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Unexpected Chances

Page 3

by A. M. Willard

  Seth spots me right away as I’m walking towards them. “Firecracker!” He screams, as I inch closer and causes all the guys to turn around to welcome me.

  “What’s your poison tonight?” Cory asks.

  “Tonight, it’s beer,” I state, before I move around the table hugging Cory, Mitch, Jason, and Ben.

  They've all been Seth's best friends since grade school, which makes them like older brothers to me. You think it’s bad having an overprotective brother, try having four more on-top of the one related to you.

  “Oh my, Firecracker. No fancy martini tonight?” Cory asks sarcastically.

  “No. I need to be able to hang with you guys,” I say, as I shrug it off.

  Cory has had a thing for me since high school. I’ve explained that it’s a sick, and twisted idea to even remotely think of me that way. Just thinking about that awkward conversation makes me shiver.

  He’ll always hold a special place in my heart, just not the way he would prefer.

  If you ask him why he’s not married, Cory’s response is always, “My red head isn’t ready to settle down. When she’s ready, I’ll marry.” The whole group will shake their heads, and stomp away. They all know I love him, but that love’s a brotherly love.

  Cory comes back with a bucket of beer for everyone and starts us off with a toast. “May we get what we want, but never what we deserve?” He says, while staring right into my eyes. We all pick up our beers and clink the tops of the bottles together.

  This is how we start our nights out; Cory will have many more salutes throughout our evening.



  Things are looking up for me tonight. I haven’t figured out how I plan to approach her just yet. Jack texted, and confirmed that she was at The Hill. All I need to do is check into my hotel and change.

  I dump my wallet and phone on the desk in my room as I look around the place. It’s no five-star, but it’ll do for the time being. I made sure that my office knows where I am, but other than that I’m at a conference.

  I ditched Bethany and her events for the next few days. Just to be sure I wasn’t bothered by her and the drama that tags along behind her.

  Unzipping my suitcase, I search for my dark denim jeans and white button-up shirt. Changing as if I’m sprinting for the finish line, I roll up my sleeves just enough to show off the hint of tattoos I have on my arms.

  Usually, I keep them covered, except while on the job-site. In a board meeting or a function with my and Bethany’s family’s, I cover them thoroughly.

  Each arm is intertwined into a story, the story of my life.

  The disappointments that I had.

  The life lessons learned.

  And the pure soul wrenching love that I only dream to find one day.

  Not allowing Bethany and the political game that I’ve had to play over the years get into my head tonight, I snatch up my key card, wallet, and cell. I pat down my pockets, just to double check that I have everything. I walk out the door, letting it close behind me with a little more force than necessary.

  Down in the lobby I find the hotel driver, and ask if he knows where The Hill is. He offers to give me a lift, but I have a rental car, so I should be able to locate this hole in the wall by myself.

  In the car, I set the GPS to the address and glance at the screen for a moment. Looks to be the same directions I’d received.

  On the drive, my mind races.

  I keep asking myself what I’m doing.

  Why are you here Carter? You know you can’t drag her down with you. If Bethany or anyone ever got word about this, it would be the end of my business.

  The end of me.

  Bethany’s father would have me buried so deep below the surface that no amount of shoveling could dig me out. But for some reason, I feel that she’s worth it.

  Tabitha’s worth every fight that I have left in my bones.

  I pull up into the dark parking lot full of cars and patrons coming and going. Glancing down at my watch, and notice it’s close to 11 p.m. already. Resting my head on the leather backrest, I let out all the air in my lungs. It’s almost as if I’ve been holding it in the whole drive here.

  As I exit the car and walk to the entrance, I pray that she’s alone and with her brother. I’ll have to figure out a way to approach her, without scaring the shit out of my Tabby Cat.

  Chapter Six


  I’m not sure how many refills Cory’s ordered already tonight. I was under the impression that we were going to hang out here and then leave. Apparently we’re having way too much fun.

  Cory has always been, and will be my plus one. Not in that way, but when we are all out he’s my drinking buddy and dance partner.

  We’ve been known to throw down a few sessions of karaoke as well. He can’t sing for shit, but give him a few, and he thinks he’s a rock star.

  Seth is off trying to pick up Jessica the bartender, and I’m not even sure where the others are. Cory and I are bickering back and forth about music when “Teenage Dream by Katy Perry” comes on.

  Cory immediately starts to sing the lyrics to me. When this song released, we would turn up the volume in my Jeep and drive out to the beach. All the boys surf and I used to love to watch them. I know how, it’s just not my thing anymore. When the part about “Let’s go all the way tonight, no regrets, just love” comes through, he’s singing and raising his eyebrows at me in a suggestive manner.

  “You do realize this is a chick’s song, right?” I yell over at him, laughing.

  “Yeah, but how can you not sing it?”

  “Oh, I know you can sing it. What are you thirteen?”

  “You know you love it when I sing to you. Who else is just as crazy as you are?”

  “Only you,” I say with a sigh as I try to remember why we can’t be anything other than friends.

  Just as I start to lose focus “Talk Dirty” comes blaring through the speakers.

  “Come on! I love this song,” I say as I jump up and reach over to grab Cory.

  “Nope, that’s all you tonight.”

  “Party pooper,” I say with a pout. Turning on my heels, I strut to the dance floor. I love to dance, and shake it. Something comes over me when I hit the floor, like someone’s eyes, are boring into mine.

  I turn myself around to search the area, but I don’t see Cory anywhere close by. I shrug it off as I lose myself to the beat. Letting the bass take over my body.

  Raising my hands above my head, I swing my hips to the beat. Closing my eyes, I allow it take me away to my dream place. The dance floor’s crowded, full of sweaty bodies.

  Just as the beat catches me, and I’m getting into it, I feel a set of arms wrap around my waist. I don’t turn around as I know its Cory. He couldn’t stand to let me have all the fun.

  Pushing my backside into his crotch, a set of arms yank me back to him tighter. As I lean back into his chest, something feels different. The chest behind me doesn’t feel like the comfort of Cory’s.

  This chest is hard, like I was backed into a brick wall. I keep moving as I try to figure out who’s behind me. I skim my eyes down to the arms wrapped around my waist. I notice the white rolled up shirt and tattoos.

  I know then it’s not Cory. I go to sidestep him, to turn around and figure out my mystery dancer, but I’m stopped, and the music comes to an end, it switches to “Dark Horse by Katy Perry.”

  The deep voice whispers into my ear, “Don’t stop and don’t turn around. Feel the beat, let it take over your sexy as sin body.”

  I know that voice from somewhere, but can’t place it. The connection I feel being caught in his arms is off the charts. My skin is moist from the sweat of dancing. Little pricks of electricity are rolling over my body.

  Deciding to go with it, I lean back more into him and tip my head back under his chin. I move as if my life depends on it. Like if I don’t, it’ll be my last breathe. I’ve never felt like this before.

g my eyes all I can envision are Carter Northwood’s magnificent baby blues.

  Popping my own open I instantly stop.

  I can’t move.

  I can’t speak.

  All the air has been sucked from my lungs.

  I’ve placed that dark sexy masculine voice.

  It’s the same one that’s haunted my dreams every night since he opened his mouth.



  I spot her right away sitting in the middle of the bar with a group of guys. She’s laughing along at something funny, or from whatever they’ve said. It makes me want to scoop her up and lock her in a room where no other man can touch or look at her.

  Where the hell did this caveman macho shit come from? I move with ease across the dark room to a table off in the corner, a perfect section to keep an eye on her from afar. It’s not like I’m going to walk up to her from the start. Shit, I still haven’t even figured out if I’ll introduce myself tonight.

  Tossing back a few beers as I watch. She’s so full of life. The group she’s with seems to act like her brothers, but I know she only has one. I’ve picked him out of the bunch pretty quick, seems obvious with the red-hair.

  It’s just her and another dude now, laughing and enjoying themselves. I watch him closely.

  Fuck was Jack wrong?

  Is this dude her boyfriend?

  I move over towards the bar, trying to not catch her eyes. It’s a few inches away from where they are seating. With it being loud, they’re talking over the music. Figuring if I can get close enough, I might be able to figure out if I have a little competition.

  Ordering another beer, I hear they guy speaking, but can’t make the words out. Just then Tabitha flies off her seat, grabs at his arm to get him out onto the dance floor.

  He brushes her off and waves her off to dance alone.

  I prop myself up against the edge of the bar, holding my bottle of beer in the other hand. My eyes are glued to her body. I take a swig of my drink, right as she turns around. It’s like she can feel me watching her.

  The guy she’s with walks over to the bar and yells for another round.

  At this moment in time, I couldn’t have picked a better place to be.

  “Still striking out with that one, huh?” The bartender asks, as she slides over a bucket full of beers.

  “You know it. No matter how hard I try, I’ll never get that one to settle for me,” he replies in a voice laced with hurt.

  “You know you’re not good enough for our Firecracker. Plus, Seth would hunt you down and kill you for messing with his baby sister.”

  “Yeah, we all know. It was in the best friend contract. Fuck with my sister, I’ll fuck you all up,” he says with a laugh, turning to head back to his table.

  Not thinking with my head, I place my bottle down on the bar and move to the dance floor. Her back is towards me. She’s lost in the beat, moving as if they are one and the same.

  Strolling up behind her, I wrap my arms around Tabitha’s waist. She stiffens for a moment before relaxing into me. Not sure if she thinks I’m someone else or not, because it sure doesn’t stop her. She’s grinding against me in a seductive style. Which in return is making me lose my mind; right here on this dance floor.

  I thought I just wanted to throw her over my shoulder earlier this evening. Now I’ve moved it up to kidnapping.

  Her body starts to turn, when the song switches. It’s as if she’s figured out I’m not who she thinks.

  My grip tightens around her waist, leaning down I whisper into her ear, “Don’t stop and don’t turn around. Feel the beat; let it take over your sexy as sin body.”

  It takes her a bit to relax into me, but she finally gives into the music and the hold I have on her. She’s sweating, and all I can think is how good she will taste. How I desire to lick every inch of her body. To feel the mixture of sweat and her. My mouth waters from the image.

  Just as I can picture this act, she relaxes into me. Leaning her head into my chest, I lean down and place a small kiss on top of her head. So soft that only I know it. Inhaling the fragrance of what I assume is her shampoo, strawberries and honey.

  I know this song and I know my time with her in my arms is coming to an end. Just as I’m fixing to release her and walk away, she stiffens in my arms.

  As still as a statue.

  It’s now, that I have to choose either sink or swim.

  Chapter Seven


  The person behind me must realize that I’ve caught on. He loosens his grip, and I can feel him backing away. Before he can slink away, I turn abruptly.

  Looking up, I’m taken back by his features. I knew what his face looked like, but the body that goes along with it.

  No… I wasn’t expecting this.

  Carter has to be at least six feet tall, with broad shoulders. I glance his full length and catch a glimpse of some colorful and all black artwork running up and down both arms.

  I lick my lips while staring up at him.

  Pulling myself back to the situation, I glare. I’ve got to dig deep, and find that anger I had a few moments ago.

  I do the only thing that I know to do. Reaching out I slap him right across his face before I start to raise my voice.

  “What the hell gives you the right to think you can just walk up and dance with me? You don’t know me? How the shit fire did you even know where I would be?” I scream at him.

  “Calm down, Tabby Cat. I can explain.”

  As I’m causing a scene, I glance around and notice Cory heading my way. Shit, this is not going to end good for anyone.

  Cory is standing right behind Carter now, “Hey man, I’d suggest you back the fuck away from her right now,” he spits out, and I notice his eyes are fuming with pure madness.

  Carter goes to turn around, but I place my hand on his chest and shake my head at him. Cory’s had a few drinks, and is in super protective mode.

  “Cory, why don’t you get us some water and cool off. I’ll be right over.”

  “Fuck that, Firecracker. I’m not leaving you here with this asshole.”

  “I can handle it,” Stating sternly, as I try to get my point across to him.

  “Whatever!” he says, throwing his hands up. Before he turns to walk away, “I’ll be watching you asshole. Touch her again, and I’ll beat your ass.”

  I turn to look at Carter “You happy now?”

  “Who’s that guy?” Carter asks.

  “That’s one of my friends, not that it’s any business of yours,” I say, as I turn to walk off the dance floor. Embarrassed from the scene, and ready to leave. I try to see if I can spot anyone else, but all I notice is Cory fuming at the table.

  If looks could kill, Carter would be dead right about now.

  An arm reaches out to me stopping me, “Can I talk to you a moment?”

  Releasing all the air from my lungs, I try to gather my senses before I speak. “I don’t have anything to say to you, Carter. If you need to talk about the contract, you can call the office. Angela is back, and I know she’d love to discuss it with you all day long.”

  I snatch my arm from his hold, angry with myself that I want to hear what he has to say.

  His voice alone, sends chills through my body that I can’t explain.

  As I was looking at him and trying to distract Cory, I felt this pull to protect him. Usually only protecting my family and friends. I don’t know this man, but I want to know more.

  I have to know more about him.

  If I don’t figure out this hold he has on me, I might never be able to breathe again.

  Being in his arms tonight was the best, and worst thing that I’ve ever felt in my life. I’m not even sure why I thought it was Cory. He makes me feel safe, and secure. But Carter Northwood could bring down my universe with one look, one touch, and one word.

  Back at our table, I try to not look at Cory. I don’t need the million questions and the attitude.

  I take
a gulp of my water and hear Cory, “Who was that? Don’t play stupid with me. You better be happy that I saw that and not Seth.”

  “Cory, back off. I’m not your property or anyone else’s. It was a misunderstanding. Nothing more, okay,” I let out with my voice laced like venom.

  “No, you sure the hell aren’t my property. If you were, you know what I would do,” he says, as he steps closer to me. He places his finger under my chin and lifts my head up to look at him.

  “Tabitha, you know you mean the world to me. I’ll never allow someone to hurt you. Why can’t you see how much you mean to me? Hell, I think I’m in love with you.”

  It’s like someone has ripped my heart out. “Cory, you know I love you, but not like that.”

  “I know, Firecracker. But a guy can have hopes and dreams, can’t he?”

  I don’t respond; all I can do is shrug it off as it’s no big deal. I knew one day it would come to this.

  I’m totally screwed now.

  I can’t lose one of my best friends over love.

  Cory knows my history; he knows my dislikes, my likes; everything. He’s the one that comes to rescue me when I’m stuck in a bind. If I’m sick, he brings me soup and stays with me until I’m better. Need a movie date, call Cory.

  What am I going to do now?

  This could ruin everything between us, not to mention the fact that Carter is glaring holes through Cory from the back of the bar. He didn’t leave like he should have. No, this hardheaded man marched to the back of the room and is currently camped out like he’s on guard duty.

  “Come on. I’m ready to go home,” I say, looking down at the table. When I look up and over to Cory, his eyes are full of hurt and disappointment.

  Great, now I have to fix this.

  “Where’s my brother?”

  “Left a little while ago. I told him I’d make sure you got home safe, and that’s what I plan to do.”

  Cory places his hand on my lower back to guide me out of the bar.

  I wish his touch could drive me as mad as Carter’s, but nothing.

  When we make our way outside, I take in the fresh air from the night. Opening my eyes to walk forward, I can still feel the heated ones on me from Carter.


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