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Dragon: The Clan Legacy Series

Page 48

by J. S. Striker

Gloria stayed where she was, beginning a speech about how creatures like vampires and shifters were the garbage of this world and needed to be eliminated. It was an overused speech, and Henrik had heard it enough in the coven camp that it had none of the initial effect anymore. He knew she was doing this to anger Red, to see her own daughter flare up and attack her again—an excuse she could use to attack her daughter back.

  Gloria’s eyes didn’t miss the lack of bruises, and she sneered in disgust at the implication, calling her daughter different names—a whore, a slut, someone who deserved to be raped and then killed to be taught a lesson. It was only Red’s hand on Henrik’s back that gave him reason not to attack, and he kept his expression as unreadable as possible during the whole time.

  The verbal attack lasted an hour or two, and it was amazing how nothing changed on Red’s face. She sat as straight as ever, barely moving as she kept her eye on her mother like they were just having a friendly chat. Finally, Gloria seemed to realize that she was wasting her time and getting nothing, so she stepped back with one last sneer.

  Just before she left, Red tilted her head.

  “You think you’re going to win, Gloria?”

  Gloria stopped, turning her head back. A triumphant smile appeared, for getting that one reaction. “I’m going to. You and your friends are going to die.”

  Red stood up. Then she smiled back. “What a delusional woman you are.”

  It was a single statement said in a soft voice—but it was enough to wipe the smile off Gloria’s face. Red radiated a quiet confidence in her words and her stance. Silently, Henrik stood up beside her, intertwining his fingers with Red’s in a show of unison. He squeezed her hand, and she squeezed back.

  The coven leader noticed right away, and that was the purpose. She sneered, right before rage filled her features.

  Then Gloria was walking away, and the black cloth was back in place.

  The moment the edge of the cloth hit the floor, Red turned towards him.

  “She’s going to be back,” she said urgently. “We have to hurry.”

  He opened his mouth to ask what she meant—but there was no need to. The moment she placed her hands on his stomach, he knew.

  She had her powers back.


  “She’s too egotistical to notice me borrowing her magic to break the lock,” was all she muttered before she closed her eyes and concentrated.

  Five seconds. Ten. Thirty. More than a minute later, he felt it—his dragon returning, roaring to life inside his body. The strength of it made him stagger, and she placed her hands on his arms to steady him, just as he placed his arms on her waist to steady them both. She kept the magic flowing, giving him whatever energy she harnessed and making joy come to life inside him bit by bit.

  Then he heard it. Footsteps, coming their way. Voices nearing.

  Jericho’s voice rose above the group, and Henrik knew just as Red did what was going to come next. Their eyes met, and there was no need for communication when the decision was clear.

  The cloth was brought up. That was the only thing that registered as Henrik shifted right away, wings spreading, and claws and teeth growing. That claw grabbed Red on the waist, and his wings stayed up just as his eyes met Jericho’s horrified one.

  Then Red was attacking them with power blast after power blast, and Henrik was breaking through the cage. Chaos followed as men below shouted, but they might as well have just saved their breaths.

  With one last surge, Henrik flew fast and high and in different directions to confuse the eyes below. Then, when he was sure they were very far away and no longer able to track them, he followed the direction of the wind and slowly eased Red up until she was riding him.

  You did great, he said through his mind, knowing she could already hear him now that they were mated.


  Then he felt her smile touch his heart as she responded. I could say the same about you.


  What was more difficult than speaking with a group of shifters that didn’t trust you?

  It was speaking with a group of angry shifters that didn’t trust you.

  Red found herself surrounded by eyes that accused, even while others remained unreadable. Beside her, Henrik stood in support as she relayed the events of what had happened the moment they traveled to Russia, which was almost a month ago.

  In front of her sat all the shifter leaders. Dylan was at the center of the long table, brown eyes trained on her and closer to the wolf than he’d always been. He was on edge, and she could feel it in her very bones. It was unsettling, but Red didn’t let herself be intimidated as she finished recalling the happenings on a high note—that of their escape.

  When she was done, Henrik stepped forward, not allowing the other shifters to get a word in edgewise.

  “Judging from the location we escaped from, we believe they will be attacking tomorrow afternoon—right after their arrival. There’s no reason for them to dawdle or hide, considering they know this is the first place we will be warning.”

  Silence filled the room, and it was a tense one.

  Then everyone began murmuring at once. It started off soft, but grew in octave and outrage by the time Dylan had raised his hand to ask for silence.

  Almost instantly, the noise died. The shifter leader turned his brown gaze towards Red again before flickering to the others. “Any questions for Miss Denver?”

  Hands rose. A tall, bulky man with unfriendly, rust-colored eyes cleared his throat. Then he stated his question, and the familiar voice that came out of his mouth set her skin to prickling. This was Hans, the leader who’d tried to have her killed.

  “And what makes you think we would believe you anyway, witch?” the bear clan leader asked, a sneer almost visible in his tone. “For all we know, you’re lying right now and leading us into a trap.”

  Some voiced their agreement with that. But before the anger could be further roused, Henrik was there, his golden eyes staring straight at Dylan. He ignored Hans altogether.

  “I was there. I was witness to everything. You can verify me for the truth if it bothers everyone too much,” he intoned calmly. “Sophia can get it out of me in less than a minute.”

  Hans scoffed.

  This time, Henrik’s gaze slid towards him. “Are you really going to question my loyalty, Hans?”


  Hans looked like he was ready to stand up as irritation flared in his eyes. But at the last second, he merely growled and pressed his lips tight.

  Another shifter raised his hand. He was blond and pleasant looking, and his question was directed towards Henrik in a polite manner. He had faint scars that reminded her of whiskers on his face, though it didn’t deter from his good looks.

  “Not that we don’t believe you, Henrik,” he started, affording Red an acknowledging glance, “But is there perhaps proof you can show that would ease the minds of our fellow leaders here? That’s all we ask.”

  Henrik didn’t, of course, considering he was too busy getting enslaved and getting them out of there. But Red stepped forward until she reached the long table. Some visibly tensed, though Dylan remained relaxed as she placed a tear-drop shaped thing in front of him.

  “That’s a record I took using my magic,” she said quietly. “It shows you a quick survey of the size of the ship, the contents, and the number of people they have.”

  Dylan looked at the thing curiously. “How does it open?”

  “You just press it with your thumb. I’ll let myself out while you all review it. And Mr. Masters?”


  “I’m on your side,” she said, looking him in the eye. “I’ve always been. And I think it would be beneficial if the vampire community fights alongside us because this is one powerful enemy we need to defeat.”

  Red then nodded her head and made her exit.

  Henrik stayed behind.


  The good news was they did believe
her, despite their grumblings.

  The bad news was they still didn’t know what the game plan was.

  The leaders hashed and rehashed, while Red was placed under Charlie’s and Robbie’s protection, even while she didn’t think she needed it. Sophia discussed with Red what they could do to help as well, and they practiced the spells Sophia knew for the most effective attacks.

  But Red felt a restless energy vibrating inside her. Somehow, she knew her mother enough to know that Gloria thrived on power displays—and this, this most awaited moment, was going to be her most powerful display yet. In order for a power display to be had, it had to have witnesses.

  Which meant the battle was going to be public.

  The question was, where?

  Night came. Henrik didn’t visit, still embroiled in the meeting and the plans. The restless energy that Red felt inside her grew, and she knew she was going to go crazy with it if she didn’t take a break. She excused herself from the room but wasn’t surprised when Charlie followed her quietly.

  She lost her way a minute after and had to ask him if there was a place here at all where she could breathe some fresh air and think in peace. Charlie guided her towards the top of headquarters, where the rooftop opened into the sky. It was protected by a magical barrier for intruders, and Red stood at the edge and breathed in the night.

  Charlie stayed a respectful distance away, and his silence got her curious enough to tilt her head in his direction.

  “Where’s…?” she began…then realized what a stupid question she was about to ask. She knew his mate by face, Francesca, having seen her in her memories—but that was all.

  Charlie seemed not to mind as he turned gray eyes towards her. They were darker than her gray eyes, almost black. “She’s safe at her place. I wouldn’t want her here…not today.”

  She nodded, and they lapsed into silence. Red turned her attention to the stars.

  Ten minutes later, she felt it again—a very strong vibration inside her. She opened her mouth and called for Charlie, hoping to have more time here to figure out what was going on with her body.

  Then something gripped her, invisible and strong. She saw Charlie’s eyes reflect her own alarmed expression, right before pain hit her in the limbs. Then she felt like she was being yanked.

  The stars in the sky continued twinkling, but Red felt another set of stars dance in front of her eyes right before darkness took her.


  Of course, the first person she would see was her mother. Gloria had already been on her mind, and this just cinched the thought.

  They were standing in a cave—the same cave that she’d been hiding in before, back when she was a fugitive from the supernatural law and still on the run. This place was where she’d met Charlie and Francesca after they both sought her out to find a cure for Francesca’s scars and inability to shift.

  Gloria now sat on the makeshift sofa, a smirk on her face as she eyed Red. Red knew she wasn’t physically there—that this was just a hologram or an apparition of them both, even while it all looked real.

  Too real.

  “What do you want?” Red asked without wasting time. That her mother could call on her like this without her consent…this spoke of powers that Red wasn’t even sure she had.

  “Can’t I just say hi to my daughter?” Gloria replied, the smirk turning into a smile. It was an innocent-looking one, and it almost made Gloria look like a normal woman with normal intentions.


  Red sat on the other available chair, a stool in the opposite corner. She faced the coven leader calmly, like she was assessing the question. Finally, she nodded. “I’m doing good, considering. You almost killed me…but here I am, alive and thriving.”

  She expected the statement to make Gloria furious, just like it did on the ship. To her surprise, Gloria laughed—a high, tinkling sound that filled the air gloriously.

  “You’ve always had spunk,” the coven leader commented, smiling wide now. “Unlike Celine.”

  A flash of a girl entered Red’s mind—young, bubbly and prettier than sunshine. She remembered grieving for Celine, crying her eyes out in hiding, wishing she would die just as her sister did. She let none of her feelings show, something that Gloria apparently liked as she gave Red a nod of approval.

  “Celine’s not the topic here,” Red reminded. “What do you want?”

  Gloria’s eyes softened. “I want to give you one more chance. Join us. You’ve got so much power in you, daughter of mine. Together, we will rule the world.”

  It wasn’t a question. Gloria knew—had felt—the power inside Red. Red also knew it was the reason why Gloria hadn’t killed her yet.

  She was banking on this moment, confident her daughter would eventually change her mind. The message was clear: you join us and serve us, or I will disown you.

  Rage filled Red, intense and almost making her lose her calm expression as she faced the woman who was the instigator of it all—her heartbreak, her grief and the loss of her loved ones. And now, if their side lost, she would lose one more important person in her life.

  Red lifted her chin up. “I’m sorry, Gloria. I can’t.”

  The smile on the coven leader’s face dimmed a little. “You mean you won’t.”

  Red nodded. “Yes. I won’t.”

  Gloria stood up, and so did Red. Still, instead of looking very angry, the woman only looked at Red with contempt. Contempt turned to realization.

  And finally, there it was—anger so bright, it might as well have burned her with its intensity had Red really been there.

  “You’re in love with a shifter. Again,” Gloria stated. Again, it wasn’t a question.

  Henrik flashed in Red’s mind, bright and beautiful. Then, in her heart. It pounded for a few seconds, right before she controlled its beating. But it was too late, because Gloria saw.

  And Gloria’s hate radiated.

  “How could you?” she asked in disgust. “How could you love two monsters in your lifetime?”

  “The past was never a monster,” Red said. “Neither is the future. You’re the monster, Gloria.”

  “On the contrary. I’m your redeemer.” Gloria tilted her head. “And I’d like to give you a parting gift, since you’re too stubborn to join us.”

  Red stilled, but didn’t say anything.

  Then she felt it—a burning sensation in her body, starting from her toes to her head. She stifled the scream, stifled the panic as she saw that her body was intact. She was still just an apparition.

  But the burning pain was real.

  Stars filled her vision again, much more than earlier. She saw Gloria’s vindictive face, then—

  Memories. Memories flashing, one by one. All her memories returned to her too fast, drowning her in its wake. Along with the memories were the emotions that she had lost, and she felt them all now.

  She felt Malik. The love surged, strong and intense and too much to make her stagger. Then she continued seeing stars and continued drowning as she was yanked out of the cave.

  Gloria’s smile was the last she saw before darkness took her again.


  Henrik knew something was wrong the moment he’d stepped out of the meeting room and felt something heavy settling in his stomach. Immediately, he went in search for Red in their shared room, and found only two people there.

  “She needed a breather,” Sophia said. “Charlie’s with her.”

  That didn’t make Henrik feel any better at all. So he went out of the room, scanning his mind for any place that she would find the breather she needed. He knew she wouldn’t leave headquarters because it was such a risk, and almost immediately he knew where she would end up here.

  Just as he had reached the topmost floor of the huge building, Henrik’s phone vibrated. He looked at it, saw Charlie’s caller ID flashing, and hit the answer button. Before he could say a word, he heard it.

  The scream, coming from the rooftop.

Henrik cursed and placed his phone back in his pocket, running the rest of the way. He slammed the rooftop doors open, and the heavy feeling in his stomach increased. Then his stomach dropped completely when he saw Red on the ground and Charlie visibly trying to wrestle her down.

  Rage struck him at the sight of his dragon shifter friend’s hands on her, but he yanked it back down and rationalized that this must have a reason. But he wasn’t gentle when he got Charlie off her without a word and knelt beside her, keeping her flailing limbs in place as he searched her face.

  Her eyes were glazed, and her face was contorted in pain. She was consciously not here in the rooftop, a fact that worried him.

  “Red,” he said softly, “Red, where are you?”

  Gray eyes bored into him, unseeing. She yanked away from his grip, trying to break free, and it pained him to know that when her fit was over, he would end up leaving bruises on the skin he touched.

  So he kept calling her name. He kept pleading for her to come back, sinking his voice to a low hush when he felt her thrashing lessen, then eventually stop. He soothed her with nonsense mumblings, gently caressing her hair until she finally blinked and looked up at him.

  Charlie was looking at Henrik oddly, but he didn’t make any further comment on the matter. Instead, he cleared his throat, glancing in concern at Red before nodding at Henrik. “I’ll be going. Call if you both need anything.” Then Henrik heard quiet footsteps, then the closing of the rooftop door.

  Silence prevailed. It was the kind of silence brought on by a lull, and Henrik watched as Red’s vision cleared bit by bit. Then she was heaving her body up and disentangling from his hold, running towards the edge of the rooftop as she breathed in and out sharply.

  “Red,” he growled, alarmed. “What’s wron—”

  When she turned to face him, tears were in her eyes.


  The name elicited instant fury. “She did that to you? What the hell did she-”

  “She brought my memories back. All of them.”

  A hand was placed on his chest, and he felt her flow of magic surging towards him—

  And suddenly he was taken to a different place and time.


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