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Reawakening Their Bears: Hidden Realms: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 12)

Page 12

by Vella Day

  Kalan couldn’t wait to get out of there. Wes seemed contrite one minute and conniving the next. Bottom line was that he had colluded with the enemy. The fact they offered him a place to belong was beside the fact.

  Before leaving, he and Jackson stopped at the evidence locker. With a little begging, they were shown Wes’ phone. It came as no surprise that Jackson had an app on his cell that allowed him to copy the call log without anyone the wiser.

  Once back in the car, Jackson cranked up the heat. “What do you think?”


  “What’s your take on Wes’ story?” Jackson asked.

  “I believe him for the most part. I’ve heard of all three of those men. Wes couldn’t make up those names.”

  “I agree,” Jackson said. “Last night I ran a facial recognition app on the photo of the dead man you sent. It came back as a Daryl Overton.”

  “Good. That lines up with Wes’ story. Now, we just need to find a guy named John and one by the name of Thomas. That should be easy, right?” Kalan huffed at that.

  “You forget that I have the list of Wes’ phone calls.”

  Kalan smiled. “I knew there was a reason why I asked you to come with me.”

  His brother laughed. “I love it when a plan comes together.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Even if we find these men, we have to follow them. Hopefully, they will either lead us to the person in charge or directly to Sean.”

  Jackson smiled. “I like it. Instead of doing some cloak and dagger stuff, which will take too much time, I can hack into their phones so we’ll know where they are. If they turn them off, I’ll configure some kind of tracking device to put on their cars so we can follow them as well. At some point, they’ll meet with whoever is acting as their temporary leader—if one of them isn’t the leader himself.”

  Kalan relaxed for the first time today. “I’m so glad there is a hacker in the Murdoch family.”

  “I prefer computer expert.”

  “Computer expert it is.” Having done everything Kalan could for now, he wanted to focus on his mate. Until he returned to work tomorrow, he’d probably be free of any interruptions or so he hoped.


  Even as Elana put the finishing touches on a bouquet, she worried about Kalan. He hadn’t contacted her since before he left for that prison earlier today. Nothing would happen to him in the guarded environment, but she was still concerned. Knowing her mate, if Wes gave him any clue about the Changelings, or told him where Sean was being held captive, Kalan would go off to search.

  She didn’t want to think about what would happen if someone spotted him and reported him to Chief Smythe. Thankfully, if questioned, her mate was good at thinking on his feet.

  Normally, she wouldn’t have minded if he went out on another search but now wasn’t a real good time for him. Kalan already had to deal with those two shootings—or rather three if she counted the one in which he was shot. The break in at their house and at the shop, along with finding out that the man he had been training was a Changeling, would mess with anyone’s mind. His focus was already stretched thin.

  She hoped that Jackson would reign in his brother should Kalan want to go after some perceived Changeling leader. The last thing he needed now was to get into another fight. Even though Kalan appeared to have healed, his bear needed a break.

  “Hey. Where are you?”

  It was Kalan, and joy swept through her. “I’m at work.”

  “You’re worse than I am. I thought you were going to stay home where it’s safe.”

  She had said that. “Aiden is at school, and I thought I’d bring Ian to the shop with me. Remember, I bought the portable playpen a while back to use here. He loves playing with different toys.” Damn. She hadn’t thought things through. “You’re right. I should have stayed home, but the house was so empty, and I kept picturing that man barging in. I needed a break.”

  She should have guessed that Kalan would be upset if she left though.

  He said nothing for a moment. “It’s fine. As long as you are safe. Listen, I picked up some carry-out from Highlanders Steakhouse for tonight, so you don’t have to cook,” Kalan telepathed.

  “Seriously?” He’d picked up dinner! Joy shot through her that he not only contacted her but that he’d thought about food.

  “Absolutely. I know you’ve been through a traumatic event, and I don’t think I was as supportive as I could have been.”

  Aw. Elana wasn’t sure whether he was talking about the break-in at her shop or the man who’d busted into their house and who not only put her—but their children—in harm’s way. Either way, Kalan had been there for her. “You are so sweet to be concerned, but trust me, you were wonderful. You took me to the range so I could learn to defend myself after the issue with the shop.”

  “You can show me just how great you think I am by coming home now.”

  “You’re at the house?” Kalan rarely came home early. Of course, he hadn’t been in hiding from the station before. She just hoped that when he picked up the food from Highlanders that no one there knew he’d been shot.

  “Pink or black?” she telepathed.

  “Pink or black what?”

  She laughed. “What color underwear would you like me to wear for our adventure tonight.”

  “You are naughty. If you must know, I prefer none at all. Do you think you could ask either Anna or that new assistant to cover for you so you can come home now?”

  Kalan’s spontaneity really turned her on. “You bet.”


  Elana slid off the counter in the back room and brushed her butt in case some flower stems had stuck to her pants. Kalan never asked her to leave work to come home, just like she never called him for an afternoon delight when he was scheduled to work.

  Because he seemed happy, his trip to the prison must have been a success. Or had it been? Come to think of it, if he’d found out where Sean was located, Kalan would be out looking for him right now. So why the cheer?

  What are you doing? her bear asked. Go to our mate!

  Her bear was right. With no time to waste, Elana stepped into the main room. Their new hire, Megan, was at the cash register, ringing up a customer, while Anna was placing flowers in the cooler.

  Elana stepped up to Anna. “Since we aren’t really busy, I’m going to head home. Kalan returned early from work.” She winked.

  Anna’s eyes widened. “Ooh. That sounds good. I guess having to stay away from the station has a few perks.”

  Elana smiled. “Totally, but if you need me, give me a call.”

  “I wouldn’t think of it. Megan is great. The two of us can handle anything. You take good care of Kalan.”

  For the first time since her assault, Elana was excited. She just wished everyday could be like this. Not that she wanted to give up her job, nor would she ask Kalan to quit his—since he’d be miserable if he did—but it was so nice to be able to play hooky every once in a while.

  She stored the portable playpen in the closet and then bundled Ian up for the trip home. Elana couldn’t wait to enjoy her mate without any interruptions.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Elana couldn’t believe she was actually a little nervous about what Kalan was up to. He never asked her to drop everything to come home. While out of character for him, this romantic gesture was very welcome. It didn’t matter that he might have asked because he was worried about her safety. She wanted to appreciate his action for what it was—his desire to be with her.

  She hoped everything was okay though, and that this wasn’t some kind of diversion for when he told her he would be working longer hours from now on. Elana shook her head at that idea. Doubt never had entered her thoughts before, but in the last few years, she’d begun to wonder when the rat race would end.

  She pulled into the driveway, cut the engine, and gathered a now sleeping Ian from the backseat. As soon as she stepped inside, tingles of desi
re raced up her spine. Kalan was definitely home.

  Her mate strutted down the hallway wearing only his jeans—no shirt, no shoes, no socks. Wow, he was hot.

  From behind his back, he held out a single pink rose. “This is to show you how much you mean to me.” Thankfully, he kept his voice low so as not to wake Ian, who was snuggled in her arms.

  His words melted her heart. “I love it. It’s perfect. Let me put Ian in his crib. Then I’ll be right back.” She winked, and Kalan smiled.

  When Elana returned, Kalan had already placed her flower in a vase and set it on the coffee table. He then closed the gap between them.

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem.” His eyes turned amber as he stalked toward her.

  “Don’t forget your dad will be dropping Aiden off here after he picks him up from school.” Elana dragged a finger down his chest. “That means we have an hour before they arrive. Any idea what we can do during that time?”

  He scratched his chin, pretending to think. “Maybe this.”

  When Kalan kissed her, her body sizzled, and her heart beat faster.

  Too often, even if the kids weren’t home, Kalan was either at work or preoccupied with something to even consider making out during the day. While she was curious about the case involving Sean, Elana didn’t want to bring it up and disrupt this sought-after connection.

  His hands roamed down her back, and then he pulled her shirt from her pants. She had so wanted time to change into something sexier, but what was the point now? He seemed determined to get her naked. Her hands fumbled with the button on his pants.

  “Hey,” he said. “I started first. Let me finish. Lift your arms.”

  Elana was so excited to go down on him that she forgot he was trying to undress her. “Okay, but let me at least close the living room blinds.” No telling where they would end up making love, and she didn’t want to be naked in the living room in full view of the driveway when Daniel arrived.

  Kalan laughed. “I didn’t know you were a prude.”

  “I hope you’re kidding.” Not waiting for an answer, Elana rushed to close the shades. When she turned around, Kalan was naked and grinning.

  She smiled. “Speedy, I like it.”

  As she moved toward him, she lifted off her shirt and tossed it on the sofa arm. Clothes strewn on the floor was something she didn’t want Aiden to see when he came home, but she’d deal with that later. Right now, her focus was totally on her mate.

  His eyes shimmered amber. “I like what I see too.” Kalan clasped her waist and pressed her against the back of the sofa. “All I could think of today was doing this.”

  The kiss that followed was desperate and passionate. When their tongues entwined, she needed her hands on his back. Kalan’s muscles were marvelous and really turned her on—so much so that she had to work to keep from letting her nails draw blood.

  Kalan fumbled with the clasp and then the zipper on her pants. Because Elana was wearing her work shoes, he’d never get them off without a lot of effort. She broke the kiss. “It’ll be faster if you let me.”

  He stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Show me what you got, flower lady.”

  She laughed. “I’m not doing a strip tease.”

  “Come on.”

  Given all of her curves, she wasn’t comfortable being on display like that. She took off her shoes and slipped off her pants. Kalan could take off the rest just as soon as she did her magic on him. “I need to do something first.”

  One brow rose. “What would that be?”

  “Patience.” She clasped his arm and swung him around so that his butt was against the sofa back. Elana then dropped to her knees on her discarded pants to prevent the hardwood floors from hurting her knees. Now for pleasuring her man—and herself.

  His large cock stared her in the face. Without touching him with her hands, she licked the tip.

  Kalan planted one of his big hands on her head. “That feels amazing,” he hissed.

  Nothing pleased her more than exciting her mate. Since Ian was down for his nap, she could groan and moan, but yelling was out of the question. After several well-placed licks, Elana cupped his balls with one hand while she gently took hold of his big shaft. With each stroke, his fingers tightened on her scalp. Encouraged by his enthusiasm, she dragged her tongue up his length and then drew him in deep until cum tinged her mouth a few seconds later.

  Even if he happened to explode, it wouldn’t take Kalan long to recover. Being mated to a bear had many advantages, especially his stamina. She returned to stroking him over and over again, dragging her tongue around the tip and loving every second of it.

  “Enough!” he called out. Gently, he eased out of her grasp. “You excite me way too much.”

  Elana looked up and smiled. “Is that so? What are you going to do to convince me to stop?” Elana couldn’t remember the last time they’d flirted this much.


  He lifted her to a stand, dipped his shoulder, and picked her up. She squealed. A fireman’s hold wasn’t the most comfortable position, but his gallant act made it all worthwhile. The trip to their bedroom was mercifully quick.

  The next thing Elana knew, she was in the air for a split second, and then her back hit the bed. She lifted her arms and drew him down for a kiss. This time, Kalan took his time sucking on her bottom lip first before giving her a full-blown kiss. And right before her eyes, his facial hair grew, and his teeth sharpened.

  To her surprise, he broke the kiss only a short while later. “I need you completely naked,” he said, his eyes glazing over.

  Kalan loved to take off her clothes. “Go ahead. I’m all yours.”

  To make it easier, she lifted up on her elbows. With a quick pinch, he undid her bra and then dragged down her panties. His gaze shot between her breasts and her pussy.

  “Decisions, decisions.’”

  “We have time,” she said, thoroughly loving his light-hearted attitude. “Enjoy both.”

  “Trust me. I plan to.” Kalan slipped down her straps, and then Elana finished removing her bra.

  He bent his head, drew a breast into his big meaty hand, and then nabbed a nipple with his teeth. Holy moly. Pleasure and lust shot through her so fast Elana could hardly breathe. She dug her nails into his shoulder while trying not to press too deeply, and then dropped her head back to enjoy the wild ride.

  With each pull and tug, her body heated to the point where it erased all of her worries, and it was as if only the two of them existed.

  Kalan switched to her other breast. His teeth had sharpened significantly, making the pressure more intense and definitely more enjoyable. As quickly as he started though, he stopped. She lifted her head. Just as she was about to ask what he was doing, he slid down between her legs. Elana moaned. No complaint there.

  His first lick had her arching her back. The second lick had her grasping the comforter to help with her control. On the third lick, she arched her back and let loose some kind of primal roar as her climax swooped in. Elana was almost embarrassed how quickly she’d succumbed to his talents.

  Kalan lifted his head and smiled. “To think the best is yet to come.”

  “I don’t believe you can top what you just did.” Of course, he could, but she loved trying to get a rise out of him.

  “Watch me.” Kalan rose to his knees and then rolled her onto her side. “Get up on your knees.”

  Ooh. She loved when he came from behind. To be honest, she loved all of the positions, but this one might be her favorite. With his help, Elana moved into place. Kalan leaned forward, pressed his back against hers, and cupped her breasts. When he lightly pinched her nipples, spikes of lust spread outward. Her mate sure knew what turned her on.

  Wanting to help stimulate him too, she reached between her legs and grabbed as much of his cock as she could.

  “Someone is impatient,” he said with a lot of cheer.

  “And you aren’t?”

an laughed, shoved her hand away, and adeptly placed his cock at her entrance. His lips found her shoulder as he drove into her slickness. The stretching caused her to stiffen for a moment until the waves of pleasure swamped and then relaxed her. He eased out and then waited less than two seconds before driving back in again.

  He lifted her hair from the back of her neck and placed it off to the side, giving him the ability to trail kisses from her shoulder up to her ear. His warm breath and tender breast massages, coupled with the way he was hammering into her, pushed her closer and closer to another climax.

  Kalan groaned and then increased the speed of his thrusts, his fingers tightening on her nipples. As he dragged his lips down her neck, occasionally his teeth scraped her skin. Everything he did set her body on fire. Not that she needed him to do anything more than what he was already doing, but she wanted to let Kalan know that she was thoroughly enjoying herself. Without hesitation, she pressed her hips back.

  “Take me hard,” Elana begged.

  “With pleasure.”

  What happened next was rather magical. Kalan crossed his arms and took hold of each breast in his opposite palms. His thrusts increased faster and faster until his teeth sunk into her neck. Wow! Lust, passion, joy, and love, entered every cell of her body.

  He hadn’t bitten her in such a long time that it pushed her off balance for a moment. But man, did it ratchet her desire to new heights. Her climax came screaming in, causing her whole body to vibrate. Elana dropped her head and had to work hard not to collapse onto her chest. One thrust later, Kalan shot his hot seed into her.

  She closed her eyes to absorb the wonder, feeling her body pulse with pleasure.

  “Holy shit, that was amazing!” he telepathed.

  “For me too.”

  Elana had no idea how long they had been in the bedroom, but it was almost time for Aiden to get home from school. As much as she wanted to take a quick nap and then shower, she needed to dress. Kalan must have read her mind, because he withdrew and jumped off the bed. Where he got his energy, she didn’t know.


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