Bear Mate: BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance
Page 5
Blake raked his fingers through his hair, making his short blond hair stand up in spikes. Her scent was still in the room, and it made him close his eyes briefly. He hadn't been gone long. He had just gamboled to his locker, shifted instantaneously into human form while pulling open his locker, and pulled out some spare clothing. After carefully placing her lacy garment—his cherished hard won treasure—at the back of his locker, he had hurriedly dragged on an old t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants, and rushed back to the meeting room, to her.
Blake stared at the neatly arranged stacks of thick spell books and rows of beakers and bottles on the long corner table, which was Jasynta's work table. She had evidently packed up and left. But their mingled scents still lingered in the air. His gaze slid over to the table where she had lain on her back with her sweet, soft thighs spread for him. He groaned, as the blood rushed from his head to his loins. He was instantly hard again, simply thinking about her and remembering her intoxicating taste. He could still taste her on his tongue, thanks to the treasure he had stolen, nay, won from her.
As he was about to head for the door, the phone mounted on the wall just beside the light switch rang. Blake frowned as he strode forward to pick it up.
“Blake?” Lucas's deep voice sounded from the receiver.
“Yes, Alpha.” Blake's senses came on high alert. Had there been a rogue attack? Had another civilian been kidnapped, or murdered? Was there an accident or emergency in the city?
“I need you to come up to the Council conference room—as soon as you can,” Lucas said.
“I'm on my way, Alpha,” Blake answered immediately.
There was a slight pause. Blake waited, but Lucas made no mention of Jasynta. “Okay, I'll see you.” Lucas rang off.
Blake locked up the meeting room, and put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door, so that Jasynta's research would be untouched. She had put so much time and effort into her work. It would be unforgivable if someone came in and accidentally messed up her work.
Why didn't he think to put up that 'Do Not Disturb' sign when he was in the grips of uncontrollable, unthinking passion? He mentally kicked his sulking bear, who was not at all happy at being denied his mate.
Blake took the lift up to the top floor of the PAC Headquarters where the Council conference room was. When he knocked and entered, he saw Lucas seated at the head of the long table, deep in discussion with two PAC members, Zorath and Jett. Blake took a seat beside Zorath, the demon prince, and nodded across the table at Jett Riley, who was the Head of the Enforcement Unit and the only human on the Paranormal Affairs Council.
A sidelong glance at Zorath told him that the demon was highly agitated. The tips of his magnificent horns, which he always kept carefully retracted and covered under his sleek black hair, could be seen glinting above his pointed ears. The tattoos on his skin were swirling and slithering into angry, tight knots.
“There are just too many of them.” Zorath pounded a fist on the table in frustration. “And I know who sent them. All these new demons appearing in New Moon City have come here on the orders of Prince Deviazel. They bear his sigil on their backs. Prince Deviazel is one of the Lords of Chaos. He has been growing his army and expanding his reign across the realms. For his demons to manifest in New Moon City, he must have opened a Gateway somewhere near the city.”
“Why not in the city?” Jett asked, leaning forward. “If this Prince Deviazel wants to overrun New Moon City with his demons, why wouldn't he just have opened a Gateway within the City itself? Wouldn't that save his demons some traveling time?”
Zorath's lips curled, but there was no mirth in his dark eyes. “Demons can teleport, so time and traveling hold no real meaning for them. What holds meaning for them—is power.”
“Prince Deviazel's demons are search of power?” Lucas frowned.
“As in they're here to steal the city's electricity?” Jett snorted.
Zorath ignored the human's jibes. The human PAC member was fearless, but he sometimes underestimated the powers of the enemy they were dealing with. And not being a paranormal, Jett sometimes misread and miscalculated the intent and endgame of the enemy.
Blake leaned forward. “Have they taken any humans?”
“No. They're not here to harvest souls.”
“Souls feed their power. So if not souls, then what kind of power are they after?” Blake asked, an inexplicable chill invading his veins.
“Magickal power.”
At that, Jett jerked. “They're taking the witches.”
At Zorath's curt nod, Jett exploded, “Twelve witches have been reported missing so far. My Enforcers have been looking tirelessly for them, but there's no bloody trace! And Deviazel's demons are—” Jett gestured wildly, searching for the right word. “—supernaturally fast! Even my demon and vampire Enforcers can't catch them! Rogue demons leave traces of their teleportation, so my Enforcers can pick up the trail. But my Enforcers reported that these demons leave no trace. Deviazel's demons simply grabbed the witches and dragged them off to his lair...”
“His kingdom,” Zorath corrected. “A demon prince doesn't have a lair.”
“So how do we get to his kingdom?” Jett demanded. “We need to rescue those witches.”
“Through a Gateway.”
“And this Gateway is controlled by Deviazel?” Blake asked.
“No. The last time I checked, Deviazel is still not powerful enough to power a Gateway on his own. He needs to draw the power from another source.”
“Another source?” Blake frowned. “You mean like another demon prince?”
“No.” There was a spark of red in the middle of Zorath's black eyes. “The source has to be from this realm.”
“Someone here is helping him?” Jett cracked his knuckles menacingly. “I'll get my Enforcers to track down this piece of shit and dispatch him to hell!”
Jett expressed Blake's sentiments perfectly. Both the human and the bear shifter turned to Lucas, waiting for the Alpha to give the order to hunt down and obliterate the person or organization responsible for helping Deviazel.
Lucas folded his arms and regarded Zorath. “Can you name the source?” he asked the demon prince. “If someone is helping Deviazel...”
Zorath turned to the Alpha with a look akin to amusement. “It's not a someone. It's a something.”
“What is it?” Jett and Blake said in unison.
“If my guess is correct, it's a flower.”
This time it was Lucas, Jett and Blake who yelled together. “What!”
“You're kidding, right?”
“Flower power? You're telling me this demon prince is a hippie?”
Lucas finally put up a hand for silence and faced the demon prince. “You're serious. All right. Jett, stop all your ob-la-di, ob-la-daing! Cracks have appeared in the walls.”
When Lucas motioned for Zorath to continue, Zorath's solemn gaze landed on Blake as he said, “The only flower that is powerful enough to open a Gateway is the Moon Flower. Word has it that it has bloomed on this realm.”
“We have a paranormal weed growing in the city,” Jett mumbled.
“It would be at the periphery of the city, not in the city. The Moon Flower blooms away from highly populated and polluted areas,” Zorath said.
“So if the Moon Flower cannot grow in the city, then the Gateway has to be located far out of the city as well.” Blake took in a sharp breath, aware of what he had to do.
“Yes. His demons would go through the Gateway and teleport into New Moon City.” Zorath leaned his elbows on the conference table. His cuff links, which bore his sigil, were peeking out from under his tailored jacket. The demon prince was dressed in an expensive suit that molded perfectly to his powerful frame. Besides his princely duties as a demon prince in the sixth realm, Zorath served as a Council member on the PAC. He had a lot on his plate, and while he seldom joked or laughed, Blake had never heard him complain either.
The guy worked zealously, sometimes with a little too much zeal. But now as Zorath rested his forehead against his fist, he suddenly looked tired.
Blake put a hand on Zorath's broad shoulder and said, “Just tell us how to stop this Deviazel fellow, and we'll do it. You've been going after his demons all over the city. Let us handle Deviazel.”
Zorath shook his head. “Prince Deviazel is not a demon to be handled. The only way to stop him is to find the Gateway, and close it.”
Blake squinted at him. “Why do I get the feeling that finding and closing the Gateway is easier said than done?”
That got a smile out of the demon. “Find the Moon Flower. Destroy the Moon Flower and you close the Gateway. And if it's any help, the Moon Flower emits a unique scent. A smell of both chaos and creation, the smell of night and day, the sun and the moon, fire and ice.”
Blake gave him a thumbs-up sign. “Got it.” He straightened up and turned to Lucas. “Alpha, permission to...”
Lucas nodded. “Go. Find the Moon Flower. Destroy it. Close the Gateway.”
“Yes, Alpha!”
Lucas stood up and addressed Jett, “Jett, make sure your Enforcers are well armed to deal with the new threat. These demon are more dangerous and more powerful than the city's rogue demons. Increase the size of your patrol units, step up patrols, and make sure all rookie Enforcers are partnered with at least two senior Enforcers. I'll increase the recruitment budget. Get Ella to prepare the papers for me to sign.”
“Yes, Alpha.” Jett nodded and pushed back from the table.
“And Jett, let your new Enforcers know that they are not to approach or apprehend these demons on their own. No Enforcer is to sacrifice his or her safety. Is that clear?”
Both Jett and Blake looked at Lucas with both concern and admiration. Lucas's mate, Charlotte Cole, was a new Enforcer, having just recently earned her Enforcer's Badge. All shifters had overwhelmingly strong protective instincts when it came to their mates. For Lucas to hammer down this instinct and step back to allow Jett and Charlotte to do their jobs spoke volumes about the Alpha and his strength. “Yes, Alpha! I'll make sure that no Enforcer is hurt in our hunt.” And that she'll return home to you safe each night.
Lucas nodded grimly and turned to Zorath. “Zorath, I know you have to return to your kingdom to prepare your army and your people. Prince Deviazel is ramping up his power, and I know that your kingdom has been warring with his. You have your work cut out for you in your realm. Your assistance and service to the Council is greatly appreciated.” When Zorath stood up to speak, Lucas cut him off. “You have much to do, Zorath. You're a prince, a leader. Your kingdom needs you. Go.”
Zorath bowed. “Yes, Alpha.”
Lucas inclined his head in a bow of thanks. Zorath took a step back and vanished.
“I hate it when he does that.” Jett gave a mock shudder before leaving the room.
As Blake and Lucas left the conference room together, Lucas spoke in a low voice, “No one knows where the Moon Flower is. It's out of the city, but it could be miles and miles away, on some godforsaken rock. All the PAC members will be helping the Enforcers deal with the threat in the city. It's a perilous journey, but I'm afraid I can't spare anyone...”
“I'll be fine,” Blake assured him. “I'll find this damn flower.”
Lucas's brows remained furrowed. “Zorath described the scent of the Moon Flower, but frankly, I don't understand how a flower could smell like that. Does it make any sense to you?”
“Yes it does.” Blake inhaled deeply. “I can distinguish and track scents, for miles and miles. You forget, Alpha, that bears have got the keenest sense of smell.” He gave Lucas a wry smile.
Lucas returned his smile. “I didn't forget. You are the best we've got. No one's got a sharper sense of smell than you. If anyone can sniff out that Moon Flower, it's you, Blake.”
“I will destroy that damn freak of a flower and crush its petals to powder,” Blake swore. “I'll make sure that Gateway is kicked back to hell, together with all those demons it let out!”
“Keep in contact. If you run into any...”
“Don't worry. I'll have my watch on at all times, so the PAC can contact me. I'll just have to remember my charger,” Blake mumbled. “Time is of the essence, so I set off right away. I'll just get a few things together, and I'll be on my way.”
Lucas clapped him on the back with a force that would have felled a lesser man. “Good luck, Blake. We're counting on you.”
Jasynta finished packing and tested the weight of her haversack. It felt all right, considering that she had countless packets of dried food, snacks, bottles of water, some clothes and a spell book that weighed as much as a gravestone in her bag.
She looked out the window. It was close to dawn, but the sky was still pitch dark, with nary a star in the sky. When she'd left the kitchen to go to her room to pack, Anita and Melynda were still sitting at the kitchen table, talking softly. Lucinda's rocking chair was empty, so Jasynta had assumed that her grandmother had pottered off to bed. It had been a long night. It wasn't every day that a coven was faced with a hostile takeover bid.
And now she had to go and try to get a huge injection of power to ward off this unscrupulous raider. These warlocks in fancy cloaks and shiny shoes should go find something more constructive and worthwhile to do than prey on small, peaceful covens.
Jasynta held the small of her back and stretched. Sleep was impossible. And it was now too late, or too early. The sky would lighten any time now. She might as well make herself a big potent cup of coffee to kick start her system. Who knows when she might have her next caffeine fix? Boiling water on the go was a little tricky, even if she could conjure up a Quick Boil spell. The water sometimes boiled too slowly or too quickly, turning her precious boiled water to steam before she could throw in the coffee granules. It was much safer and better to just do without, especially on a critical mission like this one.
Jasynta was just taking her first sip of hot coffee when she heard a faint knock on the front door. She sputtered and put her steaming mug down. Had she imagined the sound? Who would come round at this unearthly hour, before the crack of dawn? She tensed. Could it be those marauding warlocks again?
She held her breath, and crept down the hallway.
This time, she heard the knock distinctly.
Silently, she drew a long wand from the stand beside the door and held it up in a batting stance.
On the count of three.
Jasynta twisted the knob and swung the door wide open. A tall masculine figure stood silhouetted in the doorway. Without hesitation, she charged out the door and made contact with her wand.
“Go away! Why do you harass little old witches in the middle of the night? Can't you just leave us alone? Haven't you done enough? You...”
She attacked mercilessly with her wand, drawing hexes and violent spells in a frenzy. The figure stumbled back against the onslaught of spells. Stars and sparks pummeled him back, spinning around his legs and tripping him up.
He raised an arm. “Jasynta, I just came to...”
She froze, and the tip of the long wand fizzled.
“Blake?” She blinked hard. “What...what are you doing here?”
Blake dusted the last of the attacking stars off his body and approached her slowly, careful not to spook her further. He was wearing jeans, hiking boots and a t-shirt which stretched nicely over his broad shoulders and chest. She peered around and saw that he was carrying a humongous backpack on one shoulder.
Blake cleared his throat and said, “I just came to tell you that I'll be away, for a week or so. I'll be away on PAC business, and I just wanted you to know.” He looked down briefly as if unsure how to say his next words. “I...I don't want you to wonder why I didn't call, or think that I'm avoiding you. It's not...”
A wham, bam, thank you mam.
Jasynta made a small, embarrassed sound.
She looked down when he stepped up to her. Tilting her face up gently with a finger, his blue eyes held hers fiercely. “You are important to me, Jasynta.”
She gasped at the intensity of his words and his gaze. “Where...are you going?” she managed to stutter at last.
“I have to look for something.”
Jasynta started. “What flower?”
He made a sound of frustration. “I have never even heard of this strange flower before this night! I don't even know where to look, but what I know is, it's an evil flower. When I find it, I'm going to destroy it completely. Destroy it, and the Gateway.”
“The Gateway,” Jasynta repeated slowly. “You're looking for the Moon Flower.”
Blake slanted a suspicious look at her. “How...”
“The Moon Flower blooms once every hundred years, each time in a different realm. The Moon Flower blooms near a Gateway. They feed off each other's power,” she said, spewing out her knowledge of the Moon Flower as authoritatively as she could. Even as she spoke, a plan had begun to take root in her head.
Blake was still staring at her with narrowed eyes.
“I know all about the Moon Flower. I'm a witch.”
He started visibly at her last sentence.
“You are a witch.” His tone suggested that this fact was somehow disturbing to him. His throat was moving like he was struggling inwardly.
“Yes I am. But you know that already, right?” Jasynta frowned. “What's wrong, Blake?”
She saw the troubled, worried look in his eyes when he spoke at last, “Witches have been disappearing from the city. Twelve witches have been reported missing so far. They've been...”
“They've been supposedly taken by rogue demons. I heard about that. But there's no proof. No one saw...”
“No one saw the demons take them, and no one could catch the demons. These are not rogue demons, Jasynta. These demons don't dwell in New Moon City. They're from another realm. They came...”
“...through the Gateway,” she whispered, her eyes round.