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Special Operations

Page 1

by TD Webb

  Special Operations

  A female sniper drama


  Tinna Webb

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Copyright: © Copyright at Tinna Webb July 26th 2015

  Copyright @ Tinna Webb July 26th 2015

  All characters within this story are fictional and bear no resemblance to anyone living or dead and are purely coincidental.

  A Tinna Webb story, created on July 26th 2015 this book or any parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author. Piracy is a crime.

  Tinna Webb stories are downloadable on reputable sites. If for any reason you are reading this for free from a non-reputable site, then you are viewing an illegal download. Please refrain from doing so.

  Contact information:

  Facebook: Tinna Webb

  Special Operations

  A Female Sniper drama


  JC Mackenzie is headed for a new position in her military career, one that she has always dreamed of, and now her dreams are coming true. She will be part of a very special unit that requires her unique skills. It’s what she has always wanted but what she didn’t bargain for, was falling for her chief. From a mission gone wrong by betrayal, will JC come out on top, or will she lose her freedom and the woman she loves?

  Chapter One

  Master Corporal Jessica Christina Mackenzie, or more commonly known as ‘JC’, was walking through the Edmonton international airport, headed toward the check-in counter for Air Canada. There were those who would stop and stare at her when she was dressed in her air force dress-uniform, which was a perfect fit. At thirty-nine years of age, JC was in the best shape of her life, she had worked hard to keep her body in top form for the past twenty-two years. After checking-in with Air Canada and checking her luggage, she proceeded to security and then went to the lounge, to await her flight. JC sat at a table alone. Drinking her Pepsi she reflected on her life and career—where she had reached up to this point. JC was born 31st-July-1972 to Patricia and Lawrence Mackenzie in St. Catharines, Ontario, and her father had spent twenty-five years in the military as a pilot and still served in the reserves.

  Even though her family is wealthy, JC had a normal childhood, just like other middle-class Canadian families. She went to public school and then on to college. Everything she accomplished has been by her own hard work. She decided to join the Canadian Armed Forces instead of joining the family newspaper business. After finishing boot camp in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, she went to Borden, Ontario for her trades training. She joined as a military Police Officer but the trade training would be delayed for over a year, so she took her secondary trade—a soldier, as well as a trained Supply Technician.

  Her first posting was eight years on Canadian Forces Base, Summerside, in Prince Edward Island. While in Summerside, she took whatever courses she could, to further her career and her dream of one day belonging to the Special Operations Unit. While in Summerside, she also tried out and won a position on the Canadian Olympic team for biathlon. It consisted of cross country skiing and sharp shooting. Luckily, her father had taught her to shoot at an early age. After competing on two Olympic teams, and a few years in private competition, she just practiced on the gun range at her second posting, which was then to lead on to the Canadian Forces Supply Depot in Toronto, Ontario for eight years. After that, her shortest posting was six years in Edmonton Alberta. Now she is heading back to Toronto for her dream posting. She had always wanted to be in the Special Operations Unit, since she joined the military. She had tried for the unit when she was in Toronto but was denied and told to try again when a spot became available on the team. Her home base then became CFB Toronto in North York, Ontario, a part of metropolitan Toronto. She would be traveling all over the world with the Special Operations Unit.

  JC had worked out in one-form-or-another five days a week for the last twenty-two years. Her rifle skills are that of a sniper and she is one of the best in the Canadian Armed Forces. At 5ft 8” with blonde hair down to the edge of her tunic collar and her emerald-green eyes, she’s the picture of raw beauty.

  JC has been excited since receiving her posting message, finding out that she was going to Unit One, commanded by Chief Warrant Officer Stone. She has never met the Chief but from everything she had heard, Stone is the ‘best of the best.’ JC couldn’t wait to work with her.

  JC had also never married. She had her reasons—two of them. First, by staying single, it’s easier to get the postings you want, and second, her being gay. Even though now it was completely legal to be gay in the Canadian armed forces, JC told very few people about her private life, and it was just that—private.

  She had heard rumors over the years that the Chief was gay but JC has never been one to listen to rumors, so, she will just wait and see. Most of the rumors had come from men that couldn’t make it in the unit and JC figured it was just because they couldn’t stand taking orders from a woman. JC’s personal life would remain separate from her military life. It’s nobody’s business what she did in her spare time, as long as it was not against the law, nor interfere with her military duties.

  Before she left Edmonton, JC had called Mandy and Beth, two of her high-school friends who live in Toronto. They were already finding leads on places for her to live. She had arranged to stay with them, just until she gets a place of her own. They’d already managed to set up a few viewing appointments for Saturday.

  JC didn’t have to report in until Monday, giving her a nice long weekend. Her car, a white-metallic 2011 Porsche Boxster, would be waiting for her at Pearson International Airport, when she arrived. Her father had it brought down from St. Catharines, it was her pride and joy—her baby. Being wealthy has made some parts of JC’s life easier. She owned condos in Halifax, Calgary, New York and Edmonton, which were all being rented out, and there were family owned Villas in France and Brazil. JC had bought the condos from her own earnings, she always did invest well. But the condo in Edmonton had been put up for sale, since she had the one in Calgary.

  JC’s flight arrived on time. After retrieving her luggage, she got her car and headed for Mandy and Beth’s place. After almost ten hours in dress uniform, JC couldn’t wait to get into a pair of jeans and casual boots.

  They were going out on the town—Wednesday night in Toronto, the gay bars would be hopping. JC needed to relax and dancing was one way she did that. After a few hours of catching up over a few drinks, she and her friends headed out. JC met a couple of girls at the bar, none of them held any interest but she was tired, so she, Mandy, and Beth headed home early.

  On Friday morning, after a really good night’s sleep, JC, again, got into her dress-uniform and headed to the base, to do some clearances. She and her friends where going out to dinner later in the evening, so she wanted to get as much done as possible. This way, she wouldn't have to rush around so much on Monday, and on Sunday, she was going to have dinner with her parents.

  Once on the base, JC watched a woman run around the track. She wasn’t close enough to get a real good look at her, but from where she was, she could tell that the woman looked pretty hot. JC could really
get into that.

  After doing everything that was necessary, she looked at her watch. It was almost lunch time, so she decided to head to Wolfe’s, to get something to eat. It was located on the corner of Bathurst Street and Shepherd Avenue, in a shopping plaza. They served the best corn beef on rye in Canada.

  While waiting in line, a redhead, wavy collar-length hair, a few freckles on her cheeks and a smile spreading across her face, kept staring at her. She recognised her, Rebecca Sullivan. “How are you today?” JC asked. She had met Rebecca on Wednesday night at the club.

  “I’m fine, JC. I didn’t recognize you, and I didn’t know you were in the military”.

  “I really don’t mention it when I first meet someone. Sometimes the mere mention of the military scares women away,” JC laughed. “I hope that’s not a problem for you, Rebecca?”

  Looking down at JC’s boots, she slowly raised her eyes, scanning the fit body in front of her, until she met with JC’s eyes. “No, JC, not a problem at all, I kind of like a woman in uniform. So, I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner with me tonight, I was going to ask you on Wednesday night, but you had already left.”

  “I would love to, but I’ve already made plans to go out with my friends, Mandy and Beth, if you would like to join us, you’re more than welcome to.”

  Rebecca toyed with her hair. “I’d love to, JC. Where and when?”

  “How about we meet at 1900 hours, in front of the Eaton Centre?”

  “Okay, I can meet you guys there.”

  “How about you give me your phone number and address and I will pick you up instead, or, call if plans change. Maybe we can do something after dinner?”

  “That would be great, JC.” Rebecca gave her information while they were ordering their lunch. Then JC offered Rebecca a ride back to work, when their orders were ready. “Its okay, JC, I work just around the corner, at St. Michael’s hospital, but I’ll see you tonight.”

  Rebecca stood on her toes and gave JC a goodbye kiss on her cheek. JC blushed. No one had ever kissed her in public before, not when she was in uniform. JC headed back towards home, neither Mandy, nor Beth, were home yet, so JC ate her lunch and decided to go to her room for a nap. Dinner went well. The ladies had enjoyed Rebecca’s company. JC asked Mandy and Beth if they wanted to go dancing with her and Rebecca, but both declined, saying they were tired. So JC and Rebecca went to a local gay bar, after Mandy and Beth left. At 0200 hours, JC pulled up to Rebecca’s apartment building.

  “JC, would you like to come up?” Rebecca asked.

  “No, I have appointments to look at condos later this morning.”

  “So, would you like to go out with me again?” Rebecca asked. JC leaned over, pulled Rebecca to her, and gave her a long, lingering kiss. Once breaking for air, they were both breathless. “I guess that’s a yes?”

  “Yes, here’s my cell-phone number, give me a call later in the week I will be starting with my new unit on Monday and I’m sure I’ll be busy, but call anyway, so we can figure out when we can get together.”

  JC kissed her again and waited for Rebecca to get into her building, before she drove away. “I really think I'd like to get to know her better,” JC said to herself, as she headed home. The rest of her weekend went as planned. She ended up buying a condo at Keele Street and Wilson Street, in the old Skyline hotel. It was close to the base and close to Mandy and Beth’s apartment. Her furniture and effects would be there on Friday. The condo was vacant, so she could move in anytime she wanted. She had a great time with her parents on Sunday, arriving home at 2200 hours, she called Rebecca. They chatted for a while, then, after saying good night, JC went to bed. She couldn't sleep, she was excited, she was going to start her dream job and meet Chief Stone in person tomorrow morning.

  Chapter Two

  Chief Warrant Officer Regina Stone, born in Halifax, Nova Scotia on 29th-July-1962. A drunk driver had killed her parents when she was four years old, so Reggie went to live with her Aunt Marie, her mother’s sister, in Calgary, Alberta. After high-school at the age of seventeen, with her aunt’s consent, Reggie joined the Canadian Armed Forces. Reggie had just wanted to get away and be on her own. Marie did not have any kids of her own and had never married. When Marie passed away fifteen years ago, she had left everything to Reggie. Reggie was well off, due to her investments and her high pay in the military. She owned her own condominium in Toronto, up by Keele Street and Wilson Street, in the old Skyline hotel. Reggie worked out five days a week. At 6ft 2”, long raven-black hair and ice-blue eyes, she was in fantastic shape for a woman of her age. At her height, most people were intimidated but she didn’t mind, she had earned her rank and she had worked hard for the last thirty years, to get where she is today. Out of those thirty years, the only regret Reggie had since she started her military career; was losing Master Corporal Debbie Manchester two years ago in the line of duty. The only person in the unit who knew Reggie and Debbie were a couple, was Sergeant Chris Turner. He was Reggie’s second in command and one of her best friends, even though she was cleared of any wrong doing in Debbie’s death. Reggie still blamed herself, because she commanded the unit and it was her responsibility to make sure everyone came home alive. Even Debbie’s parents didn’t blame her—they knew Reggie had loved her.

  Monday morning 0600 hrs, Chief Stone had had a quiet weekend, and now she was jogging around the track, running her normal 10 miles, then off to the weight room for more of a work out. The last mile was hard to run full out. Once finished, Reggie went to the centre of the track, it was the only grassy area around. Sitting down, she grabbed a bottle of water from her gym bag and drank half of it in one swallow. She was sitting there, getting her breathing under control, and while doing this, she was watching a beautiful blonde walking across the tarmac between the hangers. She looked good from what Reggie could see. It was already 70 degrees at 0645 hours in the morning and Reggie was sweating as she continued to drink her water. It was going to be a hot July. Reggie got up off the ground and walked over to the hanger, where her office was, so she could take a shower. There wasn’t going to be a weight work out this morning, she had over done it on the track. She had a full schedule today, after 10 years of commanding her unit, some things just fell into place. However, bringing in new members was one of the good points. Corporals and below, were only allowed to serve four years in the unit, while Master Corporals and above, could stay, as long as their mind and bodies held out. She had to check all records and make sure everyone in her unit was physically and mentally fit to serve in the unit. She had the final say on who stayed, or who was unfit.

  After showering and getting dressed into her fatigues, Reggie went to her desk, getting ready for the new member who was arriving later that morning—Master Corporal Mackenzie. Then at 1300 hours, she had a meeting with the Colonel. Reggie was looking forward to another woman in the unit. It had been two years since Debbie had been there. It was time to move things forward. JC showed her identification card at the main gate. She went to the hanger, where she was told to go to by the guard.

  Sitting on a wooden chair, Reggie was deep in thought, when there was a knock on her door. “Come in,” she said. The doorknob rattled…the knock came again. She had forgotten to unlock the door after she had finished showering. She got up from her seat and went over to unlock the door. Standing before her, was the team’s newest member, Master Corporal Jessica Mackenzie.

  “Master Corporal Mackenzie reporting for duty, Ma’am,” JC said as she came to attention.

  “At ease, Master Corporal, there’s no heavy formalities here, I’m Chief Warrant Officer Stone, your commanding officer, welcome to the Unit.”

  Master Corporal Mackenzie handed Reggie the file she had brought with her. Reggie took it from her and asked Master Corporal Mackenzie to take a seat while she scanned through it.

  “First off, everyone calls me Reggie, unless the Colonel is here, you got that?”

  “Yes, Reggie, and everyone calls me J
C, if you will.”

  “There’s no problem there, JC.” Reggie opened the file and read aloud. “Mackenzie Jessica Christina. 5ft 8” Blonde hair. Green eyes. DOB: July 31st 1972.” Glancing up from the paperwork, she looked at JC, realising that this was the woman she saw walking between the hangers earlier. “You’re only 10 years younger than me and in great shape too.” She had no idea where that comment came from. Shaking her head, she began reading again. “Place of birth: St. Catherine’s, Ontario, Canada. Parents: Patricia Anne (Hart) and Lawrence Douglas Mackenzie. I see you were born just up the Queen Elizabeth Highway.”

  “Yes, Reggie,” JC answered.

  Reading over the rest of JC’s record, Reggie was impressed. Master Corporal Mackenzie had all the qualifications this unit required. “Range qualification was sniper, with longest shot 1250 yards. 100 situps-2 minutes. 100 pushups-2 minutes. 75 chin ups- 2 minutes. Even the shrink’s report states that you have a good head on your shoulders.”

  When JC had woken that morning, she was still excited. She couldn’t wait to report to her new unit. She had been trying to get into the Special Operations Unit, since she began her service in the military. Everyone told her she should wait until she became a Master Corporal, this way, her time wouldn’t be limited in the unit, so she could stay as long as her body and mind held up.

  Now twenty-two years since she had joined the military, her dream was coming true. JC had heard about the Chief in charge of one of the units. She was the best in the field. She was also the one you wanted guarding your back—her qualifications were way beyond reproach. JC had a bad case of hero-worshiping going on—she was now sitting in front of her hero. She had always wanted to know what this woman was like, and from what she had seen so far, it raised her heart rate. Just from looking into those aqua-blue eyes, had left JC dumb founded. They even made her go weak in the knees. Blushing from what she was thinking, she was thankful that she was sitting down.


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