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Page 66

by Andrea Rose

  We lost ourselves in each other. While he pummeled himself into my soaked pussy, again and again, I felt my ankles continue to bounce on his strong, broad, sweaty shoulders.

  My fingers clenched at the sheets.

  My back arched from the bedding.

  My lungs gasped with passion.

  Hunter spread my thighs, supporting each one in the crooks of his arms. Stretching my legs wider made me even tighter around him, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes back into my head.

  “You’re so fucking tight,” he repeated. “God, I love how tight you are, Sarah…”

  My mind practically crumbled at the sound of him murmuring my name during sex. It felt so right to hear it drift from his lips…

  I rocked my hips against his as he continued to pummel into my body, thrusting against and again. With the crooks of his arms keeping my legs spread wide for him, he dominated my body, punishing my wet pussy with the satisfying penetration of his thick, heavy cock…

  “Don’t… stop…”

  Hunter tightened his arms around my legs harder, his muscles clenching them into place as he leaned forwards. He slammed his hips against mine, again and again, thrusting harder and harder until I felt myself start to sputter towards the precipice of another mind-blowing orgasm…


  I released a throaty gasp as my body seized up against him, limbs locking and back arching. I moaned with heavy satisfaction as the pleasure rocketed down my body in waves of indulgence fulfilled… and then another, and another orgasm came, until I was surrendering my body to a thrilling multiple-climax finish.

  It was one of the best finishes of my life.

  As I rode out the succession of orgasms, the sculpted, rugged biker kneeling between my legs continued to repeatedly sheathe his throbbing hot cock into me. Finally, I relaxed beneath his presence, the soothing aftermath softly wafting along my veins.

  “Oh fuck, Hunter…”

  “I take it that you enjoyed that,” he smugly replied offhandedly, his lips matching the implied smirk behind his eyes.

  I shot him the dirtiest look I could muster. Considering that I’d just been fucked into one of the most incredible orgasms I’d ever felt… there wasn’t exactly a lot of sincerity that I could dig up for that filthy glance.

  “Here, I’ve got an idea…”

  He released my dangling legs from his arms, moving onto his back and pulling me into a straddle on top of his hips.

  “Oh, you want me on top, huh?”

  Hunter smirked. He parted his lips to give some arrogant response, but my fingers grasped around his cock. I guided it upward as I lowered down hard around the throbbing member.

  “Well – oh fuck, Sarah, that feels good…”

  It was my turn to offer a smug little smirk.

  “On top?” I repeated, rolling my hips against him. I let loose a half-chuckle, half-moan as I began rocking my hips down against him… and he could only vaguely nod his response.

  “Good… let me take care of your needs… you gave me such a great orgasm that it’s only fair I do the same to you…”

  He vaguely nodded again and I steeled myself against him, clenching my fingers around his shoulders for support as I began slamming my hips down around his hot, erect cock.


  Hunter shifted around beneath my body. His shoulders rolled slightly, and his hips started to buck up against mine. “Kiss me,” he pleaded, and the need behind the request convinced me to obey.

  I leaned down, pressing my lips against his. My tongue slid against them, coercing his mouth to part against mine; our tongues danced together again, in his mouth and in mine.

  I was distracted. His hands clamped around my hips, effectively locking me into place around him. My back was parallel to his stomach, and he held me horizontal against himself as he quickly repositioned his knees and began to jackhammer up into my wet, thirsty chasm.

  “Hunter… goddamn it… that’s too good…”

  “Don’t I know it,” he breathed huskily. “I always love this one… don’t know how much longer I can hold out…”

  It was then that I realized we weren’t using a condom… but it didn’t matter to me. It was dangerous; it was brash; yet, I didn’t care what happened.

  “I need you back onto your back,” he murmured, still fucking me hard from below. “So I can pull out…”

  “Doesn’t matter,” I responded.

  “You mean?” He asked for clarification, completely unable to stop from thrusting up into me. I could see the tension in his eyes as he met my gaze – we were sharing the same wavelength, although we didn’t want to admit it to each other…

  “Just do it, Hunter. I don’t care… I should be fine on my cycle. Just give it to me,” I pleaded back, feeling a strange desperation overcome me. “Fuck me until you come…”

  He clasped his hand around the back of my neck, pulling my face down into his throat with his free hand tightly grasping my hip. His thrusting built up, harder and harder, until I could sense his chest catching and his groans mounting…

  Another orgasm struck me, crippling my body with satisfaction as I felt his body go rigid beneath me.

  Here it is, I lustfully thought to myself.

  Thrusting as deep into my wet pussy as he could go, he let loose the entirety of his seed, pumping his hot, steamy gift up into my womb. My body shook against his with the pressure of my pleasure playing against the throbbing pulses of his cock. Once the last little rope of cum splattered against the inside of my wet, slickened folds, I collapsed onto the bed beside him.

  “That’s… well, one hell of a homecoming,” he murmured between gulps of air.

  I nodded with a laugh, catching my own breath. “I gave you what you wanted… Now I think it’s your turn to return the favor. I want to know where those girls are.”

  “I guess we’re back to all-business, Detective?” he said, letting out a little sigh.

  I reached out, wrapping my hand around his cock, letting it slide slowly up and down along its length and grinning as it hardened beneath the tips of my fingers.

  “I don’t know about you, but I can multitask…” I replied, licking my lips.

  “Juarez,” he whispered, as I shifted, bringing my lips down against his collarbone and planting a soft kiss.

  “Go on,” I said, kissing just a bit lower, catching the edge of his muscular chest. Down I swept with little wet kisses following in my wake.

  “The girls are probably in Juarez…”


  One quick, shared shower later, we were back in the kitchen and getting down to business once more. After all, despite wanting to see my old lover again… there was work to be done, and he was still holding cards that I needed to see.

  Hunter elaborated on the truth of the matter while I sipped a cup of coffee in his dimly lit kitchen, wrapped up in his robe. Simply dressed in just his boxers, he leant against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed.

  A deep, contemplative look overcame his eyes. “We’ve been tracking their movements for some time,” Hunter explained. “They took some serious losses the last time one of their operations crossed our path. I don’t think they expected a well-armed club to come after them…”

  “Your club went after them, alone?”

  “We didn’t have the time to mobilize any allies,” he recalled sadly. “But we lucked out. Their operation was small. They had siphoned out a few other girls in the area, but we didn’t know about them until the attack. They weren’t prepared for a well armed motorcycle club to come knocking…”

  “They didn’t see it coming.” I realized. “Did you rescue the other girls?”

  “We found one of them,” he replied bitterly, turning his head. I could see the pain in his face as the clouds shifted, casting moonlight through the window. It seemed to only highlight his sense of failure. “But the other two were already gone. They were prepping the others – my sister included – for inter
national travel.”

  I wanted to cross the distance between us and soothe him with my cupped palm along his cheek, but he was such a tightly coiled ball of frustration that I feared his reaction.

  “The cartel switched gears in the years after that. Maybe they thought it wasn’t worth the trouble if those operations could call down a surprise assault from beyond the border.”

  “What did they do then?”

  “Víboras Verde dabbled in other trades,” Hunter answered coolly. “But the other markets – drugs, murders, corruption, your other real moneymakers – they were already cornered by bigger, badder fish.”

  “I’m guessing the other cartels?”

  Hunter’s chuckle answered the question. “For a detective, you don’t seem to know very much about this. Your focus is domestic, I guess?”

  I nodded, but my irritation was palatable.

  “I didn’t mean it like that,” Hunter corrected himself, seeing my annoyance. “Quick history lesson on the Mexican cartels: it’s a nest of fucking hydra down there. Even if – and that’s a very tentative if – you manage to sever the head of one, another pops up.”

  “Are you talking about destroying a cartel, or toppling a leader?”

  “Doesn’t matter. Kill a kingpin, and you cause a chaotic power vacuum. Sometimes, someone worse rises to take the mantle. If you knock out an entire organization, then congratulations – you just expanded operations for the others.”

  “So how do you plan on getting rid of them?”

  “I don’t,” Hunter admitted. “That’s a fight that’s not mine. It’s never gonna be mine. Víboras Verde is one of the smaller groups causing a ruckus, and they’re probably the largest force I’m willing to antagonize. I’ve got to pick my battles. If I lead my men into battle against the big cartels, my entire club would be snuffed out in a heartbeat… And that would just be the start… The cartels don’t fuck around. They would make sure we’re broken in every sense of the word. They go after your friends and your family, and then, they come for you.”

  I shook my head in surprise. “You’re willing to risk that kind of thing for these girls? Do your men even know what they’re going up against?”

  Hunter’s eyes darkened as he stared me down. “My men know exactly what they’re going up against…”

  “And the ones that joined since then? They’ve heard stories so dark and twisted that it keeps them up at night.”

  I didn’t understand.

  “Why?” I asked. “Why would they risk it?”

  Hunter’s gaze added a chilling layer to the sardonic grin that crossed his face. “Most of them know some poor girl that went missing down here. They join up because what the cartels do to those girls… what Víboras Verde alone does to them… I’m talking about pure concentrated fucking evil.”

  My fingers absentmindedly slid along my forearm, and I realized that my skin was prickly with goosebumps.

  “This is personal for me. It’s personal for all of us,” he continued darkly. “These people came for my sister, Sarah. They almost dragged her into a horrific life of heroin addiction, endlessly humiliating rape, and disgusting malnourishment. They took away her humanity.”

  I, more than anyone, knew how affected he had been when she turned up missing. He had dropped everything to find her… He went straight to the toughest people he could find and pled his case…

  And now, he led those men.

  Hunter was going to lead them into battle against his old enemies once more, determined to stop them at every turn.

  “What makes you so sure that it’s the same people?” I asked. When he stiffened up, I quickly added: “I’m just playing Devil’s advocate. You yourself said that there’s a ton of cartel activity beneath the border… why are you so convinced that it’s the same people who came for your family?”

  Hunter exhaled sharply.

  “We’ve got eyes on these guys,” he replied. “There’s something of an unspoken coalition that’s formed out here. Rival biker clubs, outlaws, even some gangs… there are some standing truces and understandings among us.

  “Several unconnected sources – sources that I can trust – have been saying the same thing: Víboras Verde is back.”

  “And you can trust them?”


  “But if they’re rivals of yours, or looking to muscle in on your territory…”

  Hunter shook his head. “That’s not really the case anymore. Out here in the desert, it’s good to have people on your side of the law, perched in your corner and watching your back.”

  I tilted my head curiously. This sounded interesting. “Hunter…”

  "Call it whatever you want: honor among thieves, professional courtesy, or simple favor currying. But we all have an understanding…”

  “An understanding?” I parroted curiously.

  “That’s right. We have a closed ecosystem here… something of an equilibrium. We call ourselves the Outlaws Brigade… or just the Outlaws for short. When someone or something appears in our desert that is truly horrifying enough… we set aside our differences and take care of business.”

  It was such a difficult concept to wrap my head around. I knew a little about the Devil’s Dragons when Hunter joined them – they were the local menace, as my father would put it.

  Drug trafficking, shootouts, vandalism…

  Hunter had been just the latest recruit, paying off his debt to the club for their service. But what kind of effect had he had on them? He’d ascended to take the helm of club president…

  Was it possible that he’d united the bickering factions out here, right under the nose of the law?

  It was too ridiculous a question to even ask.

  Shaking my head, I glanced over at Hunter. His arms crossed again, he was watching me carefully, studying how the cogs turned in my head. He knew that I was figuring something out, and the cocky little smile that crossed his lips told me that there was more to this than met the eye…

  “This cartel, Víboras Verde. Let’s assume it’s really them. Why the sudden interest in going after them now? Why are you looking for these girls?”

  Hunter’s smile faded. “Because it’s not just those three pretty little white girls… There’s a dozen more you haven’t even fucking heard about.”

  I poured myself another cup of coffee. “There was nothing in the case file about any other missing persons Hunter. If there were more kidnappings, I’d know about them.”

  Hunter shook his head. “No… Take three white girls and the entire country goes on red alert. The cartel learned from that little mistake. They underestimated the media attention..”

  “So, what was the lesson? Don’t kidnap from above the border?”

  “If only.” His jaw tensed. “They learned the awful truth: kidnap three white girls, and they get all the news. So, they changed tactics… after all, why steal Tiffany, Samantha, and Karah when nobody bats an eye if you go for Valeria, Mariana, and Carmen?

  I froze, the mug halfway to my lips again.

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that my old friends have been targeting undocumented immigrants in kidnapping sprees for the last two months, because they know that the police don’t give a rat’s ass. No local heat, no media attention on either side of the border.”

  I sat the mug down on the countertop.

  “Are you trying to tell me that the local authorities aren’t hunting down any kidnappings in this area?”

  Hunter scoffed. “I’m telling you that, from a particular perspective, the gradual and scattered removal of illegals from these parts is seen as a good thing…”

  “You’re fucking kidding me.”

  Hunter suppressed a laugh. “A sixteen-year-old girl from Guatemala was pulled out of her trailer a week ago right here in El Paso. Did you hear a fucking word about it?”

  I crossed my arms bitterly. “Did I hear about the kidnapping of one girl? No, Hunter, I can’t exactly say that
I did.”

  Hunter slowly uncoiled his own. “What about the seventeen-year-old twins from Nicaragua? They were taken from a town less than thirty miles away. That one happened a couple of days ago… in broad daylight.”

  I didn’t move.

  “Did you hear about it?” He insisted.

  Hesitantly, I shook my head.

  “No, I thought not. You think those are the only ones? Not even close. In the last two weeks, do you want to guess how many undocumented girls have been abducted from these parts?”

  My breath caught in my throat.

  “How many, Hunter?”

  He flattened his palms against the island countertop between us, his face glowering with anger in the dim lighting.

  “Fifteen. That’s more than one abduction every single day, Sarah.”

  “Fift…fifteen?” I could barely stomach it.

  “That’s right, Detective. Fifteen girls have been stolen from their homes, from their families, from their communities… and nobody cares. The parents go to the police and end up fucking deported. The law isn’t going to help them. The media isn’t going to represent them. They’re being sold into sexual slavery, and nobody has the balls to put their own necks out and save any of them.”

  “Nobody but the Devil’s Dragons…”

  “You’re goddamn right.”

  Keeping his eyes on mine, he stiffened his back, pulling away from the island.

  “You’ve come here, asking questions about those fucking cheerleaders. I’m not saying their kidnapping isn’t a tragedy. Of course it is. But don’t even try and tell me that you or anybody else noticed what’s really happening down here.”

  “I didn’t know,” I sorrowfully told him.

  “Of course you didn’t know. Everybody turns a blind eye, but we’re going to do what they won’t… We’re going to go after these fuckers and we’re going to stop them before they take anyone else.”

  “You didn’t go to the press with this?”

  “Of course we did. Missing, undocumented girls don’t exactly make compelling headlines as far as the local stations are concerned. Believe me, we tried to drum up some other eyes on this thing…”


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