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Page 9

by Sophie L Osborne

  “Gawd, I dunno what to say, Avery – it must’ve been very difficult, especially being a man – it’s not easy for men to fess up to these types of struggles. So, tell me. Does Jessie or anyone else know about this?” Laurie questioned. She leaned in, and adjusted herself on the bed, moving closer to Avery. She anticipated his response with wide eyes. A long, thick lock of hair that covered her left chest area, skimmed to the side of her arm, revealing her breast. She quickly, pulled the cashmere throw over her bosom, as if to restrain the pair of opulent mounds of flesh from escaping.

  “They know about my nightmares and my visits to the therapist, but not about those troubling dreams in detail. I only told that stuff to the therapist, and maybe Anya – I can’t remember what exactly I told her. But, it’s been a very long time since it has happened to me, and uh, we never really bring it up anymore.” Avery informed her.

  “So that explains why Jessie was so apprehensive about everything I said – you never told him about what you saw,” she said.

  “I know –I’m a hypocrite! I let my brother talk to you as though you were making things up, and question your judgment, and there I was, not saying a thing in your defense, knowing what I knew…I just wasn’t ready to tell you…”

  “I understand. We have bigger problems on our hands buddy. Geez-us! Let’s figure out what, Mizz Marie-Claire wants from us!! Aren’t you a bit disturbed by this? I mean isn’t this a bit too coincidental? It’s mind-boggling enough that I saw what I did – but it puts things to a whole new level when you – a total stranger sees the Same. Damn. Creepy. Ghost…” Laurie emphasized, awash in fright.

  “Yeah. Yeah – of course, I’m terrified! Heck, I’ve been questioning your sudden emergence in my life ever since the investigation!”

  “Emergence? Ahh, give me a break –you were the one who was introduced into my life! Emergence! Oh, you’re too funny,” she said, leaning against him.

  “You emerged – I emerged, same difference! I know Matt connected us, but, damn, it’s still too bizarre! Your link to – him, we, being best buddies in kindergarten, attending affiliated high schools…now we’re here…it’s just too strange for words. Damn – we even have the same evil spirit on our asses too! There just has to be something more, and uh– it freaking scares the hell out of me trying to figure out what that link is, Laurie.” Avery said, with brutal honesty.

  “God, why us? Why this? I swear, I’m not evil! I’m just an ordinary girl, just trying to get by in this messed up world. I don’t understand why this is happening to us. I can’t even begin to think of a logical explanation,” Laurie added.

  “Well, let’s see, uh – we knew each other from childhood, and that was the only encounter we’ve had until recently. So, what is it from our childhood that could link us to what’s happening now?” Avery queried.

  “That’s a good place to start – good question…one that I wish I had the answer to. Maybe we should pay a visit to the primary school that we attended?” Laurie’s suggestion sounded more like a question.

  “But what are we going to look for once we’re there? We need to find out about this woman in the white gown –Marie- Claire, before we do anything else. Maybe she worked at the school or something – sounds fair enough?” Avery questioned, with renewed vigor, much like his old, hyper self.

  “Sure. A, there’s more. Now that you’ve decided to come clean about seeing this ghost in your past, I think I have some news that will really interest you…I mean, really, really interest and shock you, as it did me. I don’t even want to think about it – but, you need to know.”

  “Oh yeah, what’s that?” he asked, pushing her hair away from her face.

  “I’ve gotten some insane info from Mr. Pierre about the chateau in general…” she declared.

  “Okay, fantastic!”

  “Not fantastic – I mean you want to talk coincidence – you won’t believe what I have to tell you about Marie-Claire’s murder.”

  “Please, tell me. So, you’re game? You’re not scared, or angry about what I told you?”

  “Angry, no – betrayed would be a better word. Scared – yeah, but I’m not backing down – I’ll fight to the end, I need an answer to this labyrinth of, misery.”

  “I’m sorry…I feel like a jerk, I really do,” he admitted.

  “Stop, I forgive you – no keeping secrets from this point forward, okay?” she commanded.

  “You have my word,”


  “Nice, so, you’re in this with me – no matter how discouraging, or how off-putting it gets right?” he asked, placing his arms around her. “You’re gonna help me slay my demon?”

  “Of course! Do you have to ask? I’ll get my demon-slaying gear and we’ll kick some demon ass!” she said, laughing.

  “I feel as though it’s my fault that you’re experiencing this – everything started happening to you when I came into your life – maybe there isn’t such a big mystery surrounding your chateau, after all. Maybe I’m the one who needs help, and not you! We’ll get to the bottom of this – I promise! For better or worse, we’ll get to the bottom of this.” Avery exclaimed.

  “No, oh, no you didn’t start this – it’s not you, trust me…” she confessed, solemnly wondering if now was a good time to tell him about what happened in, Massachusetts.

  Suddenly, it was as though the tables had turned. For Laurie no longer felt as though it was a battle that she had to fight on her own – it was no longer her fight or her demons. Avery came into her life, and lifted the crippling weight from her shoulders, and willingly placed it on his, with his unexpected revelation. His words –You’re in this with me no matter how discouraging it gets right…for better or worse. It was as though he was claiming the entire ordeal – like it was his, and not hers. He asked if she would help him slay his demon. His discerning words unbounded her wrists and ankles, and she felt freedom by his selfless sacrifice. It was their battle and not just, hers. He eased her weary hands, taking the helm, promising to sail them through the rough tides that churned and showed every indication, it was intent on uprooting their lives.

  “Yeah…for better or worse,” she echoed, looking into his eyes, feeling a deeper connection and commitment than what the words uttered seemed to convey. The moment felt, special and somewhat ceremonious; her hands in his, as he held them with utmost care like precious gems. The pair, present in their nakedness before each other –vulnerable, bearing everything – each to the other, with nothing to fear, or hide; making pacts, pledging allegiance, and forming alliances. It was like they were exchanging wedding vows, or perhaps, something that was held with more sanctity than the vows of matrimony itself…

  “So, Doll, you were telling me about your visit with Myrna, and uh, Mr. Pierre?”

  “Yeah, gosh, I have so much to tell you…I had an epic conversation with Mr. Pierre, he told me a lot about my home’s previous owners – the family who lived there were the Laborteauxs,”

  “Great, what says Mr. Pierre?”

  “Well, Mr. Laborteaux was a terrible, terrible man. He was a friggin animal!! He allegedly murdered his wife, and guess what? This Marie Claire was his mistress!! And listen to this – Marie-Claire was allegedly killed in my living room!!”

  “What? Shit!! So, you’re telling me that she was tied to the original owner of the chateau? Damn…well, that’s a strong lead!” Avery exclaimed.

  “Yes, yes!! And that’s if it’s the same person…if it is, then I don’t know what to think!”

  “My God. Laurie, what have we gotten ourselves into, Doll?” Avery asked, growing concerned with every passing second.

  “Tell me about it, I almost fell out the chair when he said that! But, after speaking with Mr. Pierre, he no doubt described her as the woman that we’ve both been seeing – be it in your dreams, or the spirit I saw in my home – that was the woman he described to me as Marie-Claire. Gosh, I’m getting goose bumps just talking about this stuff!” Laurie hugged her body an
d shuddered.

  “We have a name! It shouldn’t be that difficult finding out who this person is – was… goodness, gracious! You know, as messed up as this may sound, I have to admit – it feels good knowing that I didn’t imagine things for all these years and that someone else can relate to this…now, how do we even begin to get to the bottom of this?” he asked.

  “We need to get a photo of this woman to be certain that it is her, you know, just to put our minds at rest – agreed?” Laurie proposed, twirling the lock of hair that was guilty of exposing her bosom, earlier.

  “Sure – I’m all for it, how about we head over to your place and check out what’s in the shed behind your home, my lady? Maybe, we’ll find out more about this mystery woman and whether she really did exist, since she had relations with the owner of your home.”

  “Gosh, I hope so…I really do hope we find some type of lead, A.”

  Avery knew in his gut that they were on to something. He and Laurie were now a team with a common mission, working against a mutual enemy who was trapped in their heads, and possessed a common goal; to destroy them both.

  “Um, Avery. There is something that I need to tell you…I’ve also been keeping secrets from you. Really, really, big secrets…” she said, terrified, like a woman who was found guilty of witchcraft back in the days of the Salem witch hunt.

  Their eyes met. He held his gaze on her face – like hunter and prey, as her words set in, casting yet another surprise his way, much like snares that were strategically set to trap him each time he was able to break free from the latter. He took a deep breath and looked at her, stone-faced. He was unnerved by her admission and wondered if it was worth hearing. Who the heck was she – this beautiful woman? He thought to himself. She came into his life out of nowhere, imprinting her perfect self on his mind, and tantalizing his flesh with her sinfully, addicting body. Why all of a sudden? – like he’d hit some type of jackpot that promised unexpected, adrenaline inducing events ever so often in his life – more often than he cared for, he concluded.

  “Look, if it’s about your past, Doll…maybe I don’t need to know. I’m with you, for who you are. There are some things that are better left unsaid. I think we’re dealing with enough bullshit right now, and whatever it is – as long as it isn’t a life or death situation, then I think it’s best that we not talk about it.” He requested, this time choosing not to hear her debacle.

  Whether he would regret his decision to dismiss what she had to tell, was uncertain. What Avery did know, was that he didn’t care to hear about that bit of information – not by the look on her face…

  “Okay then, it’s no life or death situation…” she announced.

  His phone beeped. He reached for the black, sleek device that was lying on the side table.

  “Hmm… it’s Justin – lemme take this call.” He informed, briefly stroking her chin.

  Avery rolled off the large bed without delay and disappeared behind the doors that led to the shower. Laurie looked on as he left the room. Moments later, his muffled voice and the sound of water, stinging the bathroom tiles could be heard from behind the closed door.

  “God, what have I gotten myself into?” she exclaimed, realizing that there was no escaping the sea of troubles she’d plunged into. The epic band, Queensryche comforted her with their, “Silent Lucidity” from her iPhone, as she contemplated her fate.

  Justin And Avery

  It rained, and rained, and rained that day. All that rain couldn’t pacify the thick, black, choking smoke that bellowed up into the air, for miles. The large building was consumed. The remnants of the structure, buckled and caved – like one of those large cardboard boxes, soaked in water. The wooden beams of the building burned, and emitted stifling, angry smoke, signaling that they’d succumbed to a devastating attack. Inside, nothing was recognizable, just a mess of charred things that used to serve a purpose, once upon a time.

  Anya, Caroline, and Cosmin stared at the tragedy, as they stood dumb-founded in each other’s company beneath the rainy, midday sky. Justin drifted off to the side, dazed, in a world of his own. The commotion caused by first responders stirred more chaos, with the constant back and forth, randomly questioning Justin about events preceding the fire.

  The fire blindsided everyone. Club Hypnotic was one of Justin’s most popular and lucrative clubs. It was his first Club, and his pride and joy. Watching it burn made him feel helpless – it devastated him.

  The tragedy, though, on a much grander scale, took him back to the day when he had bought some of his favorite fish (that Anya insisted he saved for), adding them to the aquarium of other curious fish. He remembered racing to the tank, with Jessie and Avery following closely behind. They had carefully lifted the top from the aquarium, eager to introduce the fish into their new home. With beaming eyes and cheerful smiles, all three boys crowded around the large tank and with care, emptied the bag of small fish into the tank.

  No sooner, the larger Oscar, moved like lightening, with bulging eyes, scanning the new occupants, like intruders in his turf. The other Oscar caught on and followed the bigger fish. Within a flash – the lead Oscar, gobbled up an angel fish with two quick gulps – then it’s progenitor quickly followed suit, taking down the second angel, seizing it by the fin, devouring it just as quickly. The third and fourth, faced the same fate and all Justin and his brothers could’ve done was scream and yell at the fish, pounding the tank as they tried to distract the demon possessed Oscars from their barbaric feast.

  Overcome by anger, dismay, and shock the three brothers looked on at the unremorseful Oscars, as they continued to float and swim by, aloof, as though nothing had happened. As though, the other fish were put there as a mere meal, rather than tenants.

  Avery pulled up in, Scatmobile jumping out as soon as the large, boxy vehicle came to a halt. He approached Justin, placing both hands on his brother’s shoulders. The two men looked at each other, exchanging glances of perpetual defeat.

  “Do you know how the fire started? Did the detectives say anything to you about what might’ve caused it?” Avery asked.

  “No.” Justin replied, without affect. “They haven’t found anything as yet…”

  “If you want, you can stay with me. There’s no need to spend the night alone, I think you need company,” Avery suggested.

  “Thanks, A, in all honesty, I think I need some time to myself,” Justin said, looking away from Avery.

  “Haven’t seen you in a while – how have you been keeping? Well, besides the fire?”

  Justin laughed, and pressed his lips together. “I’m not sure if I don’t know how to answer your question, or, if there’s a way to give you an honest answer. Quite frankly, I’ve been losing my fucking mind.”

  “Did something happen between you and Minka?” Avery questioned, while squinting.

  “Tuh!” he exclaimed. “Minka and I are no longer together, it’s been like this for some time now. You know how things are with us – we just couldn’t make…too much arguing, I’m not going to commit to someone who can’t contribute peace to my life.”

  “I’m really sorry man –” Avery said.

  “Don’t be, cause I’m not. I know the two of you are quite, fond of each other – it’s a pity she and I couldn’t get along as well as she did with you.” Justin said, looking at his brother, then at his foot that idly kicked around an acorn in a small puddle of water.

  “She’s a good person, and I hate that things didn’t work out for the two of you – that really sucks,”

  “I’ll be okay. Don’t know how much longer they’ll need me here and I don’t want you staying on my accord,” he said, looking away. “Heard you’ve got a girlfriend? You should be spending time with her,” he said, with a tinge of animosity in his voice.

  “What? No! You wanted me to be here, and here I am! I did meet someone – she’s perfect, can’t wait for you to meet her,” Avery said.

  Justin shook his head and chuckled. He broke in to
laughter as Avery looked on at him, clearly not getting his joke. “She’s what? Perfect? I hope for your sake she is,” he said, visibly amused.

  Avery shrugged his shoulders, and for a moment was lost for words. He didn’t know how to respond to Justin’s reaction – it embarrassed him.

  “I know you have better places to be than here, around this commotion,” Justin said, as the smoke around them grew denser.

  “Don’t be silly bro! Not a problem, at all!” Avery reassured him.

  “Really, you don’t need to be here. Mom’s here, so, it’ll be a long night,”

  “Ah, she’s doing it out of, pure love!” Avery jested.

  “Yeah, sure,” Justin smirked, shaking his head.

  “Alright then, if you need me, call. I’m here for you, you know that, right?” Avery asked.

  “Thanks. I’ll get in touch with you tomorrow then,” Justin said, exhaling deeply.

  “You better, or else, I’ll come find you!” Avery declared. He hugged Justin and patted his back affectionately, then made his way to greet the others. He walked towards the massive, oak where they sought shelter; Caroline, Anya, and Cosmin, huddled together while passionately debating some matter.

  “Avery! Oh, I’m so glad to see you lyublyu, oh,” Anya, announced, while hugging her son, as though she hadn’t seen him in years.

  “Mama, good to see you!”

  “Hey stranger!” Caroline said, with a wide grin. “Come here – it’s been forever!” she exclaimed, as they embraced.

  “Ain’t that the truth – it’s good to see everyone. I hate that an occasion like this had to bring us together though.”

  “Usually, it’s occasions, unfortunate in nature that bring people – family together. Until tragedy strikes, we tend to take everyone and everything we have for granted.” Cosmin said, with his arms folded.


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