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Santa's Elf

Page 13

by Qwillia Rain

  Drips of cool liquid fell onto her breasts, circling the nipple, but not touching it. The sharp scent of peppermint drifted to her nostrils just as the tingles began in her breasts. Taking his time, Dayton stroked the oil over her skin, drawing the stimulating fluid to the edge of her nipples but not onto them. She gasped at the intense hot and cold sensations the peppermint lotion generated. Blended with Dayton’s sensual massage, Elf’s relaxed body grew taut with arousal.

  His broad palms smoothed the oil down onto her belly. Calloused fingertips teased the dip of her navel before spreading his fingers across the cradle of her pelvis. Again and again, his fingertips drifted from her breasts to her hips, teasing, stroking, never staying still, always arousing, touching.

  In her belly, Elf felt the tension coil, winding tight and deep. His attentions drew every muscle, every nerve to its breaking point before relaxing just the slightest bit when his touch slowed or grew soft. Her breasts ached, her nipples jutting out, desperate for his caress, the firm press of his fingertips squeezing the nubs between thumb and forefinger. Between her thighs, her body wept for his attention.

  “You like?” he teased.

  His breath coasted over her lips as he pressed a kiss there before the bed shifted beneath his weight. Drowsy lids lifted to watch as he eased her thighs open and draped her legs over his jean-clad knees. Air hissed between her teeth as the sting of peppermint oil on his hands contacted the sensitive inside of her thighs.

  “Damn, you look so pretty, Elf,” Dayton whispered, his eyes focused on the flushed petals of her sex. He coasted his hands along her thighs, from knee to hip, flexing his fingertips as he neared her delicate opening. “Ripe and wet. Waiting.” His fingers edged closer to her opening, coating her naked mound with the stimulating oil on his hands.

  Watching him watch her twisted her arousal tight, but the added tingle of the peppermint had her hissing through her teeth. “Please.”

  “Please, what, my Elf?” His blue eyes twinkled and the wicked smile looked sinful in his beard.

  “Touch me.”

  “I am touching you.” He stroked his calloused fingertips along the creases where thigh met hip.

  Gripping the belt tight, Elf arched against him. Levering her hips up, she wound her legs around his hips, and pulled him in close. The rasp of denim along her inner thighs helped, but not enough.

  Dayton clucked his tongue and shook his head. “Naughty Elf,” he taunted, bracing himself over her on his elbows. His eyes held hers as he teased her breasts. Sliding each forefinger from base to crown, he smoothed the ivory slopes, but avoided contact with the taut peaks.

  Elf could feel her thighs quiver, her belly spasm with the need to climax. Her body wept for his attentions. Cream coated her thighs, dampened the front placket of his jeans, and still he remained motionless against her.

  “You feel it,” Dayton whispered against her lips.

  He didn’t have to explain it, Elf realized as he held her gaze. She understood he meant the tight coil of arousal twisting in her belly. The clawing need to surrender her body to his command frightened and seduced her at the same time. “Y-yes.” She stammered, breathless and aching.

  “Good. You’re almost there.” He assured her, his fingers moving from stroking to kneading her breasts. Still he avoided her nipples. “Just a little more.”

  Elf knew she couldn’t take much more. The need was too great. Her grip on the belt binding her tightened; her breath grew choppy, labored, as she gripped him tighter with her legs. Chewing on her lip, she fought the urge to cry out, beg for release.

  In his eyes there was no mercy. No matter if she begged or cried out, Elf knew release would come only if Dayton allowed it. Seeing it, recognizing the deliberateness of his actions stirred to life an ember of something deep within her. Her rational mind shied away from it. The primal part of her reached for it, gently breathed on the spark until a single flame ignited.

  Again Dayton seemed to delve into her inner most thoughts. His head dipped in a slight nod. “Yes.” He breathed, his lips moving to cover hers, his fingers pressing almost painfully into her swollen breasts. “That’s it, my Elf, that’s it.”

  Tinder caught, flared into a steady burn, rendering her mental protests ash. Before she fully recognized what it meant, Elf heard the word, felt what she’d been desperately waiting for.

  “Come,” Dayton demanded, voice firm, commanding as his fingertips captured her nipples.

  Orgasm exploded through her, washing over her. She gasped and cried out as her body convulsed beneath his heavy length. His fingers pinched her sensitive peaks, while his teeth settled in the curve between shoulder and throat, and his body forced her hips into the bedding.

  No sooner had the first wave receded than a second swelled, brought on by the tweaking of her nipples, and Dayton’s gruffly ordered, “Again.”

  Twice more he demanded, and her body complied. Elf gave up protesting. Her senses were on overload, and exhaustion weighted her limbs. Breasts sore, legs aching, and hands cramping from having gripped her bonds for so long, she waited for the muscles in her belly and between her thighs to settle.

  Eyes closed, she felt the bed shift as Dayton rose. Water ran in the bathroom sink for several minutes. Too tired to open her eyes, she waited. Gentle hands loosened the knots and freed her hands. A warm damp cloth stroked over her body, bathing away the mist of sweat, and the residue of her climax. Lifting her, Dayton removed the soaked bath towels from beneath her.

  “Don’t fall asleep, yet, baby,” he warned.

  Weighted lids rose to watch as he carried the used towels into her bathroom. He’d tugged on his shirt, and buttoned it half way up his chest, but the bronzed muscles of his chest covered in the light dusting of gray curls, was visible when he returned to the bedroom. He held her short terry cloth robe in his hands, the belt returned to it.

  “Here.” He held up the robe.

  She wanted to shake her head, but his grin stopped her.

  “You need to lock up behind me, my Elf.” Tugging her to her feet, he pulled one sleeve over her arm, and then maneuvered the second into its sleeve.

  While she haphazardly tied the robe closed, Dayton pulled her hair from beneath the collar. She watched as he settled the peppermint oil bottle into its spot in her box, before folding the lid closed, and latching the two brass hasps.

  Dayton carried the box with him as Elf followed him to the door of her apartment. The porcelain mantle clock on one of her shelving units began to chime. Ten o’clock? That had to be wrong. The heavy feel of her body, the exhaustion dragging at her eyelids made her think more than two hours had to have passed since Dayton opened her apartment door.

  His fingers stroked the hair from her cheek, tucking it behind her ear. “Get some rest, baby. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” He leaned down, his lips brushing her brow, the bridge of her nose, before settling on her lips. His free hand cupped the back of her neck while his tongue stroked over her lips and then dipped inside to tangle with hers.

  It was a gentle exploration. Soft, careful. He coaxed her into sharing her flavor then eased away.

  “Lock up behind me,” he ordered, opening the door and stepping across the threshold.

  Shutting the door, Elf listened for the retreat of his footsteps. Nothing. Sliding the deadbolt into place she waited, listened. Again nothing.

  “The chain, too, Elf.” His voice wasn’t loud enough to disturb her neighbors.

  Trembling fingers fumbled the chain into place.

  “Good girl.”

  She barely heard the sound of his footsteps departing over the thump of her heart. Two simple words. Those two simple words thrilled and frightened her at the same time.

  Unwilling to dwell on the jumbled thoughts spinning through her sexually overloaded mind, Elf stumbled through the darkened apartment back to her bedroom. Stripping off her robe, she crawled beneath the sheets. Gripping one of her pillows tight to her sore breasts, she let oblivion overt
ake her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Vixen.” The word slipped from her lips the instant she finished reading his note.

  The pear-shaped box remained in her lap as she set the latest letter from Dayton on her desk beside her half-eaten turkey and cheddar sandwich.

  Hips propped on the edge of her desk, Dayton stayed quiet. She could feel his steady gaze on her, but she fought the compulsion to blurt out an excuse. Of all missives, this was perhaps the most erotic, and the most frightening. Though bluntly worded, there seemed to be a hidden message, something within the context hinting at…she wasn’t sure what. It prodded and stirred the embers she’d fought so hard to extinguish after last night.

  “Are you sure?”

  The softly voiced question drew her eyes to his face. No hint of censure or disappointment showed on his impassive features. Tentative fingertips smoothed over the surface of the box in her lap. It was cool to the touch. Though she hadn’t looked at the contents, Elf could guess, based on the note what the pear held.

  “Elf?” he prompted again.

  “I’m sure.” She held the box up to him. “I’m sorry, I just…” She couldn’t finish. The words from his letter kept repeating in her head.

  My Elf,

  Do you recall our conversation at the Christmas party? The one regarding threesomes? As I prepared this gift I wondered again whether or not I could invite another man to share in the delight of your body. The answer, again, was no. During the time we share, I’m selfish and want your attention solely focused on me.

  I know how tightly your body will hug mine when we finally come together on Christmas Eve. What has plagued my imagination, since the party, is just how snug your ass would be around my cock. I visualize myself sliding deep inside your rear, the blending of pain and pleasure cascading, rocketing through your body. Your cries fill the room, building and falling with my every thrust and retreat.

  With this in mind, Santa gifts you with Pleasure in a Pear. In order to prepare you for my attentions, your body needs stretching. Make use of it these next two days.

  Yours, most impatient,


  “No excuses are necessary, Elf.” Dayton assured her as he collected the pear, and set it on the letter beside him. Standing, he drew her out of her seat. “This time is about both our pleasure,” he reminded her. His fingers slipped the silk-covered buttons of her blouse free of their holes. Parting the fabric, the back of his fingers slid over, and around the taut peaks of her breasts. The golden rings of her nipple chain quivered against the cocoa lace cupping her ivory curves.

  Taking his time, Dayton eased the slides free and removed the chain. “Let’s leave this off for a while, hmm?” he suggested, tucking the gold rings into his pocket with one hand, while the other cupped and stroked her tingling crests. Soothing away the sensations zinging through her nipples, he watched her.

  Elf could feel heat flush her chest and cheeks. Her head dipped, resting against his shoulder while her hands settled at his waist. His touch was calming, helping relax her taut peaks before he pulled her toffee-colored blouse closed.

  Setting her away from him, Dayton began pushing buttons back through their holes, watching the color subside in her cheeks. As he fastened her blouse, Elf couldn’t keep her gaze from straying to the desktop. He had to notice, she thought. She kept looking back at the wooden pear. The pale gold surface showed no seams, but she knew it had to open somehow.

  “Would you like to see it?” he asked, his head tilting toward the gift.

  His words startled her, but curiosity had her nodding. “Yes.”

  In his broad palm, the pear appeared delicate. Nearly eight inches long, the bulbous base measured about four inches in diameter before tapering to half the size at the top. There were no hinges or latches that she could see.

  “You open it,” he placed his thumb half way up the base on a slightly darker area in the grain of the wood. His middle finger moved to a similar curl midway across the top and pressed, “by pressing these circles. Pretty much the way you check the ripeness of a pear.” Two soft clicks could be heard before a thin seam appeared separating the halves of the box.

  Elf laughed up at him. “What a great puzzle box.” Reaching out she lifted the lid, exposing the contents.

  Dayton’s answering grin leveled out as she clutched the lid to her chest and stared at his gift.

  “It won’t bite,” he assured her.

  Elf looked from him to the contents, and back. Surely Dayton could understand why she was reluctant to use this…this thing. Admittedly, the images in his letter and the teasing whispers from the Christmas party titillated fantasies she hadn’t been aware of having. The primal element he’d stirred to life last night shivered through her, but she balked at taking this particular step.

  “Touch it,” Dayton urged. Removing the lid from her hold, he set it on her desk before placing the other half in her hands.

  Legs weak, Elf settled into her chair, her sole focus the item nestled in midnight blue velvet. Probably no more than six inches long from base to tip, the cock-shaped plug was the same pale golden brown as the wooden container holding it. Beside it the box held a small bottle of anal lubricant.

  Desire kindled in her belly, pulsed between her thighs, and snaked through her sensitive breasts. Her imagination created startling pictures in her mind. She could see herself, belly down on her bed, crying out as Dayton slowly worked his cock into her ass. The thoughts sent shivers down her spine, and not in a bad way.

  Forcing the visuals aside, she traced her fingers over the toy. She’d expected it to feel alien and hard. It didn’t. Instead the texture reminded her almost of skin, pliable and soft on the surface, but solid beneath. She was reluctant to pull it from the box. With Dayton watching her, and having already voiced her trepidation, she wasn’t sure how he might interpret her curiosity.

  Her concerns must have been visible on her face, because Dayton propped his hips on the desk again. “You’ve already used our safe word, Elf. If you’re curious about my gift, you can check it out. I won’t expect anything from you until you actually ask for it.”

  Pulling the plug free of its nest, Elf stroked the rounded head. Flared like the head of a penis, the device measured about an inch and a half in diameter at the tip. From there, it gradually widened ending at a base three inches across.

  As she continued to stroke the toy, Dayton leaned forward to pull the bottle of lube from the box. “This,” he flipped open the top, “is the best on the market.”

  Two clear drops fell onto his fingertip. Rubbing it between the pad of his thumb and forefinger, he snapped the cap closed and tucked the bottle back in place. “You can’t really feel it on your fingertips,” he spoke matter-of-factly as he lifted her free hand from her lap and transferred the liquid from his fingers to hers. “On more sensitive skin it has a slight numbing effect to ease penetration.”

  Elf rubbed at the fluid on her fingertips. Not really oily, but a bit thicker than water, she brought it to her nose and sniffed. There was no real scent, just a slight smell reminding her of petroleum jelly. She had to shake her head at the sight she must make. Fingers damp with lubricant on one hand and a six-inch butt plug gripped in the other. This was definitely turning out to be an unusual Christmas.

  Leaning across the desk, Dayton plucked two tissues from the dispenser and wiped first his hand, then hers. Crumpling them into a ball, he tossed the tissues in the trash.

  “Do you…I mean…have you…” Elf didn’t know quite how to phrase her question.

  Dayton chuckled and finished for her. “Are you asking if I’ve ever ‘gone in the backdoor’?”

  She couldn’t meet his gaze. Paying attention to replacing the plug in its velvet casing, Elf nodded. Her cheeks hot with embarrassment. “Yes.” She croaked.

  “The answer is yes. Some of the women I’ve been involved with find anal sex…stimulating.”

  She could feel his eyes on her as she trace
d her fingers over the velvet holding the plug and lube in place. Her mind conjured visions of Dayton with some faceless woman’s body beneath him in his bed under the skylight. Sweat coating their skin, voices crying out as he urged his lover to climax just as he had with her.

  “Have you?” His question burst through her thoughts.

  “What?” She stammered. “Have I what?”

  “Ever allowed one of your lovers to bugger you?”

  “No!” She didn’t mean to sound so indignant.

  Her response made him laugh. Smiling, he assured her. “Okay. I wouldn’t condemn you if you had, Elf.”


  “If you aren’t ready to take that step with me, I understand.” Dayton shrugged. Leaning forward, he replaced the lid on the pear. Setting the gift on its note, he turned back to brace his hands on the arms of her chair. Holding his lips close to her ear, the soft brush of his beard tickling her jaw, he whispered, “Just so you know, I’ve imagined it so many ways. In a bed. Against a wall. In my office ‑‑ now that’s my favorite. Can’t you see it…” he suggested. “You bent over my desk, your skirt flipped up, no panties. Your pretty, pink cheeks quivering as I feed my cock up your tight little hole. Each husky cry from your lips just makes me push a bit deeper until I’m all the way in.” Dayton pulled back, his eyes nearly black with passion as he met Elf’s.

  Elf didn’t move away. Her breathing was labored as he described the scene. She could feel her nipples harden, pressing against the silk of her blouse. The thong he’d covered her in this morning was soaked from the juices pooling between her thighs. Still, she couldn’t find her voice to stop him. She wanted, needed to hear him tell his fantasy. Share with her the scene that stirred his blood. If she was honest, hers as well.

  Dayton eased to his knees before her, sliding his hands from the arms of her chair to her trembling thighs, he smoothed her knee-length skirt up to make room for himself between her stocking-clad legs. “Once I’m all the way in, Elf, I just pulse there.” His eyes shifted away from her flushed face to the swollen breasts and taut nipples visible beneath her toffee-colored top. “Just so your pussy doesn’t feel neglected, I slide a finger or two inside. My thumb circles and rubs your clit. Then when you’re ready, I start to move. At first slow, then a bit faster until I’m hammering my cock in and out of your ass. I’ve waited so long to do you, dreamed of taking you like this, Elf, I’ll probably only last three or four thrusts before I come inside you. At least, the first time.”


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