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Desire's Slave

Page 9

by Delilah Devlin

  Unable to bear the pressure any longer, she spread her legs wide, pulling the fabric back to expose her cunt. Not caring who watched, her fingers went to work, a thumb flicking her clitoris, two fingers disappearing into her opening. She sobbed as the pressure to climax caused her body to quake.

  Mary’s hands reached around her to cup her breasts. “I know it hurts. Let me help. You’ve gotta come, baby girl, before we can talk.” Mary’s fingers plucked her aching nipples.

  Calandra reached her free hand behind her and pulled Mary’s head down, capturing her full lips for a kiss. Her tongue slid into Mary’s open mouth, then circled inside her teeth, rubbing her tongue on the edges. With her hips pumping against her fingers and their mouths grinding together, Calandra reached for completion, keening loudly in her throat.

  Then it burst over her, a cool wash of relief that left her gasping for air.

  Mary hugged her shoulders. “Almost like the old days, hmmm?”

  Calandra smiled weakly. “We helped each other through some hard-up times.”

  She jerked at a giggle that sounded nearby. A glance down the row of seats told her she’d become the center of attention. She glowered at the women. “If I ever get my hands on that little toad—”

  “Sweetie, I hate to tell you this, but you only have a few minutes before it starts up again. It’s not over yet.”

  “What do you mean it’s not over?” Horror crept into her voice. She couldn’t control these storms.

  “That aphrodisiac can last several hours. We need to talk while you’re still thinking with your brain.”

  Calandra lifted a hand to Mary’s face, palming her cheek. “I was hoping we’d have time to say goodbye.”

  Mary leaned close to whisper in Calandra’s ear. “Look, I have no intention of being any man’s concubine. Darak and I are here to rescue you.”

  It took a moment for Calandra to realize what Mary had said. Her nose had caught the scent of Mary’s musky perfume. “You’re here because of me? You weren’t captured?” she asked, keeping her voice low.

  “No, Darak and I convinced that boyfriend of yours to help us.”

  Drago’s face, suffused with heat as he bent over her body at the oasis, came instantly to mind. But why was she torturing herself with memories of someone who didn’t care enough to let her set her own path? “Who?”

  Mary rolled her eyes. “Try tellin’ me you haven’t been ballin’ an ex-Dominion soldier with devil eyes.”

  Calandra blushed. “Why would Drago help you? And he’s not my boyfriend.”

  Mary mocked her with raised eyebrows.

  “In fact, he’s dead as far as I’m concerned!” Calandra clamped a hand to her breast. It budded instantly. Soon, she’d be mindless again.

  “Well, he’s actually the one who came up with this plan. He brought me to Mogi and told him I was just one of a hundred women he could bring to auction. It was the only way we could get through the gates.”

  “And you trusted him not to leave you here?” Calandra’s breath came faster as a shiver of awareness lifted the hair on the back of her neck.

  Mary crossed her arms over her chest. “Darak won’t let him double-cross me.”

  Calandra tried really hard to ignore the want clamoring at her sweet-spots. “So how’s this rescue supposed to work?” she whispered.

  Mogi materialized at her side. “Calandra, you are on now.”

  Mary blew out a breath. “Somehow, I’ll find you later.”

  When Mogi grasped her arm to pull her from the chair, Calandra panicked. Mogi was the last man in the known universe she wanted to have sex with, but at that moment she wanted nothing more than to rub her aching breasts against his chest. Get her on a stage with a horde of men, and there was no telling what she might beg them to do. “I can’t do this.”

  She dug her fingers into the base of the chair and refused to budge.

  Voices beyond the wall grew louder. “They are growing restless. We haven’t time for this.” Mogi’s gaze shifted from Calandra to her friend. “Go together then,” he said. “I’ll offer you as a pair.”

  Not wanting to lose the opportunity to stay with her friend, Calandra rose from her chair and gave a wobbly smile to Mary who looked triumphant.

  Mogi let go of her arm. “Follow me.

  “Mary, maybe you can tell me what you wanted in between gropes,” she quipped.

  Mary walked close behind her and whispered, “We have to be good together so we’ll be bought as a pair by the same man.”

  Calandra didn’t understand why, but wanted to do everything in her power keep them to together. With her last friend by her side, Calandra followed Mogi down the short corridor to a door.

  Mogi paused there and looked over his shoulder. “Once you are on the stage, Cal-andrrra, you will show the gentlemen what they came to see.”

  She cursed her passion-soaked brain. “What do you mean?”

  “You will remove your gahna.”

  “I’m wearing little enough as it is. Why should I strip? I won’t do it.”

  “But you will.” Mogi smiled slyly. “You won’t be able to stop yourself from rubbing your body on the carpet like a cat. You’ll beg the men nearest you for release.”

  He opened the door and stood aside for them to enter. Calandra waited behind a red curtain on the stage. The rumble of voices on the other side had subsided. She could feel their excitement. It fed her own excitement, even as it terrified her.

  Mogi pushed her forward. “Go! To the center! They await you.”

  Calandra glanced at Mary, who nodded, then pushed aside the curtain. The only light in the room was provided by candles burning from gold lamps suspended above a small stage and a carpeted runway that seemed to stretch forever through a sea of upturned male faces. The sweet odors of burning incense and smoke from a few hatta pipes perfumed the air.

  “My good gentlemen,” Mogi’s voice enveloped the room, unnaturally loud, “for your pleasure tonight, I offer a pair of Earthlings. Let’s show them how happy we are to see them, then perhaps the blonde will let go of the curtain.”

  Startled, Calandra realized she had a death grip on the velvet and dropped it. Cheers erupted from the crowd.

  “Let’s get this over with.” Mary shoved gently at her back.

  Calandra stepped across the blood-red carpeted floor toward the center of the audience.

  “As you can see, Calandra is everything we advertised. Imagine her long, soft cloud of golden hair spread on your pillow, or those gargantuan breasts—yours to fondle whenever you desire…”

  “You gotta be kidding me,” Mary said from behind her.

  Despite Calandra’s mind screaming for her to resist, her hips swayed widely from side-to-side. Her breasts swelled with each slip-slide of her thighs, and the air warmed with expectation. By the end of the night, one of these men would own her—and her body screamed—fuck her. And the thought didn’t repulse her.

  “Now, let’s turn to the offering that was added as a supplement to your catalog. Mary is a rare black pearl. What man wouldn’t want a child of a woman such as this? Note the muscled flank, the sculpted arms. And mating will be all the more pleasurable for the full, lush lips that will…”

  “If he says ‘suck chrome from a hovercar bumper,’ I’m gonna twist him like a pretzel,” Mary said, her voice venomous.

  The heat climbing across her skin caused Calandra to snap. “Put a sock in it, Mary. Now’s not the time to blow up. That pink poison’s doing its thing again.” The end of the runway held a round platform and she halted in the center.

  Mary stepped up beside her. “I wonder what’s supposed to happen now?”

  At that moment with passion licking at her genitals, Calandra understood Mogi’s instructions through the fog of the Passionmaker clouding her mind. Her hands were already shifting the bands of fabric that bound her breasts, exposing her nipples. Freed from constraint, she sighed deeply. Her nipples extended in an instant.

sp; “Oh brother, here we go again,” Mary grumbled.

  “They are indeed the color of ripe peaches!” one male voice exclaimed.

  “She could suckle a herd of llamyx from such breasts!”

  From one moment to the next, the roar of conversation rose around Calandra and Mary.

  Calandra didn’t care. More than her breasts were dying for exposure. “I can’t stand it!” She reached for the clasp at her side and removed it. The skirt fell to the floor.

  Instantly hands reached for her thighs, caressing her legs, trailing upward. She leaned down to them, allowing them to caress her breasts.

  Mary jerked her out of then men’s reach, and Calandra fell to the center of the circle. Once more, desire was an agony, burning her pussy and drawing her tits to tightly beaded points. Remembering Mogi’s prediction, Calandra cursed—and rubbed her body on the carpet like a cat in heat.

  Mary knelt beside her and took Calandra’s hands, placing one on her breast and the other on her mons. “Keep yourself busy while I undress—and stay in the middle of the circle!”

  Obediently, Calandra kneaded a breast while her fingers rubbed her clitoris vigorously, her legs splayed wide. When Mary dropped the last piece of her gahna, Calandra nearly wept with relief. Mary opened her arms to her and that was all the invitation Calandra needed. She sat up, wound her arms around the other woman’s back and bent her head to take a nipple deep inside her mouth.

  As Calandra suctioned, Mary’s nipple stretched impossibly long. She switched to the other breast and tongued the crest before drawing on it, encouraging it to grow with gentle tugs. Then she leaned back in Mary’s arms to watch the glistening, purple-brown buds that resembled the long stamens of flowers.

  Mary pulled her closer, encouraging Calandra with her hands to climb onto her thigh.

  Sweat broke over her, and she ground down hard, riding it. “It’s not enough,” she moaned.

  “You like it when someone else watches you come, don’t you C?”

  “Yes. I want it so bad. Am I bad, Mary? For needing this so much?”

  “No, baby girl. The drug takes what’s natural for you and twists it. I won’t blame you. Let me help.” Mary sat on the floor and spread her legs. Calandra scooted in between, her back to Mary’s stomach. “Spread your legs wide, baby girl. Just relax. I’ll do all the work.”

  Calandra let her head fall back against Mary’s shoulder and stared out at the audience. Avid faces stared at her open core, and the men screamed suggestions to Mary.

  Red laser-lit paddles were held high by a few of the men, and Calandra realized the bidding had begun.

  Mary cupped her breasts, then glided her hands lightly around the globes and circled the tips. Then she raised one hand and traced Calandra’s lips with her fingers.

  Calandra stuck out her tongue to lick the long fingers along the sides, and then she sucked them into her mouth. Her mind leapt to the night in the shabby office when she’d taken Drago’s cock into her mouth. She’d drawn, pulled, swirled her tongue along the sides, suctioned hard on the smooth head. She repeated the motions now, pretending she was far away from this stage with her head buried in the lap of her lover.

  When Mary withdrew her fingers, Calandra was brought abruptly back and moaned a protest.

  With her fingertips wet from Calandra’s mouth, Mary rubbed the tips of Calandra’s nipples—soft, teasing slides that weren’t nearly enough. “Harder, please.”

  Then Mary grasped the tips and rolled them between her fingers. Again, Calandra’s frustration became an urgent heartbeat pounding in her clit. She brought her hands to her pussy intent on masturbating herself, but Mary pushed them onto her knees, murmuring in her ear, “Look in front of you now. Those are our guys.”

  Calandra opened her eyes and her gaze slammed into Drago’s. He was dressed in a kahfet of fine silk that shimmered in the candlelight. The hood was drawn over his hair, but his face was illumined by the candlelight. She gasped at the anger that flushed his cheeks and carved his face into the hard edges of a stony mask.

  “You betrayed me!” she screamed in her mind.

  Despite her anger, Calandra’s heart opened to him. The roar of the crowd faded away, and Calandra let Mary’s hands become Drago’s. She covered the hands with her own and pushed them down her belly. She raised her knees, planting her feet firmly to lift her buttocks from the floor and leaned hard into the body behind her for support. As his hands grazed the open mouth of her cunt, Calandra gaze never left Drago’s face.

  One hand spread her labia wide and pulled up to expose her clitoris. The other smoothed over the soft, bare outer lips, then circled inside them, darting a finger into her vagina, then withdrawing to rub cream on her clit.

  Calandra’s heart beat faster and moisture wept from her cunt.

  Lubricated now, a thumb massaged the hard nub, and a finger pushed into her again. Her channel was so hot, a ripple starting deep in her belly twisted on the finger, pulling it further inside. Her lover inserted another finger, and Calandra moaned, circling her hips, feeling the spring wind tighter inside her belly.

  Gasping, moaning, Calandra started to come apart. Her hips jerked and a tear leaked down her cheek. The fingers shoved inside her thrust harder, faster. Calandra held Drago’s gaze as, at last, she orgasmed, splintering into thousand pieces of light.

  When the tremors grew farther between, Calandra noted that Drago’s face was ashen, his gaze hollow.

  Shamed by the weakness inside her that responded to the drug, and the passion that was enhanced while Drago watched, Calandra’s heart broke. She was an idiot. He’d never cared about her. Was here only under duress. He’d gotten his fistful of gold. If his expression said that he held regrets, she hoped guilt ate a hole in his gut for a long, long time.

  Calm, cold anger welled inside her chest. Too late for remorse, Drago! You’re the bastard who put me on this stage.

  Mary whispered in her ear, “I don’t know what this means, but I think we better get off this stage.”

  Calandra pulled her gaze from Drago and finally noticed the dozens of red-lit paddles held in the air.

  “Such a response! I am pleased you all covet my discovery,” Mogi said, his voice enhanced by the microphone in the ring he held to his mouth and transmitted to speakers in the ceiling. “But I am afraid I must remove this talented pair from the sale.”

  “What the f—” Mary disentangled her limbs and rose and rose from the floor.

  Protests from the men grew to an angry howl and they pushed toward the stage. Calandra feared a riot would break out. She stood on wobbly legs, desperately seeking Drago in the crowd. When she didn’t find him, she turned back to Mogi.

  “Let us have order,” he shouted, his face lit with excitement. “These girls are no longer available. The Hazar himself has selected them to serve him as his concubines.”

  Calandra turned to Mary.

  “Shit!” Mary cursed loudly.

  “This is good, isn’t it? We’ll be together. And the guys know where we are.”

  “No, C. This is the worst thing that could have happened. They’ll never get past the Hazar’s security.”

  Chapter Nine


  Drago and Darak shared a look of dismay. The Hazar claiming the women offered a twist they might not be able to overcome.

  Drago was still trying to put aside the shock of witnessing Calandra’s endless orgasm. Did she even want rescuing?

  Darak grasped the material at Drago’s neck with his fists and pulled it tight. “Offering Mary was your bright idea,” he hissed. “Were you just trying to get rid of us one at a time?”

  Drago held up his hands. He wasn’t going to resist. He knew he’d made a serious miscalculation and didn’t blame Darak for suspecting his motives.

  Darak thrust him away. “Damn you! If Mary’s lost, I’ll kill you.”

  Drago rubbed his neck. “Darak,” he said, his voice pitched low, “if we leave the compound when the sale closes
, it will be next to impossible for us to get past the gates again.”

  Darak stared at him, most likely deciding whether to risk listening to him again. “Are you saying we should find a place to hide?”

  “Yes. Now, while the sale is still in progress.”

  His expression doubtful, Darak asked, “Won’t security know as soon as the rest of the buyers leave that the two of us weren’t among them. They’d keep a headcount, wouldn’t they?”

  “But we didn’t come through the front gate, did we? Mogi brought us in the service entrance. So unless Mogi takes a personal interest in seeing us leave, we’ll remain unnoticed.”

  “But how do we get out of this room without the guards knowing?”

  Drago glanced at the exits. Both were watched. His attention returned to the stage. Mogi was once again extolling the virtues of a beauty that strutted to the center stage. All eyes greedily followed her progress.

  Drago grabbed Darak’s sleeve. “Follow me.”

  Skirting the edge of the crowd, they slowly made their way to the side of the larger stage where Mogi and all of the women had first appeared. “There’s got to be a door behind that curtain.”

  “Do you think we’re going to climb onto the stage in front of everyone here and just walk through it?”

  Drago gritted his teeth. Darak’s negativity was getting on every last one of his nerves. “If you have a better idea, let’s hear it.”

  Darak glowered back at him. “If you get us thrown in the Hazar’s dungeon, I’ll make it a point to really enjoy killing you.”

  “He doesn’t have a dungeon.”

  “Well, that’s something anyway. Probably just means we’ll head straight to the gallows.”

  Drago nodded, then maneuvered close to the side of the stage. The young offering had just reached the circle in the midst of the men. With the crowd staring at the woman and Mogi’s gaze intent upon the rising excitement of the crowd, Drago ran up three steps and slipped behind the curtain, Darak at his heels. In the darkness, he felt along the wall until he found a door, then passed through it into a deserted hallway.


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