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Nowhere to Hide

Page 11

by Saxon Andrew

  “If we send them in now, we should have subspace disrupted around all of them within two days.” Ian stared at Drey and Drey leaned back in his chair, “The disruption will last two weeks. We just have to plan to keep our dreadnaughts disrupting space until this conflict is over.”

  Ian sighed, “Moe, get the Kilper Admiral to send his fleets of dreadnaughts to start the disruption.”

  “I’ll notify the Hub to make the assignments and get them on the way.”

  Drey pushed his communicator, “Attention all Admirals, we will be initiating a war warning immediately. Make sure your ships are at action stations. We’re anticipating an attack quickly. Plans of your organization to meet it will be sent to my desk within 24 hours.”


  Chip looked at Mikki and Bang, “I hoped for more time. However, what I’m about to tell you is important. When you jump in on an Invader Battleship, you have to time your missiles in such a way that you don’t fire at the same time.”

  Mikki’s eyebrows moved up, “Why; I would think two simultaneous hits would be better than one?”

  “In the last attack, we discovered that a powerful hit on the invading ship’s force field would rock it violently.” Chip looked over in the corner of his office and walked over and picked up a beach ball. He held it out in front of him in his palm. “It appears that the Invader’s force field is supported by an extremely strong energy emission from the force field emitters. It’s like having a hyper alloy column supporting the roof of a building. It doesn’t give at all.” Chip took his right hand and jabbed his index finger into the beach ball and it flew off to the left.

  Mikki nodded, “So a hit will stagger the ship.”

  “Exactly.” Chip walked over and picked up the beach ball and said, “Hold this on your palm.” Bang extended his hand and Chip placed the beach ball on it. “However, what happens when two hits happen simultaneously on opposite sides of the ship?” Chip took his two index fingers and hit the ball on each side. The ball remained in Bang’s palm.

  “They cancel each other out.”

  “Yes they do and I need the target ship staggered to increase the possibility of getting a clear shot off. Our missiles aren’t as powerful as the neutron FTL missiles being used by our Green Civilization Allies, but they will rock the ship.”

  “How many times do we hit our target?”

  “You will each fire one missile each.”

  Mikki and Bang were shocked. Mikki shook her head, “That’s suicide if you attack after just two hits. I’ve seen recordings where we lost hundreds of ships after the Invader was hit with ten times more.”

  Chip shrugged, “Either this three shot system will work or it won’t. If it works, two hits will be all that’s needed to distract them. You should also remember that we don’t have an infinite number of missiles on our ships. If we’re going to assist others, we’re going to need to ration how we use our inventory.”

  Bang looked at Mikki and then turned to Chip, “What happens if it doesn’t work?”

  “Then the two of you are going to have to use the tactic of flying parallel to your target and launching three missiles.”

  “That’s also suicide.”

  Bang looked sharply at Mikki, “Why do you say that? That’s how we killed them before.”

  Chip tilted his head to the left, “Yes, but there weren’t other ships giving supporting fire to each other. Dodging three or four beams coming at you is a far cry different from having to avoid twenty or more.”

  Mikki shook her head, “Let’s hope that doesn’t happen. However, if they have covering fire, are we going to be able to avoid being hit?”

  “The four tenths of a second delay to lock a beam on your ship will still apply. If your micro-jumps are two tenths of a second, their supporting vessels will also have difficulty targeting you. You must make sure you’re not jumping around the ship on a predictable route or toward another Invader providing covering fire.”

  Mikki shrugged, “We’ll spiral around it; Bang, you hit the target on the front and I’ll hit it either in the middle or rear. That should prevent us firing together.” Bang nodded.

  Bang looked at Chip, “Sir, you’re the one in the most danger.”

  Chip smiled, “It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it.”

  “I’m glad we’re finally getting to go into combat.”

  Chip leaned back, “You are; why?”

  “Because the next slug that tells me I’m reporting to a coward is going to get decked.”

  Chip and Mikki laughed. Chip looked quickly at his wrist unit, “We need to get to our ships. The probes say something is happening.” The three ran out to the landing field as thousands of attack ships lifted and blasted into the atmosphere.

  Mikki looked at her display and said, “Chip, the space around the planet we’re assigned to protect has been disrupted.”

  “Change your settings to the FTL micro-jumps. The system will still function as we’ve planned.”

  “That’s true for us but you’re going to have a lot more difficulty getting a shot off at the correct moment.”

  “Salud has practiced enough to do it. Just complete your run and get to our designated coordinates to reform for the next run.”

  “Yes Sir; good luck.”

  “And to you as well.”

  Chip looked at his panel and powered up his communications console, “Salud, I want you monitoring fleet broadcasts for any place that needs support. Prioritize them in order of what you deem most important.”

  “I’ll keep track of what’s going on, Chip.”

  “Are you ready to jump in FTL to the bow of an oncoming Invader Battleship?”

  “I’m as ready as I can be having never done it before. I should get better over time.”

  “Let us hope you have the opportunity.”

  “That goes without saying.”

  “What has Captain Lambert assigned us to do in the coming attack?”

  “We’re in the second wave.”

  “I hope the first wave is successful.”


  The probes detected millions of Invader ships jumping away from their massed fleets and sent the warning out; the attack was on the way.


  Drey waited above the Green Civilization’s Capital planet with his sub-fleet of Thetas. He heard his board alarm go off and saw fifty invader battleships appear. This was not good. He called for reinforcements and powered up his console, “Doc, it looks like we are going to have to assist in the defense.”

  “I guess they saw this particular planet was a major problem for them last time. I’m assigning targets. The Green Ships are starting to hit them with neutron missiles. We need to get our ships out there and start taking advantage of their strikes.”

  Drey lifted his communicator, “All ships, attack your assigned targets.”

  Drey stared at his display and saw Green Ships exploding around the incoming Invaders.


  Dee saw the invaders moving in and stood up, “Drey, get out of there.”

  “I’m sorry, my love. You know I can’t leave them undefended.”

  “You’re too important to us; leave!”

  “I love you, Dee.”

  Dee’s display went dark and she sent an emergency dispatch to Ian.


  Lilly watched in horror as the first wave of attack craft were being blown apart by the cross fire from the four huge battleships speeding in toward the planet. She hit her panel, “Second wave, get in there now!”

  Chip looked at his panel, “We’re going after the front ship. If I’m successful in knocking it out, I’m going to FTL over it and fire two shots at the two ships directly behind it. I hope the blast from the first ship will mask my approach.”

  “What do you want us to do, Sir?”

  “They’re in a diamond formation with a lead ship, two to each side following it, and the fourth bringing up the rear. Go to the back ship and start hitting
it. I’ll come for a bow shot after I fire at the two behind the first.”

  “Good luck, Sir. Get out of there if the three missile pattern doesn’t work.”

  Chip sighed, if it didn’t work, getting out wouldn’t be an issue, he’d be dead. “Here we go; three, two, one, FTL now!” Lilly saw her squadron was going to die. No one could get close enough to get off a shot and she was losing ships quickly. She watched the four incoming battleships and knew they were going to get through to the planet. She slammed her fist on her chair arms and suddenly saw the lead Invader Battleship explode in a massive blast followed by the two directly behind the lead ship blowing up an instant later. The fourth ship was rocked by boson missiles but then it exploded adding its shock wave to the first three ship’s explosions. She shook her head, “Jack, what just happened?”

  “I’ve had to slow the recording down but it appears that Lt. Robinson’s group just took out all four invaders.”

  Lilly was dumbfounded, “Get him on the channel.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “His group has just left at tremendous FTL speed and jumped away.”

  “Where did he go?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Lilly stared at her display and saw she had lost four hundred attack craft of the thousand assigned to her squadron. “Get fleet on the channel and see where they want us to go.”

  “Lilly, all available ships are being sent to assist Fleet Admiral Drey Montgomery. Fifty Invader Battleships jumped in on his fleet.”

  “Send the coordinates and get us moving!” The six hundred attack craft disappeared.


  Drey watched the incoming Invader Battleships and knew they weren’t going to be stopped. He move forward toward the twenty six remaining Invaders and ordered his personal guard to begin their attack. Suddenly, the lead Invader Battleship exploded as ten others lined up behind it began exploding in massive blasts. The center of the Invader formation was blown apart and the Green Civilization ships flew into the gap and began pounding the two sides with neutron missiles rocking the invaders violently. Drey watched as the left side of the Invader formation began exploding from the rear as another line of enemy ships blew apart.

  “Doc, what’s going on?”

  “It appears that three of our attack ships are killing the Invader’s battleships.”


  “I don’t know. However, it’s those three ships that are doing all the damage. Our Thetas are now taking out the others. Numbers are now in our favor.”


  Lilly arrived in time to see the blasts of the Invader Battleships in the center of their formation. That cleared lane made it possible for the Thetas to get in and deliver a devastating barrage on the remaining enemy ships. “Jack?”

  “It was Lt. Robinson’s group that blew out the center of the Invader formation.”

  “How did he do it?”

  “I was able to get a better recording and it appears that his ship is able to launch a three missile salvo that is timed perfectly to penetrate the Invader’s force field. I had to slow the recording down to my slowest setting to see the three missiles being launched.”

  “Get Robinson on the channel.”

  “Sorry, Lilly; his group has left again.”

  Lilly shook her head as Drey suddenly appeared on her display, “Thank you for coming, Captain. You saved our lives.”

  “Sir, it wasn’t us that did it. It appears three of my attack ships did all the damage to the Invaders.”


  “Lt. Robinson’s group also knocked out the four ships attacking my assigned planet and then he jumped here. He arrived before my squadron and it was his ship that killed the center of the Invader formation.”

  “How did he do it?”

  “I really don’t know, Sir.”

  “When this is over, you and he will report to me personally.”

  “Yes Sir.”


  Chip arrived at another planet and saw three Invader ships were about to arrive at the planet being defended, “Alright, you know the drill. Let’s get it done.” The three ships flew in at the lead Invader ship and Chip hit it right after it was rocked by missiles from Mikki and Bang. Chip continued past the first explosion and launched a three missile shot at the two ships to the sides of his vessel as he flew between them and then flew away. “Salud?”

  “I’ve locked in the coordinates of the next planet.” The three attack craft flew away at FTL leaving the Commander of the Union ships wondering what had happened to save the planet.”

  Mikki looked at her panel, “Sir, it’s a good thing you had us save our missiles. I’m going to run out soon.”

  Chip nodded, “I’m going to run out as well. I still have enough for a hundred more shots so let’s keep it going as long as possible.” The three ships arrived at another planet and two more groups of Invaders were blasted into rubble.


  Lilly listened to the fleet frequency and all over M87 she heard reports of Invader Battleships suddenly blowing up. She sighed and knew that it had to be Lt. Robinson’s group that was doing it. She shook her head and heard her computer say, “It appears there was more to Lt. Robinson than you thought.”

  “How is he doing it, Jack?”

  “It appears he has modified his ship’s armaments.”

  Lilly’s expression turned serious, “That’s a major violation of fleet regulations.”

  “It is.”

  Lilly continued to listen to the incoming reports, “Whatever he did, I’m glad he did it; it saved my squadron.”

  “Let’s hope fleet feels the same.”


  More than ten thousand planets were hit during the Invader’s attacks but the vast majority was unharmed. The Invader lost more than three million battleships but the defenders lost more than eight million ships. Three million of them were Union Ships. The Invaders far outnumbered the defenders and now they knew what they would have to face during a major invasion. The attack was stopped but the price to do it was too high.

  Chapter Eleven

  Mikki and Bang waited with Lilly for Admiral Drey Montgomery to arrive. Chip had been arrested by six security agents as soon as he landed. They inspected his ship, saw the modifications to the missile belts, and took him away in a Security Ship. Lilly looked at the two ensigns, “He should have known modifying his ship would lead to this.”

  “He knew, Sir.”

  “Then why did he do it?”

  “He felt the change was needed now to ensure our survival in the battle. He felt it would take too long for the changes to make it out to us.” Mikki paused, “He also feared they wouldn’t work; however, he was willing to risk his life on the chance he could prevent us being killed.”

  “I’ve been under the impression that he was only concerning about his own welfare and no one else’s.”

  Bang sighed, “He was marking time until his duty was over and he could leave the service.”


  “One of the professors at the Academy disillusioned him on his first day of class. Lt. Robinson doesn’t tolerate idiots very well.”

  Lilly stared at Bang and looked at Mikki, “What changed?”

  “His only two friends died in the last major Invader attack. He discovered that he might have been able to save their lives if he had been listening to intraship communications. He is now determined to make the Invaders pay for doing it.”

  “I guess I had him pegged wrong.”

  Bang nodded, “He is brilliant. I’ve not seen anyone smarter than he is at developing attack plans.”

  Lilly stared at Bang, “Ensign Cuban, where did you acquire the name Bang?”

  Bang sighed, “It came after a chemistry experiment in the Academy that went terribly wrong.” Lilly continued to stare at him, and though she didn’t want to, she stared laughing. Mikki smiled as well until Bang said, “It wasn’t the noise as much a
s the smell. Every uniform worn in the room had to be burned.” Mikki lost it and laughed out loud. Poor Bang just shook his head, “It wasn’t so funny for those that were there.”

  Suddenly Drey walked into his office and the three jumped to attention. Drey smiled and said, “Are these the ones responsible for killing the Invaders?”

  Lilly stood at attention and said, “No Sir. These two supported the Lieutenant in his attacks.”

  “Where is the Lieutenant?”

  “He’s been arrested by security for violating fleet regulations about modifying Union Ships.”

  Dee had followed Drey into his office and heard the exchange. “Oh crap!”

  Drey’s eyes narrowed and he yelled, “Johanson, get in here!” A Colonel rushed into Drey’s office and heard him yell, “FIND ME MY LIEUTENANT THAT HAS BEEN ARRESTED AND I WANT THE ONE THAT ORDERED HIM ARRESTED BROUGHT HERE WITH HIM!” The Colonel disappeared faster than a cat surprised by a bulldog. Drey looked at Lilly, “Did I not tell you to report to me with the one that saved my fleet?”

  Dee put her hand on Drey’s arm and he looked at her with anger on his face, “Dear, she’s just a captain.”

  Drey snapped his vision back to Lilly as she said, “I told the arresting officers that you had ordered me to bring Lt. Robinson to your office.”

  Drey’s anger appeared to double. Dee grabbed his chin and turned his face to her, “You need to think this through.”

  Drey stared at her and, after a long moment, turned to the three sailors, “At ease. Take a seat. I want to know how you were able to kill the Invader Battleships.”

  Mikki and Bang told him what Chip had done to his ship and how they had been trained to distract the Invader Ships. Drey asked numerous, hard, probing questions and Dee saw his anger gave way to his interest in what had been done. After an hour, Drey lifted his communicator and activated it, “Cole.”


  “I’m sending you a recording of a conversation I just had with two of my sailors along with recordings of the last battle we fought with the Invaders. I want you and Argel available to discuss this when I find my Lieutenant.”

  “Is it that important?”


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