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Special Operations

Page 3

by TD Webb

  Cool, JC was now 100 % sure Reggie was gay. No straight person, in the military, would be caught dead going into a gay bar knowing it was that, for sure.

  Everyone’s seated close to the door, turned their heads, as the 6ft 2” beauty, with the beautiful aqua-blue eyes, walked in. She was something to look at, with her tight black jeans, aqua tank-top, and gorgeous smile. JC felt honored to walk in next to her. They approached the bar and ordered their drinks, everything went back to normal. Customers continued with their conversations and enjoying their drinks.

  Now JC was nothing to sneeze at either, at5ft8” with blonde hair, emerald-green eyes and a body most women would kill for, she filled her jeans out in all the right spots.

  They found a table and sat down to chat and as they were talking, two women walked up to the table and hugged JC.

  “Reggie, I would like you to meet my high-school friends, who I’m staying with. Mandy and Beth. Beth, Mandy, this is my boss, Reggie.”

  Reggie shook their hands and they sat down, while JC went up to the bar and grabbed another round of drinks.

  The music had started and Mandy and Beth got up to dance. JC asked Reggie if she wanted to dance. When Reggie nodded her head, they went over to the center of the dance floor, close to where Mandy and Beth were.

  “Damn, can she ever move,” Beth said to Mandy.

  Reggie and JC’s hips moved together. For anyone watching, they looked like a textbook match—their bodies fit perfectly together—like one person.

  After a few dances, Reggie and JC returned to the table. JC asked Mandy if she could take care of the movers, only if she wasn’t back when they arrived on Friday. Mandy said she would have no problem taking care of it, since she was off for the day.

  Reggie looked at her watch and realized it was 2200 hours. She excused herself, saying she had a few things to do before they left in the morning. After saying goodbye to Mandy and Beth, she bent over and whispered in JC’s ear, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  JC felt a shiver run down her spine. She smiled at Reggie and said, “I’ll try not to.”

  Reggie left the bar after telling JC she would pick her up at 6:30 a.m. and not to be late.

  Mandy and Beth started telling JC how beautiful they thought Reggie was and she should try to hook up with her.

  “If she moves her hips in bed like she did on the dance floor, she should be an animal in bed,” Beth said.

  JC blushed.

  A few beers later, JC spotted Rebecca on the dance floor, and as soon as Rebecca saw JC, she happily marched over and asked her if she wanted to dance.

  “Sure,” JC said, as she led Rebecca over to the dance floor. They started to waltz. Rebecca asked her why she was carrying guns.

  “It’s part of my job but, I can’t tell you what I do for the military. I hope that won’t be a problem for you.”

  “No, JC, it’s not a problem at all, I understand.”

  “Wow, Rebecca, thank you. No one has ever understood what I do for a living, they’ll just keep questioning me, wanting to know who, what, where, when and why. I hated it.”

  Rebecca also understood that JC was only looking for a good time, not a long-term relationship. Her job came first in her life.

  They had been on the dance floor for a while now, and JC was feeling no pain. She ended up taking Rebecca home with her. She figured, what the fuck, since she hadn't gotten laid in a while, and didn’t know how long they would be gone. She was horny and she wanted some relief. Reggie would be picking her up around 0600 hours, or somewhere around that time, so JC knew she had a few hours, it was only 2330 hours.

  When they got to where JC was staying, they didn’t even make it into her room, when Rebecca pushed JC back against the closed door and started kissing her passionately. JC slid her hands up the front of Rebecca’s shirt and all she could think about, was that it was Reggie’s breasts that she was fondling. She shook her head to get Reggie out of her mind. After a few hours of lovemaking, JC fell asleep in Rebecca’s arms…she had a smile on her face.

  When Reggie got home, she packed her bag and jumped in the shower. Once dried off, she pulled the sheets back and slid into her king size bed. She fell asleep right away.


  Around 0400 hours Reggie woke up sweating and still horny. She had no idea what she had been dreaming about, at that moment she really didn’t care, she only wanted relief from the pressure building between her thighs. She edged her hand down between her legs and started rubbing her engorged clit. Rocking in time with the strokes of her fingers, she moved her other hand down at the same time, spreading her legs further apart, inserting two fingers deep inside her core. Rocking faster, she continued thrusting her fingers deep inside, in time with the strokes on her clit, her arousal was climbing higher and higher. When she went over the edge, she screamed JC’s name.

  “Where the hell did that come from?” she questioned herself. She hadn’t thought about anyone that way in over two years. She threw the covers to the other side of the bed and got up, walked to the kitchen and turned the coffee pot on. She decided take her shower while the coffee was brewing, so she headed for the bathroom—stopping at her bedroom and making her bed first.

  She grabbed a huge fluffy towel off the shelf across from the shower and dried herself off. Following this, she went into her bedroom, over to her dresser and got out a tank-top and aqua-blue cargo shorts. She dressed and went downstairs and poured herself a cup of coffee.

  It was now only 0500 hours, she had an hour to kill, before she had to pick up JC.


  JC’s alarm went off at 0445 hours, she pulled herself out from under Rebecca, shaking her as she got up and saying. “Baby, wake up. I have to go, my ride will be here soon.”

  They both headed to the shower and hurried washing, because JC still needed to pack. Rebecca tried to be playful but JC had no time for that.

  After drying off, they went back into JC’s room and dressed. JC threw some summer clothes and toiletries in a bag and threw on a tight pair of denim shorts and a green tank-top. She put her holsters on, then inserting the two pistols, she snapped the clasp shut, so they wouldn’t fall when she ran, or bent over.

  They went downstairs, it was now 0550 hours. Reggie would be there in a few minutes, so JC called a cab for Rebecca. She smiled at her, as they walked out of the door, when the cab pulled up. Neither one saw Reggie sitting at the lights. JC thanked Rebecca for a lovely night and kissed her goodbye.

  “See you when you get back,” Rebecca said, as she got into the cab.

  With a smirk, JC nodded her head. As Reggie pulled up, she jumped into her jeep, throwing her bag onto the back seat.

  Reggie just smiled at her and said, “I see you took my advice and did what I would have done, if I had stayed.”

  JC blushed. She was caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

  Heading for the airport, they pulled into Tim Horton’s for a coffee. Reggie ordered a large double-double and JC ordered an extra-large triple-triple.

  “Did you have a hard night, JC? I hope you’re not too tired to fly?”

  JC smiled. “I’m okay, Reggie, just needed to get rid of some pent-up energy.” This told Reggie that the girl was just a one-night stand. When they got to the airport cargo area, JC showed Reggie where she could park her Jeep. “It will be safe while we’re gone.”

  On the plane, JC did her pre-flight check, while the rest of the team arrived and loaded their personal gear and got on the plane with their carryon stuff. JC asked Reggie to come up to the co-pilot seat. They buckled their seatbelts and JC activated the microphone on her headset and radioed the tower for her clearance for take-off.

  “Flight 169, you are cleared for take-off on runway 23, have a safe flight.”

  “Roger, tower, do you know the weather in Rio de Janeiro.”

  “Yes, flight 169. It is sunny and 38 degrees Celsius.”

  “Thank-you, tower, have a nice day. Fl
ight 169 out.”

  JC taxied to runway 23. She pushed the throttle all the way forward—the plane travelled down the runway. She then raised the nose of the plane by pulling the control wheel toward her—the wheels left the ground and the plane climbed gently away. JC monitored the systems, making sure they were functioning properly.

  “I’m impressed,” Reggie told her.

  “Thank you. I find it quite romantic soaring over mountains and flying through clouds. It’s a great vocation.” She turned the control wheel left to raise the right wing, and added left rudder to keep the plane coordinated, resulting in the plane banking left.

  Six hours later, they were approaching the private airstrip just outside of Rio de Janeiro. JC had already gotten the clearance to land. She pushed the control wheel away from her and pulled on the throttle, to reduce the plane’s power and lower the nose. The plane began to descend. JC checked the altitude indicator. The needle was moving counter-clockwise, showing their descent. JC was content with their approach. She pulled the throttle back half-way and gradually pulled back on the control wheel. Their airspeed began to slow. JC checked the airspeed indicator, the green arc showed 70 knots. She increased it to 90 knots and lowered the nose slightly. Her glide path to the ground was in motion.

  The wheels touched the landing strip—bouncing off the ground a few times. JC held the nose steady, before finally making full contact with the landing strip. She pressed both feet down on the two peddles for the brakes. Once the plane had come to a stop, she pulled the mixture knob all the way out, killing the engine.

  The team left the plane and unloaded their gear into four vehicles that were waiting for them at the end of the landing strip. It wasn’t much in the way grandeur, just a length of dirt hidden by tall bushy trees and brush running alongside.

  Chapter Four

  The team drove a short way to the house that they were to stay in.

  “Follow me guys, I’ll take you up to the house,” JC said.

  It was larger than they had imagined. Consisting of two levels, six bedrooms, each with their own private bathroom, and a three-car garage, the wooden structure, painted in a forest-green, blended in with its surroundings. When the team saw the house, their eyes opened wide and their jaws dropped open.

  They all followed her up the walk-way towards the house. Vines partially covered some of the outer-walls, trees and shrubs shaded it from the hot sun, and plants in huge pots, blue primroses, white trumpet flowers, and purple, blue and yellow orchids, all gave off aromatic scents.

  JC’s father came out to meet them. She didn’t know her parents were even there yet. She ran up to her father, hugging and kissing him.

  “Is Mom here too?”

  “Yes, honey, she is. She’s helping the cook get supper ready for the team.”

  Douglas Mackenzie welcomed the team to his home and told them to make themselves comfortable. “JC can give you guys a tour, once you get unpacked”.

  JC showed everyone to their room. Reggie would be bunking in with her. Once everyone was settled, they met downstairs in the den. Doug told them they could use it, as his personal office was off limits. Reggie got Chris and Tom to move all their gear into the den, while she got on the satellite-phone and made the call to get in touch with the DEA agent who was backing them up. She needed to find out when they would be moving out. The agent had told her he wouldn’t have any information for at least two days, leaving her and the guys free to do some sightseeing, until their final orders came in.

  After eating, everyone went their separate ways.

  Reggie went into the den, talking to Doug, when JC came in. She let Reggie know that she was going to take a nap and if Reggie wanted to, they could go and see the local sites later that afternoon, or wait until after dinner. Reggie agreed to do it after dinner.

  Pat, JC’s Mom, walked into the den just as JC was leaving. Giving her Mom a hug, she thanked her for making supper and for letting the team stay there. She then went up to her room for her nap.

  Reggie, Pat and Doug sat around and chatted for about an hour, then Reggie went upstairs and curled up next to JC on the king size bed…she was asleep in no time. A while later, Reggie woke up, finding JC’s head on her shoulder and her arm around her waist. “She must have had a hard night, last night,” Reggie muttered to herself, being as JC hadn’t moved at all. She felt it was really good having her wrapped around her—they just seemed to fit. She shook JC’s shoulder. “Time to wake up, sleepy head, come on, get up, I need to go to the bathroom.” She casually rubbed JC’s back without even thinking about what she was doing.

  JC gradually opened her eyes. Horrified, she jumped when she realized she had sleeping on Reggie and wrapped around her. She stuttered, “I’m sorry, chief,” Her cheeks turned crimson as she blushed.

  “You know, you are really cute when you blush, JC, you should do that more often,” she teased her. “It’s not the first time I ever woke up with a beautiful woman wrapped in my arms,” she said with a smile broadening across her face.

  “What time is it, Reggie?”

  “It’s 1900 hours.”

  “Well, let’s get showered and I’ll take you out on the town tonight after we eat.”

  “JC?” Reggie raised her eyebrow. “You want us to shower together?”

  “I didn’t mean it like that Reggie.”

  “I know that, JC. Go take your shower and I’ll go get a coffee, while I wait for my turn.”

  Reggie went downstairs into the kitchen. Chris was seated at the table and offered her a cup of coffee. Chris said he couldn’t believe how nice it was of JC to make all the arrangement and let them all stay there. Reggie told him that she had talked to the Colonel and found out that JC was doing the same thing that her father did and still does. Her parents have been helping the Canadian government for about thirty years now.

  After drinking her coffee, Reggie went back upstairs to take her shower. When she walked into the room, JC was standing with her back facing the door. She had a towel wrapped around her waist, and was using another to dry her hair. She hadn’t seen, or heard Reggie walk in. Reggie leaned up against the doorjamb, checking her out.

  When JC wrapped the towel around her head, she turned to see Reggie staring at her. It was now Reggie’s turn to blush. JC laughed and told her, “You also look cute when you blush. You’re so busted.”

  Reggie grabbed her stuff, went in, and took her shower. When she came out in her towel, she was alone. She put on black cargo-shorts, a dark-blue button-down shirt and tennis shoes and put her hair in a ponytail, and then she went downstairs. JC was sitting in the kitchen with Chris, Tom, Pat, and Doug. Chris told her the rest of the guys went to explore the local area.

  “What are you guys going to do tonight after dinner?” she asked her parents.

  “Well, honey, we have a dinner party to go to at the United States Embassy, you kids have fun tonight but stay out of trouble.”

  “I’m going to take the guys out on the town, if you want to come with me and Reggie,” JC asked Chris and Tom.

  “Sure, we’ll go with you guys, if you don’t mind,” Tom said.

  “No problem, let’s go, we can grab something to eat on the way instead of cooking here,” JC told them.

  A few hours later, the group were sitting round a table, telling JC stories about some of the missions they had been on. They left out the one mission that Chris knew would upset Reggie. The conversation was good and they got to know one another better. After finishing up their beer, JC called the house to get someone to come and pick them up.

  Back at the house, everyone got out and said good night, they each headed to their own rooms. Reggie went in and brushed her teeth, then washed up. JC went in to do her thing when Reggie came out. They were both pretty drunk. JC didn’t even notice that Reggie was naked when she climbed into bed next to her.

  Reggie was already fast asleep when JC came out of the bathroom.

  JC was dreaming when she started to ru
b her hips up against Reggie, she thought she was in bed with someone else.

  Reggie woke up aroused, and felt a hand squeezing her right breast. She moaned because it felt good. Still feeling the effects from all their drinking, she didn’t know what to do. She knew JC was asleep and she didn‘t want to scare her by jumping up, so she rolled over, extracting JC from her body—she got up and went to the bathroom.

  “I’m not going to be able to handle much more of this, I shouldn’t have drunk so much last night,” she told her reflection in the mirror. She went back to bed and fell into a deep sleep. When they both woke up, their bodies where entwined together, with JC’s head on Reggie’s shoulder, under her chin, and Reggie holding her, making small patterns on JC’s back.

  JC jumped up. “I’m sorry Reggie, whenever I’m not alone in bed, I cuddle up to whoever is next to me. Again, I’m really sorry.”

  “No problem, JC, I do the same thing too.”

  JC’s stomach growled, causing Reggie to laugh and say, “I think we have to get up and feed you something, before I’m next on the menu.”

  JC jumped up and ran for the shower, she turned bright red all over when she realized she was naked. Reggie turned red when she lifted the sheet and saw she was also naked.

  JC was laughing and said, “I don’t feel so bad now.”

  Reggie threw a pillow at her just as she ducked into the bathroom.

  She hollered back at Reggie, “Missed me.” JC popped her head around the door of the washroom, sticking out her tongue.

  “JC, you know payback is a bitch and I always collect,” she said with an evil smile.

  After both were showered and dressed, they headed to the kitchen. JC made them western omelets, toast and coffee. Looking at the clock, they were both surprised that it was only 1000 hours.

  “So Reggie, what do you want to do today?” JC asked.

  “Chris should go over the gear, then we can go for a walk along the beach, if there’s one close by, that’s if you would like to? I’ll get Chris to make sure the others get all their gear ready.”


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