Book Read Free

Curves for Days

Page 9

by Katie LaRoux

  “What’s going on?” I ask in a panic.

  “That’s the guy who set me up. We won’t be able to get rid of him. Come on, we need to hurry.”

  Without a second to waste, he grabs me by the arm, and we run out the back door as fast as we can. As we reach the edge of the woods, I can hear from behind us, “there they are!”

  The fourth voice, of the man Ryder calls Cole, I can hear say: “They’re making for his bike. Get on your bikes and get on the road.”

  While running along after him I ask, “Ryder, what are we going to do?”

  We finally reach his bike. “Get on,” he says. “We’re going to have to escape. Cole’s right, the only way for us to get away from here is by the road. We’ll have to try to get past them. Hold on tight, this’ll be dangerous.”

  Scared out of my mind, I nod. I decide to just trust Ryder and put my fate in his hands. He did the same for me, after all. I don’t believe he’ll let me down.

  I get on the motorcycle behind him, gripping his hard, chiseled waist tightly.

  “Hang on,” he says, as the motorcycle roars on and starts moving forward.


  “Hang on,” I tell her, as I start the engine and push my motorcycle into motion.

  She’s gripping my waist so tightly, and leaning into my back with her smooth, luscious curves. It’s enough to drive a man crazy – but come on, Ryder! Get your mind where it needs to be. This is a matter of life and death, no joke. And after all she did for me, I can’t let her be hurt.

  She’s been found out, so she can’t go back. Cole wouldn’t let her get away with it. For better or for worse, I have to take her with me and protect her. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but right now I just need to focus on the task in front of me: escaping Cole and his three new lackeys.

  I drive out of the forest and onto the road. Sure enough, they’re prepared. Blocking my path from one side, out right in front of the bar’s parking lot, are Pete and Joe. To my right are Cole and Mikey. They’re all sitting on their bikes, revving their engines, waiting for me to make my move.

  This choice is easy. After getting to know the other three, Cole’s the only one I need to worry about. I turn to my left and put the pedal to the metal, charging full steam at Pete and Joe. It’s risky, but even from this distance I can see it in their eyes – they’re not beating me in this game of chicken.

  Jessa lets out a scream of fear behind me. I hate that I got her into this. But I’m going to have to take some risks to get her out. As I barrel toward them, Joe and Pete stand firm in their position, hoping I’ll blink first.

  No chance. At the last second, they move out of my way and I blow past them.

  “You idiots!” I can hear Cole scream as I zoom away.

  I look behind me and I can see Cole and Mikey gaining on me. We must be driving over eighty miles per hour at this point. My bike might be carrying two people, but I’ve taken care of this bike like my baby, working on her, tuning her up, and improving her every day. This baby isn’t gonna give out on me.

  I crack up the speed. We’re approaching a hundred miles per hour. I look back and see I’ve left Mikey in the dust. But I can’t shake Cole. His bike is no joke either, and he knows how to ride.

  Jessa is griping me tighter and tighter, burying her face into the back of my neck. She’s holding on for dear life. The feel of her full, warm breasts pressing into my back gives me encouragement, though. Knowing I have something –someone – to fight for makes losing unacceptable.

  No matter how good my bike is, it’s still carrying two people. I look behind me and I see that Cole is gaining on us, and fast. I won’t be able to outride him. I’m going to have to take drastic action.

  “Close your eyes and hold on tight!” I yell to Jessa behind me.

  I start to slow my speed down just a little bit, luring Cole in. Once he’s only a couple feet behind me I suddenly slam on the breaks. Cole doesn’t have time to react and he goes zooming past us.

  Once my bike comes to a stop I say to Jessa, “Get off the bike, hurry! Stay here and don’t move until I come back.”

  The poor girl must be terrified, but she does as I say. I rev me engine and put my bike back to motion as I see Cole ahead of me, turning to circle back to us.

  I drive forward as fast as I can. Cole and I are on a collision course. Neither of us will blink this time – so I take matters into my own hands.

  At the last minute I jump out of my seat on the bike and fly off of the bike. I see the shock in Cole’s eyes, but he doesn’t have time to react. My body lunges toward Cole on his bike. I stick my foot out forward and deliver a kick right to his chest. We both go tumbling down to the road, rolling at full speed when we hit the asphalt.

  “Ryder!!!!” I hear Jessa scream in fear. She must think I’m crazy. Maybe I am. If this is what it takes to protect her, I’ll do it and even crazier things.

  I stand up and, almost unbelievably, I’m not too hurt. I’m sore as hell, but nothing’s broken. Cole is lying on the side of the road, unconscious from the impact. The other three we left far back in the dust down the road.

  I pick up my bike and hop back on it. It didn’t sustain any damage – reliable as always. I swing around back to Jessa and tell her to hop on.

  “Ryder, are you crazy!?” she asks, climbing back on and hugging me tight.

  I don’t answer, instead savoring the feeling of her against me again; and savoring her concern for me, too. I floor it and we speed off to safety.


  Who is Ryder?

  If someone told me this happened, I wouldn’t believe it. But I just saw him fly off his motorcycle at full speed to deliver a dropkick to the man who was trying to kill us.

  It was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

  And the crazier.

  But now we’re safe. Well … now we’re safe, for now. Looking back behind us, we’ve blown past them all. The only problem is I have no idea where we’re going.

  And I still have my little sister to worry about.

  How the hell did I get myself into this!?

  “Ryder,” I scream, trying to make myself heard over the wind whipping around us. “Where are we going?”

  Ryder turns down a sideroad, and once we’re far enough down that we can’t be seen from the main road, he pulls to the side and stops the motorcycle. He kicks out his good leg to support us.

  “I don’t know,” he confesses. “But we have to get away from here. The only thing we can do right now is ride as far away from here as we can until night, then we need to find a motel.”

  I shake my head. “But Ryder, I have my little sister here. I can’t just leave.”

  A look of deep concern appears on his face, and then he looks down at the ground, clearly thinking through the situation, weighing all of our options.

  “Do you have anyone you can trust?” he asks.

  “My best friend, Kim,” I reply. I know that I can trust her. We’ve been best friends since we were in elementary school. We’ve been through it all together.

  “Okay. We’re going to find a motel to hold up in. I won’t park my bike in the parking lot – I’ll hide it somewhere in the woods nearby, so no one will be able to figure out where we are. Have you friend bring your little sister over. We’ll figure it out from there.”

  It all sounds nuts. But it’s the only choice we have at this point.

  “Okay,” I tell him. It’s not like I have a better idea.

  He starts the motorcycle again and we drive forward for about an hour, to get enough distance. Being able to squeeze that hard body of his on his bike for an hour helped to calm me down, at least.

  We find a crappy motel on the side of the road. Ryder lets me off in front of it, handing me his wallet for me to book the room.

  “I’ll drive forward a little bit and find a good place to hide my bike in the woods, then I’ll walk over. Once you get checked in, call your friend
and give her the address.”

  I do as he tells me, booking a two-bed room. The room looks like it hasn’t changed a bit since the 1970s. I call Kim and ask her to pick up Lindsey from school and bring her to the address. She sounds concerned, but I assure her I’m okay, and that I just can’t talk about what happened right now. Of course, she promises me she will do it.

  “Thank you so much, Kim,” I tell her. “You have no idea how important this is.”

  Before ending the call, one more important thing occurs to me and I ask, “Oh, and Kim, I know this is weird but … could you pick up a pair of men’s jeans, too?”

  She answers back, more than a little puzzled, that she would. Now Ryder can finally have a clean pair of jeans that aren’t stained with his blood.

  We say goodbye and I hang up. I lay down on the bed, at rest for the first time in what feels like years.

  In fact, I’m so exhausted that I find myself drifting into sleep. As many worries as I have, I feel them peacefully melting away as I slip into a state between wakefulness and dreams. As the first hints of dream enter my mind, I see Ryder. He’s in the room with me now, standing before me in front of the bed, slowly taking his shirt off, revealing his hard, sculpted abs.

  The part of my brain still conscious can feel my nipples getting hard and my pussy getting wet. I lick my lips – I’m not sure if in dream, or in reality, or both – in anticipation of feeling that hard, chiseled body against mine.

  I’m jolted back into full wakefulness by the hotel door opening. It’s Ryder. Seeing him standing there in person, with my nipples still hard and my pussy still moist from seeing him in my dreams, makes me blush deeply. I can feel an intense warmness in my cheeks.

  Ryder chuckles. “I just had to go to the office and ask which room they gave to the woman who just checked in. And they just told me! Well, so much for security.”

  “I-it’s okay,” I tell him. “I told them there was going to be a second person staying here, so they were expecting you.”

  “Still,” he responds. “They didn’t know that person was me. Oh well, I think we’ve put enough distance between us and Cole, and I think I hid my bike in the woods well enough, that we won’t have to worry about being found out here.”

  He kicks off his shoes and falls backward, spread out on the second bed.

  “I’m sorry I got you into all this,” he says.

  It’s true that he’s turned my life upside down in the space of a couple hours. No, more than turned my life upside down … I can never go back home now. And what am I going to do about my little sister? Where are we going to go?

  But I’m not angry at him. I’m not even annoyed. As scary and unsure as this all is … it’s exciting. More exciting than anything I’ve ever experienced in my life. And the feeling of being here, alone in this hotel room with him, on the run. To feel this kind of closeness to him … I can’t help but think it’s all worth it.

  It’s not like I had any kind of future back home anyway.

  “So, Ryder,” I begin. “Can you tell me what the hell this is all about?”

  He sighs and sits up on the edge of his bed. I do the same so that I can turn my head to look at him. “I guess you deserve to know that much,” he replies. “I’ll try to make it short. My bike crew from down in Texas, The Warriors, had cut a deal to do business with The Hogs up here. We were going to deliver them a package to take further up North, and split the sale price. But one of the people in my crew, Cole, wanted to double cross me and take me out, to take control of The Warriors for himself. So now, I’m up here, stranded. Cole said he took out some of my guys back in Texas, so I don’t know if it’s safe to go back.”

  Wow. It sounds like we’re in the same boat right now. We can’t go back home, but we have nowhere else to go.

  “What kind of package?” I ask him. “Do you mean … drugs?”

  He sighs again, with the sound of a heavy conscience. “Yeah, that’s right. I’m not proud of it, but that’s how we make our money. It never sat right with me, but … well, I was born into it. My day founded the crew, and I took control after he died. I’ve never known anything else. I don’t know if I could do anything else.”

  “I understand,” I tell him. “My dad was the same way … born into a life of crime. He was a good man, but it’s all he knew, and he thought he didn’t have any other choice. But Ryder … I know you have choices. I’m sure you can get out of this life and make an honest living.”

  He turns his head to look me in my eyes. “Maybe you’re right,” he says. “Maybe, at this point, I don’t have an alternative.”

  “By the way,” I tell him. “I made sure to tell Kim to bring a new pair of jeans for you.”

  He erupts in laughter. It’s so infections that I can’t help but join him. “That’s good,” he says through his laughs. “I totally didn’t think about that. Too much on my mind, I guess.”

  “That’s why you need a woman’s touch,” I say, laughing myself. Then I stop laughing and feel totally embarrassed – a woman’s touch? Nice unintentional double-entendre, Jessa.

  But after I say that, I see a wry smirk work its way onto his face.

  “I hate to ask, but … do you mind if I take these jeans off? Bloodstained jeans are actually pretty uncomfortable.”

  I blush again. “S-sure,” I say.

  He stands up in front of his bed and begins to remove his jeans. I feel like I should look away out of politeness … but I can’t. My eyes are fixed to his hands undoing his button, his zipper, and moving his jeans down his legs. Once they’re at his knees, he sits back on the bed.

  “I hate to ask,” he says, looking at me with a devious grin. “But do you think you could pull these off for me? It kind of hurts to bend my leg too much.”

  I gulp and blush even redder, and nod affirmatively. I walk over and pull the jeans off of his leg. He’s now lying back on the bed, his long, muscular legs exposed. I can’t help but just stand there, gazing at him laid out on the bed. When my eyes meet his huge, bulging package once again, they freeze on it. I know I must look like a total creeper, but I can’t see to move my body or my eyes away from him.

  “I bet you’re really stressed, too,” he says, putting his hands behind his head. “Why don’t you get undressed yourself?”

  I’m so nervous and embarrassed at his suggestion. Me, getting naked in front of a guy like this? I’m trembling at the thought.

  “I want to see you, Jessa,” he says, sitting up on the bed. He takes his shirt off. The sculpted abs that I imagined in my dreams can’t hold a candle to the real thing. Not to mention his wide, massive chest. “All of you,” he finishes.

  Trembling all over, I obey his command. I slowly take off my clothes. I can see him watching me intensely, taking in every inch of my body whenever I expose more of it. Does he actually like my body? A man like this? When I look at him with hesitation in my eyes, I can see him smile in encouragement. The genuine, affectionate – not to mention lustful – look in his eyes makes me feel safe.

  I hesitate once I’ve stripped down to my underwear.

  “Keep going,” he says.

  I instinctually cover up. I’ve always been self-conscious of my body.

  He stands up in front of my and grabs my arms. “Don’t cover up,” he tells me, moving my arms to my sides.

  He then lunges forward and joins his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. He pulls me in toward him, pressing my soft body against his hard, bulging muscles. Our lips and tongues dance with each other as I feel possessed by him.

  He reaches around to undo my bra, and my breasts fall out fully exposed.

  He takes a step back and looks down at my breasts. “Fuck,” he says, in an almost animalistic tone. “You’re so beautiful.”

  I blush deeper than ever. I never believed that about myself – but he makes me believe it, for the first time ever. He pulls down his underwear. His massive, hard cock springs up. He lays back down on the bed, his cock pointing perfectly
straight upward.

  “Get on top of me,” he tells me.

  I take my panties off and crawl over him. I straddle him and can feel his huge, stiff cock on the inside of my thigh. The feeling of the hard cock throbbing against me makes me heart beat so fast and intensely that I feel like I’m going to pass out. I’m totally overcome by lust.

  He reaches down and grabs his cock to guide it inside me. I arch my back up and then ease it back down, bringing his cock inside me.

  The feels of his huge manhood entering me makes my eyes roll into the back of my head. I hear him let out a deep, rough moan of pleasure. I start to slowly bounce up and down, driving his cock in and out of me. Each time I go down and plunge his cock fully inside me moan in ecstasy. I place my hands on his broad, hard check to stead myself and start rocking up and down faster and faster.

  As his cock plunges in and out of me I can see every inch of it: how long and thick it is, the shape of his head, I can even feel the bulging veins. Every centimeter of his cock is pressing against the walls of my pussy and driving me crazy with lust and pleasure.

  “I’m gonna come,” I hear him moan.

  This makes me bounce faster and faster, and I can feel him thrusting powerfully from below. Each time I come down I feel him meet me with a strong thrust upward, driving his cock deeper inside me. The room is filled with out ragged, desperate breathing and uncontrollable moans.

  “Yes, yes, yes!!” I pant, feeling the orgasm spread from my pussy all through my body. Everything goes dark for a minute as I reach my climax and feel him come inside me.

  I fall next to him on the bed, covered in sweat and breathing deeply. I turn my head to see his powerful chest heaving up and down, his beautifully defined muscles glistening with sweat.

  “That was incredible,” he tells me. “I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you.”

  We lie there for a while, our breathe returning to normal, basking in post-orgasmic bliss. Once my thoughts start to come back to Earth, I look at the clock. Kim should be here any minute.

  “We should get dressed,” I tell Ryder. He grunts in affirmation and we both get up and put our clothes back on.


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