Unexpected Chances

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Unexpected Chances Page 8

by A. M. Willard

  Angela returns this evening and I need to be here for her, even though she says she will see me tomorrow. Everything in this office is out to get me today, or is it the world?

  Glancing up to the clock, I let out a sigh of relief that the day is over. Now it’s time for me to put my game face on. I was instructed to dress nice but not in a dress.

  Home and showered, I search my massive closet for something that screams nice but not too much.

  Finding my navy blue skinny jeans, I toss them out and onto the bed then head back in search of the perfect top. After looking, I find my hot pink silk blouse that hangs off my right shoulder. I’ll pair it with my pink heels covered in glitter.

  I twirl around and look in the mirror, satisfied with what I’ve done. A quick glance at the clock tells me that Carter will be here soon. Everything is shoved into my tiny purse as I walk out the door.

  Figuring I need to make this as simple as possible and informal, I plan to wait for him out front.

  While I’m waiting, I send a quick text to Seth and Angela and tuck my phone back into my purse.

  Seth is still angry with me, but I know in time he will see my side.

  The sound of an engine roaring through the parking lot causes me to look and see what’s going on. As the motorcycle pulls into a spot in front of me, I notice it’s Carter.

  Stomping over towards him, “No! I’m not getting on that thing. I’ll drive,” I say, as I turn to walk over towards my car.

  “Tabitha! You will get on the back of this bike or I’ll put your ass on it,” He shouts out.

  I stop and turn around, giving him a glare of death.

  “I don’t do bikes, Carter.”

  “You do now. I promise you’ll be safe. Come on,” He gestures for me to head back over towards him.

  Not happy, I give in as I ask, “You promise, you’ll go slowly?”

  “I promise. Put this on and throw that leg over and wrap your arms around my waist,” he says, as he hands me a helmet.

  “You think I’m going to cuddle with a complete stranger?”

  “It’s not cuddling, sweetheart. It’s called being safe.”

  I do as I’m instructed, even though I don’t like this whole idea. Not knowing where we are going and worried I’ll now have helmet hair. The engine comes to life, and the vibrations run through my body. My heart starts to skip a beat from being so close to him like this. I lean forward and wrap my arms around his waist.

  As he backs us out of the spot, he turns his head, “Hold on tight and lean when I lean. Same direction.”

  The cat has taken my tongue, causing me only to nod my head against his back.

  Speeding down the highway, a sense of calm washes over me. All the tension in my body feels as if it’s melted away. Closing my eyes, I wrap my arms around Carter a little more and relax.

  The fresh air hits me and it’s as if the wind is washing all my worries away. I feel us coming to a stop, opening my eyes I look around to see where we are. It doesn’t feel as if we’ve been riding this long. The sign above the cafe shows me that he’s chosen one of my favorite French restaurants.

  Once the bike is settled into the spot, Carter taps my leg motioning for me to climb off. I hand him the helmet and shake my hair out.

  “I hope you like ‘Le Café du Coeur’?” He asks, motioning to the building.

  “I do. I come here all the time,” I state, with a little confusion. Most people don’t know that I love this place. The décor reminds me of Paris, or what I think Paris would look and feel like.

  Watching Carter climb off the bike causes my stomach to drop. He’s so different from anyone that I’ve ever dated or known. Something about him just makes me feel safe. Which then causes me to want to run away in the other direction.

  Safe is never a good thing.

  Holding out his hand towards me, I take a chance and grab it. I look down to our entwined hands. His makes mine look like a toddlers, his engulfs my petite hand.

  “Come on, let’s eat. I’m starving,” he says, opening the door gesturing for me to enter before him.

  Hmm. Holds your hand, opens the door, and comes to find you after you walk out of dinner. Mentally making a note that something has to be wrong with him.

  He has to have faults; I just need to find one.

  “Table pour deux s’il vous plait,” Carter says, to the hostess, earning him a smile from her and a strange look from me.

  “What did you say?” I question.

  “Table for two, please,” he chuckles, as he motions for me to follow, placing his hand on my lower back sending chills up my spine.

  “Are you cold, Tabitha?”

  “No, why?”

  “I felt you shiver for a moment.”

  “I’m fine, thanks for asking,” I say, as I turn to look at him and see a slight smirk on his face.

  “Ici me laisser,” he says, as he pulls out my chair and gestures for me to sit. I’ve no idea what he just said, but I take it he’s telling me to sit or something.

  “Thank you,” Is the only response I can give him, as I watch him pull his chair out beside me.

  “Vous regardez magnifique ce soir.”

  “Cut the French, Carter. I have no idea what you’re saying, and how do you know French?”

  “Prep school,” is his only response, as he hands me a menu. I don’t need to look at it since I already know what I’m ordering.

  I place the menu down in front of me and ask, “Prep school?”

  “Yes, my family made sure I went to the best schools growing up,” he answers, but seems to be a little nervous with his response.

  “Hmm,” Is all I answer with, as I look down at the one-page menu, like I’m trying to decide what I’d like to order?

  After we order a glass of Bourgogne Chardonnay, both of us order the same Porc a la Dijonaise for dinner.

  “So how long are you in town for?”

  “I’m leaving tomorrow. Some things have come up that need to be taken care of.”

  “Sounds important.”

  “It is.”

  “Well, this is awkward. We have nothing to talk about,” I state.

  “No, let’s start fresh. Tell me about yourself, Tabitha.”

  “Not much to say. I have a brother, and you know where I work.”

  “What’s with the name of the company? What’s SHI stand for?”

  Covering my face from embarrassment, no one ever wonders what SHI stands for. “Angela will kill me for telling you this. Sparkles Hospitality Imperium.”

  I watch the sides of Caters mouth turn upward, “Now you have to tell me how you came up with that one.”

  “Late at night after a party in college, we had the idea of the company, but not a name, a stack of post-it notes and a jar. Each of us wrote down what we thought was catchy. Folded them up and threw them into the pot. Angela had to draw one piece of paper out and whatever it was, that was the name.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Just like that. She tried and tried to plead with me. But I wasn’t backing down. A deal is a deal. We shortened it to SHI and went with it.”

  “I guess that’s one you wrote down?”

  “Sure is and it was one of the better ones. Like I said, it was a long night on the floor laughing and planning our future.”

  “I take it you love your job?” Carter asks.

  “I do. I enjoy it and have the freedom to be creative when she needs my help.”

  “Tell me about Georgia’s Inc.?” I ask.

  “That’s easy. I didn’t want to associate it with my family, so I picked the first place I went on vacation as an adult. Senior year, a bunch of us went to Georgia. I had a blast with no worries and no commitments. Seemed fitting when I picked it.

  “You like having no commitments then?”

  “No I have plenty of commitments, what I mean is, that was before life got complicated and burdens came into play.”

  “Oh…” I say, as I look arou
nd the restaurant and down to my watch. Noticing we’ve only been here for thirty minutes or so, I’m ready to move it along.

  “Do you have any sisters or brothers?”

  “No, only child. My parents decided with their careers one was enough.”

  “What does your family do?”

  “My father’s a political lawyer, while my mother stays at home. She’s busy with fundraisers and any event you can think of. What about yours?”

  “Mom’s a Pediatric Heart Surgeon, on the board of directors at the children’s hospital. My dad’s a history professor.”

  As soon as I finish, our food is placed down in front of us. Inhaling the aroma, I close my eyes to take it in. It smells divine. Just as I go to say something to Carter, my stomach lets out a loud growl.

  Embarrassed, “Sorry, I don’t think I’ve eaten today.”

  Pointing his fork over towards my plate, “Eat, and you shouldn’t go all day without feeding yourself.”

  With a mouth full of food, “What do you do for fun?”

  “Not much. I ride my motorcycle and work. That’s pretty much it.”

  “Is that yours or did you rent it?”

  “I rented it for the evening.”

  “Oh okay,” I say, as I push around the food on my plate.

  “What’s wrong?” Carter asks.

  “Just a little tired and confused.”

  “What’s to be confused about, Tabitha?”

  Gesturing back and forth in between us, I say “This. What we’re doing.”

  “It’s simple, not confusing. Two adults are having dinner and getting to know each other.”

  “I understand that, but we work together and I need you to know I don’t mix business and pleasure together. Ever.”

  “Understood,” Is all Carter says, but I have the feeling that even though he gets it, he really doesn’t.

  Both of us finish our dinner and I decline dessert. The light chit chat has continued with Carter flirting here and there with me. I’m trying to hold it together and keep my feelings out of this dinner.

  There’s still something about this man that drives me crazy and makes me feel safe.

  In my own world, I feel Carter’s hand touch my forearm, “Tabitha, you ready to go?”

  “Oh yes… Okay,” I stutter out.

  “I think I lost you, am I that boring?”

  “No. Sorry I’m a little distracted.”

  “I can tell. I’ve already paid, and we can go when you’re ready.”

  Pushing my chair back from the table, I go to stand abruptly almost causing me to fall backwards.

  I catch my footing and balance myself before we head out. Dinner was surprisingly beautiful, and I feel as I need to call a taxi. I need to avoid the back of his bike again. The feel of the engine, my arms wrapped around him, and his scent which is intoxicating.

  As we step outside I turn to say, “I think I’ll call a taxi home. Thank you for tonight. It was fun.”

  Carter steps closer to me, pulling me to him by my waist. His face is mere inches from mine as he says, “I picked you up, and I’ll be the one to take you home. Stop fighting me and feel.”

  With a big gulp, I look over at the bike and then back to him. I lean my head back to say something, but then I’m caught off guard as Carter crashes his lips onto mine.

  It’s not a gentle kiss at first.

  The force of his lips onto mine has me letting a small growl escape from deep within. Carter begins to slide his hands up my back and into my hair, pulling me closer to him.

  He parts my lips more with his tongue as he continues to kiss me as if I’m his dessert for the evening.

  Pulling back abruptly, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that, but your lips have been begging me to taste them since the first day I saw you.”

  I’m speechless.

  Pulling back out of his grip, I start to walk over towards his bike. I can’t look at him right now, I need him to take me home. This ride is going to be the longest one in the history of time.

  “Let me help you,” he says, as he unbuckles the helmet and hands it to me.

  Still not making contact, I slide onto the back of the bike and wait.



  Dinner’s moving along, until she zoned out on me. I’ve no idea where she went, but I could tell she went far off.

  Trying to bring dinner back around, I suggest that we head out. I’ve planned to take her for a ride along the coast. Having her on the back of the bike, was more than I had expected.

  I’m always the one on the bike alone. Bethany would rather walk than be seen on the back of my bike. Tabitha was scared at first but once I talked her into climbing on back, I felt her relax. She’d squeeze her arms a little tighter as I we went around the curves, but her face was pure joy when we parked.

  Out in the parking lot, I could sense that she had the need to escape; and quickly. There was no way I was going to let that happen. I’ve been watching her lick her lips all through dinner and it was killing me to not reach over and grab her by the face. I needed a taste and this was my chance.

  Taking control, I did what I thought I needed to do. I might have been wrong, and it was probably too soon, but I don’t care. She’s perched on the back of the bike and as soon as I bring the engine to life, she’ll be wrapped around me once again.

  I could spend a year riding around with her behind me. Tabitha is full of life and spunk, something I’ve been missing out on my entire life. She’s what I need in my life. I need her fiery spirit and most of all I need her love.

  We haven’t said a word since the kiss, just enjoying the ride back to her place. Even though, she won’t ask me up, I plan to make her think of me after I ride off.

  Kicking down the kick stand to make sure we’re stable, Tabitha releases her arms from my waist and I feel her start to slide off from behind me. I don’t want to lose this brief connection between us, so I reach back and place my hand onto her knee.

  “Wait,” and I feel her straighten herself backup. Looking up at the night’s sky, I take a deep breath in and out before I continue.

  “Tabitha, I’m sorry if you felt uncomfortable with that kiss, but I’m not sorry for doing it. I plan to kiss you again before the nights over, but I need you to know something first,” Stopping to let it all sink in before I carry on.

  “Carter,” she says so low, that I’m not even sure she said my name.

  “No. I need to tell you this,” I say, while I start rubbing her knee. I can’t look into her eyes when I say this, but I need her to feel a connection that I know we have. “My life is total shit and complicated. Somehow you weaseled your way into it and I’m not letting you walk away. Not now or ever. I’ll fix what I have to fix. I need you to keep an open mind, and stop shutting down. I’d really like to see where we can go from here if you give me a chance.”

  Sitting still, Tabitha starts to move behind me and I don’t stop her from jumping off the back. I said what I needed to say, now I have to wait and see if she will respond.

  I’ve figured out that you don’t push her.

  “Carter, I don’t know what to say to all this. I’ve built a fort around my feelings and heart. You can’t expect me to break them down for you. I don’t work that way and I don’t believe in true love or that everyone has a soul mate waiting for them in this world. What I do know is this; yes, I am attracted to you and feel something. What that something is, I don’t know. Can I try? We will have to wait and see where it goes from here.”

  I listen as I stand and move over towards her.

  When she’s done, I reach out and take her face into my hands, “I’ll show you that you can trust me. I will figure out a way to knock your walls down and for us to figure this out. I’m going to kiss you goodnight and leave.”

  I lean down to her wide-eyed face and gently place a kiss on her lips. I’m not forceful like I was in the parking lot, no, this time it’s slow and steady. Not rushing th
is moment, I memorize how her mouth feels pressed against mine. I have to take something back home with me tomorrow to remember this moment.

  Breaking our connection, I lean into her and say, “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” Is the only response she gives me, trying to not show me that she’s breathless.

  Turning, I jump back onto the bike and crank the engine up. I watch as she saunters back to her door. I stay put until I know she’s safe and sound in the comfort of her apartment.

  Chapter Seventeen


  What other way than to take your mind off your problems? Head to your best friend who has even a bigger problem than you do.

  Throwing an overnight bag together, I lock up and head back out to check on my friend. She dropped a huge bomb on me this morning, and I know she’s freaking out.

  Angela was by my side the whole time I tried to recover from what Richard did to me. Ever since then, she knows I don’t agree with adultery or even the thought of it.

  I can’t say I don’t blame her, and maybe it just means that I’m over the past. I hate being on the sidelines, watching her marriage fail and there’s not a thing I can do about it. I tried in the beginning to talk her out of it, but she thought she was in love. Having to stand next to your sister from another mother and watch her make the biggest mistake of her life, it was torture.

  Straight up bitch was what I turned into during the whole wedding.

  “Can’t you support me on this, Tabitha?” Angela asks, in her bridal suite

  “I’m trying, but you can’t see past him to notice it. He’s going to crush you in the end, and I’m not going to watch that happen.”

  “Can we just not fight about this today; it’s my wedding day.”

  “I can promise to not fight with you but him no. If the douchebag hurts you, I’ll kill him.”

  I think back to that day and now.

  How some things have changed and then some haven’t. We are still the same in some ways, just a little older than we were then. Angela’s husband is still a douche, and I’d pay money to watch him fall.


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