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Sinner Realized

Page 14

by Morgan Kelley


  Once they broke surface, Maura finally set his mouth free. They were both breathing heavy, and it wasn’t from the lack of oxygen.

  “Maura,” he whispered, staring into her eyes. Luke found so many emotions there. “I want you,” he admitted.

  It took courage, since Luke knew she’d break his heart.

  “Then take me, Lucas,” she purred, offering him a part of her that she never shared. While she’d been with men, she’d never given them the opportunity that she was offering Luke.

  This was special.

  She knew it.

  It was all he needed to hear.

  While the lake was nice, he needed them to be on stable ground. Carrying her to the shore, Luke found a patch of grass nearby and went with it.

  When she was staring up at him, Luke wasn’t sure that he’d survive if he didn't have her. Maura kept slipping through his fingers like sand. If he didn't move now, she’d surely fall away once more.

  Without words, he began leaving kisses across her shoulders and neck. Her body had goose bumps at his touch. When he lapped a stray drop of water from her throat, her entire body shook.

  As her fingers trailed up his shoulder, they found his wet hair and buried themselves there. Maura never wanted this feeling to end. It warmed her up and gave her life.

  When he found her breasts, he was starving. The breathy little gasps as he teased and tormented her drove him insane. With each quick intake of breath, Luke craved more.

  As he slid lower, Maura couldn’t believe how alive she felt. The man above her was driving her crazy, igniting fires that had long since been banked.

  The careful control was slipping, and she didn't mind at all.

  With him, there was that spark of life.

  “More?” he murmured, dipping even lower down her body. As his tongue swirled around her bellybutton, she shivered.

  “God! Yes!” she pleaded. Maura wanted him to make her feel.

  It had been so damn long.

  Since his treasure was before him, Luke was giddy with pleasure. Now, he’d get to show Maura exactly what lived in him for her. With no hesitation, he dove in.




  This was the best night of his life. Never before had he felt this way about anyone. The pain in his heart slowly fell away as this woman became more and more to him.

  When his tongue teased her, Maura’s body bowed in absolute ecstasy. The man was doing everything right. As he began exploring with his fingers, she shook beneath his mouth. There was so much want coursing through her body, that it just might drive her mad.

  With a little nip, she tumbled, calling his name.

  Luke felt her convulse beneath him and couldn’t help but smile in satisfaction. He loved nothing more than to hear his name on her lips. It fueled the fires burning deep in his gut.

  So, this was what heaven felt like.

  Giving her a minute, Luke waited for her to focus on him. When her eyes opened, they were still clouded with so much need.

  “Luke,” she purred, running her fingers up his chest. “It’s your turn,” she murmured, pushing him off her body.

  He was surprised. In all honesty, he believed he’d slip into her, giving Maura all he had to offer.

  His body.

  His soul.

  His heart.

  Instead, he found himself on his back with a beautiful woman over him. Immediately, her mouth began tracing a trail of fire down his chest. She moved slowly, mimicking everything he’d just done. When Maura reached his abs, she ran her fingers over the corded muscles of his hips.

  “These are incredibly sexy,” she murmured, lavishing them with kisses and gentle strokes.

  At that moment, he swore he’d never skip a day at the gym ever again.

  When she slid lower down his torso, Maura found herself blowing a warm breath across his erection. When it bobbed in anticipation, she didn't make him suffer.

  Teasingly, she lapped a long stroke from base to tip, tasting him.

  “Oh, God!” he hissed at the simple contact. He wanted her so much that he wasn’t sure he’d survive her exploration. When her mouth closed over him, Luke nearly wept in joy.

  He’d wanted this for so damn long.

  Craved it.

  Longed for it.

  Needed it.

  Maura eagerly devoured him. From the way he was breathing heavy, she knew that she was offering him the perfect amount of torture and pleasure. While some men were vocal during oral sex, Maura could tell that he was struggling desperately to remain in control.

  As his entire body tightened at her touch, he pleaded in a voice fraught with so much tension, “I won’t last. Please. I’ve wanted you for a long time.”

  It was all she needed to hear. It made her slow down and heat up. This proved one thing to her.

  The military was right.

  Torture worked.

  Well, in this case it did.

  Adding her hand, his moans became more vocal, when finally he reacted, rolling, Luke placed her beneath her. Gone was the emotion in his eyes. Now, they were filled with pure unadulterated lust.

  Without warning, he slipped into her, filling Maura. At her moan, he fought to focus. “I want you, honey. You drive me absolutely insane.”

  With the words, he began moving.

  Long slow strokes.

  Deep careful motion.

  As much as he wanted to steal everything she had to offer, he knew that he didn't want the moment to end. Lucas Mars was addicted.

  With each glide into her body, Maura arched into him. There was nothing more amazing than how well they fit together.

  It was like they were made for one another.

  As his motions picked up, they both became more heated and frantic. What was building between them was crazed, frenetic, and wild.

  “Luke! Please,” she begged, needing so much more. When he shifted, hitting the right spot over and over, Maura knew she wasn’t going to last.

  As he pounded into her, Luke tried to mark her heart and soul forever. Now that they’d made love, he couldn’t go back.

  Maura was his.

  As she shuddered in pleasure, Luke knew he was close. Leaning down, he pillaged her mouth just as wildly. The closer he moved to the edge, the more he wanted this feeling to never end.

  Then, she tightened around him.

  Luring him in.

  Sheathing him deep in her satin-like grip.

  Swallowing the shout of his name, Luke couldn’t hold on anymore. With one last thrust into her body, the world around him exploded.

  Maura plunged.

  Luke fell.

  Together, they tumbled into the bliss as one.

  It didn't take long for them both to float back to the surface. Lifting his head, Luke gazed down into her eyes. He wasn’t sure what he expected to find, but he was surprised.

  Maura was watching him with nothing but smugness. It was a far cry from the worries she’d bolt the second he was free from her body.

  “That was amazing,” she purred, leaving little kisses across his face. “Best lake sex ever.”

  He lifted a brow and went with humor. “Are you prone to skinny dipping in lakes all over the place with other men?” Luke asked.

  The tone made her laugh.

  “Well, I will admit that I’ve done this before.”

  Luke was lost in the scent of her hair and skin. “Really? With who?”

  “I was sixteen and there was this party…”

  He stopped her with a kiss. There was this relief filling him that the woman beneath him wasn’t just doing this with anyone. What happened tonight had been special.

  Lucas Mars would never forget it as long as he lived.

  “How about you?” she asked, as soon as their lips broke apart.

  “Never,” he admitted. “I was waiting for you.”

  It touched her heart and scared her shitless all at t
he same time. Where she wanted to weep with the joy behind his words, Maura knew she couldn’t.

  This was temporary.

  He wasn’t permanent.

  All good things came to an end.

  Instead of ruining the moment, Maura went with humor. “Ever do it with a Marine in an old run-down hunting cabin?” she asked, grinning.

  “Are you suggesting that I have my wicked way with you, Major Gaines?” he asked, already finding his body was reacting to her words.

  “I do believe I was suggesting just that.”

  “Who am I to not follow an order?” he asked. “I do believe that you outrank me.”

  When he rolled off her body and offered Maura his hand, she didn't hesitate. Tonight was about her reward, and the man before her was well worth the hell of all the years past.

  Grabbing their clothes, they headed back.

  She could feel him watching her from behind. “Are you leering, Lucas?” she asked, waiting for his reply.

  “No, ma’am. I’m checking out the major’s rear end. I believe you’d call it covering your six.”

  She couldn't help but snort. “Next time, salute when you say that,” she teased, sticking her tongue out at him.

  “Oh, I’m already saluting,” he offered.

  She stared at him, and then got it. “You’re a very bad influence, Lucas.”

  Now, he winked. “I can be, if that’s what you want.”

  With that, he raced after her up the hill.

  Who was he to not give the woman what she wanted?

  In fact, he’d cut out his own heart at this point. All Maura had to do was ask.

  * * * C a r t e r C h r o n i c l e s * * *

  Watching the scene of the crime had been very gratifying.

  By the time the firemen arrived, the house was fully ablaze. Who knew it would burn for that long? It was truly a thing of magnificent beauty.

  It was hard not to be impressed.

  What was once a way to make something look like an accident, had now morphed into something far better.

  This was the perfect crime.

  How could it not be?

  Now, it would buy some time.

  There was no way they could dig through the rubble and get to Brick Brighton tonight.

  Now, there was the opportunity to look for the one who got away. Soon, she’d be hearing about another fallen team member, and that might bring her out into the open.

  Or one could hope.

  One way or another, the woman would surface. She could only stay away for so long. After all, these were her men, and she was in charge of them. The second one of them was in danger, Maura Gaines would run to their rescue.

  It was her job.

  Her duty.

  Her greatest downfall.

  When that happened, more justice would be handed out.

  Once she was found, her sins would be punished too.

  While hers weren’t as great as theirs, she’d turned a blind eye to it all.

  That made her a bad representation of her country.

  Then again, maybe that was the greatest sin of them all…

  Chapter Nine

  Wednesday Morning

  Base Commander’s Office

  W hen they woke up that morning, the team was a little wary. They’d yet to hear from Luke or Maura, but they needed to push on. The only thing they could go with at that point was that no news was indeed good news.

  Besides, they had to focus on the problem at hand. They were facing down a colonel, and despite the call from Ethan Blackhawk, they knew it could go either way.

  Once at the gate of the Marine base, they were indeed met by the boss’s assistant. Sergeant Joe Hartford was the typical Marine. He wore the telltale camouflage and a blank look on his face.

  Yeah, he wasn’t happy to see them.

  That was clearly depicted on his features. There was the empty stare, the fold of arms across his body, and the causal dismissal of boredom.

  At the curb, he waited for them to park their car. While still greeting everyone, he was abrupt.

  “If you’ll follow me this way, I’ll get you some visitors’ passes and to Colonel Swift’s office.”

  Nate wasn’t swayed by his abrupt demeanor. Immediately, he began asking questions. “How long have you been a Marine, Sergeant?”

  “Eighteen years, sir.”

  “Are you strictly assigned to the Colonel?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He rattled off the dead Marine’s names, “Did you know any of them?”

  “Some, sir.”

  “You don’t like us, do you?” Callie asked, hoping to get him to answer her.

  “No, ma’am, I don’t. No offense, but military issues should be handled in-house. You aren’t qualified to deal with our boys. Simply put, you’re a bunch of pencil pushers at best. Action calls for people who are better suited for it.”

  Nate would have disagreed. After his last case, he could disprove that theory a million times over.

  Callie understood. They knew coming in there would be pushback over the entire thing, and she wasn’t really surprised.

  “Do you know Major Gaines?” she asked.

  “Yes, ma’am, I do.”

  From the tone in his voice, there was something there. Before Callie could continue her thoughts, her husband jumped in.

  Quinn didn't like the man, and if he had issues with his sister, there was going to be problems. While the soldier in front of him had his respect for serving their country, he wasn’t above kicking his ass. Cops served too, and they were on level ground as far as he was concerned. “Why don’t you like her?”

  “I like her just fine, sir.”

  “They teach you to lie in the Marines, soldier?” Nate asked, picking up the questioning.

  With the three of them keeping him off balance with questions, they saw it working. The man was off step.

  There was a fast flash of anger, and then it was gone. “I don’t know her well enough to have an opinion, sir.”

  “How long have you been the colonel’s assistant?” Callie asked, tossing him another question.

  He glanced up from grabbing the visitor’s badges. “I’ve worked in his office for the last four years, ma’am. Before that, I was involved with training the new recruits.”

  He handed them each a badge.

  “Military policy states that you must wear these in clear view at all times, and I also need to confiscate your firearms.”

  Yeah, that wasn’t happening.

  “It’s policy,” he stated, holding out a box.

  Nate wanted to get this taken care of, and at that point, they didn't have a choice. Pulling his sidearm, he discharged the magazine and chambered bullet before placing them in the box.

  Quinn followed suit, only less enthusiastically.

  When the Marine glanced at Callie, he waited.

  “I don’t carry one, Sergeant,” she said, pulling her blazer aside.

  The man focused on the badge and the lack of gun beside it. “I’ll have to pat you down, ma’am.”

  Quinn laughed. “Then, I’ll have to kill you for touching my wife. I won’t negotiate on this one.”

  Callie wanted to cut this one off at the pass. “How about I just take off my jacket and show you?” she offered.

  The man agreed, offering the angered cop some concession on this one. When he was satisfied that she wasn’t carrying, they headed down the hall.

  “I’ll warn you. The colonel only has a little time for whatever you need. He has some other meetings to attend to today. You’ll need to make it fast.”

  Honestly, they didn't think the man would want to rush out after they told him everything. Obviously, Colonel Swift didn't tell his assistant what was going on.

  They were good with that.

  The fewer people who knew about this mess the better. With Oracle being top-secret they needed to keep the lid firmly on the gossip.

  At the door, the man knocked. On
ce invited in, Sergeant Hartford led them in and made introductions.

  Before them stood an imposing man, but then again to be a colonel in the Marines, you probably had to be.

  Eagerly, he shook each of their hands. “Joe, can you get us some coffee?” he asked, glancing over at his assistant.

  “Yes, Colonel,” he replied, heading out.

  When the door was closed behind him, he motioned to the chairs in front of his desk. “Please have a seat. I have to admit that I was surprised to get a call from the FBI. Then I was horrified with the information Director Blackhawk shared. What can you tell me?”

  Callie pulled out the file from her bag. Passing it to the colonel, they gave him a few minutes to scan the information. When he glanced up, they continued.

  “You, honestly, have no idea that your ghosts are being eradicated?” Nate asked, waiting for his answer. “How?”

  “I’ll be open with you, since I know that you’re privy to more than you should be. I was aware that some members of Bravo Ghost had died. I was briefed that it was accidental and nothing more.”

  “By whom?” Callie asked.

  “All my reports come from the local ME. We don’t have one on base. I was given the information, and that was it. I had my staff summarize them for me, and I went with it. I have a lot of men and women I’m responsible for. Sometimes, things slip through the cracks,” he admitted. “With the shenanigans that happen on and off base, I’ve got my hands full pretty much every second of the day. Today, I already had to discipline two Marines who got drunk off duty, taking it upon themselves to spray paint the white spots on a local farmer’s cow pink. I never know what’s going to happen here.”

  They believed him so far.

  “Who is the medical examiner who did the autopsies?” asked Callie. “Honestly, Colonel, he did a shitty job.”

  The man reached into his desk and pulled out a paper with information printed out. “I had my assistant do some research for you,” he offered, passing it to her. “Do you really believe my men were murdered?”

  All three nodded.

  There was anger present on his face. “Then I need to find who did this. I’m responsible for their lives, and while their boss is very good at her job, ultimately, this falls on my shoulders.”


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