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Omega For The Dragon: 3 Book Bundle (M/M Gay Shifter Mpreg Paranormal Romance)

Page 11

by TJ Cross

  Dragon magic never did.




  TJ Cross



  Tobias thought that going to college was the right thing to do. He'd been awarded a scholarship and so why wouldn't he go? He had nothing better to do, there were no job prospects for him and even if he had a job it'd mean he'd have to work hard so he could earn enough for his own apartment. The scholarship included accommodation and an allowance for food and all he had to do was go to classes every day and get a passing grade. He could do that.

  Growing up Tobias never imagined he'd ever go to college. He was in and out of boys' homes and foster care for as long as he could remember, so he didn't dare dream of anything too big. Going to college was a big deal, it was something he felt he should be happy about: a kid like him having the opportunity to turn his life around wasn't something that was always handed out on a silver platter.

  But Tobias felt indifferent about it. He had never really allowed himself to dream about college and even when it had crossed his mind he never felt excited over the prospect. He was used to feeling that way. Growing up, he had never really felt like he belonged in society... and college was just another mostly unnecessary thing people did.

  What excited Tobias was his stories, he carried his pocket-sized moleskin with him everywhere and would always be scribbling down words in it. It helped him, he thought, getting shit off his mind. He didn't like thinking too much. Mostly because it pissed him off that he couldn't remember. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't remember his parents.

  The doctors put it down to trauma. After what he'd been through, they said, it wasn't a surprise he didn't remember them. But Tobias didn't understand why he remembered everything else about his life except them and it almost made him hate himself that he'd let himself forget.

  "You must be Tobias," the dark haired boy before him said in a soft Texan accent as he walked into his dorm room, "I'm Brad."

  The guy had a friendly smile and Tobias almost found that intimidating about him. He didn't like people being friendly with him because that meant they might actually want to be friends. Tobias didn't have the energy for friends, being close to people only ever caused him pain. He'd learned that on more than one occasion.

  "Call me Tobi," he replied taking Brad's hand, which had been extended to him, into a firm grip and shaking it.

  "Are you from California?" Brad asked him as he sliced open one the tape of a box and began unpacking the contents of it.

  "Not really," Tobias replied simply, "what about you?" he asked despite his accent being a dead give-away he wasn't from around here.

  "No sir, Texan born and bred," Brad said with a sense of pride in the tone. "It's exciting, all this, isn't it? I can't believe we're finally in college."

  Tobias smiled and nodded his head. He was trying to appear as enthusiastic as Brad. He didn't want to be an outcast anymore but he also knew it wasn't that easy. He could smile, laugh and act all dude-bro all he wanted but it would always only be a mask. And it was only a matter of time before the mask began to crack and people saw him for what he really was -- different.

  As much as he gave himself a hard time about it, Tobias had still vowed to himself that he'd work on it this year. He was in a place where no one knew him and so he would use that to his advantage.

  Tobias was shaken from his thoughts when another guy walked into their room and cleared his throat loudly.

  "Hey, I'm Zach," he said and both Brad and him made eyes at each other before nodding at him.

  "I'm Brad, and this is Tobias," Brad said.

  Tobias thought it was weird that Brad had introduced him for him but he didn't really care. He eyed up Zach whose appearance was rugged in saggy jeans and some metal band t-shirt Tobias didn't recognize.

  "Listen, I've got a little gig going in the fake ID business. Either of you interested in scoring one? They're thirty bucks, but only this week, I'll be raising it to fifty once words gets around," Zach said.

  "I'm okay," Brad said nervously.

  Tobias realized Brad was probably not used to guys like Zach, maybe even a little scared by his shady persona. Tobias however was used to characters like Zach and decided to go out a limb and take up the deal.

  "Yeah, I'm in," he said to Zach, trying to play it cool.

  "Sweet dude, I'll drop by a bit later and we can get you sorted," Zach said, "adios amigos."

  And it was just Tobias and Brad in the room again.

  "I should have got one too," Brad said, shrugging.

  "You can always change your mind when he comes back to sort mine out," Tobias told Brad.

  Brad smiled and nodded. Tobias wondered what Brad's upbringing was like, he imagined he'd probably been babied and over-sheltered. Poor guy. At least Tobias was street smart, he'd had to be growing up the way he had.

  Within an hour Zach had already come by and served them with their new ID cards. Tobias was now Heath Moody according to his Arizonan drivers license. He was also twenty-one which meant his next mission was to find a bar.

  "Hey, listen," Brad began as he ran back into the room after having disappeared a while, "some of the other guys with IDs are talking about hitting up some of the local watering holes. Leaving now. You in?"

  Tobias preferred to drink alone but hell, he'd made a promise to himself that he was going to at least try and fit in this year.

  "Let me grab my coat," Tobias said.

  The first three bars flat out rejected them. Tobias had known that would happen, a group of six guys, half of which looked like they had only just gone through puberty, carrying drivers licenses from all over the country. It was obvious they were fake.

  They ended up at a dive bar across town and ordered their first round of beers. The conversation was trivial, talking about sports and how many girls they were gonna bang freshman year.

  "What about you? Seen any babes yet?" Cory asked, a blond jock from California.

  Tobias shrugged, wanting to tell them then and there that he wasn't into girls -- but he chose to restrain himself for now. He'd decided to reserve that knowledge for a while at least. He wasn't ashamed of who he was and even though it was 2016 he still knew he risked prejudice. Plus he didn't want Brad to freak out, he'd worked out over snippets of conversation that he came from a wholesome Christian family.

  "Saw a few, no one special though," Tobias said, grinning as he took another swig of beer and looked around the bar.

  There was a guy in a suit at the bar who couldn't have looked more out of place under the dingy neon lighting. Tobias felt warm just looking at him and wondered what his story was.

  "I'll go get another round," Tobias told them and the boys cheered.

  He made his way to the bar, standing right next to the lone suit while he made his order with the bar girl. Tobias looked at the guy hoping to get his attention but the guy seemed disinterested. He was probably married given his age, Tobias pegged him for somewhere around thirty. But as he observed more he didn't notice a wedding band and he took that as a sign he should say something.

  "Hey," Tobias said, one elbow leaning against the counter as he turned his body to the suit.

  The man turned to Tobias and held his stare on the boy for a moment. Heat rushed through Tobias, paralyzing him for a moment as he noted something in the man's eyes that both excited and scared the shit out of him.

  "Hey," the suit replied before downing the last of his bourbon.

  He was gorgeous, Tobias thought, tall, dark and handsome. And mysterious, something about him was just downright mysterious. Tobias wondered if it was just the fact that a man in an expensive suit would be in a bar like this but he knew it was more than that. He saw it in the man's eyes, he saw the same kind of darkness Tobias saw in his own.

  "I'm Tob--" he began before the man cut him off.

  "No," the suit said, "no names."

  The man got up
from his bar stool, threw some money on the counter and walked towards the restrooms. Tobias let out a breath he hadn't even realized he was holding in. Suddenly the man turned back to him.

  "You coming then?" he asked Tobias.

  A million thoughts rushed through his mind because at first he didn't understand what was going on. And then he did. And then he nodded his head.

  "Send these to the table, would ya?" Tobias told the bar girl as he gestured to the beers.

  She nodded then glanced between Tobias and the suit with a knowing look but she didn't seem fazed by the pair.

  Tobias nervously trailed the man until they were in the bar's dingy bathroom. One moment the suit was locking the door and the next his lips were crushing down on Tobias's own. He barely had a moment to think and he was glad for it. Tobias liked anything that caused his thoughts to disappear, even for a brief moment, that's why he liked to drink too.

  "How old are you?" the man asked him, grabbing Tobias's shoulders as he held him at arms length for a moment.

  "Twenty-one," Tobias lied, "I can show you my drivers license if you want."

  The man snickered. He knew Tobias was lying but he seemed to not really give a damn.

  "You're innocent," the suit said, "I can taste it on your lips. You've never done anything like this before, have you?"

  Tobias blushed. He may not have done anything like this before but he would hardly say he was innocent. The things he'd gone through in his eighteen years had stripped any chance of that away from him.

  "You know nothing about me," Tobias said, feeling annoyed as much he was turned on. "I'm not innocent."

  "Oh yeah? Prove it, kid," the suit said, a smirk appearing on his smoldering mouth.

  Tobias stared into the man's liquor-colored eyes for a moment and bit his lip. He'd prove it, alright. He pressed his body against the suit's, surprised by how hard and tight it was. Breathing in the man's scent of bourbon and expensive cologne he slid his rigid body down until he found himself on his knees.

  "You call this innocent?" Tobias asked, looking up at the man who was now staring down at him with intense desire.

  He unbuckled the man's belt and pulled down the zipper, tugging his suit trousers down and eying up the bulging package tucked under his briefs.

  "I'm starting to change my mind," the man said, "go on."

  And just like that Tobias pulled out the man's erection and placed it in his mouth. It was the first time he'd given head. It was the first time he'd done anything like this. He didn't regret it though, the thrill he had pulsing through his veins was more electric than anything he'd ever felt. This was even better than getting shit-faced. This was everything.

  He sucked the man with a hunger he didn't know he had in him and the man guided him with groans and grunts, only encouraging him to work harder. He couldn't explain why but his desire to please this man was so strong that he didn't care at what cost it was too him.

  "Fuck," the man exclaimed, semen pooling to the back of Tobias's throat. "You're right, I take it back. You're not innocent at all. Not anymore."



  Tobias woke up. His body was shaking and he was drenched in sweat. He sat up and cradled his head as he remembered the dream he'd had. It was always the same dream. Smoke filling his lungs, suffocating him. The piercing sound of a baby's shrill cries. A man emerging from the flames, a baby in his arms. Flames, smoke, bodies. The fire. He hadn't had a dream like that in months though.

  "You okay, dude?" Brad asked, a concerned look on his face. "You were saying some shit in your sleep. It was incoherent but you looked scared."

  Tobias felt embarrassed suddenly. This is always how it would begin in the boys' homes. They'd ask him why he shook at night, why he cried out, why he was always on edge. He didn't like showing weakness but he couldn't damn well help doing it in his dreams, they gave him away. They let people know he was barely just a shell of a human.

  "Nightmare. Sorry," Tobias said to Brad, grabbing the towel at the end of his bed and slinging it over his shoulder.

  He knew sleep wouldn't come easy to him again now, not after last night. He soaked his trembling body under the hot water and let out a long sigh. Today was officially the first day of college. He wasn't nervous or anything, he just felt like he didn't want to go for some reason.

  Tobias closed his eyes and looked down at his morning wood. He was grateful that the dorm showers had their own individual drains and cubicles instead of a large shared one. He jerked his cock quickly thinking about the same thing he'd thought about every time he'd done it since three nights ago. The suit from the bar. Finding quick release he cleaned himself up, toweled himself dry and got dressed for the day.

  After a quick meal in the cafeteria and going over his schedule together with Brad, they'd come to learn that they were taking most of the same classes that semester. For once Tobias was grateful that he'd have someone he knew around. He had warmed to Brad quickly. Brad wasn't like Tobias at all but he was nice enough. He seemed to have Tobias's back. He was the kind of guy he could count on, even if it was just to take notes for him in class or wake him up when he'd slept through his alarm.

  "First class, shifter anthropology!" Brad exclaimed as they made their way down the corridor to find the lecture hall. "I heard the professor has a pole up his ass, that he'll fail you over minor problems."

  "Really?" Tobias replied simply, hoping that was all hearsay. In order to keep his scholarship he had to pass every class so he hoped it wasn't true. "Right down the front?" Tobias asked Brad as they stood at the bottom of the stairs.

  "That okay? I don't hear that well up the back," Brad replied, slinging his backpack over a chair.

  "Sure, it's fine," Tobias said although he would have preferred a seat at the back where he could blend into the background. He didn't want to make Brad feel bad by moving though. He wasn't sure why but he felt like he owed Brad something. Maybe it was because he was the first person in his life that had been kind to him without wanting anything in return.

  Five minutes later and the class had settled in, waiting for the professor to arrive. Tobias took out his notepad and pens and began dreaming up how the class would go. It was the class he'd been most excited about taking, that and English Lit. As a human he was fascinated by shifters and he hoped that the class would give him the opportunity to interact with some himself.

  The room filled with silence as the professor entered the lecture hall and Tobias' insides cemented for a second. He shook his head, thinking he'd gotten it wrong but then the professor began writing on the white board and he knew it was true. The suit from the dive bar. His professor was the freakin' suit he'd sucked off only a few nights ago. The same guy he'd jerked off over this morning. Right there, in front of him, writing his goddamn name on the white board.

  Professor McAdams.

  Tobias watched the professor from behind. A snug pair of tan trousers clung to his ass and a light blue shirt covered his top-half. When he turned around and searched the crowd of students, his eyes fell on Tobias and molten hot heat scorched through his body. Fuck. His instinctive reaction was to bite his lower lip, thinking back to the night they'd met and what he'd done to him.

  The professor's eyes shot off him as quick as they'd fallen on him and Tobias's jolted back into reality. This wasn't good. It was obvious by the way Professor McAdams had acted at the bar that he didn't want anything to do with Tobias. He surely hadn't counted on ever running into him again let alone that he'd be one of the professor's students.

  Tobias hadn't thought much about it. After he'd pleasured the man at the bar, the professor did up his zipper and left him with nothing but a "see ya, kid." Tobias went back to the table with his college pals and continued to drink that night, although he didn't get blackout drunk the way he normally did. He didn't feel like he had to, what he'd done with the professor had been enough for him. He craved to get that feeling back.


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