by Amy Stephens
“That’s cool. I understand.” I didn’t want to push her or make her uneasy. She hadn’t said no, nor had she laughed because I’d asked first, which took me by complete surprise.
Instead of walking toward the elevator to leave, she turned down one of the rows of bookshelves, and I followed her. Maybe I’d been wrong about her, after all. Maybe she was willing…
We stopped when we got to the back corner. Leslie held her purse with both hands in front of her, and she sort of nervously rocked back and forth.
“Well? Are you going to hug me?” she asked.
I couldn’t speak. I just stared at her for a moment, feeling like a teenage boy on a date for the first time. After she kneeled to set her purse beside her feet, she stood back up with her arms outstretched.
Leslie was an inch or two shorter than me, but I had no problem looking her directly in the eyes. I leaned forward, and her arms naturally went underneath mine as I prepared to embrace her. It’d been a long time since I’d held anyone in my arms, and I was a little slow to react.
I pulled her against my chest, closed my eyes, and just held her.
I felt the beating of her heart against my chest--at least I thought it was hers--and it was probably one of the most incredible feelings I’d ever had, especially for it not being anything sexual in nature. Her body was warm and comforting, and she smelled like heaven. She fit so naturally against me, but it was probably just me wanting to think she “fit” more than anything.
After a few moments, I couldn’t resist. My lips brushed the skin just behind her ear, and I inhaled deeply. That was…it was…not the right thing to do, but she continued to stand there, letting me hold her.
At any moment someone could walk by and catch us together and, surprisingly, I was the one who pulled back first.
She reached down and held both my hands in hers while she stared into my eyes. “Good luck, Jaime. Good luck.”
I lifted one of her hands to my lips and kissed it ever so softly. I was at a loss for words and gave up trying to think of the right thing to say. So I said nothing.
She pulled her hand back, leaned down to pick up her purse again, and turned to leave. She walked down the aisle and never looked back. I wanted to call to her not to go, to give me a just few more minutes, but what was the use. It was only torturing me, and maybe even her too.
Later that night I dreamed of making love to someone, but the face didn’t belong to Leslie. In fact, it wasn’t a face I recognized at all. The more I tried to figure out who the woman was, the more the image slipped away, until I couldn’t remember one single thing about it.
Leslie was…well…she was a really sweet girl, and I was glad I hadn’t pushed her to do more. For my sake and hers too.
Chapter Eleven
WHEN I’D SAT DOWN with my advisor at the beginning of the second semester of my senior year to go over the list of necessary classes to graduate, I was surprised to find out I was one class shy--an elective class at that--of having enough credits to walk at the end of the term. I wanted to be angry, not sure how it’d happened, but in the end, I was just thankful there’d still been enough time to squeeze one last class in for the fall term before my release at the end of the year.
I’d circled the date of December 20th on the computer-printed calendar that hung next to my bed as a day to look forward to. Now I officially had another one to circle as well—December 15th, the day I’d receive my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management. Both dates couldn’t get there soon enough, but having to wait four more months was nothing compared to the ten years I’d already been waiting.
It was late August, and I’d just filled out the last of the paperwork to proceed with the fall semester and graduation. Since I’d already completed all of the mandatory classes to fulfill the degree requirements, I figured this one last class should be a breeze, one that I’d enjoy and hopefully have little difficulty with. Professor Jordan was teaching World Religions, a first-year core class, and since I’d already had him before, it was a fairly easy decision. I’d enjoyed his teaching style, so I hoped this one turned out to be just as good as the last.
On Monday night the bus pulled up in front of the school, and the inmates filed out. There were several other guys signed up for the same class too, so we walked down the hallway together. Standing outside the door of the classroom, Professor Jordon recognized me and nodded my way. I wasn’t surprised to see that just a few empty seats remained. I headed up toward the front and slid in behind the first row.
I pulled out my binder that was practically falling apart from overuse, and placed it on the table. I flipped through the textbook that’d been waiting for me on the table in the hallway. Professor Jordon finally closed the door, and then walked to the front of the classroom. After introducing himself to the students, he did a brief overview of what was expected and how the grades would be calculated.
I felt this was an easy grade for me, even though I’d struggled some in the very beginning. Hard work and determination had definitely paid off. My mind sort of drifted for a moment, as it had started to do so quite often, and I couldn’t help but think about going home again.
What was it going to be like? How was my family going to act toward me having me back? Better yet, how was I going to react? Would I even be able to live in the same house with them anymore?
I’d spent the last ten years of my life living in a cell with other men under constant supervision, and to know freedom was literally weeks away? It was too much for my mind to even comprehend.
The sound of the door opening and closing brought me out of the daze. I turned around and watched a young, very cute female walk in, then stop in the back corner of the classroom. She looked scared and nervous--no doubt a freshman. I felt bad that there were no available seats for her. I’d graciously have given her my seat, but it would cause even more of a distraction since I was seated pretty close to the front.
Minutes later, there was a loud crash from the back of the room, and everyone turned around to see what’d caused the commotion. It seemed the young lady who’d come in late had knocked over something, a textbook possibly, and she was now beet red, obviously embarrassed for distracting the class again.
With his train of thought now broken, the instructor decided to give us a break before moving on. Chairs shuffled, and everyone filed out of the room. I turned around in my chair just so I could get a better look at the new girl. A couple of the other Falcon Club guys gathered around me, and we made small talk. I did my best to glance around them and keep an eye on her. She’d definitely caught my attention.
Professor Jordon was having a one-on-one discussion with her, and she nodded. She was tall and slender, and looked somewhat apprehensive about whatever they discussed. No doubt someone as good-looking as her had a boyfriend and would probably think twice before looking at someone like me.
I had two things going against me—I was a part of the Falcon Club, and my age.
Who was I kidding, though? And besides, why should I even be thinking about a girl? I was weeks away from walking away from this place. Still, I was human, and it didn’t hurt to look.
Just as class was about to start back again, Professor Jordon grabbed a chair that was up front behind his desk and added it to the row I happened to be sitting in. We all shifted ours over, allowing enough room for someone else to squeeze in. She still stood in the back, waiting patiently while holding her things in her arms. I motioned for her to take the seat beside me, and she didn’t hesitate to walk down the row. I immediately saw the relief on her face.
Now my concentration was broken, and I couldn’t help but steal glances at her from the corner of my eye. I sensed she was doing the same too, and I swore she leaned over just so she could brush against me.
No. I wasn’t just imagining it. I couldn’t quite figure out why she captivated me so much. Maybe because she reminded me of Eliana since they were probably close to the same age, but she was a hot babe, no doubt, and I
was on fire sitting just inches away from her. Even Leslie hadn’t had that much of an effect on me.
She put her pen down for a moment and massaged her hands. Professor Jordon was on a roll tonight, not wasting any time getting into the first chapter. He was talking so fast I was barely able to keep up with my notes either. As she picked up her pen again, I angled my notebook in her direction so she could jot down any notes she’d missed while giving her hands a rest. I used that opportunity to look her directly in her eyes, and she mouthed the word “thanks.” Just the way her lips formed the word caused my body to react in a most embarrassing way. I’d give anything to be able to adjust myself right then.
Funny thing, though, I’d pretty much moved on since the incident with Leslie. For one thing, I hadn’t expected to still be enrolled for another semester, but I’d also come to the conclusion that there was no point getting to know someone when I was literally weeks away from getting out of there. I hated to admit it, but it’d been so long since I’d been with a woman sexually, and I wasn’t even counting the night over at Javier’s with Lucy and Brittany all those years ago. So I couldn’t promise I wouldn’t screw the first woman who approached me once I got out of that place. It sounded harsh, but hand jobs were only good for so much and, well, ten years was a mighty long time to go without any. There was nothing better than having a woman in your arms, breathing in her scent, and feeling her body pressed against your own. Damn, I wasn’t helping matters, and neither was this girl who’d suddenly peaked my interest.
Once class was over and she gathered up her things, I tried being friendly, despite that stupid rule about not having conversations with the students. I could tell she was still a little out of sorts and quite possibly overwhelmed from covering so much information during the first night. I hoped she wasn’t having second thoughts about taking it.
“Um, I’ve had Professor Jordan before, and I’m pretty familiar with his teaching method. So, if you have trouble with anything and need some help…” I paused before continuing. “Just ask. I could probably help you out.”
“Thanks.” She looked at me and smiled.
I realized I took a risk by offering. I mean, what if she really took me up on it and sought out my help? I’d be kind of screwed then. It was obvious she was new and didn’t know anything about the rules pertaining to the guys in the Falcon Club, as was the case for pretty much everyone who was new there. I figured I’d deal with that later, though; she’d have to ask for help first, right? Otherwise, I was worrying for nothing.
Poor thing, she almost lost her footing and stumbled over a chair as we exited the classroom. I couldn’t help but watch her ass as she walked in front of me. Had we been in any other place, I would’ve had a hard time not brushing it. That wasn’t my character at all, but I supposed it was finally sinking in that I was so close to being free. And yes, I was desperate to feel a woman. I felt the strain in my pants from my swollen cock, and I wished like hell it’d just stop. Twice in one night was enough.
As I climbed onto the bus and made my way to the back, my gaze followed her as she walked to her car. Yeah, I wasn’t just imaging things. There was definitely something there, because I noticed her look my way too. It was embarrassing getting onto the bus, but she’d figure it out soon enough. Then all the fun of flirting would be over. She’d learn I was a felon, and being so young, she’d probably run like hell to get away from me.
That night while lying in bed with all the lights out, I wondered what my personal life was going to be like when I got back home. Would people stop and stare at me, knowing I’d just come back from being in prison? Or would they even know at all? Would I get lucky and find a woman who was willing to give me chance?
I’d missed out on so much while being away. While I hadn’t really had too many friends before, other than those who I’d gone to school with and who’d lived in my old neighborhood, who’d be left? Everyone had moved on. They now had girlfriends or wives, as well as kids and families of their own, while I’d sat there wishing like hell that I was in their place. They’d been living the good life--one unlike mine--and had never realized how good they truly had it.
I promised myself and God that I’d never do something so stupid again. Reality was truly a slap in the face.
Chapter Twelve
FOR THE NEXT FEW days, it seemed as if time was barely creeping by. Having just the one class that semester, I had more free time than I’d been accustomed to having in the previous semesters. It was quite possible, though, that I was just eager to see that pretty girl again.
I was all set and ready to go to class, but for some reason, the bus was running behind. I hoped she’d saved me a seat. As soon as we pulled up out front, I was the first to stand and exit the bus. I hurried down the hallway and rushed inside the classroom. I was sure the other inmates wondered what my hurry was. I quickly scanned the room and, sure enough, she sat in the same area with a vacant seat available on either side of her. I wondered if she’d planned it that way.
As I walked down the row to my chair, her gaze locked with mine and, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say she looked grateful to see me. Maybe I’d just been eager to see her, and it was my eyes deceiving me. I could swear, though, I thought I saw a cute little grin come across her face as soon as I took my seat beside her. I’d tried to tell myself that she was much too young and that I especially didn’t need to add any unnecessary troubles to her life, but she was like candy. She was addictive, and I wanted to know more about her. The emotions that stirred in me were way more powerful than they’d ever been for Leslie.
Unfortunately, I’d been so impatient to get there that I’d forgotten to grab something to write with. I felt like an idiot as I patted my pockets, double checking that my pen wasn’t tucked away inside somewhere. She obviously figured out what I was looking for, because she leaned over and pulled a pen out from her bag and then handed it to me. That girl was a godsend. Then it was my turn to mouth the word “thanks” to her.
During the break, she disappeared for a moment, and I wondered if she’d gone to the break area. I was curious to find her, and when I didn’t spot her right away, I turned around to head back to the room. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened, and I nearly ran right smack into her. Honestly, my timing couldn’t have been any better. We sort of apologized for the coincidental collision, and she stuck her hand out to me. It was time we officially met.
“Hi, I’m Erica,” she told me while offering her hand to shake.
“Hi there, Erica. I’m Jaime.” I probably held on to her hand longer than I should have, but I couldn’t drop it right away. It was so soft and elegant. I didn’t want to risk the guards seeing us, so I forced myself to release it.
We were like two kids meeting for the first time, except I was older and should have handled the situation a little more maturely than I did. Still, there was something about her that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Something about her that was just so damn sexy.
Back in the classroom, Professor Jordon gave out the first group assignment and I was pleased to hear that we would be working together. I now had the chance to find out more about her.
It hadn’t taken me long to realize that the emotions and the way I felt toward her was like that of a twenty year old. The way she made me feel just sitting next to her, and even the earlier sensation that I’d felt when our legs had brushed against each other, was like that of younger man, not a man in his thirties. Maybe that was to be expected, since I’d basically been out of touch from the real world for ten years and not had the same interaction with women as other guys my own age. Still, I felt I’d matured as well as I could have.
I could tell, though, that she was naïve to my gray uniform and what it stood for even after the second week of classes. It’d taken Leslie quite some time too, considering I’d been the one to confess it all. I just hoped Erica didn’t get upset once she found out as well. Whether I ended up telling her or she found out on her own, it was goi
ng to be a shock. I knew how I’d feel if I found out something similar.
The four of us who’d been placed together for the group assignment decided to meet up at the library to begin working on the project. Since I was really interested in getting to know Erica, I hoped I could eventually talk her into going there more often and not just for schoolwork. I didn’t feel she could really be herself with the other students around, and I didn’t want to push the issue and ruin what might be the start of a true friendship.
That night, I noticed she’d put extra emphasis on her appearance than what she’d done previously. She’d taken the time to curl her hair in addition to wearing a little more makeup than usual. I wondered if it was something she’d done to get my attention, or if I just wanted that to be the reason. A guy could hope, right? Many guys never even noticed when the girl had gone to the trouble.
The trendy outfits she’d been wearing to class had caught the attention from some of the other guys too, and while I’d wanted to defend her against their bantering, I also didn’t want to call any unnecessary attention to myself. I wanted her for my own, and if any of the guys suspected I was interested in her, they’d surely challenge me.
In all seriousness, though, I didn’t know who I was really kidding. Who was I to think she’d want anything to do with me, the old guy with long hair?
I looked across the table at her after we’d been there for an hour or so and noticed she’d reapplied her lip gloss when she’s excused herself to go the bathroom earlier. What I wouldn’t give to be able to take those lips of hers and suck on them, but I forced myself to have some respect for her. Hard as it was, I pushed the thoughts from my head. But, God, she smelled good too. I could hardly keep from reaching over to touch her and run my hand down the side of her cheek. I needed to stop with the fantasizing before it got me in trouble. She was just so…so…Damn. She was just so addicting.