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Reawakening Their Bears: Hidden Realms: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 12)

Page 10

by Vella Day

  “Just hold you and love you.” Kalan wrapped a paw around her shoulder and pulled her close. If it hadn’t been winter, he would have shifted and made love to her right there on the ground. “Want to go fishing?” he asked after they had the chance to cuddle.

  Elana roared. “I’d love to.”

  It took them about ten minutes to reach the fast-moving stream. Elana wasn’t much of a fisherwoman, but she liked to hang out in the cold water, as did he. Kalan bounded into the refreshing stream. Both of them splashed about, and he could almost imagine he was a young, carefree cub again. Soon, he’d have to bring Aiden here and teach him how to fish. Nothing tasted better than catching one’s food for dinner.

  What felt like a bucket of ice water landed on his back. Clearly, his mate had come out to play. Kalan spun around and chased after her. Elana was quick—quicker than he’d remembered. She found safety on the bank. One minute she was a bear and then next she was a beautiful naked woman. Holy shit.

  “Bet I can beat you home.” She stuck out her tongue and then shifted back into her bear form again, no doubt not liking what the cold weather was doing to her naked body.

  Damn woman was such a tease. Kalan charged after her, but he had to be careful crossing the large, slippery rocks as he made his way to the banks. By then, Elana had a hundred-foot head start. Could he catch her? Sure. But it might be more fun to let her reach home before him. That way he could insist she help soothe his battered ego. Yes! Coming out into the woods to play had been an excellent ploy on his part.

  Kalan slowed his pace just enough to let Elana reach the sliding glass door a few seconds before he did. She shifted and immediately raced inside. He followed suit. Nothing was better after a good run than a hot shower and lots of lovemaking. And that was exactly what he planned to do.

  Chapter Eleven


  Elana awoke to the sound of Ian crying. Yesterday afternoon had been amazing. Getting out into the fresh air and being totally free in the woods had helped renew her spirits—not to mention how amazing Kalan had been afterward when he practically attacked her in the living room. Making love to her against the glass door had been a fantasy of hers for years, but having kids around always prevented them from such spontaneous sex. Since Aiden had been at school and Ian with Kalan’s parents, they had let loose. Elana could still feel his heated lips on hers, remembering how he’d taken her hard and fast. Ah. It was almost like the days before they’d mated.

  Kalan was not in bed, so she climbed out and headed into Ian’s room. She picked up her fussy child who quieted slightly.

  “Mommy,” Aiden said as he slid off his bed. “I wanna go out and play.”

  “Let me change Ian and fix you breakfast. Then we’ll see.”

  For once, Aiden didn’t pout. He continued playing with his stuffed dinosaurs, which he’d arranged on his bed. Several lions and wolves were on their side, making it look like Aiden believed the dinosaurs had eaten them. When he learned to read, she’d have to give him a book on what real dinosaurs ate.

  Kalan had left a note on the counter saying he was going to check in at McKinnon and Associates to see what progress had been made on finding Sean. While a phone call would have provided him with the same information, she understood his need to feel useful. Hopefully, he wouldn’t stay out for long. It was always so wonderful when the two of them played with the boys.

  It was a bit of a challenge to fix breakfast and then feed the kids, but when she was done, Elana wanted nothing more than to sit in the living room and read. Aiden slid off the dining room chair. “Now can I go out?”

  “Okay, but don’t go past the tree line.”

  “Okay.” He untied his shoes, implying he planned to shift.

  Elana decided to let Ian play in the crib in his room while she sat in front of the sliding glass door and watched Aiden. Just in case he decided to disobey—which was his usual MO—Elana would have her coat by her side should she have to run out and catch him.

  As soon as Aiden was naked, he ran to the door and tugged it open, or at least he tried to open the door. Elana needed to help him. “Remember not to go past the tree line or I’ll have to come get you.”

  “I know.”

  Aiden dashed out and ran stark naked halfway across the yard before shifting. She swore that child never felt the cold. Aiden would be okay for the few minutes while she checked on Ian who was making some strange sounds. She smiled when she found Ian playing with his mobile. “Okay, young man, as soon as Aiden comes in, maybe I’ll let you crawl around the living room.”

  Ian wasn’t old enough to speak or probably understand her, but her son seemed happy to be surrounded by his toys. She left the bedroom door open so she could hear if he started to get cranky.

  Once she pulled over a cushy chair and ottoman, she settled in to read. Kalan had promised he would stay away from the station for one more day, but that didn’t mean he would stay out of trouble. Once he and his family got together, no telling what things they would conjure up.

  Elana had sensed that while Kalan had been disappointed at not finding Sean, the search at least had excited him. He so loved challenges.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” she telepathed Kalan, needing the connection.

  When he was at the station or out on a call, she tried not to disturb him. Entering a person’s mind just when he needed to be at his best could have bad consequences.

  “I spent the last hour looking for Sean but so far no luck. I’m kind of out of options.”

  While she was sad for the poor man, it might mean she’d have Kalan to herself for the day. “I’m sorry. Does that mean you are coming back home for maybe an early lunch? Aiden is playing outside and Ian seems happy in his crib just to play. Hint, hint.”

  “That’s a very good idea. I need to speak with Jackson first, and then I’ll be on my way.”

  Yay! She loved the excitement in his voice. “See you soon.”

  Elana settled back in her chair to watch Aiden once more. It didn’t surprise her that he was climbing a tree. Kalan was right. Her son did have an affinity for athletic endeavors. With one eye on him, she picked up her e-reader and continued reading the new romance book by Sara Engles.

  She wasn’t through the first chapter when a knock sounded on the front door. “Did you forget your key?” Elana telepathed to Kalan.

  “No,” he responded right away. “I’m still in the car.”

  “Someone’s at the door. It’s probably your dad.”

  “Say hi to him. Be home soon.”

  “See you then.” Sensing a shifter signature, she pulled open the door but didn’t recognize the man standing there. They rarely had visiters. “Can I help you?” she asked as cold air blew in.

  “Yes.” The man’s eyes narrowed a second before he barged in and slammed shut the door.

  Her heart raced, but she worked hard not to show any fear. Elana stood up straighter. “You can’t just come in here. Please leave.”

  He grinned. “I can and I did. You have something that I want.”

  Her mind raced. If it was sexual in nature, she’d shift and eat him. “And what is that?”

  “A red sardonyx dragon statue.”

  “Kalan, hurry. A Changeling is in our house.”

  “I already have the siren on. I could feel your fear. Stall him for as long as possible.”


  While she wanted to talk to Kalan until he arrived, she needed to deal with this monster. If she denied knowing anything about the gift, she bet he would be able to tell she was lying. “I actually don’t have the statue. Some friends of my mate gave it to him.”

  “I was told the present was for you.” The disappointment in his voice never came—only more anger.

  Elana backed up. If she could get both of them outside, he would never think about harming Ian. She prayed this crazed wolf shifter had no idea that she had two little ones at home. “That’s true, but because it was so expensive—considerin
g the eyes are made from diamonds—Kalan put it in our safe.”

  “Is that so?” The lines around his eyes deepened.

  “Yes. The statue, as you know, is made from sardonyx, and your kind is always looking for it. It was why my mate didn’t think it would be safe for me to display in my store.” Oh, shit. Dalton and Kalan might have been right. All of these crimes could be connected. “Did you break into my shop to look for it?”

  He glanced to the side. “Why would you think that?”

  She had to stall him. “Because my flower shop was broken into, but the thief didn’t really take anything. He—or perhaps you—might have believed this statue was there. When he didn’t find it, someone committed two murders at stores that had jewelry made with sardonyx gems.” Elana didn’t know that, but it was a good guess. She was clearly babbling, but she needed to give Kalan time to get there.

  “Fine. I did look in your store. Since I didn’t find the statue, the only place it could be is here.”

  Right now, she needed to get this monster out of her house and away from Ian. If her baby cried, he’d harm Ian for sure. Elana debated shifting, but a wolf could do some damage to her, especially if she was inside. Think!

  “Actually, our safe is in our work shed, which is outside. Kalan might have put the statue in there, but if he did, he never told me.”

  The man grabbed her by the throat. “You better not be lying to me. Get it.”

  He shoved her so hard she lost her balance and landed on her butt. “You don’t have to get violent. I have no need for a statue I can’t ever enjoy.”

  As slowly as she could, Elana stood. Taking small backward steps, she headed toward the sliding glass door. When she turned around, her gaze shot to the tree where Aiden was playing. While his brown fur blended with the branches, she could still see him up high. Hopefully, the ass behind her wouldn’t have any clue the small cub was her son.

  Even though she would be shifting, she picked up her coat to give the illusion she really was going to open the imaginary safe in their imaginary shed. As she’d hoped, he followed her out.

  “Where is this shed?” he asked, looking around.

  Even though Kalan hadn’t arrived, Elana couldn’t stall him any longer. “It’s on the other side of the house,” she said as she tossed her jacket on the ground and raced across the expansive back yard.

  Her slippers flew off a second before she shifted. She hated ruining another outfit, but it couldn’t be helped. Her goal right now was to make sure both of her children remained safe.

  While she was no expert at fighting, she would do anything to keep them from harm. In her bear form, she moved as fast as she could, knowing the speedy wolf would be behind her soon.

  As she neared the tree, she roared, hoping Aiden would have the sense to stay put. She looked over her shoulder. The man who’d changed into a wolf was gaining ground.

  “Kalan, hurry.”

  “Move to the lake.”

  That had been her plan, but how could he even know that she was outside in her bear form?

  Footsteps sounded followed by shouts. It was Kalan!

  If the Changeling was close enough to the lake, he might not be able to maintain his shifter form. The big question was whether she could kill a human? Probably not, but she could injure him enough so he wouldn’t go after her children. By then Kalan would have reached them.

  Growls and yelps sounded. Crap. There was another animal. It was up to Elana to stop this Changeling. As she reached the path that led to the lake, a huge weight landed on her back. Sharp claws dug into her neck, forcing her to cry out. Now she wished she had taken some lessons on how to fight a wolf. His teeth sunk into her shoulder blade, and her instincts kicked in. Elana rolled onto her side, hoping to dislodge him.

  Instead of throwing him off, her heavy body trapped one of its legs, and the wolf yelped, releasing her from his grip. Without thinking, she jumped up and latched onto its neck like a mother grabbing its young child. He wiggled and jerked, trying hard to get out of her grasp, but he wouldn’t succeed. Elana would let nothing and no one harm her children.

  With him in her mouth, she shook the ever-living hell out of him. Harm her family? Not in this lifetime. She debated whether to carry him to the lake where he might be forced to change into a human or head toward Kalan and let him deal with this scum—a scum that was now rather lifeless.

  Since Kalan would know how to deal with him, Elana dropped to all fours and more or less dragged the wolf over the sharp rocks and hard ground toward the house. It wasn’t long before the animal had lost its fight and kind of dangled from her mouth. Regardless, she sunk her teeth in deeper in order not to let go of him.

  “I’m sorry, Kalan,” the second man said just as she burst through the tree line toward her mate. Because the man was naked, he must have been the animal she’d heard.

  Her mate roared.

  Elana dropped her prey—a prey who hadn’t moved in a while.

  “I caught the other one,” she telepathed.

  He turned around and checked out the prone animal. “He doesn’t look so good.”

  The wolf was barely breathing. Elana hadn’t meant to almost kill him—just make sure he never bothered her family again. “I might have used too much force carrying him.”

  “Leave him. I’ll get him later. I need to take care of Wes before he freezes to death.”

  Wes? The new hire? What the hell was he doing here? And why was he chasing her? Or was he trying to stop the Changeling who’d come after her? Nothing was making sense.

  Elana raced over to the tree where Aiden had been playing. He was staring down at her with wide eyes. Thank goodness, he was safe. No child should have to watch his father fight, but perhaps he’d been playing at the time and hadn’t noticed. She could only wish curiosity hadn’t gotten the best of him.

  She motioned with her paw for him to come down. Normally, this took a lot of coaxing, but this time Aiden made his way down the tree and then jumped into her arms. He whimpered, implying something had scared him.

  Wes turned around and jogged toward the side of their house. Kalan followed. She wouldn’t be surprised if Wes had stashed his clothes somewhere, planning all along to shift. As for her clothes and Kalan’s? They were both strewn on the ground, ripped and useless. Damn. And she’d really liked that pink blouse.

  With Aiden on her back, she lumbered to the house, picking up her coat with her mouth on the way. Because it was cold, she stepped inside, set Aiden down, and shifted. While she wasn’t chilled because of all the lugging and running, she pulled on her coat just in case Wes came in. “You have to shift too, young man.”

  Aiden spun and quickly transformed. “Daddy’s home. He was fighting that man.”

  Crap. She was sure Kalan would be upset with himself when he found out Aiden was close by, but she understood that it couldn’t have been prevented. The only plus was that Aiden didn’t seem to have noticed the wolf she’d dragged in. “Let’s put on some clothes, shall we? And if you watch Ian for a few minutes, you can have ice cream.”

  He grinned. “’K.”

  Together, they headed down the hall. After she made sure Ian was safe and happy, she dashed to her room to clean up and change. Kalan would need to deal with Wes.

  Elana ducked into the bathroom to check out her injuries. When she turned around and looked over her shoulder at her back and neck, she sucked in a breath. “Damn it.”

  Her bear had healed her a little, but there were bloody streaks from her neck to her waist. The wound near her head had suffered the most damage, but she couldn’t worry about that right now.

  She tossed on one of the shirts she used when she painted since she didn’t care if it became more stained. Knowing Kalan would want something to put on, she gathered a pair of jeans, a shirt, and some socks for him.

  When she neared the kitchen, Wes was holding one of her good dishtowels on his chest where Kalan must have scratched him.

  Kalan spun
toward her and inhaled. “You’re injured. Shit. How bad is it? Maybe you should shift now in order to heal?”

  The anger and fear rolling off him was palpable. “I’m fine. Take care of this man. I’ll shift later.”

  He clenched his fists and then spun back to Wes. “How could you do this? This is my family.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know Daryl was going to attack your mate. Trust me, I certainly never planned to be recruited by these weirdo Changelings when I came to Silver Lake.”

  Elana did a quick survey on Kalan’s body. Thankfully, he seemed unscathed. “Here are some clothes.”

  “Thanks.” He barely acknowledged her. “Why did you join their ranks?” he asked Wes. Kalan stepped into his jeans and buttoned the waistband.

  Wes blew out a breath. “About a year ago, I was subduing a thief when he ran down a dark alley and shifted. I hadn’t expected him to do that when I went after him, especially since we were in town. I don’t think even the Changelings want humans to know shifters exist. As I drew closer, he charged and bit me.”

  “I’m sorry,” Kalan said, sounding more understanding than totally pissed off. “Then what happened?”

  “He got away, and I returned home to let my wolf heal me. I had no idea that the wolf who attacked me had been a freaking Changeling. I was approached about a month later by their organization.”

  “This was when you were working near Memphis?”

  “Yes, but I told them I wasn’t interested, even though they said eventually, I would become one of them, whether I wanted the change to happen or not. I tried to forget it, but they kept coming around and wouldn’t take no for an answer. It was why I finally left town and moved here.”

  Elana had no idea that the Changeling organization was so widespread, and that concept scared her more than anything.

  “Yet you caved when you moved here,” Kalan said.

  Wes blew out a breath. “You don’t understand. I was changing and couldn’t stop the transformation. Besides, I’d been on my own since I was sixteen, and the Silver Lake Changelings said they were leaderless and needed someone with my talents to help guide them.”


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