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Dragon: The Clan Legacy Series

Page 22

by J. S. Striker

  Then she ran off and never looked back.


  Lucinda had disappeared as fast as lightning, away from his view and the crowd that was slowly starting to disperse as the battle for the day came to a close. No vampires stayed to chat or discuss the battle—a far cry from the usual scenario had it been humans in their place. Hell, even shifters talked to each other more. Finn checked out the scene one more time, noting that none of the politically important vampires had stayed in headquarters, opting to go home right away. Still invisible, he navigated his way out of the arena as cautiously as he could until he reached Lucinda's office.

  It was empty.

  Which meant he knew exactly where she was.

  The secret passage was easy to access, and this time Finn escaped as quickly as possible until he was out of the cold place. Instead of taking the taxi, he ran – a short exercise that took him to the familiar cemetery where Lucinda had taken him yesterday. It was darker than usual, but Finn's keen sight allowed him to quickly locate the charred tree, where he entered without preamble.

  Entering the house was the hard part.

  The garden at night dispelled scents meant to intoxicate. Finn stared at the cottage, charming in the dark with its fairy lights and veins covering the walls. It wasn't a small cottage at all, and he knew it was protected from unwanted visitors like him.

  Like that would ever stop him.

  Taking advantage of his shifter abilities, Finn quickly shifted his hands into dragon form, covering them with scales and claws as he approached the side of the house where the windows were shut and the lights were closed. After doing a quick check of the layout, Finn quickly felt around for something to grip, coming across an uneven section between two bricks just above his head.

  More bricks with uneven lines between them appeared, and Finn did the scaling as slowly and quietly as he could.

  The lowest window was locked from the inside, with nothing to pick on the outside. So was the second window. He encountered a bit of luck when he reached the third window, unlocked with its hinges sliding open silently as he jumped inside. The space itself was dark, and Finn was able to make out a bed and some closets as he snuck towards the door, where light streamed from the opening below. No sounds outside, so he took the risk and opened the door, slipping out and letting his eyes adjust to the sudden light. As predicted, the outside was the hallway, similar in design to the foyer where she'd taken him before they went out for dinner. Despite the cottage's humble exterior, the interior was classy and elegant, with rich designs and furniture meant for comfort.

  No vampire crossed his path as he quietly navigated the hall, trying to deduce where she might be. Lucinda would most probably be on the first floor or the second, the most convenient location for a quick exit should it be needed. With a surge of confidence, he sprinted towards the end of the hallway, decided that turning right would lead him to the stairs—

  And he bumped face to face into Nell.

  The now-vampire assistant stared at him in surprise, a ledger in one hand and a basket of clothes in the other. There were a few seconds of silence as Finn froze, waiting for Nell to either attack or sound some sort of alarm.

  “She's in her bedroom. Second floor, middle door to the right,” she blurted out pleasantly.

  Finn blinked.

  “I never saw you,” she added cheerfully.

  “I... that's noted,” he muttered.

  Nell nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. Then she disappeared out of sight, and he was impressed with how fast she'd vanished from the hallway.

  Thoughts of Lucinda came back to mind. Grimly, determinedly, Finn went for the second floor.


  Lucinda's room had a door with plush leather covering, and inside was similar to Henrik's headquarter accommodations, with more feminine touches. Finn quickly snuck inside—

  And was met with a force that was strong enough to throw him up in the air and smack down the bed.

  Finn blinked his eyes several times before sitting upright, where he found Lucinda looking at him in irritation. It was such an unusual reaction from her that he could only stare speechless for a few seconds.

  “What you did in the arena? Absolutely unacceptable,” she started, voice clipped as her rigid body faced him. She had gotten rid of the green dress and was now wearing a royal blue robe, with her hair up in a simple bun. Despite its conservative lining and design, Finn found himself hardening as desire shot up his loins at the sight of her.

  “I was just trying to protect you, sweetheart,” Finn intoned, standing up from the bed.

  She whirled on him, green eyes flashing. “You do not touch me in public! You certainly do not make me lose control in front of my people!”

  Her eyes were snapping fire towards him as she stood in the middle of her room, and his want for her made him ache, made him aware of her every movement even before she made them. Her words registered, and guilt washed over him.

  Then her next words came.

  “And you certainly do not say nonsense words about love to me!”

  Her voice had gone higher, but she controlled them over the last few words to keep from trembling. His gaze focused on her as he repeated the words.

  “But I do love—”

  She attacked him again, her speed taking momentum as she hurled him on the bed and climbed on top of him. He lost his breath at the impact and tried to struggle, but her fingers had settled over the pressure points on his wrists, ready to hit them and knock him out cold. It should have dissuaded him; instead, her strength only turned him on, and the proof of his reaction jumped against his pants, her thigh rubbing against it.

  Lucinda's eyes flared darker in indignation—and something else. An answering desire rose inside him, and Finn pressed his body up against her and felt her panic as she made a move to stand up. He didn't let her, instead grabbed her and rolled them around until it was her back on the mattress and him on top of her. He used his own strength to pin her arms above her head, held her steady with his body and entwined them together in a few seconds of struggle.

  Her breath hitched.

  “We cannot be involved,” she declared. “I'm a leader and you're a commoner.”

  Her defensive tone made him want to snort. Instead, Finn let his kisses do the talking as he cruised it on the soft skin of her neck, feeling her heart skip a beat.

  “You're a fucking queen, Lucinda,” he murmured as his tongue licked her pulse point, beating heavily against his action. “And all I want is to be inside you.”

  And to love you.

  She suppressed a moan and turned her head away. Undeterred, Finn slid his mouth up her chin and kissed her there softly.

  “I'm cold. You won't stand cold in the long run,” she said stubbornly.

  Yet her body was softening against him, slowly yielding. It was the most erotic thing in the world for Finn, to have her lose her coldness around him, showing him a glimpse of the warmth. Of her heart.

  “You're the warmest vampire I know, sweetheart. And I can't help myself around you.” He kissed the corner of her mouth, felt her tremble. “Please, Lucinda. Let me love you.”

  The world stopped in a charge of silence as he waited for her response—as he waited for her rejection, prepared himself to accept it out of respect. Instead, her gaze met his, green clashing with blue.

  Then her head tilted to the side to meet his kiss head on and drive him wild with relief and arousal.

  Finn groaned as their kiss deepened as his hands felt her all over with her permission. She was an inferno, and every part of her skin trembled just for him. They couldn't keep it slow for the life of them as she rubbed her body against his in a motion meant to bewitch him, as her fingers trailed over his erection and she began rubbing her palm against his cock. Crazed, Finn tore her robe apart, expecting to see underwear made of lace and satin beneath.

  Her naked breasts met his gaze instead, nipples pink and stiff under his
heated stare. With a groan, Finn slid his hand down to cup one and knead, reveling in the softness as his mouth covered the other.

  So goddamn sweet.

  Her nipples stiffened further under his tongue's licking, and he sucked on one while his thumb and forefinger rolled the other in a rhythmic motion. The moan came out of her so suddenly, clear and raspy as her hands gripped at his hair.

  More. He needed to taste more of her. His mouth slid down, abandoning her breast and licking a path down her stomach, delighting in the way her moans grew louder and her body moved restlessly as it called out to him. Down, until his tongue was on the part where there was still no underwear, and her heat radiated tenfold. Fingers opened her up gently, and his tongue slid in, flicking at the bud and tasting her wetness.

  Her body bucked and her hands urged him on. Relentlessly, Finn kept his mouth there and slid his fingers in, setting a motion that rose faster and higher as the seconds went on.

  She came apart for him in a long moan of surrender, and he slid his body up again to kiss her and start all over again. During the pause in which she enjoyed her high, Finn took the time to quickly remove his clothes, and he saw her gaze focus on him and the hard member that jutted out.

  They kissed again, a slow meeting of mouths as her fingers took his cock and pumped it steadily. He groaned and hardened even further, guiding her hand to teach her what he wanted. When it became too much and he was almost on the brink, Finn took her hand off and kissed her mouth one more time, asking for permission for the final act.

  She pulled him closer and guided his cock to her entrance, and he slid in like iron on velvet sheath.

  Finn gritted his teeth at the tightness, at the overwhelming hotness that surrounded him. He moved, and she moved with him in a rhythm as endless as time, as natural as the beginning of the world. Eventually, his steady, slow thrusts increased in rhythm, faster and faster as her fingers gripped his shoulders and her legs wrapped around his waist. Hot, hot, so hot, and so, so wet.

  She clenched around him all of a sudden, body trembling as she exploded a second time. Blinded by the sensation, he thrust a few more times before he buried his head on her throat and cursed as his own orgasm rendered him immobile, as it tore his mind and soul apart.

  He followed her into bliss.


  They were left undisturbed as they slept after, the rain falling down in New York and covering the air with fog. Finn was having dreams of fields and flying, and Lucinda riding him when reality came in and he woke up to a dark ceiling.

  And a warm sensation below.

  Pleasure ran up his spine as something wet engulfed his cock, already hard and aching for her. He only had a second to look down and see Lucinda slide her mouth down again before she sucked him hard, and he had to fist his hands over the sheets to fight from coming right then and there.

  “Fuck. Fuck, Lucinda.”

  With a growl, he pulled her up and lifted her on top of him. Lucinda smiled, a devilish twinkle in her eyes as he slid inside her. She leaned down to kiss him, softly whispering against his mouth to hold on.

  Then she rode him hard.

  The way she bounced on top of him, her breasts bouncing with her movements and her hair gloriously disheveled had him losing his breath as the pleasure doubled. A few minutes into the rhythm and he took control, turning her around and taking a second to admire her firm ass. Then he was plunging in from behind and continuing the pace set earlier, the fire consuming them both as she urged him to thrust harder.

  The dragon inside him grew restless as his mouth settled on her neck. He ruthlessly reined it in, asking her one desperate question as he felt her pulse against his lips.

  Yes, was her eager response.

  His teeth came out, dragon-sharp. Blood filled his throat, rich and delicious.

  Then the pleasure surpassed the taste, and he tumbled down the edge of surrender with her.


  The mating of a dragon shifter becomes complete under the full exchange of blood between said shifter and the other party. Consummation follows and makes the bond last longer than any lifetime.

  The words reverberated inside Lucinda's head as it warred with the images of last night, with Finn making her lose control over and over again. Eventually, fatigue had them pausing and sleeping the last few hours of dawn off, with his arms wrapped around her and her wishing she could ask him to go. But she couldn't, and so she snuck out instead before he could wake up and got herself ready hours ahead for the battle's second day.

  There was a certain, tenser charge in the air as the vampire crowd filed in, the council members already on their elevated spot with Oscar at the very front. Lucinda hadn't joined them yet, needing to gather her thoughts and compose herself first before she did so.

  She was Finn's mate. He'd chosen her out of all the women in the world he could possibly be with, and now the ball was in her court, and his body and heart were hers for the taking—should she want it.

  The repercussions of her decision would affect everyone involved and change their lives forever.

  “A penny for your thoughts, my dear.”

  Raphael's voice penetrated her deep thoughts, and Lucinda turned her head as he stood beside her near the audience railing, looking at the arena as vampires prepared the ground. His hair was combed back in a slick hairstyle, and the slacks and black dress shirt he wore made him look like he was very much prepared to attend a party instead of fighting anyone. She eyed him warily, opting to stay silent as the announcer started the morning greetings.

  “You have to make your decision with the shifter soon, Lucinda. Oscar will kill him if you delay this too long.”

  Surprise fluttered inside, but she kept her mask on as her fingers gripped the railings. “What would you know about that?”

  “I know you well enough. And he can keep the invisible charm from others, but Belvar has granted me enough powers to be able to detect it.”

  The mention of the demon's name had her shoulders tensing, and she willed them back to relax.

  “All I'm asking are two things, Lucinda.”


  “That you decide soon, and decide right. Vampires partner with their own kind.” Raphael turned his head towards her, meeting her gaze. “And that you give me a chance to prove I never meant to involve you with my grand schemes. We all make mistakes, and I will do my best to fix mine.”

  With a final nod, Raphael sauntered to the back and joined the other fighters in their designated area.

  Bothered, mind still in turmoil, Lucinda stayed where she was until the first fight began.


  The battle commenced with a combination of strength and brutality, as vampire after vampire were defeated and the best of the best came out standing. Raphael and Victoria shone, showing a tenacity and precision that was a dangerous combination in all vampires. Along with keen intelligence, it made a vampire lethal—exactly how most described Lucinda, to be quite honest.

  The crown prince, Eli, was defeated mid-afternoon by a vampire from the southern Pacific, who was then defeated by Raphael in a battle that had the crowd at its feet. Hugo was defeated by a female vampire who held no name in the world of politics, and said vampire was defeated by Victoria, who grinned beautifully at the vampires who shouted her name.

  Night fell, and the announcer stated the names of the last two finalists with relish. Lucinda sat beside Oscar as the battle began, no words between them as their silent bets fought.

  It was a very close match. It reminded Lucinda of her own match with Killian March, all those years ago when she was just at the start of her venture into power. Victoria was good with offense, while Raphael retaliated with defense, and their mixed set of skills made them a powerhouse as most vampires stayed on their feet for the duration of the long, first minutes.

  Victoria delivered a flawless kick that hit Raphael square in the chest, and her sharp nails ripped his dress shirt as blood spurted out.
Raphael quickly evaded the next kick, twisting her leg that was still in motion in the air and pulling her to the ground, where he punched her stomach and made her gasp in pain.

  The fight went on and on.

  A warm hand settled on her left arm, a feather light touch. Lucinda's eyes strayed to the empty seat before returning to the fight, noting down that Victoria was showing signs of strain while Raphael appeared as relaxed as possible. Finn's hand stayed where it was, calming as much as stressing her.

  On her right, Oscar stirred. “Longest fight we've seen since yesterday,” he commented.

  Lucinda nodded her head. “Indeed.”

  Finn's touch on her arm disappeared, but she could still sense him beside her, unlike yesterday—a testament to the bond that now connected them. The cheers went on, and Lucinda's attention went back to the ongoing fight just as Raphael delivered a final punch that knocked Victoria cold to the ground.


  Then a deafening roar echoed around the arena as Raphael stood up and lifted his arm in victory. He turned in her direction and grinned.

  She almost smiled back.

  But the grin had frozen on his face. His mouth formed an o of surprise and blood flowed out, the scream silent as a hand went through his chest. Two seconds of stillness passed before he dropped to the ground and closed his eyes.


  Behind him, Victoria stood up and bowed in her direction, the dead vampire's heart crushed in her bloody hand.

  And the crowd roared once more.


  The celebration that came after was immediate—an instance of flurry of activities as everyone prepared the great hall with food and drinks... and blood. The smell of blood was enthralling, but there was a certain emotion other than hunger that had Lucinda locking all thoughts in place and away from public scrutiny. Oscar was the first to hand her a glass of blood and congratulate her on a worthy second-in-line, and soon the others followed suit. She smiled at them all, a joyful laugh echoing from her throat as if she had no problems in the world.


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