Book Read Free

Special Operations

Page 15

by TD Webb

  JC went all out. She kissed down Reggie’s neck, until she reached the pulse point and started sucking and biting it. Reggie moaned. She then moved lower, kissing a trail down to the center of Reggie’s breasts, first sucking hard on the left nipple, while massaging the right. She moved over to the erect right nipple, sucking it hard. She loved to hear Reggie moan and could feel her own fire burning stronger. Her hand slid down over Reggie’s torso. As she nibbled on Reggie’s nipple, she grabbed the blanket and threw it to the floor.

  JC could smell Reggie’s arousal. It was intoxicating and drove her on. Her fingers slid down further and could feel the wetness. Sliding her fingers even lower, she brushed over Reggie’s clit. Reggie’s hips bucked. As she stroked the clit, she groaned. Reggie grinded her hips against JC’s hand, bringing her to beg JC to enter her and take her hard.

  “Oh god, JC, please, I can’t stand it any longer. I need you inside me, please, JC, take me, take me now.” JC slipped two fingers deep into Reggie, fast and hard. Reggie screamed at the force. JC moved lower and positioned herself between Reggie’s legs, so she could taste her. She slipped her tongue over Reggie’s clit, stroking hard. “More, JC, please,” Reggie moaned, between pants for air. JC put a third finger in and licked faster as she drove harder into her. She knew she was close to going over the edge. She stopped licking, as she replaced her tongue with her thumb and crawled up over Reggie’s body. She closed her mouth over her nipple, sucking it hard and then biting it. Reggie gasped for air just as JC pushed her over the edge. She screamed out, “Oh god, yes, JC, yes,” as she came. Even before Reggie was able to get through the aftershocks, JC didn’t stop. She drove deeper, angling her fingers until she hit the smooth spot deep inside her. Wiggling her fingers fast, she sent Reggie over the edge again. JC looked into her eyes. All she saw was love. “Oh, JC, that was fantastic. I’ve never felt anything like that before. God can it even get any better?”

  Once Reggie’s breathing began to return to normal, she looked into JC’s eyes. All she could see, was pure desire. She rolled over onto JC and said, “My turn,” in a deep husky voice. Reggie lowered her head, kissing JC gently on the lips. JC brought her hand up to the back of Reggie’s neck, deepening the kiss. Moaning, JC released her, only due to the need to breathe. Reggie placed kisses all down her body, until she ended up between JC’s thighs. She kissed all the way down to JC’s ankles and back up over her inner thighs. JC begged Reggie, “Please, baby, I can’t take this any longer.” Her hips grinding upward, Reggie didn’t let up licking JC everywhere, except where she needed her, bypassing her clit. Reggie finally gave in. She latched on to JC’s clit and sucked hard, causing JC to scream, “Oh, Reggie, please don’t stop.” Pulling Reggie’s head tighter against her, she whispered, “Take me now, please.” Reggie drove three finger into JC, filling her. JC couldn’t hold on any longer. Her release was earth shattering.


  Reggie woke a while later, still half on top of JC, she started kissing her neck. She moved her knee between JC’s leg, straddling her thigh. At the same time, she started grinding her knee into JC’s center, while grinding her own center on JC’s tight thigh muscle. She could feel JC’s wetness, causing her to moan. JC slipped her arms around Reggie’s neck, pulling her down to give her a passionate kiss, while gyrating her hips against her. Both of their hip movements picked up speed, until both were panting, groaning and sweating. They both experienced their orgasms at the same time.

  Now totally exhausted, Reggie moved behind JC, spooning her. “I love you.”

  JC smiled slowly. “I love you too.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sunday night all the women met at Reggie’s place for coffee. Mandy and Beth showed up, bringing Rebecca with them. They knew JC would need to talk to her.

  JC took her to the kitchen and told her she was in love with Reggie and she was sorry if she led her on. Rebecca understood and asked JC if she could introduce her to the woman with the brown eyes and brown hair. So JC did. It seemed that Teena and Rebecca hit it off immediately and they even lived in the same neighborhood.

  The rest of the weekend was quiet. JC, Reggie, Linley and Sean just cleaned their weapons and lazed around the condo. Late Sunday evening, Bill called, telling Reggie to have the team in the hanger by 0800 hours for a meeting and make sure that Sean and Teena were there too.

  Monday morning arrived. The team were in, along with the rest of the people requested to be there. Justin, Tim and Crystal were given the day off and would meet their charges at the condo later in the day.

  Colonel Parent and Major Mackenzie entered the common area and Reggie called everyone to attention.

  “At ease, guys,” the Colonel said. “Over the weekend, the CIA identified the two men from the plane. They belong to a group of terrorist out of Iraq. It looks like they earned income from shipping drugs to the States and Canada. Reggie, these are the ones who put a contract on you and JC. So team, it looks like we will be going back to Iraq, as soon as we get clearance from Ottawa. In the meantime, Reggie, I want you and Linley to lay out a plan to seek and destroy in Sin Jar, so you will need to research the area and make a plan. Major Mackenzie will be responsible for arranging pilots for the mission, Doug, have you got some pilots in mind?”

  “Yes, Bill, JC and Teena. I need to see the two of you in the Chiefs office.”

  Teena, JC and Doug went into the office across the hanger. Once inside, he asked JC and Teena if they wanted to pilot the mission, because they were going to use three, instead of two, to cut down on anyone of them being tired, or jet lagged. Both agreed to do it and Doug took Teena to get her clearance and a medical check-up, to make sure her shoulder was completely healed. JC went back to her team. Reggie, Sean, Linley Chris and Tom, along with JC, agreed to pull all the information on the area they needed to go to and would be meeting at the condo at 1000 hours in the morning.

  The next morning, after they compiled all their information, Reggie addressed everyone as Teena entered the living room. “Listen up, Sin Jar is also known as Shin Gal, it is located in the Sin Jar district, Nineveh province in Iraq. Population is about 88000. The town is mostly inhabited by Yazidis with Arab and Assyrian minorities. The ISIL, which is a group of rebels in the area, the abbreviation is Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which we found out, they had tried to wipe out the Yazidis people; they escaped into the mountains but only came back recently. ISIS are also known to be in the area, now I know for sure from surveillance photos, the peaceful people of Sin Jar don’t carry any weapons,” Reggie told them. “We have reason to believe that the target may be holed up in the Chermera Temple. It’s located on the highest peak of the Sin Jar Mountains.”

  Teena spoke up. “Reggie, I got clearance from Ottawa to accompany your team but only as a pilot and besides planes, I can also fly a helicopter.”

  “That’s good, Teena, welcome aboard. I was also informed today that Sean will be accompanying us too. She will be Teena’s protection.”

  Over the next two days, the team planned for taking out the target in Sin Jar and also for getting him at the temple. On Thursday morning, Reggie called everyone into the unit for assignments. “The city is located 400 kilometers North from Baghdad. We will be at the same base as last time we were there, so we will be about an hour’s drive from Baghdad. I talked to Bill and Doug and they’ve arranged a Voyageur Helicopter for us to use. Doug’s team of mechanics are going over it now at the base in Iraq. Once Teena drops us 20 kilometers from Sin Jar, we will be on foot and she will refuel and sit out until we require her. Sean, you and Private Simms will be Teena’s protection detail, also the helicopters. Teena, you know how much damage one can take before it’s grounded, so take to the air to get your team out of danger if you need to. Also, extra ammunition and MRE’s will be on the helicopter. The helicopter will also be carrying five 45 gallon drums of fuel, Teena you will refuel after drop off. Master Warrant Officer Stone, you along with Master Corporal Jefferies, will take
all your orders from Sergeant Mackenzie. She will position you and inform you who you will be covering. Sergeant Turner, you will have Corporal Sloan, Corporal Michaels and Corporal Dunphy. I will give you the coordinates for where your team will be detailed. The same goes for your team, Sergeant Mackenzie. Now, I will take Corporal Chan and Corporal Miller with me. This is for the city. The plan will change if we’re required to go to the temple. We must watch our backs and this is a, ‘seek and destroy’ mission, so we will be removing this cell out of the equation. Now, if one team, or both teams get pinned down, Teena, you will fly over and drop the extra ammunition at both locations, then get out of there. JC, Linley and Tom, no matter what happens, you will not give your positions away, just keep us covered. Everyone will carry a 55 pound rucksack. The long shots will carry extra .50 Cal. Ammunition, along with three extra boxes of ammunition for your Sig Sauer’s. The rest, including myself, will be carrying 7.62 ml ammunition and again, ammunition for our Sig Sauer’s. Chris, Sean, and Teena, you have an appointment this afternoon at clothing stores, to be kitted out and, Sean, I want you to get some extra ammunition for your Glocks. You will all be dressed in black, with no Canadian markings. Colonel Parent and Major will be located at the base and they will relay everything through Teena in the helicopter. Looks like you are our communication go between, you will be connected to all three teams. We will meet tomorrow morning back here to go over our kit and weapons. Dismissed.”

  Everyone went their own way. Linley assigned lockers to Teena and Sean. She made arrangements with JC and Reggie to have dinner with them and would pick up Chinese food on the way back, after taking Sean and Teena to clothing stores.

  The entire team met the following morning and were informed that they would be leaving the following morning for Iraq. Teena, Doug and JC split the flying time between the three of them. This way they could all get some sleep on the 16 hour flight.

  As soon as Teena and Sean stepped off the plane, they were almost knocked by the heat. Neither had ever been to Iraq before and couldn’t believe how hot and dry it was. It felt like they were breathing inside an oven. When they arrived at the base in Iraq, the first thing the team noticed were three new tents were set up with a perimeter fence around them and guards. This was Doug’s doing. The mission was a secret and no one was allowed in the area but the team. The base commander didn’t even know why they were there.

  As they walked towards their tents with their gear, they stopped and watched a black painted Voyageur helicopter land and then get towed to their secured area next to the plane.

  The men all shared a tent, as well as the women. They would shower in the base showers and eat in the officer’s mess. Portable toilets were set up at the back of their tents. The third tent was their command center. It had a guard at the front flap. All their communications would come through there. They wouldn’t be going through the bases communication center. After the team settled in, they met in the command center.

  “Thank god it’s cool in here, with the air conditioners. I couldn’t believe how hot it was in the tent,” Teena said, as they entered.

  Reggie and the others who have been there before laughed at her. Reggie leaned over to Linley. “Wait till those two see how cold it gets, once the sun is fully down. You might get someone crawling in your bed.”

  The tent had a table with a two way radio and computer on it in the far corner. Another table in the opposite corner held a jumbo coffee maker and about a dozen cups. Beside the table was a fridge, which held Pepsi, coke and lots of water. Someone even had a load of Gatorade in there. In the center of the tent, were three tables pushed together with a dozen chairs around them.

  Two days later, intelligence came in that the cell they were looking for was for sure in Sin Jar. Reggie and the rest of the team went over the latest geographical maps of the mountain area around Sin Jar. They established the perimeter of the city. JC, Linley and Tom picked out the best positions to give back-up to each of the other teams, while Reggie and Chris figured out the best route to take the cell down. Sean, Alex and Teena went out to the helicopter to do some checks of their own. They had already decided where they would set down to drop the others off and it was within 10 kilometers of the city.

  At the helicopter, after making sure the five drums of fuel were secured and the extra equipment they would need was also secured, Teena went to the cockpit to familiarize herself with the controls. Sean and Alex checked out the two fifty Cal. guns mounted on the skids of the helicopter. Both knew how to fire and reload the big guns. As they were leaving the secured area where the aircraft were housed, Sean gave Teena a hip holster with belt and 9mm Glock, plus three extra clips for the gun. She told her it was just in case something happened to either Sean, or Alex. She didn’t like guns but she did know how to use one if she had to.

  When they arrived back at the command center, they were in time to get their call signs. The helicopter’s call sign was Alpha, Chris’s team was Bravo, JC’s was Charlie and Reggie’s team was Delta, with the command center being Sunray. They were all ordered back to their tents after supper for rest, because their departure time was at 0300 hours the next morning.

  0100 hours the next morning saw the women heading to the shower. Dressed in all-black, Reggie showed Teena how to put on her Kevlar vest and her Glock.

  Everyone picked up extra bottles of water but Teena grabbed a case of 24 to keep in the helicopter in case anyone needed more. At the helicopter, the team filed in and sat on the floor, or their rucksacks, except for Reggie. She sat in the co-pilots seat. Teena went around the helicopter, removing the covers on the rotors intakes. These stopped sand from clogging the engines. Then she unhooked the rotor blades. They had been secured down in case of high wind. After storing the covers, rope, her rucksack and the water, she climbed into the pilot’s seat and put on her head phones and motioned for Reggie to do the same. She then turned around and handed each team member ear protection, telling them once the rotors started, it would be rather noisy in the helicopter, even with the doors closed. Strapping in, she radioed the tower.

  “Tower, this is Voyageur One requesting clearance to lift off.”

  “Voyageur One, this is tower, you are cleared for lift off, have a safe flight, tower out.

  “Tower, Voyageur One, over and out.”

  Teena started the engines and heard the buzzing, as the rotor blades picked up speed. When they hit the velocity required for lift off, she used the stick and both pedals to get the height she required. She sped off over the horizon towards Baghdad. Once they were just outside Baghdad, Teena turned off the IFF, so they couldn’t be tracked by the tower. She then asked Reggie to turn on the extra unit that their command center had the codes to track them. She dropped below all radar and got Sean and Alex to strap themselves to the big guns and open the doors. They needed them open in case they were fired upon by ground forces. Every member of the team were grateful for the headsets. The noise level went right through the roof, when the two doors opened but with the protection it was tolerable. Everyone, except Teena, were watching out the door, as the sun began to rise along with the temperature.

  1100 hours. Teena started to ascend for her landing. As she slowed, the noise level started to go down. At touchdown, she shut the engines down and everyone jumped out. They waited for the rotors to stop completely, before unloading their gear. Once the engines cooled, Teena secured the sand cover, just in case a sand storm came blew. Sean had already secured the rotor blades. The three teams set out for their destination. Teena and Sean refueled the helicopter with the hand pump, after she showed Sean how to use it, and Alex stood as lookout.

  Teena picked up the pump—it had a long hollow metal tube hooked into a curved nozzle, with a long rubber hose on the end. On one side, was a level that once you inserted the rod into the drum and the rubber hose into the helicopter’s fuel tank, you moved the lever up and down until the drum was empty. It was hard work but two hours later the five drums where empty. Se
an, Alex and Teena rolled the drums off the helicopter and hid them within the rocks, not too far from the helicopter. Teena wiped the pump off with a rag and stored it back in the helicopter. The three of them sat inside the helicopter, to get some shade from the stifling heat.

  It was now just after 1300 hours. They all knew the other teams were in position along the outskirts of the city, so they sat quietly, listening to the radio.

  Near Sin Jar, JC, Tom and Linley broke off from the other teams and each other to get to their appointed destination. Half a kilometer further, Reggie’s team broke off from Chris’s and they each moved through the shadows, until they were close to where they needed to be. Reggie crouched behind a building, waiting for everyone to get into position. Peaking around the corner, she could see about 20 twenty men, dressed as soldiers, around a three story building. She knew she would need JC’s shooting skills, to make sure the windows didn’t hold anyone with some heavy fire power, just waiting for something to happen, so they could let loose. They didn’t care if civilians got hurt or not. She removed her silencer from her leg pocket and attached it to her rifle, then moved the button on the side to rapid fire and took the safety off.

  The door to the building had two men with AK47’s guarding it.


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