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Reawakening Their Bears: Hidden Realms: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 12)

Page 3

by Vella Day

  “True, but that theft occurred years ago. It doesn’t mean it’s not our rabid friends again this time—though I don’t have any sardonyx anywhere in the building.”

  She was smart not to talk about the Changelings in public. In the last few years, there had actually been some peace in town after he and McKinnon and Associates basically took down the Changeling Clan’s top echelon. “That’s a stretch, but it has possibilities. I’ll need a little more to go on before I can investigate.”

  “Oh, crap! Maybe this person was after the sardonyx dragon that Blake and Greer gave us,” she telepathed. “They might have assumed I kept it at work.”

  His heart nearly stopped. “I really don’t want you to be right. Once I handed the statue over to Rye, I put it out of my mind.”

  He appreciated the fact that Elana understood they shouldn’t be having this conversation out loud. The dragon statue might be the key. Greer Caspian and Blake Masters had come through a portal from the Tarradon realm because one of Silver Lake’s Changelings had invaded their realm and was wreaking havoc. “Here’s the thing. The statue was never in your possession. Rye has had it almost the entire time.”

  Molly came over with their bottle of wine and two glasses. “Here you go. Have you decided what you want to eat?”

  Kalan didn’t care. His mind was going a hundred miles an hour, trying to figure out if there was a connection. “My usual hamburger, but this time with sweet potato fries.”

  “You got it. Elana?”

  “Make mine the same.”

  “Is everything okay?” Molly asked. “You look worried.”

  Kalan didn’t think it was a good idea to drag her into their drama and tossed her a smile. “We’re good. Thanks.”

  “If you need anything.”

  He nodded. “We’ll let you know.”

  “Who knows about the gift?” Elana whispered once Molly had gone.

  He tried to remember if anyone was aware of it. “I can’t really think of anyone. I know Greer and Blake came to the station to give me the pink quartz knife that Zane Barons had fashioned specifically for them from the stone found at the bottom of the lake. They had used it to take down Brother Richard back in Tarradon, but once the blade did its job, they thought we could use it here.”

  Elana pressed her lips together. “I don’t think they would want the knife, other than to destroy it since it is harmful to them in many ways.” She picked up her glass and took a sip and sighed. “I needed this. Thank you.”

  As much as Kalan should let it go, he couldn’t. Elana had brought up an interesting possibility. “As for our dragon gift, when Greer and Blake were on their way out of town, they stopped at the station. They just handed it to me and said it was made at her dad’s company.”

  “You took a picture and showed it to me. I’ll never forget all those precious stones encrusted on it. I mean, the eyes were made from diamonds—real ones, no less. Maybe someone saw it and wants that and not the sardonyx.”

  Fuck. “That might be it. I remember Greer telling me that I should give it to you.”

  “But you realized it was sardonyx and wanted Rye to keep it safe instead.”

  “Yes.” He chugged down a good portion of his wine. “If that was what your thief was after, he had to have seen it during the brief moment it was at the station.”

  “Did you leave it on your desk?”

  He searched his mind. “Probably. I didn’t see Rye until that evening.”

  “Then anyone brought in for booking might have seen it. The statue sparkled with the gems.”

  He did sit near the front of the station, close to the main entrance. “That is definitely a possibility. Shit. I never even thought about. It would mean a Changeling was in the station at some point during the day.”

  She slumped back. “Knowing where the thief saw the statue doesn’t exactly narrow down the suspect pool though, does it?”

  Kalan reached out, clasped her hand, and squeezed. “No, but don’t worry. We’ll find this guy. Just like we did the last time,” he said out loud.

  She sat up. “I know you will. It’s one of the many perks of being mated to a cop.”

  “One of the many, yes.” He winked.

  Molly delivered their hamburgers, and suddenly Kalan was famished. He dove in. “This is amazing,” he telepathed, not wanting to talk with his mouth full.

  She took a delicate bite. Clearly, Elana’s appetite wasn’t back to normal. “It is tasty.”

  They were almost through dinner when his cell rang. “Shit. I swear I meant to turn it off. I am so sorry.”

  “Is it the station?”

  “Kind of. It’s Dalton.” He hoped it had nothing to do with Aiden acting up.

  “Answer it. Something might have happened to the kids, or Anna might have remembered something she’d stashed at the store that is now missing.”

  Kalan nodded. “Good thinking.” He swiped the screen. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “I’m sorry to bother you, but an antique dealer was shot a few hours ago with what appears to be the same caliber gun as the pawnshop man. He stole something too, but we don’t know what it was.”

  Crap. He understood why his partner hadn’t told him earlier. Kalan was already busy with the pawnshop murder. “I take it he’s dead?”

  Elana clasped her glass. Kalan could sense her worry coming off her in waves.

  “Not quite. They rushed him to the hospital clinging to life and operated on him. From what I’ve been able to learn, the doctors don’t know if he’ll make it through the night. I need to stay at the crime scene. Do you think you could head over to the hospital and find out his prognosis? His name is Charles Harbough.”

  Damn. He hated to do this to Elana. Kalan seriously debated delaying the visit until tomorrow, but the man might not be alive by then. “Sure, but will he even be awake?”

  “That I don’t know.”

  “I’ll check it out. Thanks.” He disconnected.

  “You have to go in?” Elana asked. While her tone didn’t hold any judgment, he could feel her disappointment.

  “Yes. There’s been another attempted murder and theft.”

  Elana sucked in a breath. “The person is still alive?”

  “Barely. Dalton didn’t seem convinced he’d last the night. I’m hoping he regains consciousness so I can find out something. This might be the clue we’ve been waiting for.”

  “Then go. I’ll pay. Meet you at home?”

  “Absolutely. You are the best. I really don’t want to do this, but it’s my job.”

  She reached out and grabbed his hand. “Nonsense. This might be our one chance at figuring out about the theft at my store too—assuming they are connected.”

  He almost chuckled. “You sound like Dalton.” Kalan leaned over and kissed her. “I’m sorry. I really wanted us to have a night out together.”

  “It’s okay. It’s your job.”

  “Maybe I should quit and do something else.”

  Elana tilted her head. “You were born to be a cop. Go.”

  While difficult to leave his mate, Kalan rushed out. He would have put on the siren if there had been any discernible traffic. When he arrived at the nurse’s station at the hospital, he flashed his badge and asked about Charles Harbough.

  She called the injured man’s doctor who arrived a few minutes later. “He’s very weak right now, but Mr. Harbough was lucky. The bullet barely grazed the brain.”

  “Is he awake?”

  “I’d say groggy at best.”

  “Can I ask him one or two questions?”

  Had it not been a small town, most likely his request would have been denied. “I would appreciate it if you could limit your stay to five minutes. Just try not to stress him out.”

  “That’s all I’ll need. Thank you.” Five minutes was perfect. He could make it back home in time to enjoy his mate.

  “He’s in the ICU, room 417.”

  “Thanks.” When Kalan reached the area,
he passed several doctors and nurses working at desks in the hallway. He stepped into Harbough’s room where the man was hooked up to monitors and IVs.

  Mr. Harbough turned his head, but from the way his eyes were almost closed, he was struggling to stay awake. “Sir?” Kalan asked.

  The man’s head had been shaved and was covered in a bandage. Harbough cleared his throat. “Yes?”

  Kalan introduced himself. “I won’t stay long. Can you tell me who shot you?”


  Shit. “Can you describe him?” Though it could be a woman.

  “He wore a mask. Could I have some water?”

  “Sure.” Kalan poured him a drink and handed him the cup. The bed was already elevated. Harbough took a sip and handed him back the cup. “Can you tell me what happened?” Kalan asked.

  Harbough looked off to the side as if he was struggling with the trauma. “A man came into the store when no one was there. He didn’t say anything. He just held up the gun and shot me.” His voice shook.

  “How horrible.” That meant Harbough wouldn’t know what was taken. “Was there anything very valuable in the store?”

  His hand shook as he rubbed his face. “Depends on your definition of valuable.”

  Kalan wasn’t into antiques, so he wouldn’t have any idea what things were worth. “Do you carry any jewelry in the store?”


  “Any with red onyx?” While his time was up, and he’d already asked his two questions, he couldn’t help but pressing the victim for answers.

  Harbough’s lips pressed together, and his eyes closed for a moment. “Some. Ask my boss. I’m sorry, I’m really tired,” he said, his voice trailing off.

  “Of course. Thank you. I hope you get well soon.”

  Harbough didn’t answer. It appeared as if he’d dozed off.

  The boss’ name would be on record. While Kalan had planned to head home, he needed to follow through with his hunch. On the way out, he called Dalton.

  “How Harbough?” Dalton asked.

  “He was conscious, but groggy.”

  “That’s great. Did you find out anything?” his partner asked.

  Kalan told him what he’d learned. “Do you have the name of the owner?”

  “He’s here with me now at the store.”

  “I’ll be right over.”

  The trip took less than ten minutes. By the time Kalan entered the antique store, the crime scene techs appeared to have dusted most of the pertinent areas.

  Dalton came over to him. “This is Raoul Rodriquez, the owner.”

  Kalan held out his hand. “I am so sorry.”

  “Is Charles going to be okay?”

  “I hope so. I just spoke with him, but he doesn’t remember much, other than the shooter was wearing a mask.” Kalan looked between the two of them. “Could you tell what the shooter might have stolen?”

  “One of the items was a necklace.”

  “Do you recall which one?”

  “It was a lovely piece, but the stones were not real.”

  “By any chance, were the stones crafted to look like red onyx?”

  “Yes, how did you know?”

  Kalan wasn’t about to discuss the Changelings’ penchant for that particular stone with a human. “Just a hunch. If you figure out what else was taken, please let me know.” Kalan handed the owner his card.

  “I will.”

  Kalan walked over to Dalton. “Aren’t there any cameras?”

  “Yes, but the line was cut, which means the thief and attempted murderer was no hack.”

  Shit. “I’m betting he wore a mask, which would make the video useless or not very helpful.”

  “I agree.”

  “Are you good here?” Kalan asked. “I kind of promised I’d spend time—”

  Dalton laughed. “I’ve got this handled. Say hi to Elana for me.”

  Dalton was a fine man. “Thanks. And we appreciate you two looking after the kids.”

  “I know Anna loves watching them.”

  She’d appreciate it more if Dalton was there to help, but Kalan totally understood. Murder investigations had to come first.

  On his way home, Kalan stopped at U-Save where he bought a bouquet of flowers. Sure, it might be a little tacky since they weren’t from Elana’s store, but flowers were flowers, right? Even though she would secretly have loved a box of chocolates, if he bought her some, she’d say he was trying to sabotage her never-ending diet. He loved her body and told her so every day, but Elana never seemed to believe him.

  With the bouquet in hand, Kalan hurried home. The moment he stepped into the house, his bear exploded with need. As if she’d sensed he’d arrived, his mate sashayed down the hallway wearing nothing but a thin negligee. His bear scratched and clawed at the remarkably hot sight.

  “Whoa. You look amazing!” He closed the gap between them, tossing the flowers on the dining room table before he reached her.

  With a firm grip, he pulled Elana close and kissed her, thrilled how her body melted into his. Memories of when they’d first met surfaced, causing his hormones to soar even higher. Kalan ran his hands down her body, loving her fullness and sensuality.

  She pulled away. “How about you jump in the shower while I put the flowers in a vase?”

  Was she kidding? He needed her now. “Do I smell or something?”

  She scrunched up her nose. “Kind of.”

  “I was at a crime scene and then at a hospital. I probably do have death and sickness on me. I will hurry.”

  She winked. “Don’t put on anything when you come out.”

  He laughed. “So that’s your plan? Get me naked and then seduce me?”


  “Yes!” Kalan pumped a fist.

  Her gaze went to the flowers. “You brought me roses. You are so sweet.”

  “I wanted to show you how much you mean to me.”

  “Aw. I’ll put them in a vase while you get clean.”

  “I’ll hurry.”

  Elana scurried to the kitchen for a vase while he popped open his shirt as he rushed down the hallway. Once in the bedroom, he quickly divested himself of his gun, shoes, and the rest of his clothes. After putting his firearm in the safe, he darted into the bathroom. He turned on the water in the shower, and while he waited for it to heat up, he brushed his teeth. To his delight, Elana walked in and leaned against the door just as he stepped under the warm flow.

  “You look good naked,” she said, in a sultry voice.

  Kalan could barely swallow. Of late, he rarely saw this side of her. “Why don’t you try it?” Though the sheer outfit left little to the imagination.

  Over the years, they had developed a rhythm to keep the spark alive by doing something a bit unexpected. Right now, his mate had completely surprised him.

  “Why not?” She lifted the skimpy nightie over her head, exposing her plump breasts and full body, and then tossed the silky material onto the bathroom counter.

  Kalan grabbed his cock and pumped his fist. “You’re getting me hot.”

  “From the looks of it, you’re already on fire.” Her brows scrunched. “But don’t forget, that’s my job.”

  “Could have fooled me. I don’t see you in here with me,” he said, trying to entice her to join him.

  She tossed him a cute pout. “I don’t want to get my hair wet. I took a lot of time straightening it.”

  Elana always took care with her appearance, even though Kalan had repeatedly told her that he loved her no matter what. “I guess I’ll have to be fast.” When Elana stepped closer, his nails sharpened. He lifted them up to show her. “I’m trying to wash, woman.”

  She laughed, just as he’d hoped. “All right, I’ll…I’ll wrap myself in a towel so I don’t distract you.”

  Like that would do any good. Her glorious image was burned into his brain. Even with the scented bar of soap in his hand, Kalan’s heightened sense of smell enabled him to be totally aware of his mate. It was
times like these that he hated his job—only because it took him away from the ones he loved.

  As much as he enjoyed playing with the kids, Elana and he needed this alone time.

  She moved closer to the glass shower door. “Did you turn off your phone?” she asked.

  “I did. I don’t want anything to disturb us.” If Chief Smythe tried to get ahold of him, and Kalan didn’t answer, it would be bad. Too often of late, work had interrupted them, which was why he wanted tonight to be special. Besides, Dalton had promised to cover for him should anything come up. Kalan did feel a bit guilty that Anna had to deal with four kids on her own. He probably should have swung by and picked them up, but Aiden would ask for a bedtime story, delaying their lovemaking once more. Besides, Anna had his parents’ phone number just in case she needed help.

  Kalan washed his hair and quickly scrubbed his body. As he was rinsing, Elana dropped the towel and pressed her large breasts against the shower door. His cock turned to steel, and the growth on his face sprouted.

  Kalan turned off the water a moment later and stepped out, needing her gentle touch. As expected, she pulled another towel off the rack and dragged it down his chest.

  “I miss this,” Elana said, as she stood on her toes and kissed him.

  “Me too. How about we quit our jobs and run away together?” When they’d first mated, it had been their fantasy—before kids of course.

  “I hope you plan to take Aiden and Ian with us.”

  “Naturally, but we’d have to hire a sitter so we can enjoy ourselves.” He winked.

  Her eyes turned a pretty shade of amber. Her bear had clearly come out to play. “How about a cook and a maid too?” she asked.

  Kalan would never get to make love to her if they played this game all night. He took the towel away from her and dragged it over his shoulders and back. A quick swipe across his stomach and he was good to go. So what if his legs and hair were dripping. He’d dry. “It depends.”

  “On what?” Elana asked as she leaned closer.

  “How well you please me.”

  She punched him in the chest, and he laughed.

  As Kalan stepped forward, Elana held up her hands. “You are not getting into bed with wet hair.”


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