Book Read Free

Unexpected Chances

Page 6

by A. M. Willard

  “I always do,” Angela states before she continues, “So what are you doing?

  “Cory and I are eating pizza, and going to hang in with a movie or something,” I explain, trying to make it out as not a big deal.

  “Is he next to you?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “Just curious. You going to talk to him?” She asks, as she lowers her voice.

  “No. Already told you that’s not an option.”

  “Just think about it, okay. I’d love to see you happy and in love.”

  As I let out a sigh, “I am very happy. Stop worrying about me and go get me some contracts to work on. Text me tomorrow, and keep me posted.”

  “We’re not done with this conversation, and you know I will.”

  I hang up tossing my phone onto the table.

  “Everything good?” Cory asks, and I know he’s wondering what our conversation was about.

  “It will be,” I say, as I watch him place his plate down and stand.

  “Where are you going?” I ask, as I look up at him and catch a glimpse of his blue eyes that usually, shine.

  Now, they reflect a person who’s broken.

  He starts to pace, running his hands through his hair. Cory stops and looks over at me, “I need to ask you something, and I’m not sure I’m going to like the answer.”

  I glance down to the floor and backup to him, bracing myself for what is about to change. “Well, ask already. I want to watch a movie.”

  Cory takes a deep breath in and releases it as if it’s his last he will ever take. “Are you happy, Tabitha?”

  I jump back shocked by him using my name, he never calls me Tabitha. It’s always, firecracker. “Yes,” I answer with what I assume to be a confused look all over my face.

  “No. I mean are you really happy?”

  “I am and you’re freaking me out a little, Cory.”

  He comes to sit next to me and places my hands into his.

  “Look, I might screw this up. But I have to tell you something, and I need you to hear me out before you say a word.”

  “Well, keep it rolling before you freak me out.”

  “The other night in the bar. Watching you dance with that guy, I realized that I cared about you more than I ever thought I did. You and I have been friends forever, and have watched each other go through some stuff. So, what I need to tell you is… I’d like for us to see if we have a shot at it. You know try to date or something. I don’t want to be just friends anymore.”

  I knew this was going to come out.

  I can feel the tears building as I pull my lower lip into bite it.

  As I look up into Cory’s pleading eyes, “I love you, Cory, but not the same way you do me. You are one of the few people that I’ll always need in my life. You’re the one that I call when I need a pick me up. Hell I might need you in my life more than I do my brother.” I stop and look down at our joined hands then continue, “If I say I love you in any other form than what I do, it’s a lie. I will not deceive you in any way. But you’re not the one. I’m not even sure if the one is out there for me.”

  Holding my breath, I wait for his response.

  “I figured that’s what you’d say. He did screw you up, didn’t he?”

  I don’t respond to his question. Cory already knows the answer to why I have a heart made out of steel. All I can do is sit and watch him stand then walk out of my apartment.

  As I hear the door close behind him, I feel like someone just took the biggest part of my world away.

  Will Cory and I ever be able to recover from this moment of truth?

  I don’t know the answer to that tonight.

  I hope that in time we will be able to salvage what’s left of our friendship.



  In my drunken stupor, I decide to email Mrs. Stephens with SHI. I pulled some bull crap about an emergency board meeting, and she was willing to accommodate the change of schedule.

  I’d prefer that Tabitha be the one to handle my contract and initial visit. I’ll just have to plan for something else.

  On a good note for the day, I was able to get myself out of a prior engagement with Bethany.

  Having to pull out all stops with her.

  “Beth, I’m busy with this new contract coming up, and have to prepare for an emergency meeting tomorrow.”

  “Carter you do realize that tomorrow is Sunday?”

  “I know what day it is Beth. The board’s moving up a meeting on the revamp. So I’m busy. Why don’t you get someone else to attend the fundraiser with you tonight?”

  “You can stop calling me Beth at any point, Carter. You know I hate that name, and you’re doing it on purpose. I miss you, and would like to have you accompany me this evening.”

  “Sign the fucking papers, Bethany. That’s how much I miss you.”

  “You know I can’t sign them, and that’s no reason to be so vulgar with your wife.”

  “Well wife, go screw the gardener and leave me be. I’m done with this conversation. Oh and Beth you might want to find you a new piece of candy to attend these functions with you every week. I’m done, and I mean it,” saying in a harsh growl as I hang up the phone.

  Being able to ditch her tonight, and buying myself some time before I receive a call from Mr. Edwards, I head into my office and layout the blueprints for the new condos.

  I’ve got to have them signed off, and ready by the end of the week. Now all I have to figure out is how to get my head back into the game. Each time someone asks me about a new feature we would like to incorporate, my mind flows to “would Tabitha like this?”

  Chapter Twelve:


  Coffee isn’t working today. I slept like crap again last night, tossing and turning. All I could picture was the look on Cory’s face as he stood up, and disappeared. I’ve sent a few texts but haven’t heard anything back. I’ll give him a few days before I show up and assess the situation.

  Everyone has plans for the day, and I’ve decided to back out on family time. This week is going to be busy with more teleconferences and contracts to review.

  As I choose to stay in and sulk, I’ll clean and get myself organized. My closet looks like a natural disaster. Shoes are thrown across the floor. It’s gotten so bad that I have to kick them out of the way when I walk into it.

  A few months ago I talked Cory and Seth into installing a new shoe rack and shelves. Now as I stand here looking at the mess, I understand why they laughed the whole time. They knew it’d be a wreck in no time.

  First thing’s first, music. I click on my stereo and head back into shoe hell.

  Sitting down I start to sort, and get distracted by the chest in the corner. I lean forward and drag it to me. A chuckle escapes as I remember Angela giving me the chest for my birthday.

  When I opened the chest, it was full of sparkly stickers. She explained that I could personalize it anyway I’d seen fit. Using the pink glitter letters, I placed my initials on the top. It was the only thing that was needed on the dark mahogany wood.

  Opening the lid, I catch my breath as I’d forgotten all the things I’d stashed inside. Receiving this our freshman year at the university means there’s four years’ worth of mementos to look through.

  On top is the picture Seth took of Angela and me in our cap and gowns, my smile is big, but fake.

  Two days before graduation my heart was ripped from my chest, and thrown off the freeway for the semis to run over.

  I made Angela promise to not say a word to Seth or anyone else about what had happened that night. If he had found out, my brother would’ve caused a scene. Making up an excuse that we decided Robert and I were going in different directions. I was ready to embrace my new future, and he wasn’t.

  Placing a few pictures to the side, I continue down memory lane.

  A few concert tickets and tokens from Lord only knows where. I use to think every little thing had a meaning.

  Now looking
inside this chest its useless memories of a life I never want to go back to.

  The next picture is of all my sisters in our sorority house. One glance, I frantically rip it up.

  Every one of them can burn.

  They knew and kept it a secret for three years. We took an oath for the eternal bond, trust and compassion.

  Someone explain to me if they received a different dictionary? I’m pretty sure the definition of trust is to not lie to another one of your sisters.

  I cried for weeks straight. Angela still hasn’t figured out how I faked a smile on what should have been the happiest day of my life.

  Moving through the box, I allow the tears to shed from my body.

  It’s as if I’m living the heartache all again. Picture after picture shows me a life that I thought I was going to have, will never come.

  I’m in my own world when my phone vibrates next to me.

  Angela: Made it safe and sound sweetheart. XXXOOO

  Me: Good to know

  Is all I muster up to respond with as I drop my phone to my side?

  If she knew what I was doing, Angela would be on the next flight home to console me. I’m thirty three years old and should be able to handle this.

  A part of me wishes I could text Cory for comforting, but I know we both need time apart right now.

  I spend the next four hours inside my closet. As I place the last pair of my shoes up on the rack, I step back and admire my handy work.

  Needing a pick me up, what better way than to see all the light reflecting off your shoes. It makes me feel as if I’m standing under a disco ball.

  So what do I do, I spin around and around until I’m completely dizzy.

  Somehow I managed to ignore everyone today.

  I have the feeling that Cory talked with Seth, hint coming from the multiple calls and text my big brother has sent.

  It’s late, and I’m exhausted from all the emotions that have come up over the last week.

  Tucking myself into my cozy bed, I snuggle down for the night.

  As I close my eyes, I pray that sleep comes without dreaming of either Cory or Carter.

  I’m going to start calling them C&C.



  Mrs. Stephens is very professional and good. I’ve followed her around and listened to all the suggestions and the details on how her business works.

  I was intrigued by what SHI stood for, so of course I had to be nosey and ask. This is something that I could have had Jack look into, but what fun is that.

  “Mrs. Stephens, I feel that if we are going to be doing business with each other I should know the meaning behind SHI,” I state.

  I watch as she turns towards me, laughing, and her eyes are full of passion as she proceeds. “Funny you ask that. No one ever does. My assistant and I came up with it our junior year of college. SHI stands for Sparkles Hospitality Imperium.”

  I cock my head to the side and let out a small chuckle. “Interesting,” is the only thing that comes to mind.

  “I know not very professional, but it’s what we drew from the box and we had to use it,” she explains, and it clicks that Tabitha was the one to write that down. One day I’ll be able to hear the story behind the name.

  After our meeting, I send her away. She’d explained how she has another meeting to attend in New York tomorrow.

  Listening to all the places they hold contracts makes me thankful that my business is based in Seattle. I only travel to meet with distributors from time to time.

  Chapter Thirteen:


  Somehow I found a way to sleep through the night. No dreams; nothing, just sleep. Wide awake, I go about my daily activities. First, hitting up my yoga class, shower, coffee and then work.

  I’ve banned myself from the copier, especially since the day has been going smooth. I figured I had nothing to lose from not touching the stupid thing. Reading contracts is what I set on my agenda today.

  Still ignoring my brother Seth, the more I send him to voicemail the better my day will flow. Not up for the whole, ‘why did you break his heart speech.’ One day I’ll listen to what he has to say, but, today is not that day.

  Today equals happy Tabitha Day, which includes a bowl of ice cream and one single cupcake.

  Celebrating a new start.

  Wait I have to figure out what new start. Nothing is fresh, except I’m going to look at life with clear eyes.

  Filing away the revised contracts, I hear the door open. A wave of defeat rolls through my body. Knowing that when I turn around it’s one of the two people. Seth or Cory.

  I have to face it sooner, rather than later.

  Spinning around, I knock backwards into the file cabinets.

  He is not who I was expecting at all.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you.” He says, as he trots further into the office with a smile on his face.

  “Carter, I’m not sure why you felt it necessary to come and see me. Angela is handling your account, and will forward either myself or your office the preliminary papers.”

  “I know that. My reasoning has nothing to do with work,” he says, as he cocks his head up towards the ceiling and places his index finger on his chin. Glancing back over towards me he continues, “You could say, this trip is for pleasure and not business.”

  Laughing, “Pleasure my ass, Mr. Northwood.”

  I push the file drawer a little harder than necessary as I proceed, “You need to know real quickly, I do not mix business and pleasure together. I’m not sure what you have in mind, but you need to turn right back around and leave,” I say, as I direct my hands towards the door.

  “Normally I don’t mix them together, either. I’ve been burned in the past from that. But I have to say something about you makes me want to break every rule in the book.”

  “Let me mail you a hard copy edition of my rules. I live by them, and the last time I checked you weren’t in it.”

  “Rules are meant to be broken, and pages can be rewritten.”

  “Mine aren’t,” I say, as I place my right hand onto my hip and stare him down.

  “The least you could do is join me for dinner. I did come all this way.”

  “Dinner?” I question, raising an eyebrow in his direction.

  “Yes Tabitha, would you care to join me for dinner tonight. If you’d feel better, I can meet you say around seven this evening. You name the place, my treat.”

  “Dang right it’s your treat. I’ll email you the address. Now if you don’t mind, I have work to do. You can excuse yourself; I’m pretty sure you know where the door is.”

  “I’m looking forward to it, and I’ll show myself out.”

  Carter turns to leave, and I can’t help but to get mesmerized by his stature. The few times I’ve been able to observe him, he’s always sure of himself.

  I double over and place both hands onto my knees; I try to find my Zen. I need to center myself, and prepare for what I’m sure to be an eventful night.

  Now I just need to think of where to go.

  Needing a public place with lots of light and people.



  Never being the bright one and knowing when to stand down. I woke this morning with what I thought to be a brilliant idea. I called Kelly my assistant, and told her to clear my schedule until otherwise notified. Prepping her for the questions that will follow from my absence.

  “Sir, what do I tell the wicked witch?”

  “Tell her I had an emergency meeting with a new builder. She doesn’t have a clue what we do anyway. Just make sure you stress the importance behind my departure. I’m not looking forward to a million calls from her.”

  Bag packed; I head off to jump on another plane. As I board, all I can do is shake my head. “How does this woman have me jumping on a plane every time I turn around?” I ask myself, as I place my briefcase in the overhead compartment.

  Finding a spot
near her office, I park the rental and take a deep breath.

  Why am I here?

  What am I going to tell her?

  I can’t imagine she’d be thrilled to hear that I can’t stop thinking about her. Most women would, but not Tabitha.

  She’s a pistol that if you don’t learn how to point and shoot properly. The backfire could be hazardous to your health or life.

  With a smile plastered across my face, I swing the door open.

  I can hear the speakers playing “Lips of an Angel” causing me to smile even more. If I had to describe her lips, that’s how I would describe them.

  By the look on her face, she was expecting someone else. I let it slide as I’m pretty sure she thought I was the guy from the bar.

  She’s trying to stand her ground with me, what Tabitha hasn’t figured out yet is, I can read people quite well.

  Playing it simple, I ask her for dinner and leave. Now I have to wait to see if she emails me.

  In and out is what I just did, just enough to cause a little quake in her day.

  Make her think about me just a little for the rest of the day.

  Locating the hotel, I check in and unpack to keep myself busy while I wait.

  Two hours pass by as I look at my watch for the thousandth time this afternoon. It’s approaching five o’clock, and I haven’t heard anything.

  Just as I run my fingers through my hair out of frustration, I hear a beep from my notifications.

  Jumping to snatch it up from the desk, I see my Tabby Cat has chosen a place for the evening.

  Mr. Northwood,

  If you care to continue with this charade, I’ll be at the following location this evening around seven.

  Next to the pier is a sushi restaurant “Malibu Landing and Sushi Bar.” If you’re late, don’t bother to come in.

  Reading back over the email, I notice she didn’t sign it, nor give me an address. I’ll have to depend on the GPS to get me to the pier. If I’m in the general vicinity, I’ll be golden. One thing she doesn’t need to worry with is me being late. I plan to arrive before and have the table ready.


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