Book Read Free

Currents of Will

Page 16

by Susan MacIver


  She looked back, timidly.

  “Do you have a name? Anything I can call you?”

  The woman looked so fearful that Daria got up from the bed and went to hug her, feeling guilty that she had inspired that response in another being. The poor woman backed away as though Daria had threatened to expose her to Ebola. Before Daria could reach her, the door slammed tight and the staccato sounds of footsteps reiterated again just how isolated she was. Travlor was winning.

  It was dark and stars dotted the Grecian sky when Evan and Kyla walked off the plane. During the flight, he had browsed the Internet for news of happenings in South America. He had shown Kyla photos of masses of people, arms outstretched in worship, eyes wide with awe.

  He read her some of the stories about the healings that his father had concocted. He then ran across an interesting article, picked up by the Associated Press, that wasn’t quite so effusive in its praise. This piece posed some hard questions regarding Travlor’s methods and the rampaging spread of Travlormania. Nevertheless, it was a small story and had probably been lost in light of all the articles flooding the web about the man who could work miracles.

  Together, Evan and Kyla tossed some ideas around as to how they could find his father. But the inherent problem, once they located Travlor’s hideout, was how they were going to slip past his guards so that they could locate Daria. By the time they touched down, neither of them had come up with anything concrete.

  Evan took Kyla’s arm and led her to the car rental counter. He paid quickly and by the time they made it to the vehicle, their bags had been loaded. “Do you want to stop in town and get something to eat?”

  Kyla shook her head. “No, we need to get to the compound. I am sure they will have something ready for us.”

  Evan started the car and accessed the main road. The night was breathtaking. The air was warm and island breezes stirred the trees into a gentle dance. Kyla opened her window and turned off the air conditioning, then took three deep breaths. “Love, you must do the same. We have been in the jet for nine hours. We are both exhausted and in need of food. Enjoy this while you can.”

  Evan knew she was right, but he felt Ni-Cio’s urgency and hadn’t wanted to think about anything else. He did as she suggested and rolled his window down. He inhaled the perfumed air. “Oh my God. I had forgotten how wonderful the mix of salt, wind, and olive trees could be. I not only want you in my life, you are my life’s blood.”

  A trace of color ascended Kyla’s neck. Underneath her makeup, the faintest striping of rose swirled over her cheeks and curled up under her hair. When she turned to him, her topaz eyes, luminous in the light of the car dials, gave her an otherworldly quality. Evan almost gasped. He blinked hard to reenter reality and turned his gaze back to the road.

  He felt the trace of her touch as she stroked his hand. “You are my life’s blood as well.”

  Night sounds climbed through the air, bringing a rhythmic cadence with which to serenade the lovers. Evan’s mind started to unwind. He relaxed into the joy of Kyla’s company and even managed to appreciate the drive to the compound.

  The table had been set for two. Ni-Cio, Aris, Rogert and Peltor waited for Evan and Kyla to arrive. It was late and Ni-Cio had sent everyone else to bed. His men needed all the rest they could get for what was to come.

  Everyone had eaten and Ni-Cio and his friends were settled around a smaller table, pad and pencil out. Ideas had been bandied about. Some that seemed workable at the outset had been reluctantly rejected. Logic determined too many complications or too many working parts. Obstacles arose so as to make most of their plans impossible to complete. They needed something simple. But what?

  Ni-Cio threw the pencil down. “We know he is guarded. We also know he is able to requisition men easily, for the flow of his money seems as endless as his followers.”

  Rogert rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I would think that now he would not even need to use much of his own money. If he is the government, he can produce the funds from the national treasury. And we have seen that people are joining his army by the millions. It would be considered a high honor to be a disciple in his religious army.”

  Ni-Cio smiled at his companion. The man was becoming more loquacious by the minute. That in itself was a small miracle. “You are right of course. Travlor will probably confiscate the monies into his own supply; as a dictator can do whatever he desires. His wealth will continue to grow as will his army. Do any of you know if Columbia has an air force or a semblance of a navy?”

  They shook their heads and waited for Ni-Cio to continue. “Well, Evan has probably done his homework and will be loaded with statistics on the available manpower in Columbia. But with each country that falls under Travlor’s control, it will not matter who has what. He will gain control of every last person, vehicle, ship, or airplane. After that, it will be anyone’s guess as to how long the entirety of Central America, as well as Mexico, will stand against his advance.”

  Grabbing the pen and pad, Aris started drawing. Ni-Cio tilted forward to follow his diagram and scratched his chin thoughtfully. “That could work.”

  Aris drew feverishly until he tapped the table with his pen and held up the pad for everyone to see. Silence greeted his presentation.

  However, the silence carried its own weight and the moment stretched. Quick glances flew around the table as the men looked at each other for confirmation of their own thoughts. Before anyone could comment, a car horn sounded. Evan and Kyla had arrived. Chairs scraped and the men hustled to the courtyard.

  Taking turns, Evan and Kyla were passed around. Hugs and smiles and warm gestures of welcome were exchanged. Ni-Cio released Evan and slapped him on the shoulder. “Not a moment too soon. We are glad you are here.”

  “We came as soon as we could.”

  “Let Aris and Peltor take your bags to your cabin. We have food prepared. We will tend to your needs first and then we will discuss what we have found.”

  “Sounds good. Lead the way.”

  Rogert took off and held the kitchen door open. Gladly taking seats at the table, both Kyla and Evan loaded their plates. Ni-Cio grabbed some wine and glasses and uncorked the bottle. Pouring generous portions, he handed a glass to the weary travelers. No one declined the offer.

  By the time Aris and Peltor rejoined the group, the food had all but disappeared. Ni-Cio patiently waited for them to finish eating. “Do you need to take showers or freshen up?” He was proud that he was adopting some of the Terran slang that Kyla was able to employ with such ease.

  Evan spoke for them both. “We’re here to talk strategy. We can rest later.”

  Ni-Cio splashed more wine into their glasses. “You need to see Aris’s plan.”

  “If you are through eating, move over here and I will show you what I was thinking.” Chest thrust out, Aris sauntered to the other table. He seated himself and held out the pad.

  Dragging extra chairs over, Evan and the others took their places. Aris handed the pad to Evan and waited while he studied the drawing. His eyebrows finally lifted and he looked up with astonishment. “This could work.” He glanced back at the sketch. “My God Aris, this actually could work!”

  He passed the notebook to each person and everyone, again, carefully studied the plan. Peltor was the last one and when he was finished, he threw the drawing on the table, stood, and clapped Aris on the back. “I do not know how you thought of this. It is so simple, it is brilliant! I do not know why one of us did not think of it.”

  Aris beamed under the effusive praise. Evan looked equal parts perplexed and delighted after he finished commending Aris. He stood back, looking at him. “I sometimes wondered if you were smart enough to come out of the rain, now you come up with this! You’ve destroyed all my preconceived notions about you.”

  Good-natured laughter rippled through the group. Ni-Cio walked to
ward the screen door. “Aris always was one for getting in and out of trouble. And his plan tonight just proves that. Let us all get a good night’s sleep. We still have much to do before we leave, but tomorrow will be soon enough to start.”

  After they made their goodbyes, the men trailed out of the kitchen, leaving Evan and Kyla alone. Evan didn’t hesitate before sweeping Kyla into his arms and kissing her with all the longing in his heart and soul. When she lifted her gaze to meet his, he read everything he needed to know in her expression. He led her back to their cabin; their night had just begun.

  Travlor had come to her room. He sat in the nearest chair and looked steadily at Daria. “I am unable to rest in my quarters now. I will start coming to you for my healing sessions. I need a little peace.”

  Unwilling to rise when he entered, Daria still languished on her bed. She didn’t want to go through a session with him today. She wanted to be left alone. She slowly sat up, swung her legs off the bed and faced Travlor. “I’m too tired for a session today. Can we do it tomorrow?”

  Travlor eyed her suspiciously. “You do not seem overtired to me. I have given you a quick scan; everything is proceeding well.”

  Daria stood up. Even with Travlor seated, she didn’t feel that she intimidated him in the least. “Fine, then. Let’s get it over with.”

  She stepped aside to let him take the bed. He looked at her before lying down. “You need a change of attitude. You don’t want your child to inherit a bad disposition.”

  She glowered at Travlor and had to concentrate to keep her lip from lifting in a sneer. Daria pushed Travlor back and began to scan his body. She could see that because of her efforts, the decay had eased. As a matter of fact, some of his organs looked better than before she had started. She wasn’t surprised to see those results, but she had hoped that her ministrations wouldn’t be quite so successful.

  Beginning the healing tones, Daria dragged her hands over his body. Her mind wandered as she worked, until she almost forgot Travlor was there. When the last notes sounded, she did another scan. She stopped and rubbed her lower back. She was puzzled. Nothing looked as it had. His body was different, changed somehow. He didn’t seem so robust and the organs didn’t look quite so filled out. She did another scan just to be sure. Again, the same results. Daria glanced at Travlor as he sat up. She waited to see if he noticed anything. As the man rested, a tick started under her right eye. She didn’t dare touch it.

  Travlor finally stretched and took a deep breath. “I am always invigorated by your touch. I feel younger every day.” He got up from the bed and strolled toward the door. “By the way, you might be interested to know that Central America is starting to come under my control. I calculate that it won’t be much longer before Mexico falls into line. Ahhh, the power of a few miracles. Which brings me to the fact that it is time for another one.”

  Daria blanched. “I thought the hospital would be quite enough.”

  “Oh no, we must continue to stoke the fire. We cannot afford to let faith waiver. It must be fed and strengthened. People are weak and have short memories. I am being a good shepherd and tending my flock. I do not intend to lose even one of them.” He opened the door and looked back, an evil gleam in his eye. “There are many wolves out there. We must be ever vigilant.” He slipped out the door and gently closed it behind him.

  Daria sat down on the bed. She was used to his bragging so she hadn’t been as attentive as she had been in the past. Instead, her mind was fixated on the scan that she had done after the healing. What happened? The difference was microscopic and obviously Travlor didn’t feel any different. But what was it that shifted? Was it something I did incorrectly?

  She reviewed the healing, moment by moment, searching her mind for any mistakes she might have made. However, she couldn’t find a single flaw in her technique. She felt fidgety and her eye still twitched. “Thank God he didn’t notice anything.”

  Rubbing her hands over her arms, she went to the window. Men were everywhere, running here and there with orders both urgent and unexceptional. But it was clear that, to a man, everyone was elated to be in the shadow of the mighty Messiah.

  No matter his will, their faithful hearts leapt to do his bidding. She ran her hands over her belly and felt the lack of clothing where her shirt had started to pull away from her pants, again. She felt dismal. “Time for another wardrobe expansion.”

  Later that night, as Daria drifted on the edge of sleep, her earlier thoughts about the healing brought her upright. That’s it! That’s what I can do!

  She threw the covers aside and plodded out of bed as quickly as her belly would allow. She paced the length of her room, turned and came back. As she circled the room, her mind raced. I didn’t want to do this healing. I wasn’t tired, I just didn’t feel like it! That has to be it. If my heart and soul aren’t in the healing, it must have no effect or even may have small negative effects.

  Apparently the health of the individual isn’t reduced so much that it’s noticeable, but as a healer, I’m able to see the difference.

  She continued her pacing while she wracked her brain for something, anything Na-Kai had said about a reverse healing, but there was nothing. Maybe the healers were always willing to employ a healing no matter the circumstances. If that’s true, then maybe I can effect microscopic changes in Travlor that he won’t be able to detect until it’s too late.

  She stopped in mid-stride. Hugging her daughter, she whispered to the child as if she was in on the secret. “We might just have a way out of here after all. Sleep well, my dearest one. We’re going to be busy challenging this idea.”

  The baby kicked once as though in agreement, then she settled. Daria yawned. Energy depleted, she sank gratefully onto the soft mattress, whispered her good nights to Ni-Cio and their child, and then fell into a wonderfully dreamless sleep.

  Morning came too soon. Evan and Kyla were still wrapped in each other’s arms. However, the banging of the door signaled that it was time for them to get up and get moving. Evan groaned and yawned. “What an incredible night. Another one that I won’t soon forget.”

  Kyla wrapped her arms tighter around his groggy form. “I hope I did not keep you up too long. Did you get enough sleep?”

  Evan kissed her gently then released her. He stood up and stretched long and hard. “Nothing a little strong Greek coffee won’t help.”

  He offered his hand. But Kyla shook her head, grinned wickedly and fell back onto the pillow. “I do not have to plan; therefore, I will get more sleep. Have a nice day, dear.”

  She ducked under the covers before Evan could grab her. Her muffled laughter slipped into his heart, filling him with energy. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure the next time you have a chore that needs tending that you are up until the wee hours of the morning. And then, I will laze about dreaming the day away.”

  She pulled the blanket away from her face. “As long as you dream about me, I would not care how long you slept.”

  He touched her cheek and bent to kiss her. “I’ll shower and be out of here before you slide back into dreamland, but just in case, I promise to shut this creaky old door as quietly as possible.”

  She took his hand and looked him in the eye. “No matter what plans you and Ni-Cio decide, try to take time to run or workout or something. That will help get your blood going.”

  A rakish thought entered Evan’s mind which his smile reflected. Kyla playfully slapped his hand. “Go, before I pull you back into bed and make you forget about helping anybody but me.”

  Sixteen men gathered around the courtyard waiting for Ni-Cio and his lieutenants.

  They knew that Aris had come up with a plan that seemed workable. They had been chosen as part of a special squad. Their training in Last Strike drills had been revived and they were ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Though not anxious to jump into another battle, they were prepared to go anywhere in the world
and fight to the death to get their healer back.

  They wanted and needed to get their lives and their families’ lives back to normal as soon as possible. The rest of their friends and families would stay in the compound, working the gardens, tending the vineyards, and caring for their children.

  It had been voted upon and decided that people would take turns visiting their home so that everyone could see and appreciate the progress that had been made. By doing so, it would also allow everyone the opportunity and the time to visit the burial wall and pay their respects. As the Atlanteans had been topside far too long, families would also have the chance to become reacquainted with underwater living.

  Since the equipment was not strong enough to sustain everyone who wanted to move back to Atlantis, in most people’s minds, there wasn’t much reason to stay longer than overnight. However, the short reintroduction to their world would be enough. It would not only help reinvigorate those left behind awaiting the outcome of the latest rescue attempt, it would keep their minds occupied, too.

  Ni-Cio and his four companions left the kitchen and made their way to the courtyard and into the middle of the group. “All right, we think we have perfected Aris’s plan.”

  His men stepped closer, listening intently. “Evan has strengthened his masking abilities. As we have seen, he is able to mask the compound, no matter the distance and he is able to mask people up to a greater distance than the previous two-hundred feet.” Ni-Cio glanced at Aris and nodded.

  Aris proudly walked to the center, taking Ni-Cio’s place as their leader stepped away. He pulled out his drawing and held it high so that everyone could see. “After I considered the fact that Evan’s powers were changing and developing into something even stronger, I thought about the fact that Travlor is surrounded by men he doesn’t know and more than likely hasn’t taken the time to get to know.


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