Book Read Free


Page 44

by Andrea Rose


  Jenna didn’t look happy; she’d been glaring ever since I walked out of the back with Conquest.

  “Penny?” Jenna whispered.

  “I told you I’d take care of her,” Conquest said, walking toward Jenna. “Vamos would have killed her, I had to bring her back to the clubhouse.”

  “But… You can’t… She’s too young for you Conquest,” Jenna protested, staring at me. Even War seemed to shift in place, his eyes cold, but he backed down against Conquest’s gaze. Sure, I was young and Conquest was older, but that only made him more attractive. Besides, I was in college. I was old enough to make my own decisions. Before I could say anything, Conquest spoke up.

  “Ahh, tut tut little dove. I like this one you might have to get used to that. Now why don’t you run off with War and calm him down. We’ve got work to do.”

  Jenna cast her eyes to the floor and never looked back up, pulling War toward the corner office we’d just come from. The big man seemed angry, straining at every single inch of his frame. No wonder Conquest wanted him cooled off.

  “Famine, come here.”

  Most of the MC had settled in on the far side of the warehouse rollup, sitting along a long bar and drinking. Famine hadn’t. He was on his knees, checking something on his bike. When he stood, I shivered. What did Conquest expect me to do? There were people trying to kill me, life was fucked up, did he really want me to get my so-called votes right now?

  “Famine, I’m going on a ride with Death. We’ve got some work to do. I’m leaving this one with you and I’d better come back to find her in once piece.”

  “Vamos has everyone out looking for you Conquest, don’t fuck around out there or you’re going to be the one in pieces. You sure you want to go out there?”

  Conquest stepped forward, gripping Famine’s throat and lifting him to his tiptoes.

  “You know what I have to do. You know what this means. Don’t question me, not here, not anywhere, and not in front of my woman.”

  He let go, Famine stumbling back choking slightly before he started to laugh. “Ahh, so that’s what this is all about? She needs a vote, doesn’t she Conquest?”

  Conquest didn’t stop to say anything else, he just turned, drew me in for a tight kiss, and dropped me to the cool concrete before walking away. I sat there for a moment watching him straddle his bike. A second leather clad biker drew away from the bar. This one was smaller, not a beast like War or a muscular taut bowstring of muscle like Conquest. The masked biker walked with an odd limp, with a face obscured by a handkerchief with a skull drawn across it. On the biker’s hips he carried two handguns, and strapped across his back was a very wicked looking sawn off shotgun.


  What did Conquest intend to do tonight? What had I just gotten myself into? I stared teary eyed as the rollup was opened, the two men riding out into the bleak darkness. For a moment, I just wanted to collapse, to pretend it was all just a dream, but Famine’s hand brought me back to reality.

  “I didn’t know Conquest made his decision.”

  “We just met,” I whispered back.

  “You must have done more than just meet. That man is cold inside, pure ice. If you melted him, you’re a fucking fireball babe.”

  I trembled.

  “You look like you need a drink.”

  I nodded, and Famine lifted me up, carrying me to the long bar. He slammed two bottles down on the concrete edge, using the lip to pop the caps free, handing me a bud light and smiling. I looked Famine over appraisingly. He was handsome, if a bit strange. His hands seemed worn down, like a mechanic that had turned too many wrenches. His face was worn too, deep lines carved into the skin. It made him look wiser than his years would indicate.

  I tipped the bottle back, letting the beer pour straight down my throat. I needed more than a drink. A six pack wouldn’t kill this kind of anxiety.

  “Slow down pretty lady. Plenty to go around. So tell me, is Conquest really making you his girl?”

  Two votes…

  I nodded.

  “Then you’ll be needing a bit of help, won’t you?”

  I nodded again, another swig of beer pouring down into my tummy.

  “Death is out, it’s just me and War now, and War’s occupied.”

  I stared at the small office at the far end of the room. War and Jenna were in there, and they hadn’t come out. For a brief moment I imagined that hulk of a man bending her over the boardroom table. She seemed so delicate… How could a man like that be with someone so petite? My imagination wandered a bit further too, with the giant of a man towering over me. If anything, I was even more petite than Jenna. The thought frightened me.

  “So I suppose you want my vote then?”

  Famine’s voice was soft and sinister. I stared at him, sizing him up. He knew he held all the cards, but if need be, I could get my two votes without him when Conquest got back. Still, Death terrified me from the moment I watched him walk to the bike. Something about him didn’t seem very loving or human.

  “Yes,” I replied, polishing off my beer. Famine had a second ready to go before I could even ask. I reached out to grab it, but his hand wrapped around my own, holding it tightly. My heart raced in my chest as his arm drew around me.

  “Wait,” I protested, but his hot breath was on my neck in an instant, his lips brushing the curve of my jaw. I felt his teeth press against my flesh, and again as he curved round to my neck, nipping at me lightly. His other hand roamed freely, wrapping my waist and dropping down my back, lower.

  My body shivered as he drew me in, his erection pressing against my belly. Famine was considerably taller than me, and I found myself a bit taken by his height advantage.

  “Do you know how to get my vote?” Famine whispered, bending down to my ear.


  “You let me fuck you like a good little slut.”

  Famine lifted me in a swift motion, the sounds of more cat calls coming from behind as we walked away from the bar and up a flight of stairs. They almost sounded dulled, as if I wasn’t hearing them from inside my body. I couldn’t protest, I didn’t want to. All I could think of was Conquest.

  Up here, the warehouse had a series of rooms. Each seemed to be devoted to a purpose, and as Famine carried me, I couldn’t help but stare. Looking inside windows as we passed, I could see one with what looked like a long wooden conference table, a skull intricately carved across its surface. Beyond that, a room with bars on the windows that looked more like a jail cell. My fingers reached out to touch the bars as we passed. Toward the back, a room with a wall covered in guns, and finally, a deep red door.

  Famine kicked the door open, a tiny asian girl inside letting out a little gasp from behind a reception desk. Glancing around, it looked almost like a small medical office, only far more obviously sexualized.

  “I’m going to need a room,” Famine said sternly.

  I could see we’d come in a back entrance. This place must have a street-side front facia. Looking down the hall I could see tables lined up, and as we walked further along I realized what this was.

  A massage parlor.

  A handful of small oriental girls dressed in red silken robes were sitting in the lounge area, and a few of the rooms were closed with curtains drawn. Sounds were muffled by thick doors and windows, but you could still hear squeals of pleasure from within. This must have been some sort of front business for the MC.

  The tiny asian girl from the front desk opened a door for us, and waved Famine inside. When the door clicked shut behind us, I started shaking in his arms. It was cold.

  This room didn’t have a table like some of the others. Sitting at the center of the room was a strange looking seat. It looked as if it were supposed to be straddled in a sitting position, a head pad at the top for resting, and arm rests forward. The whole thing was leaned slightly forward, some kind of seat for a chair massage.

  Famine put me down, leaving me standing in the middle of the roo
m as he sat down in a large leather chair. His eyes were on me appraisingly, casting across my body like a predator sizing up his prey.

  “Take your clothes off.”

  “What?” I whimpered.

  “Get your fucking clothes off.”

  I did what he told me to do, stripping down. A shiver of excitement ran up my spine. This was so far out of element for me. So far beyond anything I’d ever done before.

  “Now sit down.”

  My bare skin winced as I sat on the cool white metal and plastic seat. Famine stood up, walking toward me, pressing my head forward into the pad. I couldn’t see as he stepped in front of the chair, reaching down by my hands. Something cold and hard swung up over my wrists, clicking into place. I tried to pull my head back from the pad to see what he had done, but his hand reached out and grabbed my hair, pulling me viciously back into the pad.

  “I can’t see,” I whispered, the padding coming down a bit further than my forehead, acting as a blindfold.

  “You don’t need to see.”

  I let out a yelp as another piece of cold steel swung around the back of my neck. Suddenly I realized, he’d locked me into the chair. My hands shook against a pair of manacles, my head locked in by a steel band around my neck. Before I got out so much as a holler of protest, his hands were on my feet, locking in my ankles. Now I couldn’t move. I was bent forward, naked, strapped into the chair. The padding came up just shy of my bottom, leaving it dangling in the air behind me uncomfortably.


  I felt his hand come down hard on my exposed ass, the pain swelling out from the impact.

  “I didn’t say you could talk.”

  He reached around me, grabbing at my breasts, kneading them viciously. Another pang of excitement rose up my spine, fear and anticipation filling me. Without eyes, I listened as Famine circled my chair, and could hear him kneel in front of it.

  “So pretty… Not a piercing on you, no ink, not even a scar…”

  I gasped as his wet mouth sucked in one of my nipples, his tongue roaming and running circles around it as the nub hardened. The sensation was intense and I winced as he gave it a light bite, but I found myself moaning in both pain and pleasure.

  “Oh, baby likes it, doesn’t she?”

  I shivered as he drew off, the cool air blowing over my wet skin. Soon, the sound of boots stepped back around, coming up behind me. I felt his hands cup my ass, sliding over my skin, spreading me. He gave me a squeeze, then let go. I felt a new sensation as he swung up some part of the chair. Cold hard metal brushed up against my delicate mound, causing met to cry out.

  Famine laughed, the sound echoing in the room as the cold metal invaded my body, sliding between my secret lips. I was so wet, so ready, but nothing prepared me for the huge metal shaft pressing up against my tunnel. I could hear it ratcheting as it moved, locking it higher, and higher. I tried to squirm away, lifting myself up with my legs as far as I could, the ratcheting sound continuing as the shaft followed me. Soon, I was perched as high as my legs could hold me, thighs screaming out from holding me in such an awkward angle. There was nowhere to go, nothing to do. Famine’s hand came back beneath me, stroking at my clitoris with his slick fingertip. He moved down and I could feel his hand wrapping around the metal shaft, preparing and lubricating the surface. I surrendered.

  I felt my body slide down almost as if it weren’t my own. My wetness and the lubricated shaft working together to impale my body. The cold penetrated me, the metal shaft sliding all the way to the hilt, stretching me further than I ever could have imagined. It hurt, but I clenched my teeth and took it. As I hit bottom, a second piece of metal came into contact with my clitoris, a small cupped nub that must have been attached to the main shaft. A little squeal escaped my lips.

  “I admire your pain tolerance,” Famine whispered, his breath close to my ear. “Lets see how you handle pleasure.”

  All at once, the shaft inside me began to vibrate. The sensation pulsed and shook mercilessly. I cried out, the pleasure intense as the shaft and nub vibrated both inside and out.

  I could hear a buckle being undone behind me. Famine must have been removing his pants, but I couldn’t think let alone protest as I felt the head of his cock press up against the knot of my ass. Something splashed between my cheeks, cold and wet.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, the sensations overwhelming me.

  “That pussy’s going to belong to Conquest. I’m not about to take his prize. Now tell me, are you ready to prove yourself?”

  “Yes…” I whispered. I’d come so far, and despite my fear, I wanted this. Conquest had given me a challenge, and I wasn’t about to fail.

  His cock swept upward, sliding through it, before returning to my delicate pucker. His hands wrapped around me once more, drawing wet circles around my nipples as the head of his cock penetrated me. As his hips flexed, I felt the tip bury itself into my ass, the vibrations helping him invade my body, the slick lube helping him along.

  Famine seemed to have no intention of being gentle though…

  I screamed as he thrust, his cock burying itself. The feeling of the two shafts pressing up against each other inside me blinding me with pain and pleasure as he hammered into me like an animal. His cock slipped in and out, the vibrating shaft drawing pleasure from us both as he rode my ass.

  There was an urgency in his breath as he ploughed my forbidden tunnel. Our screams and cries of pleasure must have been no match for the walls and thick door, because in no time at all they drew a worried knock, and the familiar sound of the little Asian girl from the counter asking if we were ok.

  Famine growled, shouting for her to go away as he continued his rutting. I closed my eyes, letting the feeling of the two shafts consume me. My body shivered, an orgasm overtaking me, the waves seeming to intensify with every thrust and every little vibration of the machine. Now, the shaft had become a torture device. My oversensitive clitoris screamed out as he drove home, my body trying desperately to lift off the vibrating steel. I drew up, but couldn’t escape, my pussy clenched down and drawing the shaft with me as Famine’s cock kept slamming home.


  The vibrating shaft ratcheted up another notch.

  Click. Click Click.

  My attempts to get away were drawing it higher and higher, forcing my thighs to hold my weight so I wouldn’t be totally resting it on the huge shaft in my pussy. I screamed, the vibrations continuing as Famine leaned forward to bite my shoulder, his teeth sinking into me and drawing pain from my back.

  “Please… Please!” I shouted, trying desperately to ask for mercy, but his thrusts grew even more urgent as he drove into me, my body swallowing the twin shafts as the nub of metal vibrated hard on my clit. Suddenly I felt a new sensation, something from deep inside my pussy. A different kind of orgasm wracked my body from the inside out, and suddenly there was a gush of fluid rolling around the metal shaft as I clenched and shuddered around Famine. I couldn’t control myself, every inch of my body quivering and my voice screaming in pleasure. Inside me, I could feel his cock pulsing and shaking as cum splashed deep into my body.

  Famine drew back, his breath gasping as he released the ratcheting clasp beneath me and pulled hard, lowering the metal shaft and pulling it from my pussy. We stay like that for what seemed like ages, his body collapsed behind me, my own still feeling the vibrations of the shaft that was thankfully not still inside my overworked pussy. Somehow, I managed to speak, and the words shocked even me.

  “It hurts…” I whispered.

  Famine just laughed. “You like a little pain, don’t you?”

  My mind raced, my body ached, and every part of me felt used and abused, but a little piece of me rose up inside and caused the edges of my lips to curl upward.


  “Take a shower and get out of here. You’ve got my vote,” Famine said, unlatching the shackles that bound me.


  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
  I didn’t know what was worse, Conquest taking a fancy to Jenna’s daughter, or the fact that he’d turned Famine loose on her. Him and his fucking votes. Trust and truth and fucking consequences. I didn’t want to play his game.

  “Just like that. Don’t stop,” I said, watching the rhythmic movement of Jenna’s hips. She sat astride me on the chair, facing away like a bull rider as she bounced and shifted her ass against me. My cock buried itself deep with every little motion, pleasure calming my nerves. I exploded, letting myself relax into her willful body before she slipped off me, pulling the condom free and tossing it before curling herself back into my lap.

  “Is Penny going to be ok?” she asked.

  “You know how it works Jenna. A girl wants to be with one of the Horsemen and she needs to convince more than just the swinging dick that likes her. Penny will be fine, but if she really wants to be with Conquest, you know damn well what she’s going to have to do,” I replied, gritting my teeth.

  “What about the Vamos? When can we go home?”

  “Conquest is taking care of that. Everything will be fine in a few days… In the meantime, Conquest wants to bring Penny into the club…”

  “I won’t let you fuck her,” Jenna said, her eyes full of anger.

  “She’s already up with Famine. It’s me or Death Jenna. Is that what you want? Death hasn’t voted someone into the club in years…”

  “This is mine,” Jenna said, grabbing my cock. “Penny is a big girl, she can do whatever she wants, but she can’t have this.”

  “She couldn’t handle that. I don’t have to fuck her though Jenna, I could just give her my vote.”

  Jenna just laughed. It must have felt good to let go, because I could see the color returning to her face. She was crazy. One minute someone’s coming to kill us both, the next minute she’s laughing and stroking my cock…


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