Break’s body in post coital bliss. His scent drifted through me, driving me wild.

  Someone should bottle and sell that…

  “It’s just a few days. We ride out tonight and I’ll be back this time next week sweetheart,” Break replied quietly, his fingertips running through my hair.

  “What about Jude…”

  “Boys here will keep you safe. That fucker shows up again they’ll end him.”

  “I’m going with you.”

  No light entered from the window Jude escaped from. Break had it barred over and boarded from the inside. Despite the darkness, my eyes blazed. Break tried to open his mouth as my hand slipped down and wrapped around his cock, gripping it firmly. I rolled myself over him again, sliding my breasts down his chest as I aimed the shaft and impaled myself ever so slowly.

  “Callie…” Break whispered. My hand clasped down over his mouth, back arching as I started to rock my body against him. “God damn baby… You feel so fucking good,” Break gasped as I squeezed around him. A smile grew across my face, and I gave him everything he wanted…

  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

  DJ and Ash were waiting in the main clubhouse along with a pair of young prospects when we finally dragged ourselves from bed. Daylight streamed in from the damaged rollup.

  “Got most of the club out following an 18 wheeler north through Sacremento. Put Acre on your bike in that stupid little dome you like to wear. That should keep the Feds busy tonight,” Ash said, a little smile breaking across his weathered face. “Got ourselves some fresh pussy since you were off fucking your old lady. Should be able to make it all the way to Austin before I need to dip into another one.”

  DJ laughed, elbowing Ash in the side. “After the two Mina set you up with, I’m pretty sure there isn’t enough viagra in Mexico.”

  “That’s a lie,” Ash replied, pulling a little bottle of blue pills from his pocket. I laughed right along with everyone, tucking into Break’s side.

  “You still set on bringing her?”

  I tucked in just a bit harder, my eyes turning back to Ash. Break didn’t respond, nodding at the bikes. “I’ll take the fat boy. Which one of you is driving the truck?”

  “I’m too fucking old for three states on two wheels. Just stay on my six and try to keep up. We’re running light and we’re running fast.”

  Break pushed me aside, reaching out and grasping Ash’s hand. They drew in close, shoulders bumping as Break gave the older man a solid smack on the back.

  “Thank you for coming with me Ash. I know some of the guys are scared shitless about this drop. Nice to know someone’s got the balls to step up.”

  The two men nodded to each other respectfully. There was almost a fatherly way about Ash that made me like him. Sure, he was gruff and dirty, but you knew where he stood on things…

  “You know your job,” Break said, nodding at the prospects. One of them looked more than a little green. He just gave a little thumbs up and mounted his fiery steed.

  “Lets ride,” Break exclaimed, the chrome engine roaring to life. “Sweetheart?”

  I looked up as Break extended his hand. Our fingers touched and he pulled me up and over the back of his bike before tossing me my helmet. For the first time since I’d known him, he lifted up a full face instead of a half dome and pulled it over his own head. Knocking on it twice, he gave me a little nod and pulled out of the rollup with Ash and DJ in tow.

  I knew immediately there was a problem.

  Maybe the little ruse with Acre drew some of the heat off the club, but a dark crown vic parked on the road outside the alley made it clear we didn’t throw everyone. Headlights flashed on behind us as we turned onto the main road, but before I could wonder how we were going to slip this one, one of the prospects from turned a left instead of right, slamming his bike right into the front of the unmarked cruiser and sending himself sprawling across the hood.

  Holy shit… I thought to myself, my head on a swivel. The prospect was rolling off the hood onto the ground as we swung right, but I could see it. His hand was turned up, thumb pointed skyward. Break put his hand on my leg giving it a little squeeze as he gunned the engine, racing away from the scene. My heart raced with excitement as the miles ticked away. DJ and Ash peeled off, breaking in different directions, but I understood. We’d meet back up with them soon enough. Break took a side road, taking time to pull a cellphone from his pocket. I watched as we pulled alongside a pickup truck turning right at a red light. With a quick little toss, the phone landed in the bed and we swung left away from the tracking device.

  Break had to be smiling.

  I stared down at his leg, the leather pants were cut down the side and laced around a thick bandage. He’d switched to a cane despite the doctors orders, and the long shaft was strapped to the side of the bike. As we bounced over rough asphalt I wondered how in the hell he was doing this. It had to hurt, but Break made it look easy. His foot propped up on one of the sissy bars and we just rocketed on.

  The boat warehouse loomed before us in the dark, and I tucked into my man as we rolled in, DJ and Ash waiting silently.

  “Where’s the prospect?” Break asked quietly.

  “Lost him six miles out. Drew off a pair of red and blues,” Ash grunted, hauling himself up into the cab of the large rented moving truck.

  “Lets get the fuck out of here,” DJ shouted, throwing a hand in the air and giving it a spin. Break nodded, the rumble of the engine echoing in the dark space. Ash blew the horn on the truck and rolled past into the night, leaving us cool in his wake.

  “You ready for this sweetheart?” Break shouted over the rumbling engine.

  “Born ready.”

  “I think I love you,” Break said, his voice barely audible over the roaring engine. He didn’t give me a chance to reply as we rocketed out into the darkness. I tucked in, my arms wrapping hard and pulling him tight.

  I think I love him too…

  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

  The midday sun blazed from every angle shining reflections from the row of cars in front of the hotel. The light played on the window, trying desperately to find a way through the thick drawn curtains. For the moment, I was happy to be in bed.

  Tuscon… So many miles to go… I thought, letting out a little sigh.

  My thighs vibrated, legs somehow still partially numb from the cool night air that had beaten against them even after the hours of sleep I’d gotten. I needed to warm up, but there was more... I needed release.

  Sometimes life hits you over the head and sends you reeling. Everything you thought you knew? It all comes tumbling down like so many silly dreams and wishes. I wanted to run and hide from my past, but that was just me being hopeful again. The past was still with me,
and all it’s awful little desires swam round in my imagination…

  I opened my eyes.

  Break’s skin rippled, tattoos moving over muscle as if they were alive. His leg was freshly bandaged, jeans cut straight up the back of the leg to give space for the the thick wrappings that delicately covered the damage. The bullet wound. Just another scar on his broken frame. Shawn was dangerous, the kind of man carved straight from the darkest of rock. The years in the club had taken their toll. God had taken his chisel and carved a masterpiece, but life took that chisel away and had been wearing him down ever since. Scars were drawn across his skin in the same way rain weathered the mountains. He’d lost some of the things that were kind and good about him. What was left behind scared me almost as much as Jude ever had.

  And that made him impossible to resist.

  There he stood in the dimly lit room, the curtains drawn, drawing a razor down his stubble covered face. My protector. My savior. My lover.

  I stood up and moved toward him, padding across the floor toward him as the air tickled my bare skin.

  “Come back to bed,” I whispered, my hands wrapping round his chest, breasts pressing firm into his hot skin. From this close, you almost couldn’t see the scars…

  “We need to get back on the road,” Break replied, drawing the razor down again and removing the last strip of white from his face.

  “I wasn’t asking,” I said louder, sliding a long leg around him.

  He let out a growl that could have been mistaken for an animal. I squealed as he spun, his arms guiding me as he slowly made his way on the gunshot leg with pain evident in his face. I whimpered as he lifted my body against his and gasped as we crashed down together, my nails clawing into his back.

  Break’s hands played out roughly across my skin and I responded with every ounce of my desire. My breasts stood free, yearning for his touch as Break grabbed a nipple between his teeth, biting it softly.

  I moaned, my hands working desperately at the button on his jeans, his fingertips hooking the edge and pulling them down over the curve of his flexing hips. How was any of this even possible?


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