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Page 17

by Lauren Dane

  Mary sighed. “It’s more than a fling. Yes. He wants more, he says. I wanted it to stay casual, but the longer I know him the less casual it feels.”

  “Cal, looking the way he does and all, has women coming on to him a lot. Sometimes in my presence. Men too.” Jules hopped up on a nearby stool. “It’s hard. Being jealous, I mean. I used to be envious before Cal was mine. I hated that he was with other people and not me. But now that he’s mine it’s different. If that makes me petty, so be it. But he’s my man. He’s always so appropriate, though you know your brother is a ridiculous flirt. It helps that he’s always got eyes for me, or Gideon, when he comes into a room.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever really been jealous before. It’s unpleasant. But there you go. Also, my brother flat-out adores you, so you’re not going to have to worry about him like that.”

  Jules waved a hand. “Oh I know. I was just commiserating. And saying, I guess, that I’ve seen him with you around and he watches you like you’re the only person he’s interested in. The fame thing is hard; we know that from Gillian. But Damien digs you, stupid tabloid pictures or not.”

  Mary huffed a breath. “Oh man, those pictures. I made myself a promise, a pact I suppose, not to look at them. It drives me crazy to see. Because that’s not the Damien I know. It’s scary, and then I start doubting myself and him and what I feel and maybe he doesn’t feel it and this is only so hot because I’m not like the others and I don’t just fall at his feet.”

  “I know a little bit about that. I mean, about feeling like perhaps it’s the novelty and not the reality that is getting the dude all hot for you. You know I was worried at first about Cal not wanting me, not really. I’m not sure words or reassurances can make it totally go away. It’s going to take time and example. He’s going to have to show you, and you’re going to have to believe it’s real. And there’s really no way around the fact that he is that Damien too. At least in some part. He’s got a persona. His band has a persona. So where that Damien stops and the real one begins is something you have to accept.”

  “I know.”

  And she did. It scared the hell out of her, but she realized the stuff in the tabloids and on the Internet would always be there. It was up to her to deal with it and up to him to not be a womanizing dick.

  If she meant to let this go further. Which, she guessed, she did.

  * * *

  His mother caught up to him as he got back from a ride with Ezra. Having taken Mary home just that morning, he knew his mother would want to debrief.

  Ezra gave him a face, but Damien shrugged.

  She sat on his porch, rocking back and forth in the porch swing. “Nice day to have a sit for a while outside. This is a good spot for the swing. Come up to the house and I’ll make you and your brothers lunch.”


  “Vaughan and Paddy are up at the house helping your dad finish the enclosure for the back fence. There’s a ham in the oven.”


  He and Ezra took up on either side of her as they began the walk back to the main house.

  “Mary get back all right?”

  “Yep. She left her car at the airfield. She left a message for me when she got back home safely.” He’d liked that she had. It made him feel better. Next time he’d stay, drive her back home. That way there’d be more time with her.

  “What do you think of the girl, Ezra?”

  “She charmed the demon pig.”

  “That’s a good point. Your dumb dog loves everyone, so that’s not a big deal. But the demon pig, well, that’s another story.”

  “Violet misses Mary already. I hope she doesn’t revert to her evil ways in Mary’s absence. Elsewise we’ll have to make the girl live here to keep us all safe. Once the beast gets bigger she’ll be a killer if she gets mean. She’s pretty. Mary, not the pig.”

  Damien laughed.

  “And she cooks like a boss. Christ, if you stay with her, you’ll have to exercise a lot more or you’ll have to roll around everywhere.”

  “I went for a run on the treadmill earlier for that very reason.” And the sex was also a good workout.

  “I asked her if she’d sign a prenup.”

  Damien halted, his mouth open. “You did what? Mom, I’ve been trying to get this woman to give me a chance and you go and do that?”

  “Close your mouth. Of course I did. You know what Kelly did to Vaughan. She’s got her monthly check, it’s all she wanted. Do you think I want that for you too?”

  “She’s not in it for the money. If she were, I wouldn’t have to fight her so hard to be with me. God.”

  “Don’t you take that tone with me. And no, she isn’t in it for the money. She told me she’d only known you three and a half months and you were nowhere near marriage. I like that she told me to back off but with manners.”

  “Kelly was too young. Like Vaughan was too young. I don’t think she did it for money. I think she felt like if she had Vaughan’s babies he’d stay home. He’d make a commitment and love her.” Damien knew his family hated Vaughan’s ex. But he mainly felt sorry for her. Vaughan was twenty-five years old when he’d married Kelly. She’d been six months pregnant. Kelly had been even younger at twenty-three. Neither of them had been ready. It fell apart because of that. Another baby to try to keep Vaughan home where he should have been. But that never worked.

  “He pays her so she’ll stick close. She could up and move to San Francisco, you know. She stays close so the girls can see him.” Ezra kept walking. “He’s gone four months a year. She’s the one who parents them every day. Give her a break.”

  Their mother loved them all fiercely and, at times, with a blindness only a mother can pull off. Vaughan was not blameless in the mess, and while he was a great dad and he loved his daughters, Kelly wasn’t the mercenary bitch their mother believed she was at times.

  Their mother sighed. “I love you boys. The problem is that you’re all talented and handsome. Women see that and sometimes you get blinded by what’s under their skirts. And they’re blinded to that by all your charm. It’s my job as your mother to watch over you. Yes, yes, you’re all adults, but I’ll always be your mother. Anyway, I like Mary.”

  Well, that was lucky.

  “She didn’t run out the door when I called her my girlfriend. That’s a step in the right direction. It’s an issue that I get recognized a lot. But I can’t help it. It’s part of this gig.”

  His mother laughed as they went up the porch steps. “She’s far enough away that it’s going to cause her worry. You have to understand it.”

  “I know. She’s worried about the life. Worried I’ll stray. Worried I live too hard.”

  “You do live too hard.” His mother paused at the door.

  “I did. I’m trying not to. I’m trying to be worth it to her.”

  His mother looked back over her shoulder at him. “Good. That’s what I like to hear.”

  “The two-states thing is odd. How you gonna handle that?” Ezra held the door open for their mother as he spoke to Damien.

  “Well, it sucks that I can’t see her as often as I’d like. But travel is part of my job too. So it’s not actually as big a hassle as it would be if I didn’t tour and all that.”

  “I’ve been working with Paddy on some new stuff.” Ezra spoke once their mother had moved into the kitchen. “I’ve blocked out time in November.”

  They would start work on their next album in two months. Recording was grueling. They spent a lot of time in the barn working. Reworking. Working some more. Paddy was a perfectionist. He insisted on fifty takes if that’s what it took to get it just right. He and Vaughan were at each others’ throats a lot. Damien had to do his level best to ignore most of what Paddy said and did while they were in the studio or they ended up bloodying each other far too often.

  One thing was that Ezra was the leader of the band again while they recorded. It saved them from breaking up over and over. He did the guitar work on all their
records, wrote nearly all the songs with Paddy and kept things as chill as possible with all the hotheaded Hurley brothers.

  “You should ask Mary to come down and personal chef it. You know, while we work on the record.”

  Damien paused. That wasn’t an entirely bad idea. He’d considered asking if she’d be their tour chef. He knew she had the supper club, though. But the tour was a year out anyway.

  But if she was there while they recorded they’d probably be healthier. They spent a lot of time eating crap and takeout. She’d be a calming influence. Most likely they’d be better behaved and she’d get to see him work.

  “I want her to respect what I do. I mean, I think she does. She loves live music and she was a fan before she met me. The questions she asks about the work seem to show she’s interested and not in that fangirl way. I don’t know. I’m . . .”

  Ezra squeezed his shoulder. “She’s good for you. I’d totally vote for her to come down here to cook for us. God knows we’d probably work better with real meals instead of potato chips and frozen burritos.”

  “I’ll bring it up. Thanks.”

  His brother tipped his chin. “Any time. Plus she’s gorgeous. Not like it’s a hardship to look at her.”

  He flipped Ezra off as he walked past. But he smiled.


  She missed him.

  She didn’t want to. Didn’t plan to. But she did anyway. Missed the way he said her name. Missed the feel of him next to her in bed in the mornings. Missed the sex most assuredly. Mainly though, she missed talking with him about the flotsam and jetsam of her daily life.

  Of course her daily life was menus and catering jobs and his was winning awards and making records. He was probably bored with her stuff. Maybe.

  This was dumb. She stood up decisively. For something to do she uploaded the pictures from her camera to her computer. Of course there were hundreds of shots and 90 percent of them were of him or the ranch. They were good, she thought. Even if she did say so herself. The gleam of the chrome on his drums catching in the sunlight at the Gorge. The steam rising from the fields in the early morning. Ezra on a horse, or dealing with his animals. Paddy and Vaughan, heads bent close sharing some trouble of one kind or another. Violet.

  She needed to frame some of these.

  She was going to get mopey if this kept up. He had a life. She had hers. They had just seen one another a week and a half before so it wasn’t like months had passed or anything. She had work every single day so she couldn’t have taken a break anyway.

  She called Daisy. “We should go dancing.”

  Daisy gasped. “We totally should. Like tonight? Are you busy?”

  “I had a lunch thing but I’m free now.”

  “I’ll be at your house in an hour. I’ll call Jules and you try Gillian?”

  “Got it.”

  Gillian was delighted by the idea and everyone would be meeting at Mary’s house in an hour.

  Mary rushed off to take a shower. Dancing would keep her mind off how she wasn’t with Damien.

  “You’re totally not going to wear that.” Daisy gave Mary a critical eye as she got dressed. “You have a gorgeous body; why are you wearing a potato sack? You’re usually way better at this.”

  Jules laughed. “Better you than me.”

  Daisy was sort of the fashion police of Delicious. She had excellent taste and quite often little gifts would show up in Mary’s house. A blouse or a dress. Something she may have never chosen for herself but Daisy, as always, had a strong sense about it.

  Daisy moved to go through Mary’s closet and tossed out a few things. “The blue one I think.”

  She held up the minidress. “It’s October. This is an August dress.”

  “We’ll be in a club. It’ll be a million degrees. You can wear a wrap until we get inside.”

  She sighed and obeyed. Daisy wouldn’t quit until she did anyway.

  Daisy grinned once Mary had finished.

  “Perfect. You look hot. We need to take a picture of all of us and text it to our respective boys. It’ll do them all good to know what they’ve got. Also, Gillian, baby, are you okay to be out tonight?”

  “I’ll have to forgo the tequila shots of course, and the wild sex with random passersby. But I can dance and visit with my friends. It’s been ages since we’ve done this.”

  It had. They’d all been falling in love over the last two years. Each one, bit by bit, and things had changed. Mary was still adjusting, but it was overwhelmingly good.

  “Since we’re headed to Seattle, I think we should invite Erin, Elise and Ella. I bet Ella would love a night out.” Daisy grabbed a wrap and tossed it Mary’s way. “That one.”

  “She may not want to leave the baby for very long, but we should definitely invite her.” Their friend Ella had a two-month-old and a gorgeous husband, so Mary wouldn’t blame her one bit if she said no, thank you.

  “I’ll call while we’re on the way.” Gillian said. “I’ve got Adrian’s SUV. The windows are smoked so you can’t see much out the back. Or we could take the bridge and go around.” Gillian looked to Jules casually. Jules had a horrible fear of water. The ferry was not her favorite thing. She rarely said a word, but they all tried to spare her when they could.

  “I’ll stay in the back between these hot mommas. Gillian, let Mary drive.”

  “I’m pregnant, not unable to drive, for goodness sake.”

  Jules laughed. “I know. Humor me.”

  * * *

  It had been far too long since she’d shaken her ass until she was red in the face and sweaty. Well, she thought of Damien for a moment, in a nonsexual fashion. Ella and Gillian hung out at the table, laughing and chatting. Jules alternated between the group dancing and the table.

  Daisy was ridiculous. No one danced like her so Mary had gotten used to it. But she had her own groove and she worked it in her own way. Elise, also a dancer, was graceful and sexy, her pale hair whipping around as she moved. Every once in a while Erin would take a picture on her phone and send it god knew where, most likely to her men. Daisy took a few of herself and Mary, most likely sending to Twitter or one of her other social network addictions.

  Every few minutes a dude would dance up and try to grind. If he kept his distance and didn’t touch her with his cock, she danced with him a while. If he touched her in any way, she sent him packing. Even without Damien she’d have sent them away. She didn’t go out dancing to have men buy her drinks or rub all over her. She could buy her own damn drinks. She liked being with her girlfriends, laughing, getting a good workout and hearing some great music.

  “I need a drink. This round is on me.” Daisy tugged on her arm and they left the dance floor, heading toward the big bar at the far end of the room.

  While they waited they danced and laughed. “I’ve missed this.”

  “I’m sorry!” Daisy hugged her. “I feel like I’ve abandoned you.”

  Mary tipped her head back and laughed. “Baby, you’re in love. That’s amazing and wonderful and I’m thrilled. You haven’t abandoned me at all. You just made room in your life for Levi. Like you should. Everyone’s lives are going in such a great direction. It’s all good.”

  The bartender gave her a tip of his chin, his gaze sliding over her breasts. It made her smile. A girl needed to feel desired, and this night was all those things in spades.

  He poured their drinks quite liberally and brushed his fingers over hers as she grabbed her glass. She winked and they danced their way back to the table, passing around drinks and the water they’d picked up for Gillian.

  “That person over there keeps taking pictures of you guys.” Ella nodded toward a far corner.

  Erin turned and snarled. “That’s the asshole who caused all the drama with Gillian. What is he doing here?”

  “That creepy reporter who started that fight outside the club? The one that almost broke Gillian and Adrian up?” Mary could still remember how torn up Gillian was when the reporter had dumped the sto
ry of her criminal father on Adrian and his family. All to hurt them and try to create a juicy story. Mary had never seen Gillian cry so hard.

  “No, you stay here.” Mary took a sip. “I’ll handle this.” Dude seriously needed some violence in his life if he thought he could hurt her friend ever again.

  “I’m coming with you.” Daisy rose. “Wheee! Just like the old days.”

  “Of all of three years ago. Let’s go deal with this asshole.”

  “It’s better if you just ignore them.” Gillian put a hand on her arm. “You’re going to learn this yourself. But if you give him any attention, he’ll make it into a story. What was the pretty wife of Adrian Brown up to that she sent her friends over to silence the press?”

  Mary curled her lip. “He shouldn’t be taking pictures without your permission. At the very least, let me track down someone who works here to deal with that.”

  Gillian thought a moment and then nodded.

  “In the meantime, if you adjust and switch places with Jules all he’ll be able to see is the back of your head.”

  “Good idea.”

  She found a bouncer and whispered in his ear. He nodded, spoke to someone off to the side. A manager came out quickly once Adrian’s name had been spoken.

  “There’s a guy over there by the back bar. He’s been taking pictures of Gillian Brown all night long. She’s never given her permission. All we want to do is come here to have some fun. It’s not much fun if we can’t even hang out without this sort of thing.”

  She cocked her head, adding a little wistful, a little guile and a little sexy. He exhaled and nodded. “We obviously want our patrons to be comfortable.” Especially their celebrity ones, she knew. And for once she wasn’t hesitant about using that. Gillian deserved some damned privacy.

  He was gone and they went back to the table for a few minutes before they headed out to dance again.

  * * *

  “Dude.” Paddy peered over his shoulder as he looked at his phone. Mary had forwarded a picture of her and her friends when they’d gone out the night before. “Wow. Your woman is fucking hot.”


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