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Reawakening Their Bears: Hidden Realms: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 12)

Page 8

by Vella Day

  Frustrated with everything right now, he called Dalton.

  “Hey! How are you feeling?”

  “Good. I get a few twinges now and again, but they’ll fade. I was calling to see what progress you’ve made with finding Sean.”

  “I’ve been a bit busy trying to figure out who wants my partner dead, but Kip and Connor are out there searching for him again today. Kip knows Sean better than anyone.”

  “That may be, but Sean won’t be at his usual haunts, or so we believe. Did you get in touch with Ronan?”

  “Yes. He tried to find Sean yesterday, but that seemed to be a dead end too. Ronan said he needed a fresher trail to follow. I think if he had known Sean, it would have been easier.”

  Kalan leaned back on the sofa, checking on Ian and listening to make sure Aiden wasn’t destroying something in his room. “I have an idea. I think we should check out the old Changeling bunkers. That was where Kip’s brother was held hostage as well as a few of our own Clan members.”

  “I thought it was abandoned after we took out their leaders.”

  “It is, but that is why it’s the perfect place to keep someone.” The idea of a raid had Kalan’s juices flowing. “The last time we went in and searched their former headquarters, we used a drone with an infrared camera to detect if anybody was in or nearby that area.”

  “I remember you telling me that you even had a standby team in case the lead team needed help.”

  “Yes. Both Kip and Sam were invaluable during the raid.” He chuckled. “Sam was able to mess with the guards’ minds and make them not see us as we approached.”

  “I would have liked to have been there for that, but do you think we need to go to that extreme now?” Dalton asked. “The place is probably deserted.”

  “I’m thinking you’re right, but we can’t be too careful. I can ask Jackson to fly the drone over the area first. It can’t detect anyone inside the bunker because of the thick rock walls. The flight was mostly to see the number of guards that were standing watch. If there are no life forms, then we only need a few of us to check it out.”

  “Sounds like a plan. You speak with Jackson, and I’ll see if Kip and maybe Connor can come with me.”

  “Will do.”

  Dalton said nothing for a bit. “You are planning to keep a low profile, right?”

  He sounded like Elana. “Yes. I have no plans of going anywhere near the station.” At least for another day. Kalan couldn’t sit by while others did all the work. “The plus is that since I’m not actively investigating a crime, I won’t have to fill out as much paperwork.”

  “Don’t remind me.” Dalton exhaled. “If I agree to let you come, when are you thinking of doing this? It will take time to set everything up,” his partner said.

  “How about tomorrow? Right now, I’m watching the kids, but Elana has tomorrow off.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll set it up.”

  “I appreciate your willingness to do this.” It wouldn’t be an official sheriff department investigation. Their chief was human, which meant he’d never understand about Changelings. Just then Aiden came out of his room and threw something at Ian’s playpen. “Aiden,” Kalan yelled. He returned his attention back to Dalton. “I gotta go, but let me know when things are set up.”

  “Will do.”

  Kalan sighed. The more he thought about Dalton’s theory, the more convinced Kalan was that all of these cases were connected. They just needed proof, and the best way to get it was to locate Sean who was possibly being held captive at the Changeling’s old bunker.

  What concerned—or rather, what scared the shit out of him—was that whoever had shot him might try to come after Kalan’s family, and he couldn’t let that happen. Elana would never agree to stay at his parents’ house for a week, but she might be okay with staying home for a few days. He just needed to convince her that it would be best for the family.

  If there was one thing he was good at, it was convincing his mate to do something—assuming it involved some quiet time and being naked in bed. In order for that to happen though, Aiden would need to sleep through the night—something that didn’t happen all that often. In his limited experience, the best way to achieve that goal was to tire him out.

  Kalan looked out the window. The sun was shining, and the snow was mostly gone. If his son ran around in his bear form for a few hours, he’d be so tired that Kalan and Elana could have a quiet evening together.

  “Hey, buddy, want to go outside and play for a few hours?”

  Aiden’s eyes lit up, and his arms shot up in the air. “Yes!”

  “Let me get Ian bundled up. You can undress, shift, and go outside when I’m ready.”

  “Are you going to shift too?”

  Aiden loved it when the two of them played together. “I’d like to, but we have to wait until Ian is a bit older or until Mommy is here to watch him.”

  “’K,” Aiden said sounding disappointed. A second later his dismay must have disappeared, because he immediately ditched his clothes.

  “Wait for me,” Kalan said.

  Kalan went in search of clothes to bundle up the baby. To his surprise, he was looking forward to going outside and enjoying the fresh air.


  Elana was thrilled that the interview with Megan Fitzgerald went so well. As soon as their candidate left, Elana turned to Anna. “What did you think of her?”

  “I thought she was great. The fact she was a florist in Arizona is a real benefit, and her ability to create a bouquet in a few minutes was impressive. Not only that, she has accounting skills, not to mention she’s pretty and personable.”

  Elana couldn’t believe it. “She’s almost too perfect. I wonder why she chose to come to Silver Lake?”

  “She said she wanted to get away from the Phoenix heat.”

  “That’s true, but there are a lot of places she could have moved to.”

  Anna placed a hand on Elana’s arm. “Let’s not concern ourselves about her motives and just hire her. We both could use the help.”

  “I agree. I’ll give her a call in an hour. No use sounding too anxious.”

  Anna chuckled. “I agree.”

  Right after Elana had given birth, Anna had run the store by herself for the most part. Because of her dedication, Elana had made Anna her business partner, and it was the best decision she could have made.

  The bell above the door chimed, and a shiver of concern tripped up her spine. She relaxed when she recognized Mrs. Hill. “Hey, Michelle. What can I help you with today?” Elana asked.

  “I need a birthday bouquet for my granddaughter.”

  Elana loved making arrangements, so she volunteered to do the honors. Ten minutes later, she carried out the display, complete with a balloon and a teddy bear.

  “Debbie is going to love it. Thank you,” Mrs. Hill said.

  As soon as she paid and left, Anna faced Elana. “We’ve been so busy that I haven’t asked how Kalan is doing.”

  “Good. At least physically.”

  Anna grimaced. “Does that mean he is now fixated on finding the person who tried to kill him?” She held up a hand. “Not that I blame him. I mean, I’d want to know who wants me dead. I’ve never been shot, but shouldn’t Kalan let my mate do the legwork? If Kalan is running around, who’s to say they won’t try again?”

  Elana sagged against the counter. “Dalton is working on it. He was the first person I called, but Kalan is too pigheaded to let others do all of the work. He doesn’t think about the fact that he could die. And where would that leave me and the kids?”

  Anna rubbed her arm. “I worry about Dalton all the time too, but their animals can heal them.”

  “I know, but when Kalan gets involved in a case, it’s like I don’t exist.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  Elana didn’t want to give the wrong impression. “Not completely. When it’s just the two of us in bed, then no, Kalan is amazing. But during the day, he can only think of solving
his cases. He’s with the kids now, but I wonder how much he really thinks about them.”

  “It’s understandable that he’s distracted. Someone just tried to kill him.”

  “It’s more than that. Kalan has been this way ever since Ian was born. I know he wanted a second child, but I often wonder if he regrets it. There are times when I come home to find a note saying the kids are with his parents.”

  “Have you spoken with him about this?”

  “I’ve tried,” Elana said. “But Kalan denies it. He claims that as soon as this case is over, we’ll go someplace special. Just the two of us. But then someone else is murdered, or the department is short staffed, or there’s a missing person’s case he has to attend to. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. I get that he’s a cop, but when will this end?”

  “I hear you. I do. Dalton can become obsessive too, but he does make time to be with me and our kids.”

  Elana huffed. “I guess it is time I work a bit harder at showing Kalan why he needs to make his family a priority.” And tonight would be the night.


  The shop was open late Thursdays and Fridays, so Elana didn’t make it home until about seven thirty. She expected to see Kalan either on the sofa asleep with the television on or him at his computer working one of his cases. Never did she expect to see the lights off and the living room rimmed in lit candles.

  “What is this?” Elana asked as she slipped out of her coat. Her heart beat so fast, she was surprised she could even lift her legs to move toward him.

  Kalan was wearing a light blue long sleeve shirt that hugged every muscle of his well-honed body. He was barefoot, and his rather thin jeans showed he was wearing nothing underneath. Oh, my world. Her bear clawed at her insides.

  “I wanted us to have some alone time.”

  She looked around. “Where’s Aiden?” Ian would be asleep.

  Kalan smiled and reached for her. “Asleep. Trust me, he won’t be waking up any time soon. I let him play outside in his bear form today—for hours. I even taught him how to climb a tree. I gotta say, our kid is a natural.”

  Elana fell even more in love with Kalan. This was the man she had mated. “I’m so happy you had some bonding time with Aiden. Where was Ian while you were helping Aiden?”

  Kalan smiled, and she swooned as lust pummeled her. “I strapped him to my chest and then put on my coat. The baby slept through most of it. When Ian did wake, he didn’t fuss. He seemed quite content to be outside. He’ll be a natural bear when he gets older.”

  She rubbed his arm. “He loved just being held by you I bet. I should put you in charge of the kids more often.”

  Kalan leaned in. “Nothing would make me happier—except spending more time with you. Too bad we need jobs to buy things.”

  That was the rub. “I know.”

  Kalan leaned back. “I have dinner ready for you.”

  Elana usually had to scrounge around for something to eat on these late nights. “Did you cook?”

  “I admit that I had the time, but no. I had some food delivered. I wanted you to enjoy our meal.”

  Kalan didn’t excel in the culinary arts. When he pulled the food from the oven, she looked over at the set table for two. “You waited for me?” Usually Kalan ate with the kids.

  “I did.”

  “What are you up to, Kalan Murdoch?” She stopped herself. “Never mind. Whatever it is, I like it.”

  “I guarantee that you will.”

  For the first time in months, Elana was truly happy.

  Chapter Nine


  Because dinner was delicious, romantic, and relaxing, Elana didn’t want to spoil it by bringing up Kalan’s need to help bring closure to the families of every victim. Her mate was driven to work every case until all hours of the night, but that was just one reason why she adored him. Kalan was principled, wonderful, and hard working. She just wished he’d take more time for himself—and his family. He used to love going into the woods to romp around. There had even been times when he would catch a fish or two and bring home. Now? Not so much. Too often he’d call and tell her he had to work late. She loved that he wanted to do the best job he could, but sometimes she longed for their more carefree days.

  Okay, that wasn’t really fair. Elana wasn’t much better. From the moment she was born, until after she had opened her shop, she never had carefree days. She was only able to really let loose and enjoy life once Kalan walked into her life.

  “Ready for part two?” Kalan asked after he finished loading the dinner dishes into the dishwasher.

  “I can’t wait. What do you have in mind?”

  “How about joining me in the bedroom?”

  Yes! “I will as soon as I blow out the candles. We don’t need the house to catch on fire.”

  He laughed, just as she’d hoped. “I’ll help.”

  Between the two of them, they were done in seconds. The whole time, her mind spun about what was to come. “Let me grab my phone and shut it off,” she said, hoping Kalan would do the same.

  “Mine’s already off. I didn’t want any interruptions tonight. With the kids safe and snug in their beds, the world won’t stop rotating because I can’t be reached.”

  She sighed. “Those words are so romantic.”

  “I’ll show you more than words.” Kalan stepped over to her and swooped her into his arms. Elana squealed. He was her white knight.

  As soon as they entered their bedroom, he kicked closed the door and placed her on the spread. Had it been spring, she bet he would have sprinkled a few pink petals from their garden on top.

  Elana lifted up onto her elbows to watch him take off his shirt. She sighed. Kalan had such a magnificent chest.

  “Ooh. Come here. I need to touch you.” Elana was positive her eyes had already changed to amber. For sure her teeth and nails had sharpened.

  Kalan stepped closer. “Be careful what you wish for. The moment you touch me, I’m going to have to ravish you, my fair lady.”

  “I like the sound of that.” Because she wanted to see every hair and muscle on his body, she leaned over and flicked on the bedside lamp. “Better.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  The moment Kalan’s knees bumped against the bed, she sat up and swung her legs over the edge so she could unhook the top button of his jeans. Her pulse rose just thinking about what was hiding underneath.

  With slow deliberation, she lowered them far enough for his cock to pop out. “Mmm,” she murmured. Elana leaned over and drew him deep into her mouth.

  Kalan grunted. “You have no idea how much I have imagined this moment.”

  Wanting to make this an even more memorable experience for him, she swirled her tongue around his cock while she gently squeezed his heavy balls. While Kalan certainly seemed to be enjoying what she was doing—if the way his fingers were clutching her hair was any indication—his passion was ratcheting her needs higher and higher too. Her skin heated, and her panties were becoming damp with every lick. Soon, Elana would have to insist he impale her, but she had wanted their lovemaking to take hours.

  Kalan must have read her mind—or else she’d telepathed her thoughts without meaning to—because he pushed down his jeans halfway, moved out of her grasp, and then stepped out of his pants. Light glistened off the cum that had spurted out on the tip. “You liked that, I see,” she said.

  “More than you can know. Now, how about we get you naked?”

  “You want to do the honors?” Elana usually wasn’t this flirty, but after being assured by Kalan that the kids were sound asleep, she wanted to take her time and enjoy him.

  “Definitely.” He slipped off her shoes and then massaged her feet.

  Elana fell back onto the bed. “You know how to make my heart swell.”

  “I thought it did that the moment we were near each other?”

  “It most certainly does then too.”

  He lifted her legs onto the bed and then unhooked and tugged of
f her slacks, somehow managing to keep her panties on. Her Blooms of Hope shirt was about the least sexy thing she owned, so she was happy when he unbuttoned it, lifted her up with one arm to a seated position again, and removed it.

  After he tossed her clothes aside, he straddled her. “You are a sight for sore eyes.”

  “Is that so?”

  Kalan licked his lips. “Let me demonstrate.”

  With an agility that defied description, he managed to unhook her bra and then slide the straps down her arms without needing to move her. As if he were a lion, he pounced on her breasts, his tongue licking and sucking, acting like a man on a mission whose sole purpose was to turn her into mush—and he succeeded.

  Each tug caused her body to ignite, forcing her to dig her sharp nails into his shoulders.

  “You haven’t finished undressing me.” Elana wanted his cock worse than anything, and for that to happen, she needed her panties gone.


  She couldn’t remember the last time Kalan was patient. Perhaps his near-death experience made him realize that life was short and that he needed to live it to the fullest. It might be why her mate seemed totally content to knead her breasts and then draw her nipples between his slightly sharpened teeth instead of driving his cock into her. Kalan seemed to know that the small bit of pain actually heightened the sensual experience, making her want him even more, if that was possible.

  She reached down to slip off her panties when he clamped a hand on her wrist. His evil eye made her laugh. “Fine,” she said in as sultry a voice as she could muster. “You take them off.”

  “Don’t mind if I do.” He winked.

  A quick tug and her panties were history. If she had known this was what the evening held, she would have worn a much sexier pair. Next time.

  Kalan barred his teeth, probably in an attempt to show her who was in control. Keeping one palm on her large breast, he slid down and widened her legs with his elbow. In need of some control, Elana lifted her legs and draped them over his shoulders. He looked up at her. “This is new.”


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