Road Trip, Volume 1
Page 31
“We’ll be fine. This, for right now, is perfect.” Neil gave him a kiss, lips nice and warm and chocolatey.
“Yeah.” Except for the gooey knees, no screwdriver, no propane, stuck in the desert part? It was cool.
Face in the crook of his neck, Neil just sat there, holding him, breathing with him. He almost thought Neil was asleep until the man started mumbling. “So they couldn’t kill us because Boomer knows you, and the other one is Boomer’s lover, did you know? And he doesn’t want to kill us, really, but he figured they were getting paid for it, and he dreams terribly loudly.”
“Does he? I thought he was dead. Everybody thought he was.”
“No, love, the other one. He dreams loudly. Why did you think Boomer was dead?” There was more curiosity about him in that than there was about Boomer. He could hear it, like a whisper on the back of his neck.
He vaguely thought that should wig him out, but it didn’t, and he had enough to worry about, so he let it go. “There was a big explosion and a body, and he was gone. He’d been there so long; he was like a… wunderkind, really.”
“So what on earth is he doing with the, er, what do you call it? Redneck? He likes to watch your friend eat Ding Dongs.” Neil sounded faintly outraged by that.
Well, that part at least made sense, if they were lovers. Paddy liked to watch Neil eat. On the other thing, though, Paddy didn’t know. “Maybe Boomer likes big guys?”
“Well.” Moving, Neil sat up and blinked at him. “I’m going to fall asleep if we stay like this.”
“Okay. I can help you get on the cot, if you want.” Freon. Right. He needed an accelerant too. And a way to keep Neil from breathing it.
“No. No, I need to stay awake and think. I just can’t seem to…. I can’t make my mind work.” Shaking his head again, Neil blinked at him some more before sort of… falling on him.
Oh God. Please. He didn’t know anything about fixing sick people. Okay. Okay. Relax. He could do this. See him cope. “I can prop you up?”
“Oh, I’ll be fine. My back is just as spongy as my knees.” Man, he had a sudden image of some weird British movie he’d watched in college where this guy kept saying he wasn’t dead.
And that wigged him right the fuck out.
Because what if Neil was dead?
What if he wasn’t awake?
What if he was stoned and he didn’t know it?
What if Boomer’d poisoned him, and he was really dying and just wanting to be with Neil really bad?
“Stop. You’re just having a lingering drug hangover. I’m perfectly all right. Just… floppy.”
“Floppy and perfectly all right don’t go together, Neil.”
“Well, you react differently, hmm?” Lolling like a baby, Neil laughed. “Really, if the situation were less dire, I might be amused.”
“Are they going to kill us?” Well, there. There it was. Right out in the open.
“From what I hear? No. At least not now. Of course the big one’s thoughts are interspersed with ‘Mmm, Twinkies’ and lascivious thoughts of Boomer’s ass.” Neil laughed, one hand patting him clumsily.
“Ew. Just… ew.” Boomer was scary. Scarred and not sexy and just scary. Smart, though.
“I think that must be why his mind hurts mine. When I try to touch it. There’s something about you brilliant types that leads me in little circles. You don’t hurt, though. You feel good.” Neil’s voice started to fade, getting muffled.
“Well, good. You’d tell me, right? If you stopped wanting to hear me?”
“I can’t imagine not wanting to, love. You’re perfect for me, hmm? Do you know you never once questioned when I said I was a mind reader?”
“Should I have?” It just seemed… perfectly reasonable. It still did.
“Well, most people have issues. You just seemed to accept me. I knew right then.” Rambly Neil was starting to be cute.
“Knew what? That I wouldn’t drag you in circles?” He kissed Neil’s nose, watching Neil’s eyes cross.
“No, I knew I needed you in my life.” He got a sloppy, happy kiss. It was like Neil was drunk on the sugar from the Ding Dong. Still. He’d take it. He would, for as long as he didn’t make Neil crazy.
Paddy leaned into the kiss, loving Neil as best he could while he tried to figure out how to get them out of here.
God, he was so incredibly fucked.
Chapter Twenty-Three
EITHER SONNY needed a shave or a Brillo pad had gained sentience and was rubbing his belly. And, given that even those extremely expensive Brillo pads didn’t come equipped with lips, and Carrie was extremely into organic green cleansers, he figured it must be his redneck.
Not that he was opposed to sentient cleansers as a matter of course. They could be useful. Dangerous if they unionized, but generally cool.
He reached out, let himself pet the curve of Sonny’s scalp. He loved the whole not quite egg-shaped thing, the way the skin dipped behind Sonny’s ears.
“Mmm. Hey, Precious?” Lazy, slow, Sonny moved up his body, kissing his chest and arms.
“Hey.” He kept touching, fingers moving to Sonny’s shoulders, which, apparently, didn’t need shining. That shouldn’t surprise him. Sonny had a lot of things on his shoulders—muscles, tanned skin, occasionally a freckle…. But not hair. Hair on his chest, yeah. He kept his eyes closed, hunting the barest hint that would give the freckles away, but no. Just smooth. Fucking cool.
“Afraid I might not be me if you look?” Sonny’s chuckle stirred the air at his mouth just before Sonny kissed him, long eyelashes touching his.
No. No one tasted like this but a certain redneck he knew. MJ figured it was years of moonshine pickling Sonny somehow.
One big hand slid under his head, into his hair, tilting him up so Sonny could kiss him harder. That made the bruise on his neck and shoulder twinge, the one Sonny had left there, biting so damned deep. That made him groan, made things tingle all the way down his spine. The kiss went from good morning to fucking bone-melting in seconds, just driving through him.
A deep, hard noise came from Sonny, telling him Sunshine agreed 110 percent. That big body covered his, Sonny’s cock hot against his hip. Oh. Good fucking morning. He wrapped his leg around Sonny, getting them set just right.
“Uhn.” The kiss broke just long enough for Sonny to rub bristly cheeks against his, and then they were at it again, lips and tongues fighting for every taste and feel. Sonny started a slow, rolling hump, pressing down, then up. It was just like being on the boat, and fuck if that thought didn’t make him grin. He went with it, meeting Sonny’s rhythm and making the bedsprings creak. That damned redneck laughed at him, and they grinned like fools as they moved together, Sonny pulling him even closer, rubbing and rubbing. He grabbed hold of Sonny’s bottom lip with his teeth, tugging just enough to make Sonny feel it. Addictive asshole.
“More.” Rocking on him, Sonny urged him on, driving him higher and higher. “Need more, Precious. Please.”
“Yeah. Hell yes.” He bit at Sonny’s lips again, digging into Sonny’s thigh with his heel. Grunting, Sonny started really moving, the bed squeaking for them like crazy. Sonny’s cock lined right up with his, hard and hot and wet, pushing against him until his eyes tried to roll back from the feeling of the friction.
“Shit. Right there, Sunshine. Just there.” The tip of his cock rubbed just right, his thighs jerking as it zinged through him.
“Uh-huh. Yeah. Fuck.” Working him hard, Sonny kissed him, tongue slipping right into his mouth to fuck it in time with the movement of their hips.
When he shot, it was almost a surprise, the tight spring feeling inside him letting go with a sproing and an uhn. Sonny hollered, hips pumping as hot come coated his belly, Sonny coming hard too, just for him. Then that fucking heavy redneck collapsed on him. Flop. “Oh. All naps should end like this.”
“Uh-huh. Hey, Precious,” Sonny said again, this time smiling against his neck. “You feel damned
“Uh-huh. Ready to get moving soon, though. I want to get home.” He missed their boat.
“Me too. We’ll just take the baggage with us. Figure out what to do on the water.” It was amazing what the boat did for both of them, the water seeming to center them.
“Works for me.” He grinned, rubbing the base of Sonny’s neck.
“Mmm.” Those dark lashes fell, Sonny’s eyes going half-lidded as he rubbed. “Oh, that feels… yeah. Precious.”
Oh, he could get off on that look. MJ dug in, fingers working harder. “Good?”
“Uh-huh. Damned good. Got muscles like frozen rope.” Poor Sunshine. All that driving did a man some damage, as much as Sonny loved it.
He nudged Sonny over, straddled that fine ass, and got to work, humming aimlessly as he rubbed. His redneck was something—all muscle and strength, wrapped up in a sweet package. Sonny purred like a big fucking cat for him too, stretching out and going boneless, letting him work. He got happy sounds, the muscles under his hands flexing and releasing, finally relaxing like nothing going. MJ leaned down, kissed the back of Sonny’s neck. Oh. Better. He ran his thumbs all the way down Sonny’s spine, fingers sprawled out on either side.
“Thank you,” Sonny said, all muffled and happy sounding, that bristly head resting on Sonny’s arms. Arching into his touch, Sonny hummed. “Damned fine hands, babe.”
“Mmm. I like touching you.” He loved how Sonny liked it.
“Uh-huh. And I like how you like touching me, and you like that, and it’s a vicious cycle, Precious. Sucks to be us.” Sonny had the weirdest sense of humor.
“Dork.” He leaned down, bit Sonny’s shoulder good and hard.
“Mmnuh.” That whole body curled up for him, from toes to head, as Sonny rolled up, supporting them both on those heavy arms. “Again.”
So fucking strong. His fingers pushed down along those stunning goddamned muscles as he bit again, deeper and harder. One shudder shook Sonny’s body, and the moan he got was so long and rough that he went looking for another sound just like it.
It was like a game, finding the spots along Sonny’s shoulders and back that made those amazing sounds.
“God, MJ. You. I…. Damn.” Yeah, he was getting incoherence. Damn. That was a good sign. He could feel Sonny’s hips moving that ass back against his crotch too. Someone was getting it up again.
“Uh-huh.” Down, down—he dragged his teeth along Sonny’s spine, heading toward that tight little hole. Muscles moved, shivering as he worked across them. He could hear Sonny’s breathing getting harsh, could feel the heat of Sonny’s skin as the man started to sweat.
“Want to fuck you.” He spread Sonny’s cheeks, thumbs rubbing the tight hole before he leaned in and licked it. His.
“I’m all for it, Precious,” Sonny said, pushing back at him, that ass so hard he could bounce a quarter off it. “Want you.”
“Mm-hmm.” He licked and rubbed, moaning against Sonny’s flesh as he pointed his tongue and thrust in.
“MJ!” Sonny was damned oral, usually the one doing the sucking and licking, but the man loved it when MJ did this to him, let MJ know every time. Body and soul. Sonny’s cock waited for him, heavy and thick, so MJ started stroking it in time. Not enough to get Sonny off, but enough to make his own personal redneck beg for it.
It worked. “Goddammit, Precious. Fuck me. Need you. Come on.” Yeah, begging. Demanding, more like. Impossible bastard. Sonny smelled so good, and the tip of that cock leaked for him like crazy.
MJ used that wetness to slick his prick up, and then he rubbed the head of his cock against Sonny’s hole. “Right here.”
Right fucking here, Sunshine.
“In. In. Now.” Opening right up for him, Sonny let him in, let him slip right past the tight ring of muscles and get seated deep inside. His hips settled against Sonny’s ass, and he panted, resting a second as his eyes dragged over the bruises, the bite marks. The muscles.
Then he had to move, because Sonny wasn’t gonna let him be still. That rough-shaven head rolled up and back, and Sonny started straining, moving, hips rocking into him as those thigh muscles flexed. MJ found his balance and grabbed hold of Sonny’s hips, slamming into that sweet ass, pushing deep.
“Uhn!” He got the best fucking sound, half shout, half groan. Sonny gave as good as he got, just going to town, squeezing down on his cock with those damned strong muscles, making his eyes roll in his head.
“Come on. Come on. Need you.” Their skin slapped together, bruises popping up under his fingers.
“Yours. All….” Sonny trailed off, gasping, hips snapping as he came right into MJ’s hand, just giving it up, hot and wet. That sweet ass clamped down on him so hard he thought he might die. Amazing way to go. His eyes rolled back into his head as he lost it, pounding Sonny’s ass as he shot.
Only when he was done did Sonny ease them back down to the bed, those arms all bruised up pretty for him, sweat running down Sonny’s back. “Jesus, I needed that, Precious.”
“Uh-huh.” Needed. Yes. Mm-hmm.
A low chuckle sounded, Sonny wiggling to get them comfortable. “Now, that was a self-satisfied sound if I’ve ever heard one.”
He patted Sonny’s ass, nodded. Yes. Incredibly satisfied. “All your fault.”
“I’ll take the blame, Precious. Every fucking time.” Sonny was good that way, always willing to be the one in charge of the sex.
“Let’s go home.” He licked the curve of Sonny’s ear.
“To the boat. Yeah. We need to go. We’ll figure it all out there.” Sonny nodded, one hand reaching back to slide along his hip.
“You know it.” They could. After food.
And a shower.
Possibly a quick nap.
Oh, and explaining the situation to Tweedledum and Tweedledee in the basement.
After that, though? He and Sonny could head home.
Chapter Twenty-Four
NEIL WOKE Paddy, who had fallen asleep leaning on the freezer. He had a feeling their hosts were coming, and his feelings were rarely wrong. Especially since the big one, whose name was Sonny and who really wished they hadn’t left the Ding Dongs in the basement, was so loud, mentally.
“Paddy, my love. Wake up. I think we’re about to get a visit.”
“Huh?” Paddy snapped awake, eyes flying open, worries about Neil’s knees and screwdrivers and tasers and the desperate need to pee mingling with a pure panic that Paddy hadn’t taken the freezer apart yet.
“Shhh.” He touched Paddy’s cheek, letting his thumb stroke the high crest of cheekbone. “It’s all right, love. It’s fine.”
“I… I won’t let them hurt you. Okay?” Paddy leaned forward toward his touch as the door opened, sunlight glowing in the doorway.
“Of course you won’t. And I’m feeling much better now.” They didn’t have guns this time. Well, not loaded with drugs. They were going to try to reason with him and Paddy, he supposed.
“You two awake down there?” Boomer came halfway down the steps, so cautious. That man was… difficult to read at best.
“Yes. We’re awake.” Paddy got up, standing between him and the men on the stairs.
“Yes, quite.” Neil put a hand on Paddy’s back, reminding the man he wasn’t alone.
“Then come on up. We have things to discuss.”
He could hear Paddy debating his options, so Neil gave that back a little shove. “Yes, let’s all go up and talk like humans, hmm? No more drugs.”
“You don’t make it necessary, I won’t force it.”
Of course, Neil wasn’t so sure about Sonny on that point.
“Well, shall we?” Better to get them upstairs before Sonny pulled out that syringe. It might make Paddy twitchy. Just a bit.
“Okay. Okay. Just. Be careful.” Paddy might simply vibrate into pieces, honestly, but Paddy’s hand was strong on his elbow, helping him up the stairs. Bless his heart. This whole situation was well beyond anything in Padd
y’s experience. Only for Neil was Paddy keeping it together, and that warmed him beyond reason. He sent a thought, not knowing if Paddy would get it, but needing to let the man know how very much Neil loved him.
It surprised him not at all to feel Paddy squeeze his arm in response, to feel Paddy settle a little beside him.
“Come on, Rick. Keep your shit together. If I was going to shoot you, I’d have done it while you were asleep.”
“My shit is together, Boomer. I just want to go home.”
“Well, honey, you can’t,” Sonny said, looking sympathetic. “We do have a plan, though.”
“What? Why? I have… my work.”
That was, apparently, the wrong thing to say, because Boomer grabbed Paddy, thoughts suddenly ice-cold. “What? You think those men need more ways to kill, Rick?”
“Stop it. Just stop it, now.” Pushing up between Paddy and Boomer, Neil growled. “Just quit. Honestly, do you think they tell him what he does? Did they tell you when you were in the Program?”
Those ice-cold eyes landed on him, information slamming into Neil as sharp and hard as a bullet. Guilt over things built. Fear. Love. The look in the eyes of the first man he killed. Pure panic at hearing Paula rot in the dark. “Sit down, man. This is between me and Rick.”
“There’s no need to manhandle him,” Neil came back, making his voice calm as could be.
“You’d best sit, honey. Precious doesn’t take well to folks arguing with him” came from Sonny.
Neil stared. Was that man flirting with him? How extraordinary.
White-hot fury flashed from MJ-Boomer-Precious and then disappeared. “Sit. All of you.”
Paddy shook a tad, looking back and forth between all of them. “Why… why do I feel like everyone knows something but me?”
“Come and sit with me, love.” The place had one sofa. Let the other two sit apart in the chairs. He felt he and Paddy needed the safety in numbers. Paddy came to him, and both of them settled as MJ propped himself against a wall and stared at them.